David B. McDonald’s research while affiliated with University of Wyoming and other places

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Publications (49)

Dominance ranks, dominance ratings and linear hierarchies: a critique
  • Article

September 2018


65 Reads


13 Citations

Animal Behaviour

Christof Neumann


David B. McDonald


Edge weight variance: Population genetic metrics for social network analysis

December 2017


30 Reads


15 Citations

Animal Behaviour

We present novel metrics for analysis of weighted social networks that focus explicitly on the distribution of edge weights at hierarchical scales from node to egonet to community and to the network as a whole. The formulae are adapted from existing measures, originally developed in the context of population genetics to analyse variance in gene frequencies at different levels of organization. Our metrics, including 'effective degree' (by analogy to effective number of alleles), 'concentration' (by analogy to the inbreeding coefficient), 'observed' and 'expected edge weight diversity' (by analogy to observed and expected gene diversity) and F statistics allow one to partition the variance in edge weights among hierarchical levels of organization within networks. They provide a quantitative method for addressing issues as diverse as disease transmission, social complexity, the spread of learned behaviours and the evolution of cooperation. We illustrate the utility of these new metrics by applying them to three empirical social networks: long-tailed manakins, Chiroxiphia linearis, monk parakeets, Myiopsitta monachus, and mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus.

Coastal latrine sites as social information hubs and drivers of river otter fission–fusion dynamics

October 2016


78 Reads


22 Citations

Animal Behaviour



Michael W. Harrington




Fission–fusion dynamics, consisting of regular shifts in the size and composition of social groups, are prevalent in animal societies and have implications for foraging success, disease and information transfer, and the fitness of individuals. Thus, the individual and environmental factors that drive social dynamics have become a focus of recent investigations. River otters, Lontra canadensis, in coastal Alaska have a plastic social system, influenced by forage fish availability. These carnivores also regularly frequent terrestrial latrine sites, where they associate and communicate through deposition of odorous substances. To investigate fission–fusion dynamics in this system we (1) deployed camera traps to record social behaviours at latrine sites and (2) attached proximity tags to quantify encounter rates among individuals. Camera detections demonstrated that most latrine visits were of single otters and small groups (2–8 individuals). Fusion events into large groups (up to 18 individuals) were infrequent. Larger groups were recorded at crossover latrines, where trails connected bodies of water, whereas social behaviour was more frequent at spatially central latrines. Visiting otters performed signalling behaviours more frequently than social behaviours, especially at crossover sites. Proximity tag data revealed that the timing of fission and fusion events coincided with latrine visits and that spatial overlap was a good predictor of social interaction. Thus, the structural and spatial features of latrines influence their function as centres of information exchange, social activity hubs and meeting places among small social units, with implications for river otter group dynamics. We conclude that shifting social and environmental conditions may lead to high communication complexity. This unique social system provides novel evidence of the role of olfactory communication in mediating social decisions.

Figure 2. Dominance relations show consistent patterns of triadic motifs across taxonomic groups. The significance profiles for each taxonomic group show the same general pattern of variation. The 'other' group includes rodents, marsupials, reptiles and non-social insects. Blue lines represent studies in animal groups in natural settings, and red lines represent captive groups. 
The network motif architecture of dominance hierarchies
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2015


238 Reads


90 Citations

The widespread existence of dominance hierarchies has been a central puzzle in social evolution, yet we lack a framework for synthesizing the vast empirical data on hierarchy structure in animal groups. We applied network motif analysis to compare the structures of dominance networks from data published over the past 80 years. Overall patterns of dominance relations, including some aspects of non-interactions, were strikingly similar across disparate group types. For example, nearly all groups exhibited high frequencies of transitive triads, whereas cycles were very rare. Moreover, pass-along triads were rare, and double-dominant triads were common in most groups. These patterns did not vary in any systematic way across taxa, study settings (captive or wild) or group size. Two factors significantly affected network motif structure: the proportion of dyads that were observed to interact and the interaction rates of the top-ranked individuals. Thus, study design (i.e. how many interactions were observed) and the behaviour of key individuals in the group could explain much of the variations we see in social hierarchies across animals. Our findings confirm the ubiquity of dominance hierarchies across all animal systems, and demonstrate that network analysis provides new avenues for comparative analyses of social hierarchies. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.


