Dana M. Blumenthal’s research while affiliated with Agricultural Research Service and other places

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Publications (133)

The locations of all cheatgrass and red brome training and testing phenology observations colored by species and phenophase. Map created using the R package ggmap (Kahle & Wickham, 2023). Map tiles for base map by Stamen Design, under CC BY 4.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.
Root‐mean squared error (RMSE) values between predicted and observed phenological dates from the timelapse camera test dataset for the suite of phenology models (see Table 2 for explanations of the model codes) for (A) flowering and (B) senescence of cheatgrass and red brome. The gray dashed lines in both panels show the RMSE values for the null models (mean date of phenological events) for cheatgrass, and the black dashed lines show the RMSE values for the null models for red brome.
Predicted day of year (DOY) versus observed DOY of phenological stages for photothermal time model fits of test data adjusted by continuous heat‐insolation load index for cheatgrass and red brome flowering and senescence. The black line denotes the fitted linear model between predicted and observed phenological dates of test data for both species and phenophases. The gray shaded region indicates a 95% CI around the fitted line. The dashed line represents the 1:1 line.
Estimated dates of (A) flowering and (B) senescence of cheatgrass, and (C) flowering and (D) senescence of red brome for 2019 calculated using photothermal time models and daily gridded Daymet climate data from 2019 and then adjusted by continuous heat‐insolation load index. Phenology model projections were clipped to the estimated suitable habitat boundaries for each species from the invasive plant habitat suitability webtool INHABIT (Jarnevich et al., 2023, https://gis.usgs.gov/inhabit/). Base map from Esri and its licensors, copyright 2023.
Estimated differences (Δ) in the day of year (DOY) of flowering for (A) cheatgrass and (B) red brome between 2000 (a year with a warm spring) and 2019 (a year with a cold spring). Brown colors and positive values indicate more advanced phenology in 2000 compared with 2019, yellow indicates minimal change between the two years, and purple colors and negative values indicate delayed phenology in 2000 compared with 2019. Difference rasters were clipped to the boundaries of estimated suitable habitat boundaries for each species from the invasive plant habitat suitability webtool INHABIT (Jarnevich et al., 2023, https://gis.usgs.gov/inhabit/). Base map from Esri and its licensors, copyright 2023.
Phenology forecasting models for detection and management of invasive annual grasses
  • Article
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October 2024


62 Reads


1 Citation



D. M. Blumenthal




Non‐native annual grasses can dramatically alter fire frequency and reduce forage quality and biodiversity in the ecosystems they invade. Effective management techniques are needed to reduce these undesirable invasive species and maintain ecosystem services. Well‐timed management strategies, such as grazing, that are applied when invasive grasses are active prior to native plants can control invasive species spread and reduce their impact; however, anticipating the timing of key phenological stages that are susceptible to management over vast landscapes is difficult, as the phenology of these species can vary greatly over time and space. To address this challenge, we created range‐wide phenology forecasts for two problematic invasive annual grasses: cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), and red brome (Bromus rubens). We tested a suite of 18 mechanistic phenology models using observations from monitoring experiments, volunteer science, herbarium records, timelapse camera imagery, and downscaled gridded climate data to identify the models that best predicted the dates of flowering and senescence of the two invasive grass species. We found that the timing of flowering and senescence of cheatgrass and red brome were best predicted by photothermal time models that had been adjusted for topography using gridded continuous heat‐insolation load index values. Phenology forecasts based on these models can help managers make decisions about when to schedule management actions such as grazing to reduce undesirable invasive grasses and promote forage production, quality, and biodiversity in grasslands; to predict the timing of greatest fire risk after annual grasses dry out; and to select remote sensing imagery to accurately map invasive grasses across topographic and latitudinal gradients. These phenology models also have the potential to be operationalized for within‐season or within‐year decision support.


