Daniel Tranel’s research while affiliated with University of Iowa and other places

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Publications (473)

Main Toolkit Interfaces. (A) A complete analysis is configured using the GUI. (B) The same analysis is configured using the scripting interface. Both panels show a fully configured lesion‐deficit modeling analysis that includes hyper‐parameter optimization, repeat nested five‐fold cross‐validation with permutation testing, and fitting a final inferential model to the full dataset with permutation testing for model‐level significance and bootstrap testing for coefficient‐level significance. The GUI also shows the selection of nuisance regressors for illustration purposes. Using either interface, it is simple to quickly configure and run complex modeling analyses. We note that the use of the scripting interface is not required, and the code snippet is provided simply to illustrate what it looks like to specify a complete end‐to‐end analysis using the scripting interface.
Lesion frequency maps and lesion volume correlation maps. (A) The top row shows lesion frequencies for the sample of patients with data for COWA (i.e., voxels shown in hot colors are damaged more frequently). The bottom row shows correlations between voxel lesion statuses and lesion volume (i.e., damage to voxels shown in hot colors is associated with larger lesions). (B) The same maps are shown for patients with data for the Token Test.
Mass‐univariate lesion, structural disconnection, and functional lesion‐network analyses of expressive and receptive language impairments. (A) Results of analyses using voxel‐based lesion maps. The maps show unthresholded correlations between voxel lesion statuses and COWA scores. Voxels surviving the FWEp < 0.05, v = 100 threshold for the analyses without lesion volume regression are outlined in black, and voxels surviving this threshold for the analyses with lesion volume regression are outlined in white. (B) Results of analyses using parcel‐to‐parcel structural disconnection matrices. Top rows show results for analyses without lesion volume regression, and bottom rows show results of analyses with lesion volume regression. (C) Results of analyses using fLNM maps. Top rows show results for analyses without lesion volume regression, and bottom rows show results of analyses with lesion volume regression. All analyses are thresholded using the FWEp < 0.05, v = 100 threshold.
Multivariate lesion‐behavior modeling of expressive and receptive language impairments (A) Model‐level tests evaluate whether there is a significant relationship between lesion location and behavior for the inferential models. The scatterplots show the full‐sample cross‐validation correlations between average (across folds and repeats) out‐of‐fold predictions and observed scores for each outcome. The histograms show the actual observed MSE within the dataset (vertical dashed redline) relative to the permutation null distribution of MSE values. (B) Coefficient‐level results evaluate which regional brain‐behavior relationships reach statistical significance within the inferential models. The unthresholded model coefficient maps are shown for each model. Voxels surviving at an FDRp < 0.05 threshold are outlined in black, and voxels surviving an FWEp < 0.05 threshold are outlined in white. (C) Results of the predictive analyses estimate how much variance can be explained in held‐out data. The bar graphs show the fold‐averaged cross‐validation R² values (and standard deviations) for each repetition of the cross‐validation analyses. The horizontal dashed red lines indicate the average across all folds and repetitions. The histograms show the distribution of actual MSE scores across folds and repeats (blue histograms) along with the average MSE across all folds and repeats (black vertical line) and show the permutation null distribution of average (across folds and repeats) MSEs from the permutation tests on the cross‐validation results (orange histograms). Note—model coefficients shown in (B) and (E) have been rescaled proportional to the maximum and minimum values in the maps.
Multivariate lesion‐behavior classification of expressive and receptive language impairments. (A) Model‐level tests for the inferential models. The confusion matrices show the full‐sample cross‐validation classification results using the mode (across folds and repeats) out‐of‐fold predictions, along with the odds ratios (OR) and p values from the Fisher's Exact Tests. The histograms show the permutation null distributions of ROC AUCs for the inferential models fit the full dataset, and the vertical dashed red lines indicate the observed AUCs of the inferential models. (B) Coefficient‐level results for the inferential models. The unthresholded model coefficient maps are shown for each model. Voxels surviving at an FDRp < 0.05 threshold are outlined in black, and voxels surviving an FWEp < 0.05 threshold are outlined in white. (C) Results of the predictive analyses. The bar graphs show the fold‐averaged cross‐validation R² values (and standard deviations) for each repetition of the cross‐validation analyses. The horizontal dashed red lines indicate the average across all folds and repetitions. The histograms show the distribution of actual AUC scores across folds and repeats (blue histograms) along with the average AUC across all folds and repeats (black vertical line), and show the permutation null distribution of average (across folds and repeats) AUCs from the permutation tests on the cross‐validation results (orange histograms). Note—model coefficients shown in (B) and (E) have been rescaled proportional to the maximum and minimum values in the maps.


