Delsi Afrini’s scientific contributions

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Publications (12)

ANALISIS KONTRIBUSI PENDAPATAN WANITA TANI TERHADAP PENDAPATAN KELUARGA (Studi Kasus Kelompok Wanita Tani Di Nagari Selayo Kecamatan Kubung Kabupaten Solok)
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November 2024


26 Reads

Agrifo Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh

Delsi Afrini


Edi Firnando


Riri Oktavianti

Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk memahami profil wanita tani dalam KWT, mengukur kontribusi mereka terhadap pendapatan, serta mengidentifikasi masalah yang mereka hadapi. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sampel diambil melalui proposional random sampling. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara langsung di lokasi penelitian dengan kuesioner, sementara data sekunder bersumber dari BPS, jurnal, buku, dan kantor daerah. perolehan data telah dianalisis melalui penggunaan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi pendapatan dari wanita tani adalah sebesar 35,83%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi pendapatan wanita tani berperan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh wanita tani meliputi pendapatan keluarga yang rendah, jumlah anggota keluarga yang banyak, modernisasi teknologi, serta diskriminasi upah di sektor pertanian.


Figure 1. PAD Growth Chart (2022) In 2018, PAD growth decreased revenues worth Rp.1,109,964,788 or 2,652 percent compared to 2017, this value provides a considerable value in overall revenues caused by a decrease in regional levies in 2018 worth Rp. 406,146,875,-and other legitimate PAD revenues worth Rp. 2,517,844,756,-. However, in 2019 PAD growth increased by 2.23 percent and fell back to 2.653 percent in 2020. In 2021, Solok City PAD is quite encouraging because there is an increase in growth worth 4.597 percent, this happens because of the increase in regional taxes and other legitimate PAD increases with a significant increase of 27,046 percent or equivalent to Rp. 2,687,189,509,-.
Solok City Levy and Tax Revenue (2017-2021)
ANALYSIS OF THE ASSESSMENT OF ADMISSION CONTRIBUTIONS AGAINST LOCAL REVENUES under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

October 2024


1 Read

Jurnal Ekonomi


Delsi Afrini





Muhammad Yamin

The effectiveness of regional revenue sources becomes a reference for the regions in preparing regional budgets and expenditures for the next period. The source of revenue that shows regional performance in increasing revenue comes from the area itself in increasing local revenue (PAD), namely taxes and fees because community participation is very dominant and is a factor for regional success in developing its area if the community participates a lot, contributing income to the area in the form of taxes and levies. Quantitative descriptive research is the aim of this study, to determine the amount of local tax contributions in generating regional income. The data uses time series data for 5 (five) years from 2017-2021. T he average PAD growth for Solok City in a period of 5 five years from 2017-2021, has a growth of 0.38 percent per year, while the effectiveness of achieving PAD is already high, namely an annual average of 93.9. Compared to the contribution between taxes and levies that have a higher contribution to PAD is local taxes. This result can be interpreted that the participation of the people of Solok City in paying regional taxes is greater.

The Role of Farmer Groups in Improving Farmer Welfare as a Business Group in Nagari Aripan, X Koto Singkarak District, Solok Regency

October 2023


6 Reads


The respondents used in this research were the purpose sampling method and simple random sampling. The number of samples taken was 20% of the population of farmer groups, so the total sample was 84 farmers. The analysis technique in this research uses a qualitative descriptive research type using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The research results show that in improving the welfare of farmers, farmer groups act as learning class units, cooperation units and production and farming units which have a very good impact on the farmer groups themselves. The problem faced by farmers as a learning unit is that there are still farmer groups participating in groups. As a cooperative unit, the division of tasks within farmer groups is not realized properly. As a production and farming unit, the farming process is disrupted by weather and unsupportive farming facilities.

