Davide Beneventi’s research while affiliated with Grenoble Alpes University and other places

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Publications (131)

XRD spectra of N_CNC (black trace) and TO‐CNC (green trace).
ATR spectra: (a) In grey lysozyme; in black N_CNC; in red N_CNC@lysozime; (b) In grey lysozyme; in green TO‐CNC; in blue TO‐CNC@lysozime
(a) FE‐SEM images of enzymatic N_CNC; (b) TO‐CNC; (c) N_CNC@lys; (d) TO‐CNC@lys. The micrograph in 3 d was recorded on the lyophilized and rehydrated sample.
(a) Z‐average histograms; (b) Z potential histograms.
Lysozyme Activity Test results on N_CNC@lys (red) and TO CNC@lys (blu). The plot shows the optical density of a suspension of Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells exposed to the samples. In orange Micrococcus in buffer; in grey of Micrococcus@lys.


Covalent Lysozyme Immobilization on Enzymatic Cellulose Nanocrystals
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2024


62 Reads


Laura Micheli





Nanostructured materials represent promising substrates for biocatalyst immobilization and activation. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), accessible from waste and/or renewable sources, are sustainable and biodegradable, show high specific surface area for anchoring a high number of enzymatic units, and high thermal and mechanical stability. In this work, we present a holistic enzyme‐based approach to functional antibacterial materials by bioconjugation between the lysozyme from chicken egg white and enzymatic cellulose nanocrystals. The neutral CNCs were prepared by endoglucanase hydrolysis from Avicel. We explore the covalent immobilization of lysozyme on enzymatic CNCs and on their TEMPO oxidized derivatives (TO‐CNCs), comparing immobilization yields, material properties, and enzymatic activities. The materials were characterized by X‐ray diffractometry (XRD), attenuated total reflectance Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR‐FTIR), bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay, field‐emission scanning electron microscopy (FE‐SEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). We demonstrate the higher overall efficiency of the immobilization process carried out on TO‐CNCs, based on the success of covalent bonding and on the stability of the isolated bioconjugates.


Use of Microfibrillated Cellulose/Lignosulfonate Blends as Carbon Precursors: Impact of Hydrogel Rheology on 3D Printing

September 2024


4 Reads


1 Citation

The aim of the present study was to investigate the rheological properties of microfibrillated cellulose (MFC)/ lignosulfonate (LS) hydrogels and to use them in the manufacture of carbon objects by 3D printing and carbonization. For this purpose, both flow mode and thixotropic mode were used to characterize the hydrogel rheological behavior, which was subsequently used to search for formulation/processability correlations during 3D printing of square cuboids. At a concentration of 2%, MFC displayed excellent printability, i.e., shear-thinning behavior with high yield stress and a viscoelastic response to a step-down shear rate variation. The addition of LS induced a drop in the yield stress, and above an LS mass fraction of 30%, the MFC/LS hydrogels displayed an inelastic thixotropic response with a drop in printability (viz., the printed cuboids underwent a continuous deformation until spreading of the hydrogel was complete). Above 50% LS, the high viscosity slowed the flow of the MFC/LS hydrogels, and the printed cuboids had minor deformation. Freeze and air drying of cuboids printed with LS mass fractions lower than 20% and higher than 50%, respectively, allowed the cuboids to keep their original shape, and their carbonization under inert gas led to the production of highly conducting objects. In line with the high density of the air-dried samples, carbonized samples displayed an irregular structure with pores and crackles generated during drying and carbonization, whereas the freeze-dried samples had the typical lamellar structure of ice-templated materials.

a) Schematic representation of the synthesis of cellulose nanocrystals: comparison between acid hydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis; b) photos of aqueous suspensions of S_CNCs and N_CNCs at 5 mg mL⁻¹ concentration in water.
FE‐SEM micrographies (120000×magnification) of: a) S_CNC obtained from Avicel by acid hydrolysis with H2SO4; (b) N_CNC obtained from Avicel by enzymatic hydrolysis with endoglucanase. Both typologies of nanocrystals were deposited on glass from a 1 mg L⁻¹ DMSO suspension.
XRD spectra: In blue: Avicel; In green: Avicel Post Ball Mill; In grey: neutral cellulose nanocrystals; In red: sulfated cellulose nanocrystals.
ATR‐FTIR spectra: in grey, the spectrum of N_CNC obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis with 50 minutes of pretreatment; in red, the spectrum of S_CNC obtained by sulfuric acid hydrolysis.
Histograms of DLS (left) and Zeta potential (right) measurements: in grey, N_CNCs; in red, S_CNCs; the scale bars indicate the standard deviation.
High Yield Synthesis of Cellulose Nanocrystals From Avicel by Mechano‐Enzymatic Approach

