Denis Rosset’s research while affiliated with University of Geneva and other places

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Publications (54)

Figure 2: Local (L), quantum (Q) and nonsignaling (N) sets of patterns, with examples of patterns in the triangle scenario. The rectangle contains only patterns that satisfy the normalization condition. In the triangle scenario, the pattern [000] is obviously local, and the pattern [000] + [111] / ∈ N.
Figure 3: Construction of nonsignaling condition: a) the original triangle scenario, b) a variant of the scenario involving a copy of the source γ, c) a variant of the scenario involving a copy of the source γ and removing B.
Figure 4: Complete family of inflations for the triangle scenario, where the sources vertices are omitted for readability. a) the original scenario, b) the 6-ring contains the inflation of Figure 3b as a subgraph, c) the 6-ring with subgraphs highlighted, in black a subgraph compatible with the original scenario, d) the 9-ring with a highlighted subgraph matching a subgraph of the 6-ring but not of the original scenario, e) a sketch of the 12-ring.
Figure 9: Classification of patterns/orbits in the square scenario, see main text for the process.
Possibilistic approach to network nonlocality
  • Preprint
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August 2022


67 Reads

Antoine Restivo


Nicolas Brunner


Denis Rosset

The investigation of Bell nonlocality traditionally relies on joint probabilities of observing certain measurement outcomes. In this work we explore a possibilistic approach, where only patterns of possible outcomes matter, and apply it to Bell nonlocality in networks with independent sources. We present various algorithms for determining whether a given outcome pattern can be achieved via classical resources or via non-signaling resources. Next we illustrate these methods considering the triangle and square networks (with binary outputs and no inputs), identifying patterns that are incompatible with the network structure, as well as patterns that imply nonlocality. In particular, we obtain an example of quantum nonlocality in the square network with binary outcomes. Moreover, we show how to construct certificates for detecting the nonlocality of a certain pattern, in the form of nonlinear Bell-type inequalities involving joint probabilities. Finally, we show that these inequalities remain valid in the case where the sources in the network become partially correlated.


Scenario: Alice and Bob can establish secret key based on the Gram matrix G of the set of states {|ψx〉}x prepared by Alice and the observed data p(b|x, y). Eve has a complete control on the quantum channel, and can also have full knowledge of the functioning of the devices of Alice and Bob.
Raw key rate for our RDI-QKD protocol. The graph shows the lower bound on the raw key rate R as a function of the transmission for different number of states and QBER’s. For n states, the noiseless protocol has a positive key rate down to η = 1/n, which is the minimal transmission for which this is possible in any prepare-and-measure scenario. The protocol is also tolerant to noise in state preparation.
Comparison of our RDI-QKD protocol with other protocols under the same assumptions. The RDI protocol with n = 2 outperforms BB84 and B92.
Receiver-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Protocols

June 2022


93 Reads


12 Citations



Alastair A Abbott




Nicolas Brunner

We consider a receiver-device-independent (RDI) approach to quantum key distribution. Specifically, we discuss protocols for a prepare-and-measure scenario and present a detailed security analysis. The sender's (Alice's) device is partially characterized, in the sense that we assume bounds on the overlaps of the prepared quantum states. The receiver's (Bob's) device requires no characterisation and can be represented as a black-box. Our protocols are therefore robust to any attack on Bob, such as blinding attacks. In particular, we show that a secret key can be established even when the quantum channel has arbitrarily low transmission by considering RDI protocols exploiting sufficiently many states. Finally, we discuss how the hypothesis of bounded overlaps can be naturally applied to practical devices.

FIG. 1. The tree represents the CGLMP scenario with two parties, two measurement settings per party, and d measurement outcomes per measurement. The symmetry group is the automorphism group of the tree, which is generated by ω1, ω2 (permutation of outcomes), ω3 (permutation of Alice's settings), and ω4 (permutation of parties). For example, the permutation of Bob's settings is given by ω4ω3ω4.
Noncommutative polynomial optimization under symmetry

December 2021


37 Reads


1 Citation

We present a general framework to exploit the symmetries present in the Navascu{\'e}s-Pironio-Ac{\'i}n semidefinite relaxations that approximate invariant noncommutative polynomial optimization problems. We put equal emphasis on the moment and sum-of-squares dual approaches, and provide a pedagogical and formal introduction to the Navascu{\'e}s-Pironio-Ac{\'i}n technique before working out the impact of symmetries present in the problem. Using our formalism, we compute analytical sum-of-square certificates for various Bell inequalities, and prove a long-standing conjecture about the exact maximal quantum violation of the CGLMP inequalities for dimension 3 and 4. We also apply our technique to the Sliwa inequalities in the Bell scenario with three parties with binary measurements settings/outcomes. Symmetry reduction is key to scale the applications of the NPA relaxation, and our formalism encompasses and generalizes the approaches found in the literature.

