David B. Mark Welch’s research while affiliated with Marine Biological Laboratory and other places

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Publications (111)

Response of bdelloid rotifers to inoculation with the fungal pathogen R. globospora
a Active A. ricciae; active and contracted A. vaga; composite of three A. ricciae corpses with fully developed R. globospora infections, differentiating into irregular resting spores and long conidiophores bearing spherical infectious conidia. b Proportion of rotifers killed by infection 72 hours after exposure to R. globospora. Points indicate replicate laboratory populations of A. vaga (n = 16 populations, 189 animals) and A. ricciae (n = 21 populations, 216 animals) exposed to 1000 conidia. Asterisks indicate a highly significant difference in infection mortality (relative risk test, RR = 3.74, 95% CI: 2.8–5.0, z = 8.76, P = 1.4e–25). Boxplots show median and interquartile range (IQR), and whiskers extend to the farthest datapoint from the median that remains within 1.5*IQR of Q1 and Q3 respectively. c Principal component analysis of overall gene expression across A. vaga and A. ricciae orthologous genes. The proportions of total variation accounted for by primary (PC1) and secondary (PC2) components are indicated in parentheses. Clustering of treatment groups across species indicates a strongly shared response in gene expression at T7 that diverges at T24, as A. ricciae moves further and more consistently along the PC1 axis than A. vaga. d Dynamics of gene up- and downregulation relative to control populations inoculated with UV-inactivated spores. Error bars around the observed number of genes in each category show 95% confidence intervals estimated from n = 100 bootstrap replicates (i.e., sampling across all genes with replacement 100 times, each time recalculating the number of shared genes in each category). Asterisks refer to significant differences in the proportion of the species’ respective genesets that are DE (Bonferroni-corrected Chi-square tests, d.f. = 1; n = 58,423 for A. ricciae, 66,273 for A. vaga; P = 9.7e–22, 5.4e–23, 4.7e–38 and 5.8e–8 respectively). e Extent of gene sharing in differentially expressed subsets across timepoints (within species). Values show the number of significantly DE genes shared by intersecting groups. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Gene expression in response to pathogen exposure in the bdelloid rotifers A. vaga and A. ricciae
Points represent individual genes plotted by log2 fold-change in expression level on the X-axis and significance (–log10 FDR) on the Y-axis, shown for aA. vaga and bA. ricciae at timepoints 7- and 24-hours post-inoculation. Positive X-axis values indicate genes upregulated in response to live pathogen challenge. Genes with significant expression changes (defined as absolute fold-change > 4 and FDR < 1e–3, dashed lines) are shown in colour, with HGTC indicated by darker shading. Genes with non-significant expression changes are shown in grey ( > 95% of genes are non-significant at these thresholds). At T7, the relative magnitude of DE among upregulated genes did not differ significantly between species (estimate = 0.076, SE = 0.053, t = 1.44, P = 0.15). However, at T24 the relative magnitude of upregulation was significantly higher for A. ricciae than A. vaga (three-way interaction of time, species and DE set: estimate = 0.23, SE = 0.058, t = 4.02, P = 5.8e–5). No significant differences were detected between species in magnitude of downregulation (Supplementary Table 1). ‘NS core’ = no significant change in expression and not HGTC; ‘NS HGTC’ = no significant change in expression and is HGTC; ‘DE core’ = significant change in expression (up or down) and not HGTC; ‘DE HGTC’ = significant change in expression (up or down) and HGTC; values indicate the number of genes in each category. Bar plots show the proportion (%) of HGTC per DE subset. P-values refer to tests of non-association between HGTC and the corresponding DE subset (two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests, Table 1).
Gene expression in response to desiccation stress in A. vaga
Reanalysis of gene expression data from Hecox-Lea and Mark Welch (2018)⁵¹, showing the proportion of HGTC in significantly DE gene subsets when animals are a entering and b recovering from desiccation. Plots arranged as in Fig. 2; enrichment relative to non-DE baselines were assessed as above by two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests. Extent of gene sharing in differentially (c) upregulated and d downregulated subsets between the pathogen and desiccation experiments. Pathogen groups (T7 and T24) are shown in solid outlines, desiccation groups (‘Ent’ = entering anhydrobiosis and ‘Rec’ = recovering from desiccation) in dashed outlines. Values in each segment show the number of A. vaga genes significantly up- or downregulated for intersecting groups. Segments with no values have no genes shared across that intersection. Overall, the proportion of upregulated genes shared between experiments is low (ca. 10%) compared to within experiments (mean = 52%; see Supplementary Table 5 for further details). Values just for HGTC showed a similar pattern: of the 285 HGTC upregulated during recovery from desiccation, only 33 (~12%, T7) and 63 (~24%, T24) were also upregulated in response to pathogens. Even fewer genes are shared among downregulated subsets.
Enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms for upregulated HGTC at T24
a Significantly enriched GO terms relating to the molecular function of HGTC upregulated in A. ricciae in response to the pathogen (FDR < 0.001) at T24. The area of the rectangle corresponds to the relative magnitude of enrichment of each term; related sub-terms are grouped under a single colour. Terms associated with NRP/PKS functions are highlighted with a yellow border. ‘Catalytic activity’ and ‘oxidoreductase activity’ are associated with NRP/PKS functions too, but these are high-level generic terms. b Equivalent plot for A. vaga. c As a control, we applied the same functional enrichment analysis (but with a permissive FDR < 0.05) to HGTC that were differentially expressed by A. vaga while entering desiccation (Supplementary Data 5). d Equivalent plot showing GO terms for upregulated HGTC (FDR < 0.05) during recovery from desiccation. If enriched gene categories reflect a generalised stress response rather than putative adaptations to a fungal attack, or arise from biases in GO or HGTC annotation, we would expect some of the same terms to emerge. However, there was no enrichment in either case for GO terms relating to NRP/PKS. Instead, NRP/PKS-associated terms were significantly enriched among genes downregulated by A. vaga when entering or recovering from desiccation (e.g. ‘phosphopantetheine binding’, FDR = 1.45e–5; ‘antibiotic biosynthetic process’, FDR = 0.0029; Supplementary Data 5). In response to desiccation, therefore, rotifers seem more likely to downregulate NRP/PKS genes that had been constitutively expressed in hydrated control animals, rather than upregulating those that were not previously active. RNA ligase and glucan-binding (lichenase) functions were not enriched among upregulated genes in the desiccation conditions either, even with a relaxed threshold (FDR < 0.1). When the shared ‘oxidoreductase activity’ term was disaggregated into more specific sub-terms, there was no overlap between stressors (Supplementary Data 6). In general, almost no overlap was detected in terms of molecular function or biological process between the pathogen and desiccation responses, either for the HGTC shown here or for all genes considered together (6/157 shared molecular function terms, < 4%, Supplementary Data 6).
Diversity, structure, genomic location, and expression dynamics of putative NRP/PKS encoded by bdelloid rotifers
a Phylogeny of NRP/PKS coding sequences (CDS) based on aligning the condensation domain to selected sequences from other kingdoms. Components of selected bacterial and fungal antimicrobial biosynthesis pathways are named for reference, together with Nrps-1 and Pks-1, which synthesise neuron-associated molecules in Caenorhabditis elegans. Other examples of animal NRP/PKS include a springtail (Folsomia candida), mollusc (Lottia gigantea), lancelet (Brachiostoma belcheri) and sea star (Patiria miniata). Shading and symbols for bdelloid copies correspond to the expression dynamics at T24 (panel e). The ‘upregulated clade’ in blue dashed lines comprises 11 CDS from A. ricciae and 1 from A. vaga. The other upregulated A. vaga CDS (asterisk) clusters with bacterial homologues and may be a recent acquisition (its best match is pksN1 from Corallococcus coralloides; Supplementary Data 8). b Domain arrangement for significantly upregulated PKS-NRPS hybrid clusters. Multiple partially-assembled A. ricciae CDS are aligned to the more completely assembled, putatively orthologous PKS-NRPS cluster in A. vaga (blue dashed box). The condensation domain used for the phylogeny is highlighted in yellow. c Locations of ca. 40 putative biosynthetic gene clusters (black lines, inner circle) in a haploid, chromosome-scale A. vaga assembly. Blue-shaded sectors show subtelomeric regions; orange track shows density of HGTC. Arrows demark clusters corresponding to AVAG|g23567 (black) and AVAG|g48151 (blue). d Density of a telomeric repeat motif in 25 kb up- and downstream flanking regions surrounding core eukaryotic (BUSCO) genes and putative NRP/PKS (n = 1120, 1138, 97 and 45 for A. vaga and A. ricciae respectively). Boxplots show median and interquartile range (IQR); whiskers extend to the farthest datapoint from the median that remains within 1.5*IQR of Q1 and Q3 respectively. e Expression dynamics for all putative NRP/PKS CDS in A. vaga (n = 60) and A. ricciae (n = 36) at T7 and T24. Boxplot components are as in d, but show distributions exclusively for upregulated NRP/PKS CDS (significant or not); filled symbols indicate significant DE (absolute fold-change > 4, FDR < 1e–3). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