Abundance of native and non‐native grasses and forbs in field F0 in each survey. Active restoration treatments (light blue) are ordered, from left to right: Seed addition only, seeding + burning, herbicide and burning, burning, and tilling, burning, tilling and a nurse crop, and herbicide, burning and tilling in Surveys 1 and 3. Only reference plots and those that received seed addition only, or seed addition plus herbicide, burning and tilling were measured in Survey 2. n = 5 for each combination of treatment and year.
Change in abundance over time of native and non‐native grasses and forbs in F0 relative to similarly aged old fields (F1 and F2; 56 years since abandonment). Functional group abundances in passively recovering reference plots [C] are shown for each field (dark black lines) and compared with actively restored plots in F0 (light grey lines). White dashed lines show the modelled trajectory of passive recovery in each field (95% credible intervals in blue). Estimates of δ (our estimate of the level of autocorrelation) that are >0.5 suggest functional group abundance is highly correlated between measurements.
Functional group abundance in the field F0 set against a successional background of 21 passively recovering old fields. Red lines show abundances in actively restored plots in F0; grey lines show passively recovering plots from fields F0–F21. The modal (most common) trajectory for each group is shown by the yellow line, with shading representing 95% posterior credible intervals. Tick marks on the right of each panel show the distribution of standardised abundances in F0 at successional age 52 (red), compared with the distribution of abundances observed across all fields (grey). Tick marks at the top of each panel show the ages are represented by 34 years of surveys. Actively restored plots had lower non‐native abundance than the predicted long‐run outcome of natural succession (αK), and higher abundance for native grasses and forbs.
Active restoration after three decades: Seed addition increases native dominance compared to landscape‐scale secondary succession

October 2024


112 Reads


1 Citation

Active restoration often aims to accelerate ecosystem recovery. However, active restoration may not be worthwhile if its effects are overwhelmed by changes that occur passively. Moreover, it can be challenging to separate the effects of passive processes, such as dispersal and natural succession, from active restoration efforts. We assess the 24‐year impact of actively restoring a Minnesota old‐field grassland via seed addition of native tallgrass prairie species. We compared the abundance of four functional plant groups in actively restored plots against abundances in three reference classes: (1) unrestored plots undergoing passive recovery within the same old field, (2) passively recovering plots in two nearby old fields of similar age and (3) a chronosequence of 21 old fields within the same landscape. Active restoration led to a higher abundance of native grasses and forbs in the 36 m² treatment plots. Seed addition was more effective if the original vegetation was first removed using herbicide, burning and tilling. However, long‐term conclusions about the efficacy of active restoration varied widely depending on the choice of reference class. In our small‐scale restoration experiment, native abundance was similarly high in both the actively restored and reference plots after 24 years, suggesting either (1) passive recovery or (2) local dispersal of native species from nearby treatment plots (i.e. cross‐contamination). In contrast, a comparison with two nearby reference fields suggested active restoration resulted in much higher native abundance relative to passive recovery. A smaller, positive effect was detected when we compared actively restored plots to the chronosequence of old fields. In the chronosequence, many passively recovering old fields had transitioned to native grass dominance naturally, although active restoration appeared to increase native forb abundance. Synthesis and applications: Our findings highlight the importance of using scale‐appropriate references for assessing the efficacy and need for active restoration. Comparing actively restored plots with the surrounding landscape, we found that active restoration and passive recovery led to similar plant communities after 24 years. Because local dispersal from actively restored sites can nearby references, caution should be exercised when evaluating long‐term restoration projects using only small‐scale experiments.