Iowa Brain‐Behavior Modeling Toolkit: An Open‐Source MATLAB Tool for Inferential and Predictive Modeling of Imaging‐Behavior and Lesion‐Deficit Relationships
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


40 Reads


Joel Bruss


Stein F. Acker




Aaron D. Boes

The traditional analytical framework taken by neuroimaging studies in general, and lesion‐behavior studies in particular, has been inferential in nature and has focused on identifying and interpreting statistically significant effects within the sample under study. While this framework is well‐suited for hypothesis testing approaches, achieving the modern goal of precision medicine requires a different framework that is predictive in nature and that focuses on maximizing the predictive power of models and evaluating their ability to generalize beyond the data that were used to train them. However, few tools exist to support the development and evaluation of predictive models in the context of neuroimaging or lesion‐behavior research, creating an obstacle to the widespread adoption of predictive modeling approaches in the field. Further, existing tools for lesion‐behavior analysis are often unable to accommodate categorical outcome variables and often impose restrictions on the predictor data. Researchers therefore often must use different software packages and analytical approaches depending on (a) whether they are addressing a classification versus regression problem and (b) whether their predictor data correspond to binary lesion images, continuous lesion‐network images, connectivity matrices, or other data modalities. To address these limitations, we have developed a MATLAB software toolkit that supports both inferential and predictive modeling frameworks, accommodates both classification and regression problems, and does not impose restrictions on the modality of the predictor data. The toolkit features both a graphical user interface and scripting interface, includes implementations of multiple mass‐univariate, multivariate, and machine learning models, features built‐in and customizable routines for hyper‐parameter optimization, cross‐validation, model stacking, and significance testing, and automatically generates text‐based descriptions of key methodological details and modeling results to improve reproducibility and minimize errors in the reporting of methods and results. Here, we provide an overview and discussion of the toolkit's features and demonstrate its functionality by applying it to the question of how expressive and receptive language impairments relate to lesion location, structural disconnection, and functional network disruption in a large sample of patients with left hemispheric brain lesions. We find that impairments in expressive versus receptive language are most strongly associated with left lateral prefrontal and left posterior temporal/parietal damage, respectively. We also find that impairments in expressive vs. receptive language are associated with partially overlapping patterns of fronto‐temporal structural disconnection and with similar functional networks. Importantly, we find that lesion location and lesion‐derived network measures are highly predictive of both types of impairment, with predictions from models trained on these measures explaining ~30%–40% of the variance on average when applied to data from patients not used to train the models. We have made the toolkit publicly available, and we have included a comprehensive set of tutorial notebooks to support new users in applying the toolkit in their studies.


Lesion and lesion network localization of dysnomia after epilepsy surgery

October 2024


16 Reads


Temporal lobe (TL) epilepsy surgery is an effective treatment option for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. However, neurosurgery poses a risk for cognitive deficits - up to one third of patients have a decline in naming ability following TL surgery. In this study, we aimed to better understand the neural correlates associated with reduced naming performance after TL surgery, with the goal of informing surgical planning strategies to mitigate the risk of dysnomia. We retrospectively identified 85 patients who underwent temporal lobe (TL) resective surgery (49 left TL, 36 right TL) for whom naming ability was assessed before and >3 months post-surgery using the Boston Naming Test (BNT). We used multivariate lesion-symptom mapping to identify resection sites associated with naming decline, and we used lesion-network mapping to evaluate the broader functional and structural connectivity profiles of resection sites associated with naming decline. We validated our findings in an independent cohort of 59 individuals with left temporal lobectomy, along with repeating all analyses after combining the cohorts. Lesion laterality and location were important predictors of post-surgical naming performance. Naming performance significantly improved after right temporal lobectomy (P = 0.015) while a decrement in performance was observed following left temporal lobectomy (P = 0.002). Declines in naming performance were associated with surgical resection of the left anterior middle temporal gyrus (Brodmann area 21, r =0.41, P = <.001), along with a previously implicated basal temporal language area. Resection sites linked to naming decline showed a functional connectivity profile featuring a left-lateralized network closely resembling the extended semantic \ default mode network, and a structural connectivity profile featuring major temporo-frontal association white matter tracts coursing through the temporal stem. This extends prior work by implicating the left anterior middle temporal gyrus in naming decline and provides additional support for the role of the previously identified basal temporal language area in naming decline. Importantly, the structural and functional connectivity profiles of these regions suggest they are key nodes of a broader extended semantic network. Together these regional and network findings may help in surgical planning and discussions of prognosis.