Bdelloid rotifers deploy horizontally acquired biosynthetic genes against a fungal pathogen
  • Article
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July 2024


90 Reads


2 Citations



Bette J. Hecox-Lea




Christopher G. Wilson

Coevolutionary antagonism generates relentless selection that can favour genetic exchange, including transfer of antibiotic synthesis and resistance genes among bacteria, and sexual recombination of disease resistance alleles in eukaryotes. We report an unusual link between biological conflict and DNA transfer in bdelloid rotifers, microscopic animals whose genomes show elevated levels of horizontal gene transfer from non-metazoan taxa. When rotifers were challenged with a fungal pathogen, horizontally acquired genes were over twice as likely to be upregulated as other genes — a stronger enrichment than observed for abiotic stressors. Among hundreds of upregulated genes, the most markedly overrepresented were clusters resembling bacterial polyketide and nonribosomal peptide synthetases that produce antibiotics. Upregulation of these clusters in a pathogen-resistant rotifer species was nearly ten times stronger than in a susceptible species. By acquiring, domesticating, and expressing non-metazoan biosynthetic pathways, bdelloids may have evolved to resist natural enemies using antimicrobial mechanisms absent from other animals.


The Effects of Lamin B Receptor knockdown on a Myeloid Leukemia Cell

June 2024


13 Reads

In an effort to extend our understanding of the genetic functions of the nuclear envelope protein Lamin B Receptor (LBR), we examined the effect of a stable short hairpin (sh1) RNAi knockdown of LBR on the transcriptome and immunostained morphology of the human myeloid leukemia cell line (HL-60/S4). This examination was on sh1 cells induced to granulocytic form with Retinoic Acid (RA) versus sh1 cells maintained undifferentiated (0). By comparison to control cells (i.e., not sh1), we obtained gene lists that were differentially expressed only in the LBR knockdown cell line (i.e., only-sh1-down and only-sh1-up), in RA versus 0 cells. These curated gene lists were examined by Gene Ontology (GO) analysis. Aside from chromatin related GO terms, the most surprising finding was a significant downregulation of Golgi related genes only in the sh1 cells. Possible relationships between the Cis-Golgi-Network and LBR are discussed. Another surprise was a significant upregulation of Ribosome protein transcripts only in the sh1 cells. In parallel to these findings, an immunostaining comparison of nucleoli in S4 and sh1 cells demonstrated that the number and location of nucleoli in a single nucleus differs, depending upon the presence of LBR. Speculations on the influence of LBR levels upon the liquid-liquid phase separation model of nucleolar condensation are presented.

The Multifaceted Phenotype of Senescent HL-60/S4 Macrophages

June 2024


51 Reads

Every cell has a multifaceted phenotype. Transcriptional analysis of functionally defined groups of genes can provide insight into this phenotypic complexity. In the present study, the mRNA transcriptome of phorbol ester (TPA) differentiated HL-60/S4 macrophage cells was scrutinized using Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), which evaluates the strengths of various cellular phenotypes by examining the enrichment of functionally different gene sets. Employing GSEA, we obtained supporting evidence that HL-60/S4 macrophages are senescent, probably a consequence of enriched TGFβ and NOTCH signaling transcripts. There appears to be a reduction of transcripts for heterochromatin, nucleosome formation, and chromatin remodeling phenotypes. In addition, despite upregulated oxidative stress gene transcription, we observed a reduction of DNA damage and repair transcripts. GSEA indicated that transcripts for autophagy, extracellular matrix, and inflammation/inflammasomes are enriched. We also observed that the HL-60/S4 macrophage is enriched for apoptosis gene transcripts, which may promote necrotic death by pyroptosis. The long-term goal of this research direction is to see whether this complex multifaceted phenotypic pattern is shared with other types of macrophages and to determine what mechanisms might exist to coordinate these phenotypic facets within a single cell.

The transcriptome of acute dehydration in myeloid leukemic cellsThe transcriptome of acute dehydration in myeloid leukemic cells

December 2023


70 Reads

Postępy Biochemii

Human myeloid leukemia cells (HL-60/S4) exposed to hyperosmotic stress with sucrose undergo dehydration and cell shrinkage. Interphase chromatin and mitotic chromosomes congeal, exhibiting altered phase separation (demixing) of chromatin proteins. To investigate changes in the transcriptome, we exposed HL-60/S4 cells to hyperosmotic sucrose stress (~600 milliOsmolar) for 30 and 60 minutes. We employed RNA-Seq of polyA mRNA to identify genes with increased or decreased transcript levels relative to untreated control cells (i.e., differential gene expression). These genes were examined for over-representation of Gene Ontology (GO) terms. In stressed cells, multiple GO terms associated with transcription, translation, mitochondrial function and proteosome activity, as well as “replication-dependent histones”, were over-represented among genes with increased transcript levels; whereas, genes with decreased transcript levels were over-represented with transcription repressors. The transcriptome profiles of hyperosmotically-stressed cells suggest acquisition of cellular rebuilding, a futile homeostatic response, as these cells are ultimately doomed to a dehydrated death.