FIG. 1. Scenario: Alice and Bob can establish secret key based on the Gram matrix G of the set of states {|ψx}x prepared by Alice and the observed data p(b|x, y). Eve has a complete control on the quantum channel, and can also have full knowledge of the functioning of the devices of Alice and Bob.
FIG. 2. Raw key rate for our RDI-QKD protocol. The graph shows the lower bound on the raw key rate R as a function of the transmission for different number of states and QBER's. For n states, the noiseless protocol has a positive key rate down to η = 1/n, which is the minimal transmission for which this is possible in any prepare-and-measure scenario. The protocol is also tolerant to noise in state preparation.
FIG. 3. Comparison of our RDI-QKD protocol with other protocols under the same assumptions. The RDI protocol with n = 2 outperforms BB84 and B92.
Receiver-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Protocols

November 2021


81 Reads

We consider a receiver-device-independent (RDI) approach to quantum key distribution. Specifically, we discuss protocols for a prepare-and-measure scenario and present a detailed security analysis. The sender's (Alice's) device is partially characterized, in the sense that we assume bounds on the overlaps of the prepared quantum states. The receiver's (Bob's) device requires no characterisation and can be represented as a black-box. Our protocols are therefore robust to any attack onBob, such as blinding attacks. In particular, we show that a secret key can be established even when the quantum channel has arbitrarily low transmission by considering RDI protocols exploiting sufficiently many states. Finally, we discuss how the hypothesis of bounded overlaps can be naturally applied to practical devices.

FIG. 9. The quantum triangle scenario, without settings. Each of the observable variables A, B, and C are dependent only on the sources of bipartite entanglement. This figure is essentially a reproduction of Fig. 1(b), the only difference being some added specificity regarding the quantum nature of the latent nodes.
FIG. 16. A graph admitting multiple causal explanations for correlation between A and B.
Quantum Inflation: A General Approach to Quantum Causal Compatibility

May 2021


162 Reads


85 Citations

Physical Review X

Causality is a seminal concept in science: Any research discipline, from sociology and medicine to physics and chemistry, aims at understanding the causes that could explain the correlations observed among some measured variables. While several methods exist to characterize classical causal models, no general construction is known for the quantum case. In this work, we present quantum inflation, a systematic technique to falsify if a given quantum causal model is compatible with some observed correlations. We demonstrate the power of the technique by reproducing known results and solving open problems for some paradigmatic examples of causal networks. Our results may find applications in many fields: from the characterization of correlations in quantum networks to the study of quantum effects in thermodynamic and biological processes.

Postquantum common-cause channels: the resource theory of local operations and shared entanglement

March 2021


45 Reads


26 Citations


We define the type-independent resource theory of local operations and shared entanglement (LOSE). This allows us to formally quantify postquantumness in common-cause scenarios such as the Bell scenario. Any nonsignaling bipartite quantum channel which cannot be generated by LOSE operations requires a postquantum common cause to generate, and constitutes a valuable resource. Our framework allows LOSE operations that arbitrarily transform between different types of resources, which in turn allows us to undertake a systematic study of the different manifestations of postquantum common causes. Only three of these have been previously recognized, namely postquantum correlations, postquantum steering, and non-localizable channels, all of which are subsumed as special cases of resources in our framework. Finally, we prove several fundamental results regarding how the type of a resource determines what conversions into other resources are possible, and also places constraints on the resource's ability to provide an advantage in distributed tasks such as nonlocal games, semiquantum games, steering games, etc.