A neural network for religious fundamentalism derived from patients with brain lesions

August 2024


177 Reads

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Religious fundamentalism, characterized by rigid adherence to a set of beliefs putatively revealing inerrant truths, is ubiquitous across cultures and has a global impact on society. Understanding the psychological and neurobiological processes producing religious fundamentalism may inform a variety of scientific, sociological, and cultural questions. Research indicates that brain damage can alter religious fundamentalism. However, the precise brain regions involved with these changes remain unknown. Here, we analyzed brain lesions associated with varying levels of religious fundamentalism in two large datasets from independent laboratories. Lesions associated with greater fundamentalism were connected to a specific brain network with nodes in the right orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and inferior parietal lobe. This fundamentalism network was strongly right hemisphere lateralized and highly reproducible across the independent datasets ( r = 0.82) with cross-validations between datasets. To explore the relationship of this network to lesions previously studied by our group, we tested for similarities to twenty-one lesion-associated conditions. Lesions associated with confabulation and criminal behavior showed a similar connectivity pattern as lesions associated with greater fundamentalism. Moreover, lesions associated with poststroke pain showed a similar connectivity pattern as lesions associated with lower fundamentalism. These findings are consistent with the current understanding of hemispheric specializations for reasoning and lend insight into previously observed epidemiological associations with fundamentalism, such as cognitive rigidity and outgroup hostility.

Figure 3. Mass-univariate lesion, structural disconnection, and functional lesion-network analyses of expressive and receptive language impairments. A. Results of analyses using voxel-based lesion maps. The maps show unthresholded correlations between voxel lesion statuses and COWA scores. Voxels surviving the FWEp<0.05, v=100 threshold for the analyses without lesion volume regression are outlined in black, and voxels surviving this threshold for the analyses with lesion volume regression are outlined in white. B. Results of analyses using parcel-to-parcel structural disconnection matrices. Top rows show results for analyses without lesion volume regression, and bottom rows show results of analyses with lesion volume regression. C. Results of analyses using fLNM maps. Top rows show results for analyses without lesion volume regression, and bottom rows show results of analyses with lesion volume regression. All analyses are thresholded using the FWEp<0.05, v=100 threshold.
Figure 4. Multivariate lesion-behavior modeling of expressive and receptive language impairments A. Model-level tests evaluate whether there is a significant relationship between lesion location and behavior for the inferential models. The scatterplots show the full sample cross-validation correlations between average (across folds and repeats) out-of-fold predictions and observed scores for each outcome. The histograms show the actual observed MSE within the dataset (vertical dashed redline) relative to the permutation null distribution of MSE values. B. Coefficient-level results evaluate which regional brain-behavior relationships reach statistical significance within the inferential models. The unthresholded model coefficient maps are shown for each model. Voxels surviving at an FDRp<0.05 threshold are outlined in black, and voxels surviving an FWEp<0.05 threshold are outlined in white. C. Results of the predictive analyses estimate how much variance can be explained in held out data. The bar graphs show the fold-averaged cross-validation R 2 values (and standard deviations) for each repetition of the cross-validation analyses. The horizontal dashed red lines indicate the average across all folds and repetitions. The histograms show the distribution of actual MSE scores across folds and repeats (blue histograms) along with the average MSE across all folds and repeats (black vertical line) and show the permutation null distribution of average (across folds and repeats) MSEs from the permutation tests
Figure 5. Multivariate lesion-behavior classification of expressive and receptive language impairments. A. Model-level tests for the inferential models. The confusion matrices show the full sample crossvalidation classification results using the mode (across folds and repeats) out-of-fold predictions, along with the odds ratios (OR) and p-values from the Fisher's Exact Tests. The histograms show the permutation null distributions of ROC AUCs for the inferential models fit to the full dataset, and the vertical dashed red lines indicate the observed AUCs of the inferential models. B. Coefficient-level results for the inferential models. The unthresholded model coefficient maps are shown each model. Voxels surviving at an FDRp<0.05 threshold are outlined in black, and voxels surviving an FWEp<0.05 threshold are outlined in white. C. Results of the predictive analyses. The bar graphs show the fold-averaged crossvalidation R 2 values (and standard deviations) for each repetition of the cross-validation analyses. The horizontal dashed red lines indicate the average across all folds and repetitions. The histograms show the distribution of actual AUC scores across folds and repeats (blue histograms) along with the average AUC across all folds and repeats (black vertical line), and show the permutation null distribution of average (across folds and repeats) AUCs from the permutation tests on the cross-validation results (orange histograms). Note -model coefficients shown in (B) and (E) have been rescaled proportional to the maximum and minimum values in the maps.
Figure 6. Multivariate disconnectome-behavior modeling of expressive and receptive language impairments. A. Model-level tests for the inferential models. The scatterplots show the full sample crossvalidation correlations between average (across folds and repeats) out-of-fold predictions and observed scores for each outcome. The histograms show the permutation null distribution of MSE values for the inferential models fit to the full datasets, and the vertical dashed red lines indicate the observed MSEs of the inferential models fit to the full datasets. B. Coefficient-level results for the inferential models. The unthresholded model coefficient maps are shown each model. Voxels surviving at an FDRp<0.05 threshold are outlined in black, and voxels surviving an FWEp<0.05 threshold are outlined in white. C. Results of the predictive analyses. The bar graphs show the fold-averaged cross-validation R 2 values (and standard deviations) for each repetition of the cross-validation analyses. The horizontal dashed red lines indicate the average across all folds and repetitions. The histograms show the distribution of actual MSE scores across folds and repeats (blue histograms) along with the average MSE across all folds and repeats (black vertical line), and show the permutation null distribution of average (across folds and repeats) MSEs from the permutation tests on the cross-validation results (orange histograms). Note -model coefficients shown in (B) and (E) have been rescaled proportional to the maximum and minimum values in the maps.
Figure 8. Model stacking results. A. The boxplots show the out-of-fold R-squared (y-axis) distributions for the stacked models, lesion models, structural disconnection models, and fLNM models (x-axis). The results for COWA are shown on the left, and the results for the Token Test are shown on the right.
Title: Iowa Brain-Behavior Modeling Toolkit: An Open-Source MATLAB Tool for Inferential and Predictive Modeling of Imaging-Behavior and Lesion-Deficit Relationships

August 2024


119 Reads

The traditional analytical framework taken by neuroimaging studies in general, and lesion-behavior studies in particular, has been inferential in nature and has focused on identifying and interpreting statistically significant effects within the sample under study. While this framework is well-suited for hypothesis testing approaches, achieving the modern goal of precision medicine requires a different framework that is predictive in nature and that focuses on maximizing the predictive power of models and evaluating their ability to generalize beyond the data that were used to train them. However, few tools exist to support the development and evaluation of predictive models in the context of neuroimaging or lesion-behavior research, creating an obstacle to the widespread adoption of predictive modeling approaches in the field. Further, existing tools for lesion-behavior analysis are often unable to accommodate categorical outcome variables and often impose restrictions on the predictor data. Researchers therefore often must use different software packages and analytical approaches depending on whether they are addressing a classification vs. regression problem and on whether their predictor data correspond to binary lesion images, continuous lesion-network images, connectivity matrices, or other data modalities. To address these limitations, we have developed a MATLAB software toolkit that supports both inferential and predictive modeling frameworks, accommodates both classification and regression problems, and does not impose restrictions on the modality of the predictor data. The toolkit features both a graphical user interface and scripting interface, includes implementations of multiple mass-univariate, multivariate, and machine learning models, features built-in and customizable routines for hyper-parameter optimization, cross-validation, model stacking, and significance testing, and automatically generates text-based descriptions of key methodological details and modeling results to improve reproducibility and minimize errors in the reporting of methods and results. Here, we provide an overview and discussion of the toolkit's features and demonstrate its functionality by applying it to the question of how expressive and receptive language impairments relate to lesion location, structural disconnection, and functional network disruption in a large sample of patients with left hemispheric brain lesions. We find that impairments in expressive vs. receptive language are most strongly associated with left lateral prefrontal and left posterior temporal/parietal damage, respectively. We also find that impairments in expressive vs. receptive language are associated with partially overlapping patterns of fronto-temporal structural disconnection, and that the associated functional networks are also similar. Importantly, we find that lesion location and lesion-derived network measures are highly predictive of both types of impairment, with predictions from models trained on these measures explaining ~30-40% of the variance on average when applied to data from patients not used to train the models. We have made the toolkit publicly available, and we have included a comprehensive set of tutorial notebooks to support new users in applying the toolkit in their studies.

Sensing, feeling and regulating: investigating the association of focal brain damage with voluntary respiratory and motor control

July 2024


41 Reads


1 Citation

Breathing is a complex, vital function that can be modulated to influence physical and mental well-being. However, the role of cortical and subcortical brain regions in voluntary control of human respiration is underexplored. Here we investigated the influence of damage to human frontal, temporal or limbic regions on the sensation and regulation of breathing patterns. Participants performed a respiratory regulation task across regular and irregular frequencies ranging from 6 to 60 breaths per minute (bpm), with a counterbalanced hand motor control task. Interoceptive and affective states induced by each condition were assessed via questionnaire, and autonomic signals were indexed via skin conductance. Participants with focal lesions to the bilateral frontal lobe, right insula/basal ganglia and left medial temporal lobe showed reduced performance relative to individually matched healthy comparisons during the breathing and motor tasks. They also reported significantly higher anxiety during the 60 bpm regular and irregular breathing trials, with anxiety correlating with difficulty in rapid breathing specifically within this group. This study demonstrates that damage to frontal, temporal or limbic regions is associated with abnormal voluntary respiratory and motor regulation and tachypnoea-related anxiety, highlighting the role of the forebrain in affective and motor responses during breathing. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Sensing and feeling: an integrative approach to sensory processing and emotional experience’.

Dissociable Roles of the Dorsolateral and Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Human Categorization

July 2024


17 Reads

The Journal of Neuroscience : The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Models of human categorization predict the prefrontal cortex (PFC) serves a central role in category learning. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) have been implicated in categorization; however, it is unclear whether both are critical for categorization and whether they support unique functions. We administered three categorization tasks to patients with PFC lesions (mean age, 69.6 years; 5 men, 5 women) to examine how the prefrontal subregions contribute to categorization. These included a rule-based (RB) task that was solved via a unidimensional rule, an information integration (II) task that was solved by combining information from two stimulus dimensions, and a deterministic/probabilistic (DP) task with stimulus features that had varying amounts of category-predictive information. Compared with healthy comparison participants, both patient groups had impaired performance. Impairments in the dlPFC patients were largest during the RB task, whereas impairments in the vmPFC patients were largest during the DP task. A hierarchical model was fit to the participants' data to assess learning deficits in the patient groups. PFC damage was correlated with a regularization term that limited updates to attention after each trial. Our results suggest that the PFC, as a whole, is important for learning to orient attention to relevant stimulus information. The dlPFC may be especially important for rule-based learning, whereas the vmPFC may be important for focusing attention on deterministic (highly diagnostic) features and ignoring less predictive features. These results support overarching functions of the dlPFC in executive functioning and the vmPFC in value-based decision-making.