Anatomy and microinjection of Brachionus manjavacas
(A) Schematic of B. manjavacas. Rotifers have about 1,000 nuclei in highly syncytial tissue including muscle, digestive, nervous, and reproductive systems. The vitellarium provides material including organelles and mRNA to oocytes developing within the ovarium. Oocytes expand in size to become single-celled embryos that are extruded from the mother as eggs before further development. Multiple single-celled eggs may remain attached to the mother by thin filaments during development until just prior to hatching. Within the embryo, the vitellarium and ovarium develop from a common progenitor after the 16-cell stage and are separated from the somatic tissue by a barrier called the follicular layer [23,24]. (B) Microinjection: A neonate is immobilized by light suction to the apical corona while an injection needle is inserted through the integument into the vitellarium/ovarium. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Same individual as (B), showing fluorescence of tetramethylrhodamine in the vitellarium. Scale bar, 100 μm. (D) Strategy for isolating mutant lines: Injected neonate matures to an asexually reproducing female (“mother,” top). Cas9 complexes are transmitted from the mother’s vitellarium into oocytes that mature into the F0 generation. Many of these are expected to be mosaic [25,26]. Individuals are used for genotyping or allowed to reproduce asexually to create the F1 generation. Offspring of the F1 and subsequent generations are used for genotyping or allowed to reproduce asexually, forming clonal Fn lines; a portion of each Fn line is used for genotyping while the line is maintained through asexual reproduction.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of vasa
(A) Brachionus manjavacas vasa gene, showing the single exon with predicted functional domains, with the sgRNA target site labelled by a red arrow. The WT reference sequence shows the sgRNA target sequence in shadow and its adjacent PAM. The Cas9-cutting site is indicated by a red triangle. Mutant alleles (from no. 1 to 11) identified in F0s and F1s of CRISPR-injected females are listed below, with deletions indicated by dashes and insertions in lowercase letters. The net indels (− deletion, + insertion, in bp) are noted on the right. (B) Portion of F0 and F1 individuals with each mutant allele from 4 CRISPR-injected mothers. Numbers correspond to mutation types shown in (A). PAM, protospacer adjacent motif; sgRNA, single-guide RNA; WT, wild-type.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of mlh3
(A) Brachionus manjavacas mlh3 gene, showing exons as rectangles, introns and untranslated regions as lines. Predicted functional motifs are filled with different colors. MIP box stands for Mlh1-interacting protein box. The sgRNA target site in exon 2 is labelled by red arrow. The WT reference sequence shows the sgRNA target sequence (shaded) and its adjacent PAM. The Cas9-cutting site is indicated by a red triangle. Mutant alleles (numbered 1–13) identified in the offspring of CRISPR-injected females are listed below, with deletions indicated by dashes and insertions in lowercase letters. The net indels (− deletion, + insertion, > substitution, in bp) are noted on the right. (B) Portion of offspring with each mutant allele from 3 CRISPR-injected mothers. Numbers correspond to mutation types shown in (A). (C) Frequency of genotypes of mlh3 in F0, F1, and Fn of CRISPR-injected mothers: WT/KOj, heterozygous wild type and knockout; KOj/KOj, homozygous knockout; KOj/KOk, heterozygous knockout; or mosaic (3 or more alleles); see S1 Data for details of allele sequences found in each individual. The relative frequency of mosaicism decreases with each successive generation after injection. PAM, protospacer adjacent motif; sgRNA, single-guide RNA; WT, wild-type.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated HDR of mlh3
(A) Schematic of ssDNA repair template containing a stop codon cassette (with stop codons in bold), flanked by 20 bp homology arms. Dashed lines indicate regions of sequence homology between the template and the mlh3 locus. Red triangle indicates Cas9-cutting site. (B) The number of F2 offspring genotyped that possess HDR alleles descended from 3 injected mothers. (C) Mutant alleles generated by CRISPR through HDR or NHEJ. The allele with accurate stop codon cassette insertion (lowercase letters) is the top sequence, followed by 3 variants that were also found. Mutant alleles generated through NHEJ are also listed. Out of 18 F2 rotifers genotyped, the number of rotifers that possess each allele is noted on the right in parentheses. HDR, homology-directed repair; NHEJ, nonhomologous end joining; PAM, protospacer adjacent motif; ssDNA, single-stranded DNA.
Highly efficient CRISPR-mediated gene editing in a rotifer