Fig. 1. Bell scenario for two MUBs of dimension d. Alice receives one of d 2 inputs and produces a ternary output, while Bob receives a binary input and produces a d-valued output.
Fig. 5. Lower bound on the amount of device-independent randomness versus the value of T 2 SIC .
Fig. 6. Lower bound on the amount of device-independent randomness versus the value of T 3 SIC .
Mutually unbiased bases and symmetric informationally complete measurements in Bell experiments

February 2021


80 Reads


89 Citations

Science Advances

Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) and symmetric informationally complete projectors (SICs) are crucial to many conceptual and practical aspects of quantum theory. Here, we develop their role in quantum nonlocality by (i) introducing families of Bell inequalities that are maximally violated by d -dimensional MUBs and SICs, respectively, (ii) proving device-independent certification of natural operational notions of MUBs and SICs, and (iii) using MUBs and SICs to develop optimal-rate and nearly optimal-rate protocols for device-independent quantum key distribution and device-independent quantum random number generation, respectively. Moreover, we also present the first example of an extremal point of the quantum set of correlations that admits physically inequivalent quantum realizations. Our results elaborately demonstrate the foundational and practical relevance of the two most important discrete Hilbert space structures to the field of quantum nonlocality.

Certifying Numerical Decompositions of Compact Group Representations

January 2021


19 Reads

We present a performant and rigorous algorithm for certifying that a matrix is close to being a projection onto an irreducible subspace of a given group representation. This addresses a problem arising when one seeks solutions to semi-definite programs (SDPs) with a group symmetry. Indeed, in this context, the dimension of the SDP can be significantly reduced if the irreducible representations of the group action are explicitly known. Rigorous numerical algorithms for decomposing a given group representation into irreps are known, but fairly expensive. To avoid this performance problem, existing software packages -- e.g. RepLAB, which motivated the present work -- use randomized heuristics. While these seem to work well in practice, the problem of to which extent the results can be trusted arises. Here, we provide rigorous guarantees applicable to finite and compact groups, as well as a software implementation that can interface with RepLAB. Under natural assumptions, a commonly used previous method due to Babai and Friedl runs in time O(n^5) for n-dimensional representations. In our approach, the complexity of running both the heuristic decomposition and the certification step is O(max{n^3 log n, D d^2 log d}), where d is the maximum dimension of an irreducible subrepresentation, and D is the time required to multiply elements of the group. A reference implementation interfacing with RepLAB is provided.

FIG. . Network producing a nongenuine network 3-entangled state; quantum resources and spaces are denoted using dotted lines, while classical variables are drawn using solid lines.
FIG. . Ring inflation of the triangle scenario in Figure containing copies of the state processing devices Ω λ A,B,C ; we label such copies according to their output Hilbert space Ai,Bj,C k , where i,j,k is the index of the copy. These devices process copies of the quantum resources σ A B , σ B C and σ C A . To simplify the drawing, we omitted the indices of these copies and only indicate their original type. Note that, despite the fact that the wirings between states and CPTP maps are different than in the original scenario, every copy of a CPTP map acts on copies of the states determined by the original scenario.
Genuine Network Multipartite Entanglement

December 2020


59 Reads


106 Citations

Physical Review Letters

The standard definition of genuine multipartite entanglement stems from the need to assess the quantum control over an ever-growing number of quantum systems. We argue that this notion is easy to hack: in fact, a source capable of distributing bipartite entanglement can, by itself, generate genuine k-partite entangled states for any k. We propose an alternative definition for genuine multipartite entanglement, whereby a quantum state is genuinely network k-entangled if it cannot be produced by applying local trace-preserving maps over several (k−1)-partite states distributed among the parties, even with the aid of global shared randomness. We provide analytic and numerical witnesses of genuine network entanglement, and we reinterpret many past quantum experiments as demonstrations of this feature.

Citations (31)

... In the context of DIQKD or semi-DI QKD where the key is generated from a subset K of the measurements, the bounds (71), (72), and (73) can be used to strengthen the critical levels of losses and noises beyond which no key can be generated whenever K ≤ N − 1. For instance, in the thermal-noise channel scenario, no key can be generated if η < 1/(2 − ϵ) whenever the key is generated from a single measurement, independently of the total number N of measurements used in the protocol, including those used for parameter estimation. ...


Joint-measurability and quantum communication with untrusted devices
Receiver-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Protocols

... The traditionally employed sum-of-squares-like proof techniques rely on the Bell inequality's specific structure and the hermiticity of the corresponding Bell operator. Moreover, we recall here that finding the sum-of-squares decomposition for a linear Bell expression is the semi-definite programming dual of finding the maximum quantum value of the Bell expression, which in turn can be cast as an instance of the moment-based formulation Navascues-Pironio-Acin hierarchy of semi-definite programming relaxations 48,49 . It follows from this semi-definite programming duality that the level of the moment-based Navascues-Pironio-Acin hierarchy required for saturation of the maximal quantum value of a Bell expression corresponds to the degree of the is plotted on the imaginary axis. ...

