D. R. Anderson’s research while affiliated with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other places

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Publications (67)

AIC model selection and multimodel inference in behavioral ecology: some background, observations, and comparisons
  • Article

January 2011


1,545 Reads


2,441 Citations

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

K.P. Burnham


D.R. Anderson


We briefly outline the information-theoretic (I-T) approaches to valid inference including a review of some simple methods for making formal inference from all the hypotheses in the model set (multimodel inference). The I-T approaches can replace the usual t tests and ANOVA tables that are so inferentially limited, but still commonly used. The I-T methods are easy to compute and understand and provide formal measures of the strength of evidence for both the null and alternative hypotheses, given the data. We give an example to highlight the importance of deriving alternative hypotheses and representing these as probability models. Fifteen technical issues are addressed to clarify various points that have appeared incorrectly in the recent literature. We offer several remarks regarding the future of empirical science and data analysis under an I-T framework.

Selection among open population capture-recapture models when capture-recapture are heterogeneous

August 2010


50 Reads


29 Citations

Selection of a parsimonious model as a basis for statistical inference from capture-recapture data is critical, especially when using open models in the analysis of multiple, interrelated data sets (e.g. males and females, with two to three age classes, over three to five areas and 10-15 years). The global (i.e. most general) model for such data sets might contain hundreds of survival and recapture parameters. Here, we focus on a series of nested models of the Cormack-Jolly-Seber type wherein the likelihood arises from products of multinomial distributions whose cell probabilities are reparameterized in terms of survival ( phi ) and mean capture ( p ) probabilities. This paper presents numerical results on two information-theoretic methods for model selection when the capture probabilities are heterogeneous over individual animals: Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) and a dimension-consistent criterion (CAIC), derived from a Bayesian viewpoint. Quality of model selection was evaluated based on the relative Euclidian distance between standardized theta and theta (parameter theta is vector-valued and contains the survival ( phi ) and mean capture ( p ) probabilities); this quantity (RSS = sigma{(theta i - theta i )/ theta i } 2 ) is a sum of squared bias and variance. Thus, the quality of inference (RSS) was judged by comparing the performance of the two information criteria and the use of the true model (used to generate the data), in relation to the model that provided the smallest RSS. We found that heterogeneity in the capture probabilities had a negligible effect on model selection using AIC or CAIC. Model size increased as sample size increased with both AIC- and CAIC-selected models.

Fig. 1. Schematic showing (a) survey design and (b) analysis in Distance.
Fig. 2. Examples of problematic line transect data sets: (a) spike at zero, (b) too few detections near zero, (c) rounding to favoured distances, (d) overdispersed data.
Distance 6.0
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2009


2,121 Reads


20 Citations







Comment on Are survival rates for northern spotted owls biased?Appears in Can. J. Zool. 83: 13861390.

November 2006


90 Reads


8 Citations

Loehle et al. recently estimated survival rates from radio-telemetered northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina (Merriam, 1898)) and suggested that survival rates estimated for this species from capturerecapture studies were negatively biased, which subsequently resulted in the negatively biased estimates of rates of population change () reported by Anthony et al. (Wildl. Monogr. No. 163, pp. 147 (2006)). We argue that their survival estimates were inappropriate for comparison with capturerecapture estimates because (i) the manner in which they censored radio-telemetered individuals had the potential to positively bias their survival estimates, (ii) their estimates of survival were not valid for evaluating bias, and (iii) the size and distribution of their radiotelemetry study areas were sufficiently different from capturerecapture study areas to preclude comparisons. In addition, their inferences of negative bias in rates of population change estimated by Anthony et al. were incorrect and reflected a misunderstanding about those estimators.