Strategies to enhance treatment fidelity and music-based intervention reporting in dementia research

February 2024


14 Reads

Translational Behavioral Medicine

Creative solutions are needed to address the well-being of the growing number of individuals living with dementia. Music-based interventions (MBIs) are promising and can be cost-effective; however, empirical evidence for MBIs is limited and published findings have not been widely translated into practice. Here, we describe how we implemented strategies to enhance rigor in a randomized clinical trial of an MBI for persons with dementia. We examined the impact of a singing-based MBI on feelings, emotions, and social engagement, relative to a non-music treatment (verbal discussion), delivered in small group format (25 minutes, 3 times/week for 2 weeks). We implemented National Institutes of Health Behavior Change Consortium strategies regarding: (i) design, (ii) interventionist training, (iii) treatment delivery, (iv) treatment receipt, and (v) treatment skills enactment. We applied the MBI Reporting Criteria including: (i) theoretical framework, (ii) musical content, (iii) dosage, (iv) interventionist, (v) treatment fidelity, (vi) setting, and (vii) delivery unit. We analyzed data with a separate linear mixed model for each dependent variable. 32 older adults with dementia (65-97 years) participated. The MBI yielded significant positive effects on all measured outcomes (all p's < .05). Application of established guidelines enhanced methodological rigor and MBI reproducibility. To support translation of research into practice, clinicians should understand how to implement an MBI reported in research. Our study illustrates practical steps to address the need for improved MBI research in persons with dementia and can provide a model for others to enhance evidence-based practice with this population.

Figure 5: Lesions associated with behavioral, neurological, and psychiatric conditions intersect our religious fundamentalism circuit. (A) The average of voxel intensities within lesion locations associated with 21 different conditions (N = 899) are shown in a bar graph. Error bars reflect standard error across different lesion locations within each lesion syndrome. (B) and (C) Lesions (white outlines) associated with confabulation (showing 4 of 25 cases) and criminal behavior (showing 4 of 17 cases) showed the strongest intersections with positive nodes of our religious fundamentalism network, similar to lesions associated with high religious fundamentalism. (D) Lesion locations associated with post-stroke pain (showing 4 of 23 cases) showed the strongest intersection with negative nodes of our spirituality circuit, similar to lesion locations low religious fundamentalism.
A neural network for religious fundamentalism derived from patients with brain lesions

December 2023


527 Reads

Religious fundamentalism, characterized by rigid adherence to a set of beliefs putatively revealing inerrant truths, is ubiquitous across cultures and has a global impact on society. Understanding the psychological and neurobiological processes producing religious fundamentalism may inform a variety of scientific, sociological, and cultural questions. Research indicates that brain damage can alter religious fundamentalism. However, the precise brain regions involved with these changes remain unknown. Here, we analyzed brain lesions associated with varying levels of religious fundamentalism in two large datasets from independent laboratories. Lesions associated with greater fundamentalism were connected to a specific brain network with nodes in the right orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and inferior parietal lobes. This fundamentalism network was strongly right hemisphere lateralized and highly reproducible across the independent datasets (r = 0.82) with cross-validations between datasets. To explore the relationship of this network to lesions previously studied by our group, we tested for similarities to twenty-one lesion-induced conditions. Lesions associated with confabulation and criminal behavior showed a similar connectivity pattern as lesions associated with greater fundamentalism. Moreover, lesions associated with poststroke pain showed a similar connectivity pattern as lesions associated with lower fundamentalism. These findings are consistent with hemispheric specializations in reasoning and lend insight into previously observed epidemiological associations with fundamentalism, such as cognitive rigidity and outgroup hostility.

Citations (62)

... Focusing on a single, relatively underexplored interoceptive modality-breathing-Bischoff et al. [11] explore the role of cortical and subcortical brain regions involved in voluntary respiration and its link to anxiety. Twenty patients with lesions to the frontal, insular, temporal cortex and/or basal ganglia and the same number of matched healthy controls were compared for their performance of separate breathing and motor tasks, in which they had to time their breathing (inhalation/exhalation) or motor movements (rotating a dial) based on a visual cue. ...