Naturalized species drive functional trait shifts in plant communities

September 2024


220 Reads

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Despite decades of research documenting the consequences of naturalized and invasive plant species on ecosystem functions, our understanding of the functional underpinnings of these changes remains rudimentary. This is partially due to ineffective scaling of trait differences between native and naturalized species to whole plant communities.Working with data from over 75,000 plots and over 5,500 species from across theUnited States, we show that changes in the functional composition of communities associated with increasing abundance of naturalized species mirror the differences in traits between native and naturalized plants. We find that communities with greater abundance of naturalized species are more resource acquisitive aboveground and below-ground, shorter, more shallowly rooted, and increasingly aligned with an independent strategy for belowground resource acquisition via thin fine roots with high specific root length. We observe shifts toward herbaceous-dominated communities but shifts within both woody and herbaceous functional groups follow community-level patterns for most traits. Patterns are remarkably similar across desert, grassland, and forest ecosystems.Our results demonstrate that the establishment and spread of naturalized species, likely in combination with underlying environmental shifts, leads to predictable and consistent changes in community-level traits that can alter ecosystem functions.

Local adaptation to climate facilitates a global invasion

September 2024


317 Reads


1 Citation

Local adaptation may facilitate range expansion during invasions, but the mechanisms promoting destructive invasions remain unclear. Cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ), native to Eurasia and Africa, has invaded globally, with particularly severe impacts in western North America. We sequenced 307 genotypes and conducted controlled experiments. We found that diverse lineages invaded North America, where long-distance gene flow is common. Ancestry and phenotypic clines in the native range predicted those in the invaded range, indicating pre-adapted genotypes colonized different regions. Common gardens showed directional selection on flowering time that reversed between warm and cold sites, potentially maintaining clines. In the Great Basin, genomic predictions of strong local adaptation identified sites where cheatgrass is most dominant. Preventing new introductions that may fuel adaptation is critical for managing ongoing invasions.

Mean trait values for focal species, shown separately for the two prairie types and different plant functional types. Filled symbols represent graminoid monocots and open symbols represent eudicots (forbs, legumes, and shrubs). Gold symbols represent samples from the shortgrass and black symbols represent samples from the mixedgrass. The ends of each box represent the 25th and 75th quantiles of species' means and the line within the box represents the median. The whiskers of the box plots extend to the minimum and maximum of the species' means or to the highest or lowest species' mean that is within 1.5 times the interquartile range of the upper and lower quartiles. See Table 1 for estimates of how much trait variance can be partitioned to life history, growth form, and the combination of both. LDMC, leaf dry matter content; RDMC, root dry matter content; SRL, specific root length; SLA, specific leaf area.
Pairwise correlations between analogous leaf and root traits (upper panels) and between other traits of interest (lower panels). Solid lines show linear relationships when P < 0.05 and dashed lines show linear relationships when P > 0.05. Different colored lines show the linear relationships for different sample populations, as indicated in the legend. Gold symbols represent samples from the shortgrass and black symbols represent samples from the mixedgrass. *Asterisks are used to indicate species that are legumes. Note that the axes are log‐scaled (SLA, SRL, seed mass, root diameter) or square‐root‐scaled (N content and dry matter content). See Supporting Information Tables S3 and S4 for additional statistics describing these pairwise correlations. LDMC, leaf dry matter content; RDMC, root dry matter content; SRL, specific root length; SLA, specific leaf area.
Relationships between species' trait phenotypes and their relative abundance. The left panel shows the relationship between leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and relative abundance across species and sites (n = 52 species‐site combinations). Symbols show the mean values for each species sampled at each site, including 17 species that were sampled at both sites. The coefficient of determination for the relationship is 0.40, using a log‐transformation of percent biomass and a square‐root transformation of LDMC. The right panels show the partial regression plots representing separate multiple regression analyses conducted for the relative abundance of annual species and perennial species. See the Results section for statistics from these multiple regression models. SRL, specific root length.
Coefficients of determination (R 2 values) from ANOVA models assessing mean differences among plant functional types defined by life history (annual or perennial) and growth form (graminoid or forb or shrub or legume).
Correlations of functional traits with the relative abundance of species. Aboveground plant biomass (% of total plant biomass)
Coordination of leaf, root, and seed traits shows the importance of whole plant economics in two semiarid grasslands