Noncommutative polynomial optimization under symmetry

... However, the set of correlations for a network that is not a multipartite Bell scenario is in general not convex (not even if restricted to classical correlations). For this reason, there is no hope of describing it using linear Bell inequalities; a reasonable next step is to study the set of correlations using nonlinear Bell inequalities (yet there is no guarantee that these completely distinguish between different networks; to resolve this, the inflation technique was recently introduced [83]). Nonlinear Bell inequalities are given polynomial expressions in conditional expectations arising from the model. ...

Quantum Inflation: A General Approach to Quantum Causal Compatibility

Physical Review X

... Taking problem's symmetry into account is a good idea for almost any problem, including optimization problems, since this can significantly reduce the number of parameters. In particular, this is the case in semidefinite optimization [Bac12,RMB21]. Given the wide range of problems in quantum information with local unitary equivariance symmetry, the main focus of our work is on linear and semidefinite optimization under a local ( p, q)-unitary equivariance constraint. ...

RepLAB: A Computational/Numerical Approach to Representation Theory
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2021

... Firstly, D. Beckman, D. Gottesman, M. A. Nielsen, and J. Preskill [26] considered the simple non-local C-Q Box we discuss in section 3.1 in their section VI B, in the context of looking at quantum to quantum channels. Secondly D. Schmid, H. Du, M. Mudassar, G. Coulter-de Wit, D. Rosset, and M. J. Hoban [27] (See also [18]) discuss C-Q boxes as a part of classifying all non-signalling bi-partite boxes which have one of (classical, quantum, or empty) for each input/output on each side (e.g. classical input and classical output on side A, empty input and quantum output on side B). ...

Postquantum common-cause channels: the resource theory of local operations and shared entanglement


... There are numerous selftesting schemes (see, e.g., Refs. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]) that provide self-testing statements for various states and measurements. In particular, Refs. ...

Mutually unbiased bases and symmetric informationally complete measurements in Bell experiments

Science Advances

... Introduction.-Entanglement is a fundamental resource for quantum computation and quantum communication, underpinning key applications such as teleportation [1][2][3], quantum sensing [4][5][6], distributed quantum computing [7][8][9], or quantum cryptography [10,11]. As quantum technologies advance, the generation, distribution, and manipulation of multipartite entangled states becomes ever more crucial [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Among these, graph states stand out as a prominent form of multipartite entanglement [20][21][22], fundamental to the development of scalable quantum networks. ...

Genuine Network Multipartite Entanglement

Physical Review Letters

... Similarly, QRTs of measurements explore properties such as: entanglement [5], coherence [5], informativeness [17], and non-projective simulability [18]. There exist however additional desirable resources contained within more general types of objects such as: sets of measurements [19,20], behaviours or boxes [21,22], steering assemblages [23], teleportation assemblages [24], and channels [25][26][27][28], amongst many others [1,[29][30][31][32]. In this work we focus on QRTs of sets of measurements, with the resource of measurement incompatibility in particular. ...

Type-Independent Characterization of Spacelike Separated Resources
  • Citing Article
  • November 2020

Physical Review Letters

... Similarly, QRTs of measurements explore properties such as: entanglement [5], coherence [5], informativeness [17], and non-projective simulability [18]. There exist however additional desirable resources contained within more general types of objects such as: sets of measurements [19,20], behaviours or boxes [21,22], steering assemblages [23], teleportation assemblages [24], and channels [25][26][27][28], amongst many others [1,[29][30][31][32]. In this work we focus on QRTs of sets of measurements, with the resource of measurement incompatibility in particular. ...

The type-independent resource theory of local operations and shared randomness


... In these protocols, measurements of Bell states are aided with polarization controlled single photons provided by Alice and Bob as input states. There has also been experimental MDI verification of quantum channels and quantum memories in [Graffitti et al., 2020] and [Mao et al., 2020]. In continuous variables there have been a number of implementations of MDI QKD [Tian et al., 2022] and [Tang et al., 2016]. ...

Measurement-Device-Independent Verification of Quantum Channels
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Physical Review Letters