David M. Tokar’s research while affiliated with Central State University and other places

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Publications (53)

Higher-order model depicted on the top
Bifactor model depicted on the bottom. SF-MPQ-2 item numbers are presented in the rectangles.
Intercorrelations, internal consistencies, means, and standard deviations of all variables
of fit statistics for all models
Factor loadings for unidimensional and bifactor solutions
Incremental validity of SF-MPQ-2 general and specific factors (Model 4)
Revisiting the factor structure of the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF-MPQ-2): Evidence for a bifactor model in individuals with Chiari malformation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2023


39 Reads


2 Citations

David M. Tokar


Kevin P. Kaut


The Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF-MPQ-2; Dworkin et al., 2009) is intended to measure the multidimensional qualities of pain (i.e., continuous, intermittent, neuropathic, and affective) as well as total pain. Using structural equation modeling, we evaluated the fit of four competing measurement models of the SF-MPQ-2—an oblique 4-factor model, a 1-factor model, a higher-order model, and a bifactor model—in 552 adults diagnosed with Chiari malformation, a chronic health condition whose primary symptoms include head and neck pain. Results revealed the strongest support for the bifactor model, suggesting that SF-MPQ-2 item responses are due to both a general pain factor and a specific pain factor that is orthogonal to the general pain factor. Additional bifactor analyses of the SF-MPQ-2’s model-based reliability and dimensionality revealed that most of the SF-MPQ-2’s reliable variance is explained by a general pain factor, and that the instrument can be modeled unidimensionally and scored as a general pain measure. Results also indicated that the general and affective pain factors in the bifactor model uniquely predicted pain-related external criteria (e.g., depression, anxiety, and stress); however, the continuous, intermittent, and neuropathic factors did not.


Predictors of Work Fulfillment and General Well-Being in Workers With Chiari Malformation: The Importance of Decent Work

July 2023


36 Reads


5 Citations

Journal of Career Assessment

This study extended research on Psychology of Working Theory (PWT) by examining the connection of decent work to work fulfillment and general well-being in 346 predominantly U.S. adult workers diagnosed with Chiari malformation (CM), a chronic health condition involving a structural malformation affecting the posterior region and base of the skull, and commonly presenting with chronic head and neck pain and related physical (e.g., fatigue) and psychological (e.g., anxiety, depression) complications. Participants completed an online survey containing measures of PWT’s outcomes of decent work constructs as well as the domain-specific marginalization constructs of condition severity and workplace limitations. Results of structural equation modeling analyses supported 12 of 19 hypotheses. Decent work directly and positively predicted survival, social contribution, and self-determination needs; social contribution and self-determination needs directly and positively predicted work fulfillment; survival and self-determination needs directly and positively predicted general well-being; decent work indirectly (via social contribution and self-determination needs) and positively predicted work fulfillment and indirectly (via survival and self-determination needs) and positively predicted general well-being; and condition severity directly and negatively predicted general well-being. Consistent with PWT, attaining decent work contributes to meeting needs for survival, social contribution, and self-determination, which in turn contributes to greater work fulfillment and general well-being in workers with CM.

Conformity to Masculine Norms, the Dark Tetrad, and Men’s Rape Myth Acceptance

May 2023


67 Reads


2 Citations

Psychology of Men & Masculinity

This study extended research on men’s rape myth acceptance (RMA) by examining the relative contributions of conformity to masculine norms and the Dark Tetrad of personality to RMA in 301 predominantly White and heterosexual men in the United States. Results of hierarchical regressions revealed that conformity to masculine norms and the Dark Tetrad each accounted for incremental variance (i.e., beyond the other variable set) in men’s RMA, with conformity to power over women and heterosexual self-presentation norms and psychopathy emerging as unique and positive predictors. Results of post hoc mediation analyses indicated that psychopathy’s relation to RMA was partially to fully mediated through conformity to the power over women norm. Results of correlations supported hypothesized associations of conformity to power over women and violence norms with psychopathy and sadism, conformity to the risk-taking norm with psychopathy, and conformity to the playboy norm with three of the four Dark Tetrad traits.