January 2024


323 Reads


10 Citations

Uncertainty persists within trait‐based ecology, partly because few studies assess multiple axes of functional variation and their effect on plant performance. For 55 species from two semiarid grasslands, we quantified: (1) covariation between economic traits of leaves and absorptive roots, (2) covariation among economic traits, plant height, leaf size, and seed mass, and (3) relationships between these traits and species' abundance. Pairs of analogous leaf and root traits were at least weakly positively correlated (e.g. specific leaf area (SLA) and specific root length (SRL)). Two pairs of such traits, N content and DMC of leaves and roots, were at least moderately correlated (r > 0.5) whether species were grouped by site, taxonomic group and growth form, or life history. Root diameter was positively correlated with seed mass for all groups of species except annuals and monocots. Species with higher leaf dry matter content (LDMC) tended to be more abundant (r = 0.63). Annuals with larger seeds were more abundant (r = 0.69). Compared with global‐scale syntheses with many observations from mesic ecosystems, we observed stronger correlations between analogous leaf and root traits, weaker correlations between SLA and leaf N, and stronger correlations between SRL and root N. In dry grasslands, plant persistence may require coordination of above‐ and belowground traits, and dense tissues may facilitate dominance.

Global distribution and treatment effects
a Global map of all participating sites in the study. Red dot = data on soil microbial and detritivore activity (n = 18 sites); blue dot = data on soil microbial activity only (n = 26 sites). b, c Show two figures where we tested the effect of NPK fertilization, herbivore reduction, and the interactive effect of NPK fertilization and herbivore reduction on soil detritivore activity (log-scaled) and soil microbial activity (log-scaled). Points are raw observations; error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Significance levels: (*) p-value = 0.06, ns not significant.
Structural equation model of soil detritivore activity
a Soil detritivore activity as a best-fit Structural Equation Model showing the effects of NPK fertilization and herbivore reduction (Fisher’s C = 1.88; P = 0.758; d.f. = 4; 18 sites). Black arrows indicate significant positive and red arrows indicate significant negative effects in the model (P < 0.05). Dashed gray arrows indicate non-significant effects (P > 0.05) that remain in the model based on AIC. Dark gray double-headed arrows indicate paths that were treated as correlated errors in the model. Arrow widths are proportional to their effect sizes. Numbers along the arrows are standardized path coefficients. Marginal R²m: model variation explained by fixed effects; conditional R²c: model variation explained by both fixed and random effects. Significance levels: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. b Direct, indirect, and net effect of MAP on soil detritivore activity, and c direct, indirect, and net effect herbivore reduction on soil detritivore activity.
Structural equation model of soil microbial activity
aSoil microbial activity as a best-fit Structural Equation Model showing the effects of NPK fertilization, herbivore reduction (A/C = 77.9, Fisher’s C = 1.932; P = 0.381; d.f. = 2; 26 sites). Black arrows indicate significant positive and red arrows indicate significant negative effects in the model (P < 0.05). Dashed gray arrows indicate non-significant effects (P > 0.05) that remain in the model based on AIC. Dark gray double-headed arrows indicate paths that were treated as correlated errors in the model. Arrow widths are proportional to their effect sizes. Numbers along the arrows are standardized path coefficients. Marginal R²m: model variation explained by fixed effects; conditional R²c: model variation explained by both fixed and random effects. Significance levels: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. b Direct, indirect, and net effect of MAP on soil microbial activity, and c direct, indirect, and net effect herbivore reduction on soil microbial activity, and d direct, indirect, and net effect of NPK fertilization on soil microbial activity (scale of b) differs from c and d.
Correlation between soil microbial and detritivore activity
Correlation of soil microbial activity and detritivore activity (both log-scaled, data from 18 sites included; F = 9.15, p = 0.003). Color of data points (blue) indicates soil moisture level of the sample.
Drivers of soil microbial and detritivore activity across global grasslands

