March 2021
4 Reads
Journal of Church and State
The pervasive reach of the U.S. Supreme Court into virtually every corner of American life by necessity renders a justice’s job heavily multi-disciplinary in nature. Unfortunately, judges tend not to be very good at applying those extra-legal disciplines that may nevertheless be essential to arriving at genuinely informed and sound decisions, whether they implicate history, the natural or social sciences, philosophy, or religion. Luke Sheahan’s book on Why Associations Matter is a careful exploration of the Court’s theoretical and sociological shortcomings in its right of association jurisprudence, a right largely erased by the Court’s 2010 CLS v. Martinez decision. Operating from the premise that social connectedness is indispensable to human flourishing, Sheahan sets out to resurrect associational freedom by putting voluntary social groups at the center of an associational rights jurisprudence that heretofore has been understood only in terms of the individual and the state. In the midst of pandemic induced stay-at-home quarantines that have stripped us of our ability to gather, this extended reflection on the central importance of our collective life is especially salient.