Highly variable reproductive isolation among pairs of Catostomus species

February 2015


45 Reads


70 Citations

Molecular Ecology

Hybridization between diverged taxa tests the strength of reproductive isolation, and can therefore reveal mechanisms of reproductive isolation. However, it remains unclear how consistent reproductive isolation is across species' ranges, and to what extent reproductive isolation might remain polymorphic as species diverge. To address these questions, we compared outcomes of hybridization across species pairs of Catostomus fishes in three rivers in the Upper Colorado River basin, where an introduced species, C. commersoni, hybridizes with at least two native species, C. discobolus and C. lattipinis. We observed substantial heterogeneity in outcomes of hybridization, both between species pairs and across geographically separate rivers within each species pair. We also observed hybridization of additional related species with our focal species, suggesting that reproductive isolation in this group involves interactions of multiple evolutionary and ecological factors. These findings suggest that a better understanding of the determinants of variation in reproductive isolation is needed, and that studies of reproductive isolation in hybrids should consider how the dynamics and mechanisms of reproductive isolation vary over ecological space and over evolutionary time. Our results also have implications for the conservation and management of native catostomids in the Colorado River basin. Heterogeneity in outcomes of hybridization suggests that the threat posed by hybridization and genetic introgression to the persistence of native species likely varies with extent of reproductive isolation, both across rivers and across species pairs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Structure of male cooperation networks at long-tailed manakin leks

November 2014


136 Reads


15 Citations

Animal Behaviour

Social networks arise from complex interactions among multiple individuals and affect the emergent properties of groups (e.g. cooperation, disease spread, information transfer, etc.). Cooperation among nonkin is generally predicted to be favoured in structured social networks where individuals primarily interact only with certain individuals. Long-tailed manakins, Chiroxiphia linearis, form lek groups of as many as 15 unrelated males, whose members can attend multiple leks. At each lek, several top-ranked males perform the majority of obligate cooperative courtship displays. We used exponential random graph (ERG) modelling to analyse manakin cooperation networks constructed from 2-year time intervals over a 14-year study period. ERG modelling evaluates how local processes contribute to formation of global social network structure. We found that four local processes of link formation largely explained the overall structure of male manakin cooperation networks: (1) the spatial proximity of birds: males were more likely to cooperate if they primarily displayed at the same or neighbouring leks; (2) social status of birds: males were more likely to cooperate as they moved up the social queue at leks; (3) triad closure: males were more likely to cooperate with a ‘friend of a friend’ than with males with which they did not share a mutual partner; and (4) link persistence: males were more likely to cooperate with males whom they had cooperated with in the past. Other plausible mechanisms, such as selective mixing (the tendency to interact with individuals of similar or dissimilar social status) and preferential attachment by degree (whereby individuals with many social links gain additional links) did not consistently explain the structure of male cooperation networks at leks. These local processes may facilitate cooperation among long-tailed manakins by creating structured social networks in which males interact with only a subset of the population.

Figure 1 (A) A directed network of 25 individuals linked by 39 interactions. Two triad subgraphs have been highlighted: a feed-forward loop (dashed dark) and a fully connected triad (dotted light). (B) The 16 possible triadic configurations in a directed network. Circles represent individuals and arrows indicate a directed social interaction.  
Table 1
Figure 2 Examples of temporal dynamics across animal social networks. (A) Networks in successive 2-year timeblocks of long-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis). Permission from the National Academy of Science, McDonald DB. 2007. Predicting fate from early connectivity in a social network. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. 104:10910–10914. Photo by Christine Fisher. (B). Network dynamics among adult female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in the dry and wet seasons. Originally published by BioMed Central, " de Silva S, Ranjeewa ADG, Kryazhimskiy S. 2011. The dynamics of social networks among female Asian elephants. BMC Ecol. 11:17. " Photo by Uda Walawe Elephant Research Project. (C) Network dynamics among adult and subadult spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) during periods of low and high prey abundance. Permission from Wiley, " Holekamp KE, Smith JE, Strelioff CC, Van Horn RC, Watts HE. 2012. Society, demography and genetics in the spotted hyena. Mol Ecol. 21:613–632. " Photo by Kay E. Holekamp. (D) Information flow among ants (Temnothorax rugatulus) represented as (i) links over time, (ii) time-aggregated networks, and (iii) time-ordered networks. Permission from PLOS, " Blonder B, Dornhaus A. 2011. Time-ordered networks reveal limitations to information flow in ant colonies. PLoS One. 6:e20298. "  
The dynamics of animal social networks: Analytical, conceptual, and theoretical advances