A Test of the Career Construction Theory Model of Adaptation in Adult Workers With Chiari Malformation

August 2019


214 Reads


36 Citations

Journal of Career Assessment

The present study examined the career construction theory (CCT) model of adaptation using a sample of working adults diagnosed with Chiari malformation. Specifically, we tested a mediation model in which adaptivity (i.e., proactivity, openness, and conscientiousness) fosters adaptability, which conditions adapting (i.e., competence need satisfaction at work), which leads to adaptation (i.e., work well-being and subjective well-being). Results of structural equation modeling supported all of the hypothesized direct and indirect relations between CCT constructs, thus providing strong support for the applicability of the model of adaptation among workers with Chiari malformation. Prior to testing the model of adaptation, we examined and found support for the hypothesized hierarchical structure of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale–Short Form, a recently developed operationalization of career adaptability.

Chiari Registry Project: Assessment of Surgical Outcome on Self-Focused Attention, Pain and Delayed Recall

July 2018


90 Reads


31 Citations

Psychological Medicine


Douglas Delahanty


Kevin P Kaut




Mark G Luciano

Background: Prior research has typically found a negative relationship between chronic pain and memory, and we examined whether cognitive control processes (e.g., reflection and rumination) moderated this relationship in individuals with Chiari malformation Type I (CM). CM is a neurological condition in which the cerebellar tonsils descend into the medullary and upper cervical spine regions potentially resulting in severe headaches and neck pain. Methods: CM patients who had (n=341) and had not (n=297) undergone decompression surgery completed the McGill Pain Questionnaire-Short Form-Revised (SF-MPQ-2), the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), and the Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire (RRQ). Immediate recall scores were compared to those of 102 healthy controls, and delayed recall performance was compared across other variables within the CM group. Results: CM patients performed more poorly on immediate recall than did controls. Within CM patients, we observed main effects for reflection and age, and a Pain x Reflection x Surgical Status (surgery vs. no surgery) interaction in which non-decompressed individuals with low levels of pain and high levels of reflection showed superior delayed recall relative to non- decompressed individuals with higher pain and all decompressed individuals. Conclusions: CM patients show an immediate recall deficit relative to controls, regardless of surgical status. Also, high levels of reflection were associated with better delayed recall performance in non-decompressed CM patients with lower pain levels. High levels of chronic pain may overwhelm increased focused attention abilities, but higher levels of reflection partially overcome the distracting effects of pain and this may represent a type of resilience.

Predictors of decent work among workers with Chiari malformation: An empirical test of the psychology of working theory

January 2018


81 Reads


83 Citations

Journal of Vocational Behavior

The purpose of the present study was to extend the research on the Psychology of Working Theory (PWT; Duffy, Blustein, Diemer, & Autin, 2016) by testing its applicability to workers with chronic health conditions. Specifically, we examined the PWT's posited predictors of securing decent work in a sample of 320 workers diagnosed with Chiari malformation-Type 1 (CM). Results of structural equation modeling analyses supported 8 of the 14 hypothesized relations. Notably, economic constraints and marginalization significantly and inversely predicted decent work and work volition; economic constraints significantly and inversely predicted career adaptability, which in turn significantly and positively predicted decent work; and career adaptability partially explained the significant relation of economic constraints to decent work. Collectively, our findings provided strong support for the applicability of the PWT for workers diagnosed with CM. We offer several directions for future research on the PWT and the work lives of persons living with CM.

An Examination of the Applicability of Social Cognitive Career Theory for African American College Students

August 2016


132 Reads


38 Citations

Journal of Career Assessment

The purpose of the present study is to extend the literature on social cognitive career theory (SCCT) by examining (a) the applicability of SCCT for African Americans with constructs defined in terms of Holland’s realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (RIASEC) themes and (b) the role of specific learning experiences (performance accomplishments, vicarious learning, and verbal persuasion) in the formation of corresponding self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results based on a sample of 208 African American college students revealed support for hypothesized relations of self-efficacy with outcome expectations, self-efficacy and outcome expectations with interests and choice goals, and interests with choice goals for all six RIASEC themes. Results revealed partial support for the hypothesized relations of learning experiences with self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Finally, results indicated limited support for the hypothesis that verbal persuasion would be a stronger positive predictor of self-efficacy and outcome expectations than would performance accomplishments and vicarious learning. These findings offer preliminary support for the applicability of SCCT in explaining African American college students’ RIASEC-based interest development and career choice goals. Implications of the findings for career counseling interventions and future research are discussed.

