Daniel Kleppner’s research while affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (203)

On the Radial Dependence of the Herschbach Effect
  • Article

August 2012


5 Reads

Molecular Physics

Daniel Kleppner

We present the first results of a study of the radial dependence of the Herschbach effect. The effect displays distinctive short-range behaviour, evidently due to a contact interaction, and also reveals mid- and long-range behaviours. Cosmological implications of the long-range Herschbach effect are explored.

Magnetic relaxation in dysprosium-dysprosium collisions

January 2011


38 Reads


18 Citations

Physical review A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics



Yat Shan Au




Thomas J. Greytak

The collisional magnetic reorientation rate constant gR is measured for magnetically trapped atomic dysprosium (Dy), an atom with large magnetic dipole moments. Using buffer gas cooling with cold helium, large numbers (>1011) of Dy are loaded into a magnetic trap and the buffer gas is subsequently removed. The decay of the trapped sample is governed by collisional reorientation of the atomic magnetic moments. We find gR=1.9±0.5×10-11 cm3 s-1 at 390 mK. We also measure the magnetic reorientation rate constant of holmium (Ho), another highly magnetic atom, and find gR=5±2×10-12 cm3 s-1 at 690 mK. The Zeeman relaxation rates of these atoms are greater than expected for the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction, suggesting that another mechanism, such as an anisotropic electrostatic interaction, is responsible. Comparison with estimated elastic collision rates suggests that Dy is a poor candidate for evaporative cooling in a magnetic trap.

Citations (39)

... Albert Einstein publicou três trabalhos revolucionários no ano de 1905, um trabalho sobre o Movimento Browniano, outro sobre a Relatividade e um terceiro sobre o Efeito Fotoelétrico, no qual propôs uma hipótese da quantização da radiação eletromagnética pela qual, em certos processos, a luz comporta-se como pacotes concentrados de energia, chamados fótons (KLEPPNER, 2005). ...


Uma Sequência Didática Investigativa para a Aprendizagem Conceitual do Efeito Fotoelétrico
Relendo Einstein sobre radiação
  • Citing Article
  • March 2005

Revista de ensino de física

... Due to the limited time frame in which a missile is in boost phaseabout three minutes for a solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) -SBIs face a simple, but significant technical challenge: being in the right place at the right time (Barton 2004). Due to this constraint, kinetic hit-to-kill SBIs must be placed in low Earth orbit, since higher altitudes would leave the interceptors too far away to reach a missile while it is still in boost phase. ...

Report of the American Physical Society Study Group on Boost-Phase Intercept Systems for National Missile Defense (vol 76, pg S1, 2004)
  • Citing Article
  • July 2004

Review of Modern Physics

... Most images that created cardiac images were not completely clear and some contain Signal Noise Ratio (SNR), which affected myocardial borders detection. The result of tissue recognition matches the initial in-memory outcome comparing with others studies using different segmentation techniques comparing with other scientifical results[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. ...

Basic Atomic Physics
  • Citing Article
  • July 2010

... Understanding the psychological mechanism underpinning the pro-vaccination and anti-vaccination groups' behaviors is essential to explaining their actions. Science is the backbone of modern society's medical and technological achievements; nonetheless, many people have lost faith in science, and a powerful anti-scientific counterculture has formed (Holton, 1993;Lu & Sun, 2022). ...

Science and Anti-Science
  • Citing Article
  • August 1994

Physics Today

... Pour mieux faire, il serait souhaitable soit de peupler optiquement le niveau métastable soit d'étudier une transition provenant de l'état fondamental (plus d'atomes). Dans le premier cas, il y a déjà une expérience en cours au MIT où des atomes d'hydrogène confinés dans un piège magnétique sont excités dans l'état 2S via deux photons à 243 nm [34]. Pour mieux contrôler les effets systématiques, il serait utile d'étudier plusieurs transitions du type 2S-nS. ...

Progress in Spectroscopy of Ultracold Hydrogen
  • Citing Article
  • June 2000

... Summing over all trajectories gives a smooth result which diverges at extrema of P f (x i ). The "primitive" semiclassical wave function in momentum space is obtained via the same method as in [62], and is similar to the methods in [69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]. For each p f at the final time t f , we sum semiclassical terms ...

Extracting Classical Trajectories from Atomic Spectra
  • Citing Article
  • August 1998

Physical Review Letters

... This generalization is possible because of the well-known fact that quantum systems mathematically have a classical Hamiltonian structure [7,8]. A recent development in the field of ultracold atoms is to use Feshbach resonances [9] or a stimulated optical Raman transition [10,11] to convert two atoms into a molecule. This kind of atom-molecule systems can be well described by a mean-field theory and can become nonlinear systems when both the atoms and the molecules are bosons and the number of particles in this system is large. ...

Boost-Phase Defense Against Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

Physics Today

... Consequently, the recurrence spectrum provides a quantum picture of classical behavior. [6] "circular states have found applications in cavity quantum electro-dynamics, metrology, collisions, and intense radiation field dynamics". [7] Is it a death radius or a true radius of the ground state ? ...

Recurrence Spectroscopy of a Time-Dependent System: A Rydberg Atom in an Oscillating Field
  • Citing Article
  • September 1997

Physical Review Letters

... A schematic representation of the experimental apparatus is shown in figure 3. Machined from Cryo-G10, the BGC cell is thermally anchored to the mixing chamber of a dilution refrigerator by high-purity copper braids [35]. Thermal conductivity along the cell length is provided by copper wires running vertically along the outer Cryo-G10 walls. ...

Zeeman Relaxation of Cold Atomic Iron and Nickel in Collisions with 3He
  • Citing Article
  • Full-text available
  • June 2010

Physical review A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics