Dara Surtina’s scientific contributions

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Publications (11)

The Effect of Moringa Leaf Supplementation on Lemongrass Waste-Based Rations on Crude Fiber, Crude Fat, and Nitrogen-free Extract: Evaluasi kandungan Serat Kasar, Lemak Kasar, dan BETN pada Ransum Berbasis Limbah Serai Wangi yang disuplementasi ekstrak Daun Kelor sebagai Antioksidan
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November 2024


2 Reads

Buletin Peternakan Tropis

Tri Astuti


Safitri Alfajar


Syahro Ali Akbar




Dara Surtina

This research was conducted to determine the effect of moringa leaf extract supplementation as a source of natural antioxidants in a complete ration based on fermented citronella oil distillation by-products on the content of crude fiber, crude fat, and nitrogen-free extract. This research used a Completely Randomized Design, five treatments, and three replications for each treatment. The treatments consisted of antioxidant supplementation with doses: of 0% (P0/control), 0.125% (P1), 0.25% (P2), 0.375% (P3), and 0.50% (P4). The variables measured included crude fiber, crude fat, and NFE content. The results of the study showed that the lowest average crude fiber content was in treatment P3 (25.43%), the lowest crude fat content was in P4 (1.88%), and the highest NFE content was in P4 (47.83%). Supplementation of moringa leaf antioxidants in fermented lemongrass waste-based rations with various doses (0%, 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.375%, 0.50%) showed no significant effect (P>0.05) on crude fiber, crude fat, and BETN content. The research concludes that supplementation of moringa leaf extract as a source of natural antioxidants showed no significant effect on crude fiber, crude fat, and NFE content


The Evaluation of Substituting Native Grass with Citronella Waste on the Digestibility of Dry Matter, Organic Matter, and Crude Protein in Ruminants Feeding

October 2024


12 Reads

Bantara Journal of Animal Science

This study aims to determine the effect of substituting native grass with citronella waste on the digestibility of ruminants' dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein. A completely randomized design with 6 (six) treatments and 3 (three) replications is used in this research. The treatments were as follows: P1 = 50% native grass + 0% citronella waste + 50% concentrate; P2 = 40% native grass + 10% citronella waste + 50% concentrate; P3 = 30% native grass + 20% citronella waste + 50% concentrate; P4 = 20% native grass + 30% citronella waste + 50% concentrate; P5 = 10% native grass + 40% citronella waste + 50% concentrate; and P6 = 0% native grass + 50% citronella waste + 50% concentrate. The results showed that substituting native grass with citronella waste significantly affects (P<0.01) the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein. The highest digestibility values were observed in the treatment using 100% native grass, with dry matter digestibility at 52.67%, organic matter at 56.58%, and crude protein at 67.55%. The study concludes that while native grass cannot be entirely replaced by citronella waste, it can substitute up to 50% of the complete feed when native grass availability is limited.

The Effect of Addition Red Passion Juice (Passiflora Edulis) on Fat Content, Protein Content, and Eastness of Mozzarella Cheese

November 2023


2 Reads

This research aimed to determine the effect of adding red passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis) on fat content, protein content, and elongation of mozzarella cheese. This research used an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments, namely giving red passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) (0%, 6%, 8%, and 10%) with 4 repetitions. The research results on the average fat content for each treatment were, P0 (15.97%), P1 (15.33%), P2 (13.25%), and P3 (12.69%). protein is P0 (21.70%), P1 (22.29%), P2 (23.24%), P3 (23.86%). The results of the research on the average elongation are, P0 (66.50cm), P1 ( 83.50cm), P2 (85.25cm), and P3 (91.25cm). Based on the research results it can be concluded that giving red passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis) has a very significant effect (P<0.01) on fat content and protein content and was not significantly different (P>0.05) on the elongation of mozzarella cheese. The best treatment was found in the treatment without the addition of red passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis) for protein and fat content while the best elongation was obtained in the treatment with the addition of 10% red passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis).


Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Kelompok tani Garpondo merupakan kelompok tani yang bergerak dalam pembibitan dan penggemukan sapi potong unggul jenis Simmental. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok mitra selama ini adalah rendahnya tingkat kelahiran anak sapi denis kelamin jantan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bakalan untuk penggemukan. Selanjutnya, hasil sampingan dari feses dan urin sapi tidak termanfaatkan untuk diolah menjadi sumber energi alternatif seperti gas bio. Solusi yang akan diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah mitra ini adalah melakukan aplikasi inseminasi buatan dengan spermatozoa hasil sexing (jantan). Dengan ketersedian spermatozoa hasil sexing jantan dari tim pengabdian, maka aplikasi penerapan teknologi dengan inseminasi buatan akan menghasilkan kelahiran anak sapi jantan yang di inginkan oleh mitra karena nilai jual yang tinggi dan penggemukan dengan mudah. Selanjutnya melakukan pengolahan limbah peternakan seperti feses dan urin untuk pembuatan gas bio sebagai energi alternatif bagi kelompok mitra. Pembuatan gas bio ini menggunakan drum air kapasitas 1.100 liter/unit sebagai biodegester dan bisa menghasilkan gas bio yang siap dipakai oleh mitra. Ampas feses hasil fermentasi gas bio tersebut selanjutnya diolah lagi menjadi pupuk kompos yang bisa di jual kepada petani untuk tanaman pertanian dengan harga Rp. 25.000/karung. Metode yang dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut adalah dengan penyuluhan dan praktek langsung ke lokasi mitra. Peternak juga akan dilatih dan diterapkan pembuatan fermentasi limbah pertanian sebagai alternatif pakan ternak.


July 2022


53 Reads


6 Citations

Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Sapakek Basamo adalah satu kelompok tani ternak yang berada di Rimbo Berantai Kelurahan Tanah Garam Kecamatan Lubuk Sikarah Kota Solok yang berdiri sejak tahun 2019. Jenis usaha yang dijalankan adalah pegembangan usaha ternak sapi pembibitan dan penggemukan sapi potong unggul jenis Simmental. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok tani ternak selama ini adalah masih rendahnya ketersediaan pakan yang berkualitas serta rendahnya ilmu pengetahuan tentang upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit pada ternak sapi baik pada kelompok sapi pembibitan maupun sapi penggemukan. Umumnya pemberian pakan berupa hijauan rumput lapangan, jerami padi dan ampas tahu, hal ini menunjukkan rendahnya kualitas pakan yang diberikan dan menyebabkan pengembangan sapi bibit dan sapi penggemukan berjalan lambat. Pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diberikan penyuluhan ilmu pengetahuan terutama tentang penyediaan pakan berupa tehnologi pakan fermentasi dan upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian penaykit mulut dan kuku yang sedang mewabah pada saat ini. Metode yang dipakai dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa metoda penyuluhan/ceramah dan diskusi bersama anggota kelompok tani ternak. Dari hasil pengabdian ini anggota kelompok tani ternak sangat antusias mengikut kegiatan penyuluhan dan berdiskusi langsung bersama tim pengabdian. Tehnologi penyediaan pakan ternak dengan fermentasi sudah dipahami begitu juga pentingnya upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit mulut dan kuku pada ternak. Peternak mengharapkan sekali untuk dilaksanakan kegiatan vaksinasi PMK oleh pihak terkait sebagai upaya pencegahan PMK.

