February 2007
74 Reads
71 Citations
Annals of Combinatorics
We prove an instance of the cyclic sieving phenomenon, occurring in the context of noncrossing parititions for well-generated complex reflection groups.
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February 2007
74 Reads
71 Citations
Annals of Combinatorics
We prove an instance of the cyclic sieving phenomenon, occurring in the context of noncrossing parititions for well-generated complex reflection groups.
November 2006
41 Reads
28 Citations
Garside groupoids, as recently introduced by Krammer, generalise Garside groups. A weak Garside group is a group that is equivalent as a category to a Garside groupoid. We show that any periodic loop in a Garside groupoid \CG may be viewed as a Garside element for a certain Garside structure on another Garside groupoid \CG_m, which is equivalent as a category to \CG. As a consequence, the centraliser of a periodic element in a weak Garside group is a weak Garside group. Our main tool is the notion of divided Garside categories, an analog for Garside categories of B\"okstedt-Hsiang-Madsen's subdivisions of Connes' cyclic category. This tool is used in our separate proof of the property for complex reflection arrangements
October 2006
83 Reads
194 Citations
Annals of Mathematics
Let V be a finite dimensional complex vector space and W\subseteq \GL(V) be a finite complex reflection group. Let V^{\reg} be the complement in V of the reflecting hyperplanes. We prove that V^{\reg} is a space. This was predicted by a classical conjecture, originally stated by Brieskorn for complexified real reflection groups. The complexified real case follows from a theorem of Deligne and, after contributions by Nakamura and Orlik-Solomon, only six exceptional cases remained open. In addition to solving this six cases, our approach is applicable to most previously known cases, including complexified real groups for which we obtain a new proof, based on new geometric objects. We also address a number of questions about \pi_1(W\cq V^{\reg}), the braid group of W. This includes a description of periodic elements in terms of a braid analog of Springer's theory of regular elements.
December 2004
45 Reads
8 Citations
Let V be a finite dimensional complex vector space and W\subset \GL(V) be a finite complex reflection group. Let V^{\reg} be the complement in V of the reflecting hyperplanes. A classical conjecture predicts that V^{\reg} is a K(pi,1) space. When W is a complexified real reflection group, the conjecture follows from a theorem of Deligne. Our main result validates the conjecture for duality (or, equivalently, well-generated) complex reflection groups. This includes the complexified real case (but our proof is new) and new cases not previously known. We also address a number of questions about \pi_1(W\cq V^{\reg}), the braid group of W.
April 2004
47 Reads
41 Citations
Advances in Mathematics
We investigate a new lattice of generalised non-crossing partitions, constructed using the geometry of the complex reflection group G(e,e,r). For the particular case e=2 (resp. r=2), our lattice coincides with the lattice of simple elements for the type Dn (resp. I2(e)) dual braid monoid. Using this lattice, we construct a Garside structure for the braid group B(e,e,r). As a corollary, one may solve the word and conjugacy problems in this group.
March 2004
We investigate a new lattice of generalised non-crossing partitions, constructed using the geometry of the complex reflection group G(e,e,r). For the particular case e=2 (resp. r=2), our lattice coincides with the lattice of simple elements for the type (resp. ) dual braid monoid. Using this lattice, we construct a Garside structure for the braid group B(e,e,r). As a corollary, one may solve the word and conjugacy problems in this group.
February 2004
20 Reads
41 Citations
Journal of Algebra
We construct a quasi-Garside monoid structure for the free group. This monoid should be thought of as a dual braid monoid for the free group, generalising the constructions by Birman-Ko-Lee and by the author of new Garside monoids for Artin groups of spherical type. Conjecturally, an analog construction should be available for arbitrary Artin groups and for braid groups of well-generated complex reflection groups. This article continues the exploration of the theory of Artin groups and generalised braid groups from the new point of view introduced by Birman-Ko-Lee in [BKL] for the classical braid group on n strings. In [B1], we generalised their construction to Artin groups of spherical type. In the current article, we study the case of the free group, which is the Artin group associated with the universal Coxeter group. The formal analogs of the main statements in [B1] turn out to be elementary consequences of classical material (some of which was known to Hurwitz and Artin). In an attempt to interpolate some recent generalisations of the dual monoid construction (by Digne for the Artin group of type Ãn, [D]; by Corran and the author for the braid group of the complex reflection group G(e, e, n), [BC]), we propose two conjectures describing properties of a generalised
January 2004
80 Reads
48 Citations
Experimental Mathematics
We give presentations for the braid groups associated with the complex reflection groups and . For the cases of , , and , we give (strongly supported) conjectures. These presentations were obtained with VKCURVE, a GAP package implementing Van Kampen's method.