August 2024


51 Reads


3 Citations

Cellulose nanocrystals are an important class of bio‐based crystalline nanostructures, finding application in several technological fields, including paper and textile coating, biocomposite engineering, biocatalysts immobilization, etc. This study explores enzymatic hydrolysis of Avicel, using endoglucanase from Aspergillus niger, to find an environmentally friendly method to extract cellulose nanocrystals from cellulose sources. Enzymatic hydrolysis has the advantage of reduced energy consumption and higher environmental friendliness compared to acid hydrolysis. In this work, we report for the first time very high nanocrystals yield by combining mechanical pretreatment of the cellulose starting material with a ball miller and endoglucanase hydrolysis, as a result of an extensive optimization of reaction conditions. In particular, a ball milling pretreatment carried out for 50 minutes at 3 Hz, allowed to isolate enzymatic CNCs with 76 % yield and with crystallinity as high as 75 %. The materials were characterized by X‐Ray diffractometry, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR‐FTIR) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE‐SEM). Their characteristics were compared with the properties of sulfated CNCs, prepared from Avicel by sulfuric acid hydrolysis. Our results are technologically relevant, as they contribute to the accessibility and sustainability of CNCs for a wide range of applications in various industries.

Thermogravimetric analysis of the different materials used in the ink formulation and the 3D printing formulation before pyrolysis
Pyrolyzed 3D cathodes with different infill ratios, model cubes a) and 3D-printed electrodes b). SEM images of filaments surface before c) and after pyrolysis d)
Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms on doped and undoped-pyrolyzed 3D-printed cathodes (77K)
Chronoamperometries at 100 mV. Vs. SCE in a physiological medium (pH = 7.4) of undoped-pyrolyzed 3D cathodes with different infill under air and oxygen a). Pyrolyzed cathodes comparison with specific current generated by n-doped cathodes b). Specific current data of n-doped cathodes with 25, 30, 50 and 100% infill are replotted from [17]
In-situ n-doped 3D-printed abiotic cathodes for implantable biofuel cells

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

Abiotic 3D-printed cathodes for biofuel cells were manufactured using chitosan-cellulose nanofibres-iron doped graphene hydrogels and the cold material extrusion (MEX) 3D printing technique. The subsequent pyrolysis under ammoniac flux and in-situ n-doping of 3D cathodes led to the generation of conductive 3D electrodes with macroporosity that can be tuned by adjusting the linera infill in the 3D printing process and enhanced electrochemical activity. In-situ n-doped electrodes with 40% macroporosity provided a neat increase in specific current, i.e. from 13 µA/mg of 3D electrodes containing pre-doped graphene to 35 µA/mg of pyrolyzed ones, thus showing that MEX 3D printing followed by in-situ n-doping is a promising manufacturing process for the fabrication of high current density abiotic cathodes. Graphical abstract

Fig. 2 Pyrolyzed 3D cathodes with different infill ratios, model cubes a) and 3D-printed electrodes b). SEM images of filaments surface before c) and after pyrolysis d)
Fig. 3 Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms on doped and undoped-pyrolyzed 3D-printed cathodes (77K)
Specific surface area and pore volume of graphene nanopar- ticles and 3D-printed cathodes with 40% infill
3D printed cathodes for implantable abiotic biofuel cells

October 2023


33 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of Power Sources

3D printing has recently triggered huge attention in several fields such as construction, artificial tissue engineering, food fabrication, wearable electronics, and electrochemical energy storage. This work investigates the fabrication of a 3D-printed abiotic cathode for implantable glucose/oxygen biofuel cells. The ink formulation was optimized to get printable ink with high electro-catalytic activity. Electrode macro porosity was screened in order to identify the better compromise between electrode density and electrochemical performance. A maximum current density of 260 μA/cm2 was obtained with cylindrical electrodes with linear mesh infill and a volumic infill rate of 40%. A complete biofuel cell was assembled using a 3D-printed abiotic cathode and an enzymatic anode in the form of a compressed pellet showing maximum power and current densities of 80 μW/cm2 and 320 μA/cm2, respectively. Moreover, the hybrid biofuel cell was implanted in the intraabdominal region of a rat for three months and after cell explantation, the abiotic cathode displayed a 50% decrease in the current density while the enzymatic anode did not display any residual activity. The 3D printed electrode displayed a 2–3.6-fold increase in current density when compared to homolog 2D electrodes.