December 2023


567 Reads

Communications Biology

Covering approximately 40% of land surfaces, grasslands provide critical ecosystem services that rely on soil organisms. However, the global determinants of soil biodiversity and functioning remain underexplored. In this study, we investigate the drivers of soil microbial and detritivore activity in grasslands across a wide range of climatic conditions on five continents. We apply standardized treatments of nutrient addition and herbivore reduction, allowing us to disentangle the regional and local drivers of soil organism activity. We use structural equation modeling to assess the direct and indirect effects of local and regional drivers on soil biological activities. Microbial and detritivore activities are positively correlated across global grasslands. These correlations are shaped more by global climatic factors than by local treatments, with annual precipitation and soil water content explaining the majority of the variation. Nutrient addition tends to reduce microbial activity by enhancing plant growth, while herbivore reduction typically increases microbial and detritivore activity through increased soil moisture. Our findings emphasize soil moisture as a key driver of soil biological activity, highlighting the potential impacts of climate change, altered grazing pressure, and eutrophication on nutrient cycling and decomposition within grassland ecosystems.

Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context

August 2023


367 Reads


4 Citations

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Aim Native biodiversity is threatened by the spread of non‐native invasive species. Many studies demonstrate that invasions reduce local biodiversity but we lack an understanding of how impacts vary across environments at the macroscale. Using ~11,500 vegetation surveys from ecosystems across the United States, we quantified how the relationship between non‐native plant cover and native plant diversity varied across different compositions of invading plants (measured by non‐native plant richness and evenness) and environmental contexts (measured by productivity and human activity). Location Continental United States. Time Period Surveys from 1990s‐present. Major Taxa Studied Terrestrial plant communities. Methods We fit mixed effects models to understand how native plant richness, diversity and evenness varied with non‐native cover. We tested how this relationship varied when non‐native cover interacted with non‐native plant richness and evenness, and with productivity and human activity. Results Across the United States, communities with greater cover of non‐native plants had lower native plant richness and diversity but higher evenness, suggesting rare native plants can be lost while dominant plants decline in abundance. The relationship between non‐native cover and native community diversity varied with non‐native plant richness and evenness but was not associated with productivity and human activity. Negative associations were strongest in areas with low non‐native richness and evenness, characterizing plant communities that were invaded by a dominant non‐native plant. Main Conclusions Non‐native plant cover provides a first approximation of invasion impacts on native community diversity, but the magnitude of impact depended on non‐native plant richness and evenness. Relationships between non‐native cover and native diversity were consistent in strength across continental scale gradients of productivity and human activity. Therefore, at the macroscale, invasive plant impacts on native plant communities likely depend more on the characteristics of the invading plants, that is the presence of a dominant invader, than on the environmental context.

Figure 1. (A) BenchBot autonomous high-throughput imaging system, (B) example imagery from BenchBot after automated segmentation of weeds from background objects, (C) testing of the handheld version of the Weeds3D system at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, and (D) example 3D reconstruction of plant biomass from the Weeds3D systems.
Figure 2. (A) Depiction of a bipartite synthetic Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) cassette (red) consisting of a Cas9 endonuclease and a guide ribonucleic acid RNA (gRNA) that is flanked by homology arms (HA) (black). (B) Following expression of the CRISPR cassette, gRNA binds to Cas9 and directs the complex to a unique sequence-specific site for DNA cleavage and homology-directed repair (HDR). Following HDR, the CRISPR cassette is copied into both genomic regions. (C) Standard Mendelian inheritance results in 50% of progeny inheriting a modified gene. In contrast, a gene drive would bias inheritance, theoretically resulting in all progenies (~99%) inheriting the modified gene, thereby "driving" the modified gene into an invasive weed population.
Figure 4. Agricultural Research Service researchers have focused on understanding how climate change influences weeds/invasive plants and their impacts and management. Image shows a study of how precipitation change influences cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion in rangelands of northeast Wyoming, USA. (Credit: Anna Kuhne)
Agricultural Research Service Weed Science Research: Past, Present, and Future