Quality of buffalo epididymic cauda spermatozoa in serum addition treatment after equilibration
The Preservation Epididymis Spermatozoa of Buffalo into Talp Diluent with Addition of Serum Level

March 2021


62 Reads

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of epididymis spermatozoa of buffalo after preservation with TALP media by adding serum with different level. The method used in this study is the experimental method and the design used is a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatment by adding bovine serum (0%, 5%, and 10%) and there are 6 replications as a group (repetition in the form of days). The result showed that the addition of serum into TALP diluent had a significant effect (P>0, 05) on the percentage of the motility of cauda epididymis spermatozoa of swamp buffalo after preservation which was 73, 33 in P2 10% serum and the viability is 79,167 ± 2,04 on P2 10%. This can be used as an indicator that the serum is effective in protecting spermatozoa from damages during the cryopreservation process, so by that, it would improve the quality of cauda epididymal spermatozoa of swamp buffalo. While the percentages of abnormality of cauda epididymis spermatozoa of swamp buffalo after preservation did not have a significant effect (P>0, 05). Based on the result of this study it can be concluded that the addition of 5% serum and 10% addition of egg yolk and 5% addition of glycerol will improve the quality of motility and viability and had no adverse effect on abnormalities after the preservation process at low temperature.

Average height of shallots plant at the age of 25 and 40 days after planting (DAP)
Adaptation Tests of Some Shallots Varieties on Lowlands Area in The Pesisir Selatan District, West Sumatera

March 2021


26 Reads


2 Citations

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The vast utilization of wetland and dry land in the lowlands of West Sumatra Province for the development of shallots as a potential commodity in an effort to increase farmer income. Shallot is one of the leading vegetables coomodities since it has been cultivated by the people of West Sumatra in the highlands area. The availability of superior varieties of shallots produced by the Agency of Agricultural Research and Development provides many choices in shallot farming, it is necessary to test the adaptation of these superior varieties in the lowlands area. The study aimed to determine the level of adaptation of several shallot varieties in the lowlands area in Pesisir Selatan Districts, West Sumatra. The study was conducted on farmer group land in the Surantih area, Sutera sub District, Pesisir Selatan Districts from April until July 2016. The study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with the treatment of four superior shallot varieties namely: Katumi, Bima Brebes, Pikatan and Mentes, with 6 (six) replications. The data obtained were analyzed using variance and continued with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of research showed that: (1) the Katumi variety showed a higher harvest weight (14.00 tons/hectare) followed by the Bima Brebes, Pikatan and Mentes varieties, (2) For the Pesisir lowland dry land area, the most adaptive shallot variety was Katumi.


November 2020


37 Reads

Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Usaha tani cabai merah yang ada pada kelompok tani Gonjong Merah yang berada di Nagari Jopang manganti Kecamatan Mungka merupakan kelompok tani cabe merah keriting semenjak tahun 2012. Permasalahan yang ada pada kelompok tani mira adalah 1. Kurangnya sosialisasi dan pelatihan dan edukasi yang didapat dari instansi terkait tentang sistem budidaya cabai merah. 2. Petani cabai merah tidak pernah mengukur pH dari tanah saat penanaman. Setiap petani terus menanan cabai merah di lahan secara berulang-ulang tanpa mempertimbangkan kondisi tingkat keasaman dari tanah. 3. Tidak pernah menerapakan teknologi mulsa plastik. 4. Petani mitra ini tidak tahu bagaimana teknik dan cara pemupukan yang baik pada tanaman cabai. 5. Permasalahan lain yang dirasakan oleh mitra ini adalah sulitnya mendapatkan bibit cabai merah yang baik dan unggul. Metode kegiatan adalah dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pembinaan yang dilakukan selama delapan bulan. Hasil dari kegiatan adalah menyediakan bibit unggul cabe merah keriting varitas kencana, obat-obatan, fungisida, desinfektam, perbaikan pemupukan, mulsa plastik dan pH meter.

The Effect of Using Some Kind of Manure on the Content of Dry Matter, Organic Matter and Crude Protein of Elephant Grass Cv. Taiwan ( Pennisetum purpureum ) on the First Harvest

November 2019


184 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

This research aimed to determine the effect of different types of manure on dry matter content, organic matter and crude protein of elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum ) cv. Taiwan on the first harvest. This study used a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments and 4 replications for each treatment. The treatment were P1 = 100% acid soil (without manure/control), P2 = 80% acid soil + 20% cow manure, P3 = 80% acid soil + 20% goat manure, P4 = 80% acid soil + 20% of poultry manure. The best results on this researched obtained the highest dry matter content of elephant grass was P2 (16.07), organic matter on P2 (86.36), and the highest crude protein was P3 (14.12). It can be concluded that the using of different manure on the elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum ) cv. Taiwan has a highly significant effect (P <0.01) on dry matter content, and has a significant effect (P <0.05) on the content of organic matter and crude protein of elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum ) cv. Taiwan at the first harvest.

