De-Xin Gao’s research while affiliated with Qingdao University of Science and Technology and other places

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Publications (39)

Approximation Optimal Vibration Control with Applications to Jacket Offshore Platforms with Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics
  • Article

February 2022


6 Reads

International Journal of Control Automation and Systems

Yan-Jun Liang


You-Jun Lu


De-Xin Gao


Zhong-Sheng Wang

The vibration control problem of offshore jacket platforms is studied. The model of offshore platforms with nonlinear interactions of the pile-soil affected by the wave load disturbances is established. The wave loads are determined by using the Morison equation and are considered as disturbances with known dynamic characteristics but unknown initial conditions. Based on the successive approximation approach (SAA), we propose an approximate optimal vibration control scheme for the nonlinear systems of the offshore jacket platforms. Numerical simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Fig. 5 Wheel deflection curves
Fig. 6 Control force curves
Road grades and PSDs
Applications of Approximate Optimal Control to Nonlinear Systems of Tracked Vehicle Suspensions
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2021


63 Reads


3 Citations

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems

Technique of approximate optimal vibration control and simulation for vehicle active suspension systems are developed. Considered the nonlinear damping of springs, mechanical model and a nonlinear dynamic system for a class of tracked vehicle suspension vibration control are established and the corresponding system of state space form is described. To prolong the working life of suspension system and improve ride comfort, based on the active suspension vibration control devices and using optimal control approach, an approximate optimal vibration controller is designed, and an algorithm is presented for the vibration controller. Numerical simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique.


Citations (15)

... Han et al. [6] proposed a fuzzy proportional-integral differential (PID) control strategy based on road surface estimation to meet the different comfort and safety requirements of active suspension under different road conditions performance requirements. Liang et al. [7] designed a vibration controller for optimal control to extend the working life of the suspension system and improve ride comfort. Wang et al. [8] designed an active immunity controller to improve driver comfort by considering suspension nonlinearity and actuator saturation combined with self-immunity control and fuzzy sliding mode control. ...


Active suspension control strategy for vehicles based on road surface recognition
Applications of Approximate Optimal Control to Nonlinear Systems of Tracked Vehicle Suspensions

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems

... Moreover, accident may become worse when involving external disturbances from environment such as unstructured and slippery terrain. In previous works, many different control system design approaches have been proposed to deal with uncertainty and disturbance, including computed torque control [16], adaptive control [17], pid control [18], sliding mode control [19], optimal control [20], or different control systems [21]. In general, they've employed SMC to RSV system. ...

Robust Optimal Sliding Mode Controller Design for Uncertain System with Composite Disturbances and Its Application to AUV
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2021

... J. Kim proposed an integral sliding mode controller to enhance the time-delay performance for AUV position control, given that the feedback frequency of the DVL is relatively lower than other sensors [3]. D. Gao combined sliding mode control and linear quadratic regulator, which makes the AUV robust to parameter perturbations and random disturbances [4]. In [5], H. Ban formulated the AUV tracking problem into the T-S fuzzy framework, eliminating the position and heading error with nonlinearity and model inaccuracy. ...

Application of Robust Optimal Sliding Mode Control for Underactuated AUV System with Uncertainties
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2020

... Especially, Li et al. (2021) utilized Random Forest (RF) classifier to implement abnormal detection. However, existing studies on charging-pile fault diagnosis focus on the mechanical log data or sensor data streams (Gao et al. 2020(Gao et al. , 2018Wang et al. 2021;Yong and Ji 1650), while we concentrate on work order fault description data recorded by staff (different from mechanical log data and sensor data streams) and classify 8 types of faults, including installation error fault, charging-pile mechanical fault, charging-pile program fault, user personal fault, signal fault (offline), pile compatibility fault, charging platform fault, and other faults. Figure 1 presents a simplified workflow of our paper. ...

Remote Mobile Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System for Electric Vehicle Circular Charging Device Based on Cloud Platform
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2020

... The traditional approach to designing an autopilot for the near-surface environment is to achieve a nominal trim condition for a given speed using water tanks, then to rely on the robustness of an autopilot to compensate both for variations in trim and for the effect of waves. Examples of attempts to address the wave rejection problem alone include the work in [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]. All of these examples utilize models for synthesis and simulation that feature less fidelity than the LNMS model described herein. ...

Nonlinear optimal vibration control for AUVs with input delay under wave disturbances
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2019

... While model-based methods offer physical interpretability and accuracy, they come with higher adaptation costs and development complexity. In contrast, data-driven methods such as machine learning [9], deep learning [10], and data analysis [11] can automatically learn fault patterns from historical data, reducing reliance on complex physical models and proving more suitable for real-world applications. With the successful application of deep learning in image recognition, speech recognition, and semantic analysis [12,13], its potential in intelligent fault diagnosis has garnered widespread attention. ...

Fault Diagnosis System for Electric Vehicle Charging Devices Based on Fault Tree Analysis
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2018

... Faried Hasbullah and Waleed F. Faris [3] proposed an active disturbance rejection control with input decoupling transformation for a half car model. Yan-Jun Liang et al. [4] designed an optimal vibration controller for vehicle active suspension systems. A. Pati et al. [5] designed a controller for a half car suspension system based on sliding mode control using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) sliding surface. ...

Optimal vibration control for nonlinear systems of tracked vehicle half-car suspensions
  • Citing Article
  • June 2017

International Journal of Control Automation and Systems

... Model identification and adaptive control design are performed in [8]. An optimal internal model control algorithm is presented in [9] for heading control problem of AUV systems affected by wave disturbances. In [10], motion control problems are researched based on active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method. ...

Wave disturbance rejection for AUV heading control based on internal-model-principle
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2016

... For the CSTR control example, various control strategies, such as the exact feedback linearization control [11,12], the nonlinear backstepping control [2], the model predictive control [4,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19], different optimal control strategies [20][21][22][23], the adaptive control approaches [24][25][26][27], and the sliding mode control theory [1,[28][29][30][31][32] have been proposed among others. We can also ind several articles based on successful combinations between advanced nonlinear control theories and soft computing tools such as artiicial neural networks (ANN) [33,34], fuzzy inference systems (FIS) [3,35], and many bio-inspired optimization algorithms such as the genetic algorithm (GA) [7,36], etc. ...

Optimal output tracking control for chemical process of non-isothermal CSTR
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2016