March 2013


1,744 Reads


416 Citations

Behavioral Ecology

Social network analysis provides a broad and complex perspective on animal sociality that is widely applicable to almost any species. Recent applications demonstrate the utility of network analysis for advancing our understanding of the dynamics, selection pressures, development, and evolution of complex social systems. However, most studies of animal social networks rely primarily on a descriptive approach. To propel the field of animal social networks beyond exploratory analyses and to facilitate the integration of quantitative methods that allow for the testing of ecologically and evolutionarily relevant hypotheses, we review methodological and conceptual advances in network science, which are underutilized in studies of animal sociality. First, we highlight how the use of statistical modeling and triadic motifs analysis can advance our understanding of the processes that structure networks. Second, we discuss how the consideration of temporal changes and spatial constraints can shed light on the dynamics of social networks. Third, we consider how the study of variation at multiple scales can potentially transform our understanding of the structure and function of animal networks. We direct readers to analytical tools that facilitate the adoption of these new concepts and methods. Our goal is to provide behavioral ecologists with a toolbox of current methods that can stimulate novel insights into the ecological influences and evolutionary pressures structuring networks and advance our understanding of the proximate and ultimate processes that drive animal sociality.

Comparative transitive and temporal orderliness in dominance networks

March 2013


17 Reads


69 Citations

Behavioral Ecology

Dominance is a social relation between a subordinate animal and the dominant to which it submits. Animal groups seem regularly to form dominance hierarchies in which dominance relations are transitive and stable, but comparative studies are rare. Dominance hierarchies can be formalized as social networks, with arrows (directed edges) pointing from dominant animals (nodes) to subordinates. Using this network perspective, we explored the orderliness of 40 published datasets for taxa from ants to elephants. To quantify orderliness, we used the triad census, a technique from sociology, that enumerates the proportion of orderly (transitive) triads (e.g., A dominates B and C, B dominates C, yielding clear top, middle, and bottom rankings) versus disorderly (cyclic) triads (e.g., A dominates B, B dominates C, but C in turn dominates A). All 40 datasets showed a significant excess of orderly (transitive) triads and a deficit of disorderly (cyclic) triads compared with the null model of random networks. Most datasets showed relatively high rank stability (mean stability index of 0.81 on a scale from 0 to 1). Steep hierarchies arise when the scores used to rank contestants differ sharply, further promoting stability. All 40 dominance hierarchies were steeper than expected from randomized sequences of contests. The overwhelming conclusion was that animal groups are orderly, as assessed by a high proportion of transitive relations, a paucity of disorderly cycles, and high temporal stability in rankings. Thus, a certain degree of self-organization may characterize even agonistic interactions across many different kinds of animal societies.

Figure 1 The types of triads possible when asymmetric edges (1-way arrows pointing from dominant to subordinate) join nodes (animals). Any network containing n nodes has n-choose-3 triads. Each of the n-choose-3 triads can be classied as 1 of the 7 distinct (nonisomorphic) triad types shown above. The count of triad types is called a triad census. The inherently transitive (orderly) types, Double-dominant, Double-loser, and Transitive, are underlined. The 2-edge triad type that we term Pass-along can become either cyclic (disorderly; if the third edge points up) or transitive (orderly; if the edge points down), if and when the third edge (dominance relation) is established.  
Figure 2 Box-and-whisker plots for various metrics for the 40 datasets. The heavy horizontal line denotes the median. The box spans the 25–75th percentiles of the data. The vertical dashed lines encompass either the range of the data, or, if outliers exist (open circles), 1.5 times the interquartile range of the data. 1) Gini coefcient of inequality (a measure of the steepness of the rank scores using Elo rating); 2) Elo-rating rank stability index; 3) density of the outcome matrix; 4) global clustering coefcient; 5) triangle transitivity, t tri , the expected t tri in a random network is 0; 6) proportion of dyads whose contest bouts resulted in draws.  
Figure 4 Trajectory of Elo-rating scores (y axis) over a series of contests (x axis). A) Female American bison (Bison bison) had a rather low stability index of 0.57 (many rank changes) during the course of their 112 dyadic contests, although note the early and clear gap between the top-ranked individual and all the rest. B) Red-spotted masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawai) data had a high stability index of 0.98 during the course of their series of 1732 dyadic contests.
Comparative Transitive and Temporal Orderliness in Dominance Networks