July 2023


150 Reads


8 Citations

Rotifers have been studied in the laboratory and field for over 100 years in investigations of microevolution, ecological dynamics, and ecotoxicology. In recent years, rotifers have emerged as a model system for modern studies of the molecular mechanisms of genome evolution, development, DNA repair, aging, life history strategy, and desiccation tolerance. However, a lack of gene editing tools and transgenic strains has limited the ability to link genotype to phenotype and dissect molecular mechanisms. To facilitate genetic manipulation and the creation of reporter lines in rotifers, we developed a protocol for highly efficient, transgenerational, CRISPR-mediated gene editing in the monogonont rotifer Brachionus manjavacas by microinjection of Cas9 protein and synthetic single-guide RNA into the vitellaria of young amictic (asexual) females. To demonstrate the efficacy of the method, we created knockout mutants of the developmental gene vasa and the DNA mismatch repair gene mlh3. More than half of mothers survived injection and produced offspring. Genotyping these offspring and successive generations revealed that most carried at least 1 CRISPR-induced mutation, with many apparently mutated at both alleles. In addition, we achieved precise CRISPR-mediated knock-in of a stop codon cassette in the mlh3 locus, with half of injected mothers producing F2 offspring with an insertion of the cassette. Thus, this protocol produces knockout and knock-in CRISPR/Cas9 editing with high efficiency, to further advance rotifers as a model system for biological discovery.

Fig 1. Anatomy and microinjection of Brachionus manjavacas. (A) Schematic of B. 518
Development of Highly Efficient CRISPR-Mediated Gene Editing in the Rotifer Brachionus manjavacas

October 2022


117 Reads

Rotifers have been studied in the laboratory and field for over 100 years and are an emerging modern model system for investigation of the molecular mechanisms of genome evolution, development, DNA repair, aging, life history strategy, and desiccation tolerance, and have a long been used in studies of microevolution, ecological dynamics, and ecotoxicology. However, a lack of gene editing tools and transgenic strains has limited the ability to link genotype to phenotype and dissect molecular mechanisms. To facilitate genetic manipulation and the creation of reporter lines, we developed a protocol for highly efficient, transgenerational, CRISPR-mediated gene editing in the monogonont rotifer Brachionus manjavacas by microinjection of Cas9 protein and synthetic single guide RNA into the vitellaria of young amictic (asexual) females. To demonstrate the efficacy of the method, we created knockout mutants of the developmental gene vasa and the DNA mismatch repair gene mlh3. More than half of mothers survived injection and produced offspring. Genotyping these offspring and successive generations revealed that most carried at least one CRISPR-induced mutation, with many apparently mutated at both alleles or mosaic. In addition, we achieved precise CRISPR-mediated knockin of a stop codon cassette in the mlh3 locus, with half of injected mothers producing 33% or more F2 offspring with an insertion of the cassette. These results demonstrate the efficacy of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in rotifers to provide insight into the function of specific genes and further advance rotifers as a model system for biological discovery.

Significant Changes in Transcript Levels.
The Transcriptome of Acute Dehydration in Myeloid Leukemia Cells

September 2022


22 Reads

Live human myeloid leukemia (HL-60/S4) cells exposed to acute hyperosmotic stress with sucrose undergo dehydration and cell shrinkage. Interphase chromatin and mitotic chromosomes congeal, and exhibit altered phase separation (demixing) of chromatin-associated proteins. To investigate concurrent changes in the transcriptome, we exposed exponentially growing HL-60/S4 cells to acute hyperosmotic stress (∼600 milliOsmolar) for 30 and 60 minutes by addition of sucrose to the culture medium. We employed RNA-Seq of polyA mRNA to identify genes with significantly increased or decreased transcript levels relative to untreated control cells (i.e., differential gene expression). These identified genes were examined for over-representation of Gene Ontology (GO) terms. In hyperosmotically-stressed cells, multiple GO terms associated with transcription, translation, mitochondrial function and proteosome activity, as well as the gene set “replication-dependent histones”, were over-represented among genes with increased transcript levels; whereas, genes with decreased transcript levels were over-represented in various GO terms for transcription repressors. The overall transcriptome profiles of these stressed cells suggest a rapid acquisition of cellular rebuilding, a futile homeostatic response, as these cells are ultimately doomed to a dehydrated death. “Do not go gentle into that good night Rage, rage against the dying of the light” Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)