August 2023


503 Reads


1 Citation

Weed Science

The U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) has been a leader in weed science research covering topics ranging from the development and use of integrated weed management (IWM) tactics to basic mechanistic studies, including biotic resistance of desirable plant communities and herbicide resistance. ARS weed scientists have worked in agricultural and natural ecosystems, including agronomic and horticultural crops, pastures, forests, wild lands, aquatic habitats, wetlands, and riparian areas. Through strong partnerships with academia, state agencies, private industry, and numerous federal programs, ARS weed scientists have made contributions to discoveries in the newest fields of robotics and genetics, as well as the traditional and fundamental subjects of weed–crop competition and physiology and integration of weed control tactics and practices. Weed science at ARS is often overshadowed by other research topics; thus, few are aware of the long history of ARS weed science and its important contributions. This review is the result of a symposium held at the Weed Science Society of America’s 62nd Annual Meeting in 2022 that included 10 separate presentations in a virtual Weed Science Webinar Series. The overarching themes of management tactics (IWM, biological control, and automation), basic mechanisms (competition, invasive plant genetics, and herbicide resistance), and ecosystem impacts (invasive plant spread, climate change, conservation, and restoration) represent core ARS weed science research that is dynamic and efficacious and has been a significant component of the agency’s national and international efforts. This review highlights current studies and future directions that exemplify the science and collaborative relationships both within and outside ARS. Given the constraints of weeds and invasive plants on all aspects of food, feed, and fiber systems, there is an acknowledged need to face new challenges, including agriculture and natural resources sustainability, economic resilience and reliability, and societal health and well-being.

Analytical framework used to assess vulnerability to plant invasion impact across scales. (a) Species–area relationships (SARs) in uninvaded (blue) and invaded (red) plots within a National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) ecoregion. (b) Expected differences in curve parameters (c and z) as a function of degree of invasion (color scale) are described by ecoregion‐level landscape (βz) and local (βc) vulnerability parameters. The three sets of connected points show how expectations for the curves would change across ecoregions, with the lower sets of points illustrating most vulnerable regions. (c) NEON ecoregions in contiguous United States, color‐coded by minimum average temperature in coldest month to show regional differences.
Impact of non‐native plant cover on local (a–c) and landscape (d–f) vulnerability. (a, d) Estimates of βc (expected negative) and βz (expected positive) parameters for each of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) ecoregions included in the analysis. (b, e) Map of NEON ecoregions showing mean values of βc and βz. (c, f) Results of analysis of non‐native plant cover impact coefficients (βc and βz), as a function of an overall effect (α*0), and of average minimum temperature in coldest month (α*1) and precipitation in driest month (α*2). Coefficients with 95% CIs that do not cross zero are considered statistically significant.
Association between net primary productivity (NPP) and local native richness, c, and rate of species accumulation, z. (a, b) Effects of NPP on c for each National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) ecoregion (graphs) and spatial distribution (maps showing mean values). (c, d) Effects of NPP on z for each NEON ecoregion (graphs) and spatial distribution (maps; mean values). Coefficients were considered statistically significant if their 95% CI did not overlap with zero.
Association between Human Modification Index (HMI) and local native richness, c, and rate of species accumulation, z. (a, b) Effects of HMI on c for each National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) ecoregion (graphs) and spatial distribution (maps; mean values). (c, d) Effects of HMI on z for each NEON ecoregion (graphs) and spatial distribution (maps; mean values). Coefficients were considered statistically significant if their 95% CI did not overlap zero.
Vulnerability to non‐native species cover expressed as effect size (ES). (a, b) Vulnerability at low non‐native plant cover (10%) estimated at 1 and 400 m². (c, d) Vulnerability at high non‐native plant cover (50%) estimated at 1 m² and 400 m². Large maps show 10 km² mean ES estimates, smaller maps reflect statistical significance defined as follows: Negative (ES mean negative, 95% CI does not overlap zero), NS negative (ES mean negative, 95% CI overlaps zero, non‐significant [NS]), NS positive (ES mean positive, 95% CI overlaps zero, NS), and Positive (ES mean positive, 95% CI does not overlap zero). Rectangular inserts show 1 km² ES averages for a representative area. Note that predictions are based on National Ecological Observatory Network data and extrapolated to other locations using net primary productivity and Human Modification Index.
Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact

March 2023


335 Reads


6 Citations

Invasive species science has focused heavily on the invasive agent. However, management to protect native species also requires a proactive approach focused on resident communities and the features affecting their vulnerability to invasion impacts. Vulnerability is likely the result of factors acting across spatial scales, from local to regional, and it is the combined effects of these factors that will determine the magnitude of vulnerability. Here, we introduce an analytical framework that quantifies the scale‐dependent impact of biological invasions on native richness from the shape of the native species–area relationship (SAR). We leveraged newly available, biogeographically extensive vegetation data from the U.S. National Ecological Observatory Network to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact as a function of factors acting across scales. We analyzed more than 1000 SARs widely distributed across the USA along environmental gradients and under different levels of non‐native plant cover. Decreases in native richness were consistently associated with non‐native species cover, but native richness was compromised only at relatively high levels of non‐native cover. After accounting for variation in baseline ecosystem diversity, net primary productivity, and human modification, ecoregions that were colder and wetter were most vulnerable to losses of native plant species at the local level, while warmer and wetter areas were most susceptible at the landscape level. We also document how the combined effects of cross‐scale factors result in a heterogeneous spatial pattern of vulnerability. This pattern could not be predicted by analyses at any single scale, underscoring the importance of accounting for factors acting across scales. Simultaneously assessing differences in vulnerability between distinct plant communities at local, landscape, and regional scales provided outputs that can be used to inform policy and management aimed at reducing vulnerability to the impact of plant invasions.

Citations (80)

... Tansley review New Phytologist estimates of deleterious allele frequencies (Hodgins et al., 2015;Gamba et al., 2024;Battlay et al., 2024a), which is in contrast to other groups such as crops (Makino et al., 2018). During range expansion, genetic load can accumulate at the leading edge of the wave due to the surfing of deleterious variants at expanding range fronts (Edmonds et al., 2004). ...


The genomic secrets of invasive plants
Local adaptation to climate facilitates a global invasion

... Specifically, the acquisitive strategy represents higher productivity compared to a conservative strategy, which emphasizes persistence. Conversely, the conservative strategy runs in the opposite direction Kevin et al., 2024;Reich et al., 1991;Suonan et al., 2023;Wright et al., 2004). Moreover, there are also contrasting findings in the literature; Smith et al. (2019) noted that high photosynthesis rates are negatively correlated with leaf N concentrations (Smith et al., 2019). ...

Coordination of leaf, root, and seed traits shows the importance of whole plant economics in two semiarid grasslands

... The high number of non-native vascular plant species with potential climatic ranges here suggests that these regions may be at greater risk of establishment by several non-native plant species. Importantly, the potential number of non-natives escalate the risk of causing functional disturbances to native plant communities (Beaury et al. 2023). There is thus a need to increase vigilance measures in these regions. ...

Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context

Global Ecology and Biogeography

... The global demand for rice has been steadily increasing. However, weeds in paddy fields compete with crops for nutrients, growth space, and sunlight, and they can also spread diseases and pests, significantly reducing rice yields [3,4]. In recent years, the increasing resistance of weeds to herbicides has led to higher herbicide residues, posing serious health risks to animals and humans through the food chain [5][6][7]. ...