July 2003
46 Reads
5 Citations
We give a new presentation of the braid group B of the complex reflection group G(e,e,r) which is positive and homogeneous, and for which the generators map to reflections in the corresponding complex reflection group. We show that this presentation gives rise to a Garside structure for B with Garside element a kind of generalised Coxeter element, and hence obtain solutions to the word and conjugacy problems for B.
February 2003
31 Reads
5 Citations
We give a detailed account of the classical Van Kampen method for computing presentations of fundamental groups of complements of complex algebraic curves, and of a variant of this method, working with arbitrary projections (even with vertical asymptotes).
... It is possible to transform Van Kampen's "method" into an entirely constructive algorithm. To my knowledge, two implementations have been realized, one by Jorge Carmona, the other by Jean Michel and myself (GAP package VKCURVE, [4]). ...
Variations on Van Kampen’s Method
January 2003
... which also appears in work of Bessis-Bonnafé-Rouquier [2]. The Garside element is given by (σ 1 σ 2 σ 3 ) 4 . ...
July 2002
Mathematische Annalen
... However, in the case of irreducible complex reflection group of rank two, it is Garside. Moreover, the braid groups associated to the groups G(e, e, r) are Garside, as shown in [5] and [13]. In [26], Neaime realised the braid groups associated to the groups G(e, e, r) as interval groups. ...
April 2004
Advances in Mathematics
... Example 2 Dual structures for Artin groups were introduced by Birman-Ko-Lee [BKL98] for the braid groups and by Bessis [Bes03] for all Artin groups. They are quite mysterious but they can be extremely useful for understanding some Artin groups. ...
Trickle groups
February 2001
Annales Scientifiques de l École Normale Supérieure
... Likewise, planar trees also exhibit CSP. Proposition 1. [2,20] Let X be the set of n nonintersecting chords on 2n labeled endpoints around a circle, and C = Z/2nZ act on X by rotation. Let X(q) = 1 [n + 1] q 2n n q be the q-Catalan number. ...
February 2007
Annals of Combinatorics
... Afterwards, near the end of the 2000s, Garside theory began to be further developed into the theory of Garside categories [6,30]. This culminated in the publication in 2015 of the reference book [20], which summarizes the state of the art and the adaptations of Garside theory to a categorical context. ...
November 2006
... In [11], Broué, Malle and Rouquier give presentations of all complex reflection groups, which we refer to as the BMR presentations. The BMR presentations turns out to have a similar link to the complex braid group as Coxeter presentations of real reflection groups have to their associated Artin groups: [4], [6], [11] and [20]). For any complex reflection group W , the group presentation obtained by removing the torsion relations of its BMR presentation is a group presentation for B(W ). ...
October 2006
Annals of Mathematics
... It thus makes sense to call any height 2 bigon relation of the form ab = ca visible inside [1, g] a Hurwitz relation. Relations of this form are what Bessis calls dual braid relations in [1]. When the Hurwitz action is transitive on factorizations, these relations are sufficient to define G g . ...
December 2004
... We define a labeled Riemann surface Σ σ as follows. 3 Let G 1 and G 2 be two identical copies of a regular n-gon. Label the edges of each of the two n-gons by T σ(1) , T σ(2) , . . . ...
February 2004
Journal of Algebra
... In [11], Broué, Malle and Rouquier give presentations of all complex reflection groups, which we refer to as the BMR presentations. The BMR presentations turns out to have a similar link to the complex braid group as Coxeter presentations of real reflection groups have to their associated Artin groups: [4], [6], [11] and [20]). For any complex reflection group W , the group presentation obtained by removing the torsion relations of its BMR presentation is a group presentation for B(W ). ...
January 2004
Experimental Mathematics