Gambar 2. Persentase Hasil Wawancara Langsung Penanaman YUNIK

June 2023


21 Reads

Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Abstrak Kelompok PKK adalah suatu kelompok yang memberdayakan ibu-ibu dan ikut serta berpartisipasi dalam meningkatkan pembangunan suatu daerah terutama untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Kesejahteraan keluarga dapat dicapai tidak hanya karena kebutuhan ekonominya dapat terpenuhi. Kesejahteraan keluarga juga dapat ditunjang dengan tercukupi kebutuhan gizi keluarga dan bebas bahan kimia. Kebutuhan gizi keluarga salah satunya dapat dipenuhi dengan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya mengkonsumsi sayuran yang bebas pestisida kimia. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok mitra selama ini adalah informasi tentang mudahnya tanam YUNIK dan penggunaan PENA masih sangat minim. Kebanyakan masyarakat, berpikiran bahwa penerapan budidaya tanam YUNIK dan penggunaan PENA ini membutuhkan cost yang cukup tinggi. Tanam YUNIK dan penggunaan PENA merupakan suatu kegiatan menanam sayur yang memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan baik dengan menggunakan metode tanam vertikultur, atau tanam di polybag serta memanfaatkan kotoran hewan, sisa tanaman atau gulma sebagai pupuk dan pestisida. Penanaman YUNIK dan penggunaan PENA ini juga berupaya dalam meningkatkan income keluarga dan kualitas sayur yang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat, karena terbebas residu pestisida yang terdapat pada sayuran. Solusi yang akan diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah mitra ini adalah melakukan edukasi tata cara pembuatan pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati yang diolah dan dimanfaatkan dari limbah sayuran dan ekstrak bandotan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan ibu-ibu PKK untuk pemanfaatan pekarangan sebagai gerakan meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga dengan mengkonsumsi sayur organik yang bebas residu pestisida kimia. Model kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi kegiatan sosialisasi penting penanaman sayur organik, pembuatan pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati. Hasil kegiatan ini memberikan dampak positif terutama dalam peningkatan informasi dan pemahaman masyarakat tentang keuntungan penanaman sayur organik dan penggunaan pestisida nabati untuk kesehatan. Abstract The PKK group is a group that empowers mothers and participates in improving the development of an area, especially to improve family welfare. Family welfare can be achieved not only because their economic needs can be met. Family welfare can also be supported by meeting the family's nutritional needs and being free of chemicals. One of the family's nutritional needs can be met by increasing public awareness about the importance of consuming vegetables that are free of chemical pesticides. The problem faced by the partner group so far is that information about the ease of planting YUNIK and the use of PENA is still very minimal. Most people think that the application of YUNIK cultivation and the use of PENA requirescost which is quite high. YUNIK planting and the use of PENA is an activity of growing vegetables that utilizes the yard either by using the verticulture planting method, or planting inpoly bagas well as utilizing animal waste, plant residues or weeds as fertilizers and pesticides. The planting of YUNIK and the use of this PENA also seeks to improveincome families and the quality of vegetables consumed by the community, because they are free of pesticide residues found in vegetables. The solution that will be implemented to overcome this partner problem is to educate on the procedures for making organic fertilizers and vegetable pesticides which are processed and utilized from vegetable waste and bandotan extract. This activity aims to empower PKK women to use their yards as a


Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Kelompok tani Garpondo merupakan kelompok tani yang bergerak dalam pembibitan dan penggemukan sapi potong unggul jenis Simmental. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok mitra selama ini adalah rendahnya tingkat kelahiran anak sapi denis kelamin jantan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bakalan untuk penggemukan. Selanjutnya, hasil sampingan dari feses dan urin sapi tidak termanfaatkan untuk diolah menjadi sumber energi alternatif seperti gas bio. Solusi yang akan diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah mitra ini adalah melakukan aplikasi inseminasi buatan dengan spermatozoa hasil sexing (jantan). Dengan ketersedian spermatozoa hasil sexing jantan dari tim pengabdian, maka aplikasi penerapan teknologi dengan inseminasi buatan akan menghasilkan kelahiran anak sapi jantan yang di inginkan oleh mitra karena nilai jual yang tinggi dan penggemukan dengan mudah. Selanjutnya melakukan pengolahan limbah peternakan seperti feses dan urin untuk pembuatan gas bio sebagai energi alternatif bagi kelompok mitra. Pembuatan gas bio ini menggunakan drum air kapasitas 1.100 liter/unit sebagai biodegester dan bisa menghasilkan gas bio yang siap dipakai oleh mitra. Ampas feses hasil fermentasi gas bio tersebut selanjutnya diolah lagi menjadi pupuk kompos yang bisa di jual kepada petani untuk tanaman pertanian dengan harga Rp. 25.000/karung. Metode yang dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut adalah dengan penyuluhan dan praktek langsung ke lokasi mitra. Peternak juga akan dilatih dan diterapkan pembuatan fermentasi limbah pertanian sebagai alternatif pakan ternak.