Motility, viability, abnormality epididymis spermatozoa of swamp buffalo with serum treatment after preservation
Viability Spermatozoa Epididymis of Buffalo ( Bubalus Bubalis ) In Fertilized Media to Additional Serum at Temperature 5°C

November 2019


39 Reads


2 Citations

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

This study purposed to determine the quality of Buffalo’s epididymis Spermatozoa on the TALP (Tyrode Albumin Sodium Lactate Sodium Pyruvate) fertilization at the 5°C temperature. The Randomized Block Design used on this research with 3 treatments and 5 blocks as replication. The treatments were additional serum: P1 (0%), P2 (10%) and P3 (20%). The results showed that the highest motility was on the treatment P3 (20%), about 66.00±9.45 was significantly effect (P<0.05) than P1 and P2. The highest percentage of live on P3 (20%) was 75.20±2.41 and significantly effect (P<0.05) than P1 and P2. The best percentage of abnormality was also on the P3 (20%) i.e.14.20±1.30 significantly effect (P<0.05) compare P1 and P2. It could be concluded that the addition of 20% serum in TALP media as a fertilization medium can improve the buffalo’s spermatozoa quality of caudal epididymis.

Citations (4)

... Animals that are susceptible to FMD include ruminants such as cows, buffalo and goats, as well as wild animals such as elephants and giraffes. Although this virus can be transmitted artificially to various types of animals, its role in the spread of FMD in nature is not significant (Ministry of Agriculture, 2022;Asri & Saputra, 2023;Okti et al., 2023;Surtina et al., 2022) . ...



Community Development Journal Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

... Shallots are one of the superior vegetable communities that have high economic value (Andraini et al., 2021;Askari-Khorasgani & Pessarakli, 2020). The consumption of shallots in Indonesia is currently increasing, in line with the increase in the existing population (Utari et al., 2019). ...

Adaptation Tests of Some Shallots Varieties on Lowlands Area in The Pesisir Selatan District, West Sumatera

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... Selçuk ve Akal (28) yapmış oldukları çalışmada baş anormalini taze ve dondurulmuş çözdürülmüş olmak üzere % 2,5 ve % 3,3 orta kısım anormalini % 14,5 ve % 24,6 kuyruk anormalini % 7,6 ve % 30,5 toplam anormal oranını ise % 24,6 ve % 58,4 olarak bildirmişlerdir. Harissatria ve ark.(29), yapmış oldukları çalışmalarında epididimal manda sperma sulandırıcısına % 20 serum ilavesinin anormal spermatozoa oranını % 23,5'ten % 14,20'ye düşürdüğünü bildirmişlerdir. Yeni ve Avdatek (30) yapmış oldukları çalışmada taze epididimal spermasında ki anormal oranlarını baş, orta kısım, kuyruk ve toplam olmak üzere sırasıyla % 3,0, % 14,0, % 6,4 ve % 23,4 olarak bildirmişlerdir. ...

Viability Spermatozoa Epididymis of Buffalo ( Bubalus Bubalis ) In Fertilized Media to Additional Serum at Temperature 5°C

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... Based on the data above, the duration of estrous obtained is in accordance with the standard. According to previous research project [8], duration of estrous depends on the type of species and varies from one another within the same species, and is related to the time of ovulation, which in horses is 4-6 days after the start of estrous or 1-2 days before estrous. Furthermore, another study [7] stated that the duration of estrous for Gayo horse is 8.92 ± 3.35 days. ...