Taxonomic composition of embryonic and adult skate bacterial communities. Relative abundance of the top ten bacterial classes in the dataset are shown for each site and timepoint as well as for water and hand controls. First, classes of phylum Proteobacteria are shown in shades of blue, followed by other classes ordered alphabetically. For the controls, n = 4 for hand and n = 8 for water samples
Principal coordinate analysis plots of little skate bacterial samples. PCoA analysis (Bray–Curtis) of skate and control samples. PC1 versus PC2 (A) and PC1 versus PC3 (B). Sample distribution the same as in Fig. 1
Alpha diversity of embryonic and adult skate bacterial communities. Boxplots of Shannon (A) and Chao1 (B) alpha diversity metrics for each sample site. Datapoints shown in black. Colored points are statistical outliers. Stage is indicated by shape. Grey: experimenters’ hands, blue: water, red: egg capsule, orange: internal liquid, green: gill, and purple: skin
Source contributions to the little skate microbiota for each stage and tissue. Boxplots showing source contributions to the bacterial community of the skate microbiota at stage 0 (A), stage 16 (B), stage 26 (C), stage 30 (D), stage 33 (E) and adult (F) estimated using FEAST. Stage 0 used adult tissues as the source pools. Source contributions to adults (F) are shown for stage 33 source pools. Sources are colored as in Fig. 2. Letter codes refer to source pools from the previous stage or controls. H: Experimenters’ hands, W: water; EC: egg capsule, IL: egg capsule internal liquid, G: gill, S: skin, U: unknown source
Bacterial community dynamics during embryonic development of the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea)

October 2021


92 Reads


7 Citations

Animal Microbiome

Background Microbial transmission from parent to offspring is hypothesized to be widespread in vertebrates. However, evidence for this is limited as many evolutionarily important clades remain unexamined. There is currently no data on the microbiota associated with any Chondrichthyan species during embryonic development, despite the global distribution, ecological importance, and phylogenetic position of this clade. In this study, we take the first steps towards filling this gap by investigating the microbiota associated with embryonic development in the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea, a common North Atlantic species and popular system for chondrichthyan biology. Methods To assess the potential for bacterial transmission in an oviparous chondrichthyan, we used 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to characterize the microbial communities associated with the skin, gill, and egg capsule of the little skate, at six points during ontogeny. Community composition was analyzed using the QIIME2 pipeline and microbial continuity between stages was tracked using FEAST. Results We identify site-specific and stage-specific microbiota dominated by the bacterial phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. This composition is similar to, but distinct from, that of previously published data on the adult microbiota of other chondrichthyan species. Our data reveal that the skate egg capsule harbors a highly diverse bacterial community–particularly on the internal surface of the capsule–and facilitates intergenerational microbial transfer to the offspring. Embryonic skin and external gill tissues host similar bacterial communities; the skin and gill communities later diverge as the internal gills and skin denticles develop. Conclusions Our study is the first exploration of the chondrichthyan microbiota throughout ontogeny and provides the first evidence of vertical transmission in this group.

Comparative analysis reveals within-population genome size variation in a rotifer is driven by large genomic elements with highly abundant satellite DNA repeat elements

September 2021


153 Reads


10 Citations

Background Eukaryotic genomes are known to display an enormous variation in size, but the evolutionary causes of this phenomenon are still poorly understood. To obtain mechanistic insights into such variation, previous studies have often employed comparative genomics approaches involving closely related species or geographically isolated populations within a species. Genome comparisons among individuals of the same population remained so far understudied—despite their great potential in providing a microevolutionary perspective to genome size evolution. The rotifer Brachionus asplanchnoidis represents one of the most extreme cases of within-population genome size variation among eukaryotes, displaying almost twofold variation within a geographic population. Results Here, we used a whole-genome sequencing approach to identify the underlying DNA sequence differences by assembling a high-quality reference genome draft for one individual of the population and aligning short reads of 15 individuals from the same geographic population including the reference individual. We identified several large, contiguous copy number variable regions (CNVs), up to megabases in size, which exhibited striking coverage differences among individuals, and whose coverage overall scaled with genome size. CNVs were of remarkably low complexity, being mainly composed of tandemly repeated satellite DNA with only a few interspersed genes or other sequences, and were characterized by a significantly elevated GC-content. CNV patterns in offspring of two parents with divergent genome size and CNV patterns in several individuals from an inbred line differing in genome size demonstrated inheritance and accumulation of CNVs across generations. Conclusions By identifying the exact genomic elements that cause within-population genome size variation, our study paves the way for studying genome size evolution in contemporary populations rather than inferring patterns and processes a posteriori from species comparisons.