March 2013


247 Reads


48 Citations

Behavioral Ecology

Dominance is a social relation between a subordinate animal and the dominant to which it submits. Animal groups seem regularly to form dominance hierarchies in which dominance relations are transitive and stable, but comparative studies are rare. Dominance hierarchies can be formalized as social networks, with arrows (directed edges) pointing from dominant animals (nodes) to subordinates. Using this network perspective, we explored the orderliness of 40 published datasets for taxa from ants to elephants. To quantify orderliness, we used the triad census, a technique from sociology, that enumerates the proportion of orderly (transitive) triads (e.g., A dominates B and C, B dominates C, yielding clear top, middle, and bottom rankings) versus disorderly (cyclic) triads (e.g., A dominates B, B dominates C, but C in turn dominates A). All 40 datasets showed a significant excess of orderly (transitive) triads and a deficit of disorderly (cyclic) triads compared with the null model of random networks. Most datasets showed relatively high rank stability (mean stability index of 0.81 on a scale from 0 to 1). Steep hierarchies arise when the scores used to rank contestants differ sharply, further promoting stability. All 40 dominance hierarchies were steeper than expected from randomized sequences of contests. The overwhelming conclusion was that animal groups are orderly, as assessed by a high proportion of transitive relations, a paucity of disorderly cycles, and high temporal stability in rankings. Thus, a certain degree of self-organization may characterize even agonistic interactions across many different kinds of animal societies. [Includes supplemental materials; Appendix 1-3]

Citations (47)

... Genetic methods are commonly used to indirectly estimate migration rates and effective dispersal, which have the advantage of capturing information about the movement of genes (Fukuda et al., 2022;Koopman et al., 2007). Specifically, the field of landscape genetics focuses on evaluating the influence of landscape features (composition, structure and matrix quality) on microevolutionary processes (i.e. gene flow, genetic drift and selection), at the individual or population level (Balkenhol et al., 2015;Manel et al., 2003;Storfer et al., 2007). ...


Landscape features influencing gene flow and connectivity of an endangered passerine
High Connectivity and Minimal Genetic Structure Among North American Boreal Owl (Aegolius Funereus) Populations, Regardless of Habitat Matrix
  • Citing Article
  • April 2007


... As a result, this subtle variation can be used to assess the degree of hybridization even between very closely related forms (Keller et al. 2013;Payseur and Riesberg 2016;Moran et al. 2021). Here, we harness the power of genomic sequencing technology to distinguish avian long-distance migrants from northern California residents in western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), a subspecies previously known for its panmictic genetics (Korfanta et al. 2005;Macías-Duarte et al. 2020). We used the same genetic data to estimate the degree and timing of hybridization between the two migratory forms within a species. ...

Burrowing Owl (Athene Cunicularia) Population Genetics: A Comparison of North American Forms and Migratory Habits


... Moreover, variation of plumage traits may facilitate diversification of life strategies within a species (Lank et al. 1995;Gross 1996), and it also can vary throughout the lifetime of the individual, typically transitioning the most between early and adult life (Rohwer 1986;Londoño et al. 2022). Plumage maturation has important implications for the social life of birds Hawkins et al. 2012), and in some species it may take several years to attain the definitive plumage, even in passerines (Doucet et al. 2007). ...

Plumage Development and Molt in Long-Tailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia Linearis): Variation According to Sex and Age


... положения разных группировок в «сети» поселений вида в соответствующей местности, наличием «лучших» (устойчивых многочисленных) и «худших» (неустойчивых, более временных и малочисленных) группировок, между которыми движутся потоки переселенцев. Из первых во вторые выселяются преимущественно неуспешные особи, вытесненные из «лучших» по селений, характеризуемых большей плотностью и большим напряжением конкуренции за территорию и/или партнера, в противоположную сторону -их антагонисты, увеличивающие переселением свой ре продуктивный успех (Kharitonov, 1998;McDonald, 2003;Goltsman, 2005); в) устойчивое воспроизводство популяций разного ранга, от местных поселений (демов) до географических популяций, (а скорее всего и подвидов), больше зависит от постоянства притока вселенцев со стороны, чем от эффективности размножения резидентов (Шилова, 1993; Фридман, Ерёмкин, 2009). Во всяком случае, для разных видов показано, что ослабление первого с сохранением среднего (а то и высокого) уровня успешности второго вызывает направленное сокращение популяций и неизменно ведет к вымиранию раньше или позже, если только соответствующий подток не восстановится. ...