Testing an Empirical Model of Workplace Sexual Identity Management

October 2015


48 Reads


8 Citations

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity

This study empirically tested a portion of Lidderdale, Croteau, Anderson, Tovar-Murray, and Davis’ (2007) social–cognitive model of workplace sexual identity management. It was hypothesized that past learning experiences, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and workplace climate would predict, both directly and indirectly, employees’ range of acceptable WSIM strategies, strategy intentions, and actual disclosure behaviors. Participants were a national sample of 162 sexual minority individuals who were currently employed 15 or more hours per week and who completed an online survey. Results of path analysis indicated a poor fit to the data for the hypothesized model; however, a theoretically justified and trimmed revision of the model achieved excellent fit to the data. Turning to more specific relations in the model, results supported 7 of 13 hypothesized direct paths, as well as 25 of 30 possible indirect pathways, involving all of the major SCCT-based constructs with the exception of learning experiences. These results provide preliminary support for the use of Lidderdale et al.’s social–cognitive model of WSIM. Limitations of the present study, relevant sampling and measurement issues, and implications for future research and professional work are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)

Predicting Religious Ethnocentrism: Evidence for a Partial Mediation Model

December 2014


98 Reads


22 Citations

Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

This study extended the current understanding of religious ethnocentrism by testing a theoretically and empirically based model in which personality (i.e., right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation) and religious identity (i.e., Christian orthodoxy, religious group identification) variables were related to religious ethnocentrism, and some of those relations were mediated through religious fundamentalism. Path analysis results based on a sample of 156 college students revealed support for most of the hypothesized relations. More specifically, social dominance orientation and religious fundamentalism had direct positive relations with religious ethnocentrism; Christian orthodoxy and religious group identification had indirect (via religious fundamentalism) positive relations with religious ethnocentrism, and right-wing authoritarianism had both direct and indirect (via religious fundamentalism) positive relations with religious ethnocentrism. Contrary to our hypothesis, the direct positive relation of Christian orthodoxy to religious ethnocentrism was nonsignificant. Implications of the findings and directions for future research on religious ethnocentrism are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record

An Investigation of African American Women’s Prestige Domain Interests and Choice Goals Using Social Cognitive Career Theory

June 2014


201 Reads


13 Citations

Journal of Vocational Behavior

Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT; Lent, Brown & Hackett, 1994) provides a framework for understanding career development, taking into account background and contextual variables using a social cognitive perspective. Given SCCT’s focus on both personal and contextual factors, it has been widely applied to understanding the career development of ethnic minorities and women. This study extends the SCCT framework by testing the SCCT career choice model with variables defined along the prestige dimension, in a sample of 198 African American college women. Path analysis results supported SCCT propositions for the relations of prestige self-efficacy and prestige outcome expectations with prestige of vocational interests, and of prestige outcome expectations and prestige of vocational interests with prestige of choice goals. The relation of prestige self-efficacy to prestige of choice goals was fully mediated by prestige of vocational interests; the relation between prestige outcome expectations and prestige of choice goals was partially mediated by prestige of vocational interests. Contrary to SCCT, the hypothesized relation of prestige self-efficacy to prestige outcome expectations was non-significant. These findings provide preliminary evidence for the utility of SCCT in explaining the development of prestige-related career interests and choice goals among African American women.

Citations (51)

... Previous work has shown that Chiari patients show similar levels of chronic pain to those with other traditional chronic pain syndromes (e.g., diabetic peripheral neuropathy). 33 Past research indicates that the full anterior CSF space is associated with pain in CMI patients. 30,31,34 Research consistent with this result by García et al. observed in a largely adult female sample reported that head and neck pain increased with adult age in CMI patients. ...


Correlation of anterior CSF space in the cervical spine with Chicago Chiari Outcome Scale score in adult females
Revisiting the factor structure of the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF-MPQ-2): Evidence for a bifactor model in individuals with Chiari malformation

... Across a wide range of diverse groups of working adults, economic constraints and marginalization experiences negatively predicted decent work attainment, often mediated primarily by work volition and career adaptability. Additionally, decent work attainment strongly predicts all three types of need satisfaction, which in turn predicts higher levels of work-related well-being and mental and physical health Raque et al., 2024;Tokar et al., 2024). ...