Agricultural Research Service Weed Science Research: Past, Present, and Future

Weed Science

... They surmised that the warming decreased the temperature limitation on recruitment and growth, since cheatgrass germinates in the fall or early spring, depending on precipitation and matures in late spring. Maxwell et al. (2023) manipulated surface albedo at two sites (Boise, ID and Cheyenne, WY) using white gravel to reduce net radiation and thereby cool the surface or black gravel to increase net radiation and thereby warm the surface. At both locations, the black gravel treatment significantly advanced cheatgrass phenology relative to the white gravel treatment. ...

Experimental manipulation of soil-surface albedo alters phenology and growth of Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass)

Plant and Soil

... Furthermore, formulating ecological principles for an invasive species requires ecosystem-level studies. Vulnerability to invasion is affected by a combination of factors at all spatial scales: local, regional, and global (Shiferaw et al., 2019a;Eckert et al., 2020;Ib Añez et al., 2023). Thus, future research on the species should give due attention to broader geographic coverage. ...

Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact

... The Great Basin region of the United States is generally a winter-wet or winter-dominant system, whereas the Great Plains is a summer-wet or summer-dominant system (Finkelstein & Truppi, 1991;Hajek & Knapp, 2022). While cheatgrass can invade communities across a broad spectrum of precipitation amounts and patterns (Brooks et al., 2016), the persistence of cheatgrass within invaded areas may be subject to a "winter-wet/summer-dry" precipitation pattern that advantages its winter annual life history while decreasing competition from native perennials (Archer et al., 2023;Blank et al., 2020;Prevéy & Seastedt, 2014). ...

Invasive annual grasses—Reenvisioning approaches in a changing climate

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

... Seven experimental studies using seedlings or saplings in controlled conditions or common gardens explored the response of woody plant NSC and carbon metabolism to a variety of environmental factors and/or stressors, including reduced light, drought, elevated CO 2 (eCO 2 ), hormone addition, temperature reduction and defoliation. In four woody plant species encroaching in US rangelands, O'Connor et al. (2024) found that elevated eCO 2 increased their photosynthesis, water-use efficiency, and leaf starch concentrations. It has been hypothesized that increased atmospheric CO 2 concentrations have driven woody encroachment in recent decades, and O' Connor et al. (2024) found that eCO 2 ameliorated drought effects on seedlings of these species through large increases in water use efficiency. ...

Elevated CO2 counteracts effects of water stress on woody rangeland-encroaching species

Tree Physiology

... Most previous studies concerning the N addition-induced asymmetry in above-versus belowground ecological processes have focused on productivity (Feng et al., 2023;Keller et al., 2023;Wang et al., 2019), biodiversity (Zhao et al., 2023), C storage (Hong et al., 2023), and ecosystem stability Yang et al., 2022), but little work has ever explored the potential responses of stoichiometric asymmetry to long-term N addition. In the present study, significant responses of the stoichiometric ratios of trees and neutral responses of soils and microorganisms under long-term N addition (50 kg N ha −1 year −1 ; Figure 2) provided empirical evidence of asymmetric responses in above-versus belowground ecological processes under environmental change (Figure 3). ...

Stronger fertilization effects on aboveground versus belowground plant properties across nine U.S. grasslands

... In recent years, scientists have realised that ecological responses to multiple simultaneously acting GCFs may be difficult to predict from the responses to single GCFs (Rillig et al. 2019;Speißer, Wilschut, and van Kleunen 2022;Zandalinas, Fritschi, and Mittler 2021;Shi, Chen, and van Kleunen 2024;Wang et al. 2024). An increasing number of studies has also began to explore the interactive effects of GCFs on plant invasion (Blumenthal et al. 2022;Haeuser, Dawson, and van Kleunen 2019). However, each case study usually involved a limited number of species and usually not more than two GCFs simultaneously. ...

Soil disturbance and invasion magnify CO2 effects on grassland productivity, reducing diversity
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

Global Change Biology