July 2022


33 Reads

Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Kelompok tani Sapakek Basamo merupakan kelompok tani yang bergerak dalam penggemukan sapi potong yang ada di Kelurahan Tanah Garam Kota Solok. Kelompok tani ini memiliki anggota sebanyak 25 orang dengan kepemilikan sapi masing- masing anggotanya berkisar 1-3 ekor sapi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok mitra selama ini adalah pengelolaan kelompok dan usaha ternak yang masih sederhana, skala usaha yang masih kecil, dan belum mempunyai strategi dan program pengembangan usaha peternakan kelompok. Solusi yang akan diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah mitra ini adalah melakukan penguatan kelompok baik manajemen organisasi, administrasi dan keuangan. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan anggota dan motivasi peningkatan pendapatan petani diperkenalkan cara menghitung analisa usaha peternakan, dimana untuk pengelolaan sebanyak 5 ekor sapi dapat memberi keuntungan sebesar Rp. 62.675.000. Kelompok mitra juga sudah dapat menyusun beberapa strategi pengembangan usaha peternakan berdasarkan identifikasi kondisi internal dan eksternal kelompok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penguatan sosial ekonomi kelompok tani ini adalah dengan penyuluhan dan FGD (Fokus Group Discussion).

Identifikasi Marfologi Mikroorganisme Lokal (Mol) Isi Rumen Sapi Dengan Supply Energi Yang Berbeda

May 2021


28 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Peternakan Mahaputra

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi secara marfologi Mol isi rumen yang diberikan sumber glukosa yang berbeda sebagai supply energy bagi mikroorganimse yang terdapat pada larutan Mol. Dalam proses pembuatan Mol juga dibandingkan secara aerab dan an aerob. Ada enam macam Mol yang dibuat dari isi rumen dengan komposisi yang berbeda, yaitu : 1. Isi rumen + molasses+ air tahu secara an aerob, 2. Cairan rumen+ molasses+ air rendaman kedele secara aerob, 3. 1si rumen+ air beras+ molasses secara an aerob, 4. Isi rumen + gula+ air rendaman kedele. Ke empat campuran mikroorganisme local ini diinkubasi selama selama 7 hari. Hasil pengamatan identifikasi mikroba dibahas secara deskriptif . Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi mikroba terdapat jenis bakteri basillus sp, dan jamur candida sp.

Average Growth and Production of Elephant Grass in the Former Form of Coal Mining
The Influence of Some Type of Manure on The Growth and Production of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) CV. Taiwan in Acid Soil

March 2021


311 Reads


5 Citations

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

This study aims to determine the effect of some types of manure on growth and production of elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum ) cv. Taiwan. The expected results of this research can determine which is the type of manure suitable for the area of the former coal mines that have acid soils (marginal lands). This research using Complete Random Design with four treatments and six replications. The treatment is different source of manure which is control, cow manure, goat manure, and chicken manure. The parameters observed were plant growth including plant height, leaf width, leaf length, fresh weight production, and dry weight production. This study uses the acid soils of the former coal mine with a pH of 4.2 which is input into the polybags, seedlings of elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum ) cv Taiwan in the form of cuttings, Cow, goat and chicken dung are used as a source of manure. This research was conducted in the green house for 60 days. The results of the research obtained the data for plant height (cm) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 229.85; leaf Length (cm) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 113.10: Leaf width (cm) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 5.50; Production of Fresh Weight (gr/polybag) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 1361.67; the Production of Dry Weight (gr/polybag) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 214.28. The conclude that the manure suitable for the area of the former coal mines that have acid soils (critical area) is the manure from goat because it produces the highest growth and production than others.