Title Pages

August 2004


2 Reads

This advanced text focuses on the uses of distance sampling to estimate the density and abundance of biological populations. It addresses new methodologies, new technologies and recent developments in statistical theory and is the follow up companion to Introduction to Distance Sampling (OUP, 2001). In this text, a general theoretical basis is established for methods of estimating animal abundance from sightings surveys, and a wide range of approaches to analysis of sightings data is explored. These approaches include: modelling animal detectability as a function of covariates, where the effects of habitat, observer, weather, etc. on detectability can be assessed; estimating animal density as a function of location, allowing for example animal density to be related to habitat and other locational covariates; estimating change over time in populations, a necessary aspect of any monitoring programme; estimation when detection of animals on the line or at the point is uncertain, as often occurs for marine populations, or when the survey region has dense cover; survey design and automated design algorithms, allowing rapid generation of sound survey designs using geographic information systems; adaptive distance sampling methods, which concentrate survey effort in areas of high animal density; passive distance sampling methods, which extend the application of distance sampling to species that cannot be readily detected in sightings surveys, but can be trapped; and testing of methods by simulation, so that performance of the approach in varying circumstances can be assessed. Authored by a leading team this text is aimed at professionals in government and environment agencies, statisticians, biologists, wildlife managers, conservation biologists and ecologists, as well as graduate students, studying the density and abundance of biological populations.

Advanced Distance Sampling

August 2004


3,666 Reads


706 Citations

This advanced text focuses on the uses of distance sampling to estimate the density and abundance of biological populations. It addresses new methodologies, new technologies and recent developments in statistical theory and is the follow up companion to Introduction to Distance Sampling (OUP, 2001). In this text, a general theoretical basis is established for methods of estimating animal abundance from sightings surveys, and a wide range of approaches to analysis of sightings data is explored. These approaches include: modelling animal detectability as a function of covariates, where the effects of habitat, observer, weather, etc. on detectability can be assessed; estimating animal density as a function of location, allowing for example animal density to be related to habitat and other locational covariates; estimating change over time in populations, a necessary aspect of any monitoring programme; estimation when detection of animals on the line or at the point is uncertain, as often occurs for marine populations, or when the survey region has dense cover; survey design and automated design algorithms, allowing rapid generation of sound survey designs using geographic information systems; adaptive distance sampling methods, which concentrate survey effort in areas of high animal density; passive distance sampling methods, which extend the application of distance sampling to species that cannot be readily detected in sightings surveys, but can be trapped; and testing of methods by simulation, so that performance of the approach in varying circumstances can be assessed. Authored by a leading team this text is aimed at professionals in government and environment agencies, statisticians, biologists, wildlife managers, conservation biologists and ecologists, as well as graduate students, studying the density and abundance of biological populations.

Introduction to advanced distance sampling

August 2004


23 Reads


539 Citations

This advanced text focuses on the uses of distance sampling to estimate the density and abundance of biological populations. It addresses new methodologies, new technologies and recent developments in statistical theory and is the follow up companion to Introduction to Distance Sampling (OUP, 2001). In this text, a general theoretical basis is established for methods of estimating animal abundance from sightings surveys, and a wide range of approaches to analysis of sightings data is explored. These approaches include: modelling animal detectability as a function of covariates, where the effects of habitat, observer, weather, etc. on detectability can be assessed; estimating animal density as a function of location, allowing for example animal density to be related to habitat and other locational covariates; estimating change over time in populations, a necessary aspect of any monitoring programme; estimation when detection of animals on the line or at the point is uncertain, as often occurs for marine populations, or when the survey region has dense cover; survey design and automated design algorithms, allowing rapid generation of sound survey designs using geographic information systems; adaptive distance sampling methods, which concentrate survey effort in areas of high animal density; passive distance sampling methods, which extend the application of distance sampling to species that cannot be readily detected in sightings surveys, but can be trapped; and testing of methods by simulation, so that performance of the approach in varying circumstances can be assessed. Authored by a leading team this text is aimed at professionals in government and environment agencies, statisticians, biologists, wildlife managers, conservation biologists and ecologists, as well as graduate students, studying the density and abundance of biological populations.

Citations (46)

... The results of the detection rate of the lek count approaches could help us to compare results with other methods. In fact, in other areas of the capercaillies' range, a monitoring method based on distance sampling (Buckland et al. 2001) is performed in winter (outside the mating season). This is the case in Scotland for example, where capercaillies are detected and counted along line transects and the population size is estimated every six years (Wilkinson et al. 2018); however, this methodology is difficult to apply in mountain areas. ...


