January 1984
23 Reads
271 Citations
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C Applied Statistics
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January 1984
23 Reads
271 Citations
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C Applied Statistics
December 1983
44 Reads
735 Citations
January 1982
24 Reads
211 Citations
January 1978
235 Reads
3,011 Citations
January 1978
47 Reads
200 Citations
... The sampling of the population of S. strinatii resident in the Biospeleological Station ''Arturo Issel'' was conducted each July, from 1996 to 2022, during the salamanders' annual peak of activity (Salvidio et al. 1994). Population abundance was obtained by means of a three-occasion temporary removal sampling (White et al. 1982) over a period of 5 d. Salamanders were spotted on the cave walls with headlights, captured by hand, and the SVL was measured to the nearest millimeter with a plastic ruler. ...
December 1983
... Various methods have been utilized for estimating animal population density, with the most common being the discrete sampling capture-mark-recapture model, such as the widely used Jolly-Seber model [32,33]. While extensively documented [34][35][36], these methods require discrete sampling occasions. This requirement may be satisfied by separate trapping sessions [37][38][39]. ...
January 1984
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C Applied Statistics
... Camera trapping for density estimation (2014 and 2022 surveys) followed standardized recommendations 53 and complied with the capture-recapture model assumptions: the population is closed, and all individuals have a possibility of being captured 54,55 . In April-May of 2014, we installed 52 double camera stations in a grid covering 152 km 2 at an average distance of 1.6 ± 0.2 km (see Boron et al. 24 for detailed survey information). ...
January 1978
... The gold standard for estimating abundance is through mark-recapture methods in which animals are captured, marked (e.g., with ear tags), and resighted or recaptured on subsequent sampling occasions (Otis et al., 1978;Pollock, 1976). However, such methods are costly in terms of time and effort. ...
January 1978
... Durant els censos cada tortuga es va marcar de forma permanent amb la metodologia habitual que es fa servir per als seguiments de quelonis a llarg termini (codi de petites osques a la closca) i es van registrar totes les captures, tot diferenciant quan eren primeres captures o recaptures. La mida de la població va ser estimada amb els mètodes de captura-marcatge-recaptura per a poblacions tancades (Otis et al., 1978), amb el programa Mark (White & Burnham, 1999) i amb la parametrització de probabilitat condicional de Huggins, en la qual la mida de la població no s'inclou en la funció de probabilitat, sinó que és un paràmetre derivat (Lukacs, 2007). Es van provar models constants (M 0 ), dependents del temps (M t ), dependents del comportament associat amb la primera captura (M b ), que incloïen heterogeneïtat individual en les probabilitats de captura (M h ) i una combinació d'aquests models (M th i M tb ; per a més detalls vegeu Williams et al., 2001). ...
January 1982