Air-drying of 3D printed part made of ligno-cellulosic fibres: 3D real-time monitoring combining sub-minute laboratory X-ray microtomography and digital volume correlation

June 2023


207 Reads


2 Citations

3D cheap, lightweight and robust cellulosic parts can be obtained via extrusion of a cellulosic aqueous paste followed by air-drying. During the air-drying step, an anisotropic shrinkage occurs. The objective of this study is to characterize the macro and mesoscale phenomena occurring during the drying process. We used sub-minute laboratory X-ray microtomography during air-drying tests combined with advanced image analysis including Digital Volume Correlation to reveal the mechanisms that took place at the sample and at the filament scales. This allowed the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the structural and kinematical changes occurring during the air-drying. The macroscopic anisotropic shrinkage of the structure is associated with a decrease of the solid fraction of the cube and a decrease of the volume of the central pore, a decrease of the number and of the volume of the inter-filament and intra-filament pores, a change of the shape and dimensions of the filaments cross section. We observed delamination effects, increase of the number of inter and intra filament pores. These results complete the analysis commonly carried out at the macroscale and are necessary to build a model for the prediction of drying mechanisms of 3D printed part of cellulose and to propose more accurate compensation strategies.

Development of biomass‐based slurry for the manufacture of furan/cellulose composite by cast molding and 3D printing

May 2023


28 Reads

This study aims to develop a green composite based on two biomass‐based components via the curing of an oligomeric furfuryl resin coupled with 18–31 wt% cellulose powder. The curing was performed in an atmospheric pressure open air oven. The chemical composition of the used pre‐polymer was characterized with Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectroscopy and its curing reaction was followed by differential scanning calorimetry. The final cured composites were characterized to investigate the effect of cellulose addition on their morphology, dimensional stability, and thermo‐mechanical performances. The manufactured composite showed good thermal stability up to 200°C with a storage modulus higher than 2 GPa, and a mass loss under 3%. Moreover, the filler improved the composite dimensional stability upon crosslinking by 38% and the mechanical performances with respectively 15% and 40% increase in the Young's and flexural moduli. By the same token, cellulose prevented the typical foaming of poly(furfuryl alcohol) resins crosslinked at high temperature and low pressure. Preliminary tests highlighted the excellent processability of the developed composite, which was used to manufacture a static demonstrator coupling different fabrication techniques, that is, 3D printing (direct ink writing), high temperature compression molding and CNC machining.

Citations (71)

... It is an industrial byproduct from the production of wood pulp using sulfite pulping. The composites elaborated from MFC/LS slurries are self-standing with MFC playing a role as mechanical reinforcement whereas LS ensures the carbon yield after pyrolysis 15,16 . However, in the frame of this work that is to use 3D printing as forming method, it was revealed in a previous work 15 that add of LS into MFC hydrogels lead to either a disruption of the hydrogels' stability after 3D printing due to lack of viscosity(with 10%-30% LS), or a loss of shape definition because of the long restauration time(with 50% LS). ...


Use of lignocellulosic materials and 3D printing for the elaboration of conductive carbon strutures
ARTICLE IN PRESS G Model Thermal characterization and kinetic analysis of microfibrillated cellulose/lignosulfonate blends
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

... Many studies have been carried out to develop techniques for the obtainment and application of these nanostructures due to their unique characteristics of mechanical resistance, optical properties, biodegradability and abundance in nature. The obtained nanostructured cellulosic materials have shown potential in the fields of electronics (Juntaro et al., 2012;Muller et al., 2013), optics (Cranston and Gray, 2008), 3D printing (Shao et al., 2015) and biomedicine (Kuzmenko et al., 2013;Sanna et al., 2013). ...

