August 2022
43 Reads
1 Citation
The human desire for growth can be clearly seen in the realm of career prospects in organizations. People want to be given greater opportunities with the potential to advance within a firm which is much appreciated by both prospective and the current workforce. The top talent may be found internally, but if the organization lacks cross-functional visibility, these talents may go unrecognized. Shifting from vertical to an aspiration-based growth mindset becomes critical for creating aspiration-based talent mobility. Sometimes people may be more concerned about titles and designations as compared to the roles and job descriptions. This study examines the role of career conversations in creating cross-functional mobility of talent based on their aspirations in Covid-19. The objective of such conversations is to carve a path beyond just hiring or promotion. It becomes important in the light of lack of career growth, attrition and engagement in the organizations, while aligning organizational goals with employee career goals. This study will be valuable to the managers, coaches and mentors, as well as policymakers in the organizations.