Bayesian consensus tree of HSP70 family members. Nodes discussed in the text are indicated. Numbers on the branches indicate the posterior probability support for each node. Stress-inducible and constitutive genes are shown in red and blue, respectively. No data on the stress inducibility is available for genes shown in black. Approved HGNC names of human HSP70 family members are shown in yellow boxes for reference. The DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank accession numbers and other information are summarized in Supplementary Table S1. Clades 1 to 6 include only cytosolic members of the HSP70 family. Human HSPA1A and HSPA1B have identical sequences at the amino acid level and are shown together.
Logo visualization of cytosol-, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-, and mitochondria-specific sequences near the N terminus of the HSP70 family members. All sequences in Fig. 1 were used to compute the sequence logos (93, 18, and 13 sequences for cytosol-, ER, and mitochondria-specific members, respectively). Compared to the cytosolic form, ER-specific forms have several conserved amino acid substitutions: Q8K, H9N, K11R, and T23I. Similarly, mitochondrial forms have Y1N, G5A, F7M, Q8E, H9G, G10K, K11T/Q/V, V12P/A, E13K/R, I14V, I15L, A16E, D17A, Q18E, and N21S/A/M. Residues that can be useful for discriminating organelle-specific members are shown with red arrows. Position 23 also discriminates ER-specific members from others.
The serine residue specific to node 3. Cytosolic HSP70 family members in Fig. 1 were aligned by M-coffee, and sequences around the node 3-specific serine residue are shown in the same order as Fig. 1. Nodes in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1) are indicated on the right margin, and serine residues specific to node 3 are shown in bold with highlights. Stress-inducible and non-inducible genes are shown in red and blue, respectively. No data on the stress inducibility is available for genes shown in black. The accession numbers and other information are summarized in Supplementary Table S1.
Selection pressure on cytosolic HSP70 family member genes. (A) Nonsynonymous substitution rates (Ka values) between 34 HSP70 family member genes. Gene number 1 is the fruit fly HSP70 Bb (AF295957) gene. The substitution rate of fruit fly HSP70 Aa and Bb gene was 00395526, which is shown as 0.00 in the figure. Accession numbers for other genes are indicated in the figure. Clades and nodes correspond to those in Fig. 2. (B) Bee swarm boxplots of Ka/Ks values for each clade. Only Ka/Ks values calculated from inter-cluster pairs were averaged. Statistical differences were calculated by Kruskal–Wallis test (chi-squared = 88.704, df = 5, P < 2.2e−16) followed by the non-parametric post-hoc tests (pairwise Wilcox test with P value adjustment by the Holm method). Clades sharing same letters are not significantly different at the 5% level of significance. One outlier in clade 3 (0.53) is not included in the plot (see supplementary material 1) although this value was used for all statistical analyses. (C) Effect sizes (Cohen’s d) for all comparisons. Combinations where significant differences were found in the pairwise Wilcox test are shown in bold.
A proposed new nomenclature for HSP70 family members.
The complex evolution of the metazoan HSP70 gene family

September 2021


99 Reads


26 Citations

The metazoan 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) family contains several members localized in different subcellular compartments. The cytosolic members have been classified into inducible HSP70s and constitutive heat shock cognates (HSC70s), but their distinction and evolutionary relationship remain unclear because of occasional reports of “constitutive HSP70s” and the lack of cross-phylum comparisons. Here we provide novel insights into the evolution of these important molecular chaperones. Phylogenetic analyses of 125 full-length HSP70s from a broad range of phyla revealed an ancient duplication that gave rise to two lineages from which all metazoan cytosolic HSP70s descend. One lineage (A) contains a relatively small number of genes from many invertebrate phyla, none of which have been shown to be constitutively expressed (i.e., either inducible or unknown). The other lineage (B) included both inducible and constitutive genes from diverse phyla. Species-specific duplications are present in both lineages, and Lineage B contains well-supported phylum-specific clades for Platyhelminthes, Rotifera, Nematoda, Porifera/Cnidaria, and Chordata. Some genes in Lineage B have likely independently acquired inducibility, which may explain the sporadic distribution of “HSP70” or “HSC70” in previous phylogenetic analyses. Consistent with the diversification history within each group, inducible members show lower purifying selection pressure compared to constitutive members. These results illustrate the evolutionary history of the HSP70 family, encouraging us to propose a new nomenclature: “HSP70 + subcellular localization + linage + copy number in the organism + inducible or constitutive, if known.” e.g., HSP70cA1i for cytosolic Lineage A, copy 1, inducible.

Citations (63)

... Only a few NRPS-type genes have so far been characterized in animals, [17][18][19][20][21][22] while for the most part NRPS genes have been studied in microbes. The scarcity of experimental data for animal NRPSs despite their widespread occurrence across the animal kingdom, 23 drove us to characterize the orphan pathway in molluscs. ...


Animal-encoded nonribosomal pathway to bursatellin analogs
Bdelloid rotifers deploy horizontally acquired biosynthetic genes against a fungal pathogen

... In addition, analyzing the swimming behavior of individual microfauna can allow researchers to estimate and predict demographic composition and survivorship of species and populations [10]. Integrating swimming behavior studies of microfauna with CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, established for Daphnia [11] and recently developed for B. manjavacas [12], may also be useful for characterizing phenotypes of knockout or knockin mutants. ...