Sensing and feeling: an overview
Sensing, feeling and regulating: investigating the association of focal brain damage with voluntary respiratory and motor control

... A neuropsicologia e a psicologia do trânsito são duas áreas de atuação profissional que têm em comum o fato de serem fundamentadas em conhecimentos teóricos e técnicos da avaliação psicológica. A primeira tem como objetivo geral identificar padrões de desempenho em um conjunto de domínios de funcionamento cognitivo e comportamental, que tenham significado para a vida do paciente em um quadro de lesões cerebrais ou de déficits neurocognitivos (Casas, Calamia, & Tranel, 2018). A segunda tem como finalidade ampla a investigação do perfil de funções psicológicas com implicações para o contexto específico do trânsito (Conselho Nacional de Trânsito, 2012). ...

A Global Perspective on Neuropsychological Assessment
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 2023

... Last, in Thomas and Tranel's (2023) article, they moved beyond validity of remote testing and examined the impact of masks in neuropsychological assessment contexts. These authors compared performance on verbally administered tests among patients in the United States examined pre-(N = 754) and post- . ...

Mask Wearing During Neuropsychological Assessment Negatively Impacts Performance on Verbal Tests in Older Patients

Psychological Assessment

... For example, research studies on Parkinson's tend to attract more subjects from middle class and white populations, 76 additionally, black identifying Parkinson's patients are being diagnosed at half the rate as white patients. 77 Although the picture is more mixed in the arts, white identifying people are more likely to engage in arts activity 78 and research shows that areas of high deprivation are less likely to participate in the arts. 79 It is no surprise then that leaders of dance for Parkinson's programmes are trying to actively find ways to achieve more diversity. ...

Does Black vs. White race affect practitioners’ appraisal of Parkinson’s disease?

npj Parkinson s Disease

... On average, participants demonstrated more constructive engagement during MT compared to during verbal sessions (the analogous non-music condition, control group). Participants demonstrated more laughter, smiling and affectionate behaviour during MT [72]. ...

Music Therapy Increases Social and Emotional Well-Being in Persons With Dementia: A Randomized Clinical Crossover Trial Comparing Singing to Verbal Discussion
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Journal of Music Therapy

... The data also indicate activation in the right MTG during the processing of intervals longer than 1.2 s. Lesions in the medial temporal lobe are known to lead to deficits in time orientation, suggesting the importance of this region in timing and time perception 90 . Temporal orientation is a cognitive process which allows for one's sense of time. ...

Localization of a Medial Temporal Lobe - Precuneus Network for Time Orientation
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Annals of Neurology

... Acquired brain injury (ABI) refers to any injury to the brain that occurs after birth, either due to a traumatic event or an internal disease process that leads to damage in brain tissue (1). In children and adolescents, ABI occurs at a particularly vulnerable time because the brain is still developing (2,3). The literature documents a wide range of typical sequelae, including intellectual, executive, physical, and language deficits that persist over time and frequently impact the quality of life (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). ...

Implications of Age at Lesion Onset for Neuropsychological Outcomes: A Systematic Review Focusing on Focal Brain Lesions
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023


... 6,23 Lesion network mapping LNM was performed to quantify the functional and structural connectivity of WMH to cortical, subcortical and white matter regions of interest (ROIs). 24 ROIs were defined in MNI space according to the Schaefer400x7 Atlas (nROIs=400), the Melbourne Subcortical Atlas (nROIs=16) and the HCP1065 Tract Atlas (nROIs=64) (figure 1b). 22,25,26 For visualization of the investigated HCP1065 tracts, see supplementary figure S1. ...

White matter disconnection of left multiple demand network is associated with post-lesion deficits in cognitive control

... Each connectivity measure has proven valuable for understanding alterations in brain networks across various disorders (Dai et al., 2019;Fornito, Zalesky, & Breakspear, 2015;Sha, Wager, Mechelli, & He, 2019;Siegel et al., 2016). For example, in stroke patients, network disruption analyses have helped predict impairments across behavioral domains, aiding in understanding lesion impact on brain function (Hope et al., 2024;Siegel et al., 2016;Talozzi et al., 2023). In Alzheimer's disease, combining structural and functional network analyses reveal how the disease affects global brain organization and function (Dai et al., 2019). ...

Latent disconnectome prediction of long-term cognitive-behavioural symptoms in stroke