Microsatellite DNA Evidence for Gene Flow in Neotropical Lek-Mating Long-Tailed Manakins
  • Citing Article
  • August 2003

Ornithological Applications

... To determine if data sets including only decided interactions infer consistently steeper hierarchies than data sets including undecided interactions, I ran a general linear mixed model (GLMM) with beta error structure, response variable the mean steepness of a given hierarchy (extracted from the posterior steepness distribution; ranging from 0 to 1) and main explanatory variable the behavioural data set used to infer the hierarchy. I also fitted the number of individuals and the mean number of interactions per individual (Neumann et al., 2018;Neumann & Fischer, 2023) as fixed factors and the study and species as random factors. I did not transform the response variable as recommended for models using a beta error distribution because all values were larger than zero. ...

Dominance ranks, dominance ratings and linear hierarchies: a critique
  • Citing Article
  • September 2018

Animal Behaviour

... In addition, M. alba is self-compatible and pollinated by bumblebees [15]. Genetic research shows about 92% of genetic diversity is found within populations [17], and genetic diversity may be lower than other perennial Florida mint species [45]. Drought or extreme weather may reduce reproductive output or result in temporary dormancy until conditions improve [15,17]. ...

Genetic variation in some plants of Florida scrub
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

American Journal of Botany

... Several studies (6/49 = 12%) used animal social network meta-datasets to illustrate new methods or confirm trends in network science or related fields. These included identifying novel scaling trends (Ojer & Pastor-Satorras, 2022;Rocha et al., 2021;Ward, 2021), producing new approaches (McDonald & Hobson, 2018;Ojer & Pastor-Satorras, 2022;Shizuka & Farine, 2016;Ward, 2021) or deriving new network traits (Péron, 2023). ...

Edge weight variance: Population genetic metrics for social network analysis
  • Citing Article
  • December 2017

Animal Behaviour

... These chemosignals are typically long-lasting, especially feces and anal secretions, which contain compounds of high molecular weight and low volatility, whereas urine contains more volatiles and tends to be more short-lived (Regnier and Goodwin 1977;Alberts 1992;Apps et al. 2015). Latrine use is a common feature of olfactory communication in a variety of species, including ungulates (Brashares and Arcese 1999;Attum et al. 2006;Wronski et al. 2006;Wronski and Plath 2010;Linklater et al. 2013;Marneweck et al. 2018), lagomorphs (Zollner et al. 1996), placental carnivores (Begg et al. 2003;Palphramand and White 2007;Kilshaw et al. 2009; Mustelidae: Barocas et al. 2016;Herpestidae: Jordan et al. 2007; Canidae: Macdonald 1980;Darden et al. 2008;Barja 2009; Hyaenidae: Gorman and Mills 1984; Procynidae: Barja and List 2006), primates (González-Zamora et al. 2012;Dröscher and Kappeler 2014;Eppley et al. 2016), and marsupial carnivores (Pemberton 1990;Ruibal et al. 2011). Latrine use has been prominent in some lineages dating back to some of the earliest mammalian ancestors (Fiorelli et al. 2013). ...

Coastal latrine sites as social information hubs and drivers of river otter fission–fusion dynamics
  • Citing Article
  • October 2016

Animal Behaviour

... Owing to the large genome size, we in creased the stringency of SSR mining using search criteria that involved fixing the parameters of the minimum number of repeats at 30, 15, 10, 8, 6, and 5 for mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexanucleotide repeat motifs (Matsubara et al. 2016, Liu et al. 2019a). Since the loci with a low number of repeats are usually less polymorphic (McDonald & Potts 1997), the minimum number of repeats for all the motifs was set high for the mining of SSR markers. The distance between the 2 SSRs (dMax) was set at 10 bp, so the interference or overlapping repeats could be ex cluded for compound SSRs. ...

DNA Microsatellites as Genetic Markers at Several Scales
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 1997

... Estimates of vital rates result from mark-recapture (Pollock et al. 1990) or other demographic studies and can include estimates of age-specific survival and fecundity, immigration, emigration and trends in these parameters (Caughley 1977, Lebreton et al. 1992). This information can be used to estimate past rates of population increase or decrease (Caswell 1989;McDonald and Caswell 1993;Morris et al. 1999;Silvertown et al. 1993, Morris and Doak 2002, Brown and Giles 2007, Miranda and Bettoli 2007 and to examine the demographic properties of the population (e.g., Forsman et al. 2011). ...

Matrix Methods for Avian Demography
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993