Improving population size estimation at western capercaillie leks: lek counts versus genetic methods
Introduction to advanced distance sampling
  • Citing Chapter
  • August 2004

... We surveyed each transect once in the morning or afternoon each month with two observers walking at an average speed of 2 km/h (36 km surveyed annually per location). We recorded all birds seen or heard along transect lines to a maximum perpendicular distance of 50 m (Buckland et al., 1993;Bibby et al., 2000); 0.1 km 2 surveyed per transect. We categorised each bird species by diet and their resident status (Roberts, 1991(Roberts, , 1992Grimmett et al., 2016). ...

Distance Sampling
  • Citing Book
  • January 1993

... The sampling of the population of S. strinatii resident in the Biospeleological Station ''Arturo Issel'' was conducted each July, from 1996 to 2022, during the salamanders' annual peak of activity (Salvidio et al. 1994). Population abundance was obtained by means of a three-occasion temporary removal sampling (White et al. 1982) over a period of 5 d. Salamanders were spotted on the cave walls with headlights, captured by hand, and the SVL was measured to the nearest millimeter with a plastic ruler. ...

Capture-Recapture and Removal Methods for Sampling Closed Populations.
  • Citing Article
  • December 1983


... Een voldoende hoog (her)vangstpercentage is noodzakelijk om een nauwkeurige inschatting van de populatiedensiteit te bekomen (White, 1982). Verschillende elementen in het staalname design hebben hierop een grote invloed (Bröder et al. 2019) en daarom is het van belang dit staalname design zo te optimaliseren dat inspanning minimaal blijft en de data toch volstaan om een voldoende nauwkeurige schatting te maken. ...

Capture-Recapture and Removal Methods for Sampling Closed Populations.
  • Citing Article
  • January 1984

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C Applied Statistics

... Line transect based distance sampling (Eberhardt, 1978;Burnham et al., 1980;Buckland et al., 1993Buckland et al., , 2001) was used to estimate the abundance of ungulates. In distance sampling, estimates are based on observed distances of animals from a line or point to model species detectability and estimate absolute density (Buckland et al. 1993). ...

Distance Sampling-Estimating Abundance of Biological Populations.
  • Citing Article
  • November 1994

... At each designated point, observations were conducted for a duration of 20 minutes, with a full rotation of 360 0 . Birds observed flying over the area were disregarded (Barrachlough, 2000;Buckland et al., 2012). All the bird species observed or heard were recorded. ...

Distance Sampling: Estimating Abundance of Biological Populations
  • Citing Article
  • July 1995

Journal of Wildlife Management

... The study area (Geralle National Park) was stratified into four major habitat types: grassland, bushland, woodland, and wooded grassland, based on dominant vegetation types. Based on the preliminary survey, the total transects length (L) needed to estimate abundance with a prescribed CV was estimated using the following equation (Buckland et al., 1993;Thomas et al., 2010): ...

Distance sampling: estimating abundance of biological populations. Chapman and Hall
  • Citing Book
  • January 1993

... Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) 164715 the hypothesis that the explicative variables tested did not affect the SFI. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) (Franklin et al., 2001;Johnson and Omland, 2004) was applied for each model fitted, selecting the one with the lowest AIC as the one that best explained the observed data. Akaike's weight (w) was calculated to obtain the relative likelihood of each fitted model given the data. ...

Statistical model selection: An alternative to null hypothesis testing
  • Citing Article
  • January 2001

... Accurate population estimates are a critical part of wildlife biology, conservation and inform management strategies 1 . Informed management decisions rely on accurate estimates which can be hard to achieve but are critical as the conservation status of any species is dependent on its population size, which is inversely correlated with extinction risk 2 . ...

Introductory concepts
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993

... Then, we found the 95% confidence interval of population size for each land cover type by multiplying total area of each land cover type (km 2 ) in Kimble County by the lower and upper limits of the 95% confidence interval of density in each habitat individual type. We then calculated the total population estimate and 95% confidence interval by summing the estimated population sizes of all eight individual habitats (see Buckland et al. 2001 for similar procedure). ...

Study design and field methods
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993