Highly efficient CRISPR-mediated gene editing in a rotifer

... Details regarding the bacterial flora, symbiotic interactions with the hosts, and types of pathogenic bacteria in elasmobranchs have recently begun to be reported (Perry et al., 2021). A pioneering study of the oviparous little skate, Leucoraja erinacea, characterized the microbiota within the egg capsule and demonstrated intergenerational vertical microbial transmission (Mika et al., 2021). However, while this previous work provided the first information regarding the microbiota of developing embryos in oviparous elasmobranch, the bacterial abundance within the capsule and whether and how the bacterial flora contributes to embryonic defence remain unclear. ...

Bacterial community dynamics during embryonic development of the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea)

Animal Microbiome

... Bot-2018-LT45 showed a total length of 44.17 Mb, compared to most of the genomes evaluated, which range between 42.97 Mb (HBQJZ) and 44.53 Mb (Man7). These small variations suggest a high conservation in genome size among isolates [61,62]. The maximum length of the contigs also varied considerably: in Bot-2018-LT45 the longest contig was 5.58 Mb, in contrast to much lower values in HBQJZ (232 kb) and CITRA15 (572 kb). ...

Comparative analysis reveals within-population genome size variation in a rotifer is driven by large genomic elements with highly abundant satellite DNA repeat elements

... Serine residues were found in the ATPase domain of heat shock proteins in the Hsp70 family of genes [58,59]. According to Yu et al. [60], this feature is unique to inducible Hsp70 (A), so we concluded that the heat shock protein found in this study belonged to the inducible Hsp70 (A) type. In addition, most oxidoreductases genes showed an upregulation trend after high-temperature stress. ...

The complex evolution of the metazoan HSP70 gene family

... Genome size variation in the OHJ-population is mediated by relatively large genomic elements (several megabases in size), which segregate independently during meiosis and can thus be recombined to produce offspring that are variable in genome size. More recently, it has been demonstrated that these independently segregating elements consist of tandemly repeated satellite DNA, with only few interspersed genes or other sequences 33 . This strongly suggests that the extra DNA that is segregating in the OHJ-population has rather low information content. ...

Genome structure of Brachionus asplanchnoidis, a Eukaryote with intrapopulation variation in genome size

... Without mitigation by quality filtering index reads, or in the case that negative controls are not sequenced in each run, programs may unknowingly inflate sample diversity metrics through cross-talk. Thus, with the rapid and recent emergence of sequencing centers that are establishing microbiome pipelines, we repeat the call for cross-talk evaluation to become part of standard microbiome data analysis workflows [52]. ...

The emergence of microbiome centres

Nature Microbiology

... Recent research has revealed that belowground communities are remarkably diverse; estimates suggest that 1 g of soil can harbour tens of thousands of bacterial taxa, up to 200 m of fungal hyphae representing thousands of fungal taxa, and a wide range of micro-, meso-, and macrofauna (Bardgett and Van Der Putten, 2014;Roesch et al., 2007). Such a biological diversity plays a critical role in the management of terrestrial ecosystems and has an impact on a number of ecosystem processes, including (i) the cycling of energy and nutrients that support plants and animal growth, (ii) the maintenance of water balances that affects aquatic organisms and ecosystem health (Cavicchioli et al., 2019), and (iii) the dynamics of eco-evolution in plant and underground communities in response to climate change (Bardgett and Van Der Putten, 2014). Due to their emphasis on trophic strategies, ecological guilds, also known as "functional groups", offer a different view on community composition than measures based on species richness or taxonomic identification (Nguyen et al., 2016a). ...

Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change

Nature Reviews Microbiology

... This study provides an in silico demonstration that the genome of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (Blommaert et al. 2019) contains a gene without introns that codes for a precursor with three copies of APGWamide and one AKH, which is homologous to two of the proposed APGW/AKH NPPs by the DNA loss model according to studies conducted in 2002and 2007(Martínez-Pérez et al. 2002, 2007. ...

Small, but surprisingly repetitive genomes: Transposon expansion and not polyploidy has driven a doubling in genome size in a metazoan species complex

BMC Genomics

... Development of transgenerational gene editing for Brachionus thus not only expands the capabilities to conduct mechanistic research in rotifers but also broadens the capacity for comparative biology approaches across distantly related taxa. Our protocol can be adapted for use in other rotifer species that are employed for diverse studies of microevolution, neurobiology, DNA repair, novel genetic markers, and production of antimicrobial and antiparasitic compounds [3,[38][39][40][41][42][43]. While additional work is needed to develop and assess clonal lineages for specific gene mutations in Brachionus, this protocol provides a template for creating novel mutants and transgenics in rotifers. ...

Evolutionary diversity and novelty of DNA repair genes in asexual Bdelloid rotifers

BMC Evolutionary Biology