Predictors of Work Fulfillment and General Well-Being in Workers With Chiari Malformation: The Importance of Decent Work
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Journal of Career Assessment

... It is also important to highlight that the playboy norm is associated with other sexually maladaptive behaviors. Specifically, stronger endorsement of the playboy norm has been linked to sexually aggressive behavior (Locke & Mahalik, 2005) as well as greater acceptance of certain rape myths (Tokar, 2023). Therefore, identifying the extent to which men endorse the playboy norm, and ultimately encouraging men to consider the role that ideology plays in their lives, may serve to inoculate them against engaging in a variety of maladaptive sexual behaviors. ...

Conformity to Masculine Norms, the Dark Tetrad, and Men’s Rape Myth Acceptance

Psychology of Men & Masculinity

... Career Construction Theory, developed by Savickas (2005), views career development as a process of personal meaning-making rather than a series of predefined stages (Tokar, Savickas & Kaut, 2020;Munley, 2021;Akün, Işık & Savickas, 2023;McCullough & Hedelin, 2024). It emphasizes the role of adaptability, identity, and life themes in shaping career choices and transitions. ...

A Test of the Career Construction Theory Model of Adaptation in Adult Workers With Chiari Malformation
  • Citing Article
  • August 2019

Journal of Career Assessment

... In terms of curricula at colleges and universities, these are largely focused on academic aspects of the course, especially about specific courses. Career exploration in the early stages promotes flexibility, which is essential for achievement later (Tokar & Kaut, 2018). Despite its benefits in nurturing critical-minded professionals of tomorrow, these strategies are seldom adopted by colleges and universities (Ashour, 2020). ...

Predictors of decent work among workers with Chiari malformation: An empirical test of the psychology of working theory
  • Citing Article
  • January 2018

Journal of Vocational Behavior

... Above cognitive performance was determined by reaction times (RT) and accuracy for correct responses. Episodic memory was measured using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) (Allen, 2018), including short-term (RAVLT_S) and long-term memory scores (RAVLT_L). Executive function was assessed using the Trail Making Test (TMT) (Llinàs-Reglà, 2017), which includes two parts (TMT-A and TMT-B). ...

Chiari Registry Project: Assessment of Surgical Outcome on Self-Focused Attention, Pain and Delayed Recall

Psychological Medicine

... Confirmatory factor analyses supported the construct validity of the GRCS and subscales (Braverman, 1990;Hammer, McDermott, Levant, & McKelvey, 2018;Moradi, Tokar, Schaub, Jome, & Serna, 2000;Norwalk, Vandiver, White, & Englar-Carlson, 2011;O'Neil et al., 1986;Wester, Vogel, O'Neil, & Danforth, 2012), and it demonstrated good convergent validity with similar measures (Brannon & Juni, 1984;Eisler & Skidmore, 1987;Thompson & Pleck, 1986;Wade & Gelso, 1998). The GRCS total score was used in this study's primary and secondary hypotheses and analyses due to limited hypotheses in previous research on GRC subscales (O'Neil, 2015). ...

Revisiting the structural validity of the Gender Role Conflict Scale.
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000

Psychology of Men & Masculinity

... However, it is possible for responses on scales (e.g. racial identity; Fischer et al., 1998) to be negatively skewed due to self-presentation biases and socially desirable responding (Paulhus, 1991). For these reasons, we then split the sample according to the scale midpoint (i.e. using 4 as the cut point in the seven-point Likert scale) in order to elicit a more accurate categorization of the subgroups. ...

Validity and construct contamination of the Racial Identity Attitude Scale--Long Form.
  • Citing Article
  • April 1998

Journal of Counseling Psychology

... Research on interest has found that career choice is based on interest (Lent & Brown, 2006) and that people are less likely to develop interest if they had low levels of self-efficacy and outcome expectations (Lent et al., 2008;Swan, 2015). In this regard, the empirical research of the SCCT interest and choice model applied in the context of STEM careers confirmed that the interest of computer students was well predicted by self-efficacy , whereas research from Dickinson et al. (2017) suggests that selfefficacy beliefs play a more vital role on the basis of the outcome expectations from a minority college students sample, in comparison with the direct development of their interests. Therefore, it can be concluded that interest is a core-individual factor that may have affective characteristics toward career domain activities. ...

An Examination of the Applicability of Social Cognitive Career Theory for African American College Students
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

Journal of Career Assessment