Use of Microfibrillated Cellulose/Lignosulfonate Blends as Carbon Precursors: Impact of Hydrogel Rheology on 3D Printing
  • Citing Article
  • September 2024

... The power performance of the in vivo EBFC was lower than the in vitro EBFC. This could be due to oxygen concentration, possible oxidation of blood plasma species at the cathode and formation of biofilm on the bioelectrodes [42]. These experiments prove that the developed EBFC was capable of producing more than 75 µW/cm 2 of stable power for about 5 days. ...

3D printed cathodes for implantable abiotic biofuel cells

Journal of Power Sources

... This mask, fixed to a cantilever, enables precise alignment with the X-ray beam using attocube piezoelectric motors controlled in a closed loop. An additional piezoelectric attocube motor allows for fine tuning of the mask position near the FPGA [30]. ...

Air-drying of 3D printed part made of ligno-cellulosic fibres: 3D real-time monitoring combining sub-minute laboratory X-ray microtomography and digital volume correlation

... This precursor was both i) formulated with commercial graphene nanoplatelets and biosourced binders (i.e. chitosan and TOCNF) to obtain an ink containing undoped graphene and ii) submitted to heat treatment under ammoniac flux in order to obtain Iron (2%)/ Nitrogen doped graphene (Fe/n-G) [19,20]. ...

Flexible doctor blade-coated abiotic cathodes for implantable glucose/oxygen biofuel cells

... The topology optimization method is proposed by Bahlau and Lee (2022). One of the investigated solution is to create some relief on the flattest sides of the packaging to spread the stress and avoid any folding or deformations (Bonnet et al., 2022). ...

Reinforcing folding board boxes by printing a PLA patterned grid on their panels: A new approach for lightweighting stiff packaging

Packaging Technology and Science

... This shear-thinning behavior ensures the process works efficiently and produces high-quality prints. When the ink was at rest, all formulations exhibited viscosity values that were relatively high, aligning with those documented in the literature as suitable for DIW [34][35][36][37][38]. This sufficient viscosity prevents ink from flowing uncontrollably. ...

Bio-based formulation of an electrically conductive ink with high potential for additive manufacturing by direct ink writing
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Composites Science and Technology

... However, the nanocomposites' tan δ peaks were shited to lower temperatures while their intensity was reduced (Ahmad et al., 2013;Barkoula et al., 2016). In a more recent work, the mechanical perormance as well as the density and thermal stability o porous microbrillated cellulose was ound to increase with increasing ururyl alcohol addition to the initial reaction slurry (Lems et al., 2019), while Bouzidi et al. used cellulose powder as rheology modier o PFA thermosets, to improve their 3D printability, yielding a ully biobased printable composite (Bouzidi et al., 2022). Asaro et al., developed CNCs reinorced uran based coatings and managed to improve their mechanical resistance in permanent damage, yet yielding in inerior storage modulus (Asaro et al., 2019). ...

3D printable fully biomass-based composite using poly(furfuryl alcohol) as binder and cellulose as a filler
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Carbohydrate Polymers

... Additive manufacturing is the key to effectively ensuring the flexibility and security of the industrial chain, and it is in line with the global low-carbon economic development strategy of "low energy consumption, low emissions, and low pollution" [4]. On the other hand, with the rapid development of industrial networking, 5G, smartphones, wearable devices, Internet of Things, and smart cities, there is a growing market demand for intelligent, thin, miniaturized, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2023) 34:2182 2182 Page 2 of 13 widely used with the largest sales [18,19]. In contrast, although the cost of copper is greatly reduced, the copper ink [20] is prone to oxidation during the air curing process, resulting in a greatly reduced conductivity. ...

Ohmic Curing of Silver Micro-Particle Inks Printed on Thermoplastics
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

Journal of Electronic Materials

... More research will have to be performed to understand the impact on the fibers, but the preliminary results indicate that the use of diluted seawater at 5% v/v led to thicker and more abundant secondary fibers and primary bast fibers with wider lumens, while 10% seawater had a negative impact on both the number and cell wall thickness of primary and secondary bast fibers (Figure 2b,c). Although unwanted for textile applications or the manufacture of high-performance bio-composites, hemp secondary bast fibers can be used as a source of nanocellulose (to manufacture nano-papers or nano-composites) [82]. The disordered decortication method could be applied and, given the lower content of lignin with respect to woody fibers, milder delignification treatments can be used with lower impact on the environment. ...

Valorization of Byproducts of Hemp Multipurpose Crop: Short Non-Aligned Bast Fibers as a Source of Nanocellulose