Quality of buffalo epididymic cauda spermatozoa in serum addition treatment after equilibration
The Preservation Epididymis Spermatozoa of Buffalo into Talp Diluent with Addition of Serum Level

March 2021


62 Reads

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of epididymis spermatozoa of buffalo after preservation with TALP media by adding serum with different level. The method used in this study is the experimental method and the design used is a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatment by adding bovine serum (0%, 5%, and 10%) and there are 6 replications as a group (repetition in the form of days). The result showed that the addition of serum into TALP diluent had a significant effect (P>0, 05) on the percentage of the motility of cauda epididymis spermatozoa of swamp buffalo after preservation which was 73, 33 in P2 10% serum and the viability is 79,167 ± 2,04 on P2 10%. This can be used as an indicator that the serum is effective in protecting spermatozoa from damages during the cryopreservation process, so by that, it would improve the quality of cauda epididymal spermatozoa of swamp buffalo. While the percentages of abnormality of cauda epididymis spermatozoa of swamp buffalo after preservation did not have a significant effect (P>0, 05). Based on the result of this study it can be concluded that the addition of 5% serum and 10% addition of egg yolk and 5% addition of glycerol will improve the quality of motility and viability and had no adverse effect on abnormalities after the preservation process at low temperature.

The Calculation of the Fungal Colonies Total on MOL Rumen with the Addition of Midribs and Oil Palm Leaves (CFU / gr)
The identification of fungi colonies total on the rumen content of cow and buffalo with addition of leaves and oil palm frond

November 2020


51 Reads


4 Citations

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

This research aimed to determine the fungi colonies total on the rumen content of cattle and buffaloes with the addition of leaves and oil palm fronds incubated for 7 days. Each of the contents of the rumen was added with molasses, soybean soaking water as an energy source for microorganisms, as well as the addition of oil palm fronds and palm leaves to expect the type of fungus that is expected to grow. Calculation of the total colonies fungi in the rumen contents was carried out using total plate count with the dilution method. Complete Random Design by Factorial used to analyze the statistic data. Factor A was the type of rumen content (A1 = rumen of cattle, A2 = buffalo rumen), factor B was the addition of palm fronds (B1 = only rumen contents, B2 = palm oil fronds, B3 = palm leaves, and B4 = palm oil fronds and palm leaves). The results showed that the total number of fungal colonies was significantly higher in the rumen contents of cattle with an average of 509.17 104 CFU / ml. The highest total number of fungal colonies was found in rumen contents with the addition of palm oil fronds, with an average colony number of 655.83 x104 CFU / ml, while the lowest was found in buffalo rumen contents with the addition of palm fronds and palm leaves (106.67x104 CFU / ml). The addition of oil palm fronds and palm leaves to the rumen contents did not have a different effect (p> 0.05).

Citations (3)

... In tropical countries including Indonesia, oil palm fronds are often used as animal feed. However, efficient use is hindered by the high lignocellulosic content and low nutritional value (Astuti et al., 2021). Oil palm fronds are composed of lignocellulose, which consists of 20.13% lignin, 32.58% cellulose and 8.37% hemicellulose (Rilek et al., 2017). ...


Pretreatment and fermentation of lignocellulose from oil palm fronds as a potential source of fibre for ruminant feed: a review
Identifikasi Marfologi Mikroorganisme Lokal (Mol) Isi Rumen Sapi Dengan Supply Energi Yang Berbeda

Jurnal Peternakan Mahaputra

... The provision of livestock manure (cow, goat and chicken) results in additional nutrients in poor soil, such as the elements N, P and K needed for the growth of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Taiwan shoots (Sari et al., 2021). ...

The Influence of Some Type of Manure on The Growth and Production of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) CV. Taiwan in Acid Soil

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... This difference was due to the large number of microbes in the rumen contents and the addition of molasses and tofu soaking wastewater that further increased microbial growth. Another study (Astuti et al., 2020) found 40 × 10 12 total colonies in 1 ml of local bioactivator rumen contents mixed with molasses, soybean soaking water and palm oil fronds. In this work, the average laccase enzyme activity ranged from 11.0 U/ml to 20.11 U/ml, LiP activity ranged from 1.74 U/ml to 4.93 U/ml and MnP activity ranged from 2.40 U/ml to 7.06 U/ml. ...

The identification of fungi colonies total on the rumen content of cow and buffalo with addition of leaves and oil palm frond

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews