D. J. Evans’s research while affiliated with Loughborough University and other places

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Publications (388)

  • Article

May 2007


23 Reads


2 Citations

Parallel Algorithms and Applications



In this article, we propose new difference methods of order two and four using three grid points in a coupled manner for solving the one dimensional nonlinear biharmonic problems with specified boundary conditions at the end points. The resulting matrix system is solved by the block iterative methods on a parallel computer. Derivatives of the solution are obtained as a by-product of the methods. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the methods on both sequential and parallel computations.

A sixth order accurate AGE iterative method for non-linear singular two point boundary value problems
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2006


440 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

We report alternating group explicit (AGE) iteration method to solve the tri-diagonal linear system derived from a new finite difference discretization of sixth order accuracy of the two point singular boundary value problem u"+\frac{α}{r}u'=f(r), 0 < r < 1, α =1 and 2 subject to boundary conditions u(0)=A, u(1)=B, where A and B are finite constants. We also discuss Newton-AGE iteration method for the sixth order numerical solution of two point non-linear boundary value problem. The proof for the convergence of the AGE iteration method when the coefficient matrix is real and unsymmetric is discussed. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the proposed iterative methods.


UL factorization of banded Töplitz matrices

February 2006


44 Reads

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

New derivations of the UL factorizations of Töplitz matrices of banded and circulant form are considered. Since the matrix factors have a special structure, very efficient non-linear Gauss–Seidel and successive over-relaxation (SOR) methods can be obtained to solve the non-linear equations involved in deriving the U and L factors. Numerical evidence is presented which confirms the results and conclusions given.

A group explicit solution scheme for non-linear parabolic PDES on MIMD parallel systems

January 2006


8 Reads


3 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The explicit methods although very suitable for parallel processing always deny us reasonable accuracy and some stability; on the other hand, the implicit schemes offer stability, but the exploitation of these methods for parallel processing may be difficult and possibly inefficient. The class of Group Explicit (GE) methods, introduced herein, is the sort of semi-explicit schemes which enable us with a trade-off between stability and the possibility of them being suitable for implementation of parallel systems. Furthermore, it is possible to express the semi-explicit schemes in terms of pure explicit formulae to enable their efficient implementation.

Association rules on significant rare data using second support

January 2006


32 Reads


26 Citations

International Journal of Computer Mathematics



D. J. Evans




A. Mamat

Association rule is one of the data mining techniques involved in discovering information that represents the association among data. Data in the database sometimes appear infrequent but highly associated with a specific data. This paper proposes a technique for significant rare data by introducing second support in discovering the association rules of such data. We show that the proposed approach provides better performance as compared to standard association rules techniques.

Diameter of parallelogramic honeycomb torus

October 2005


19 Reads


14 Citations

Computers & Mathematics with Applications

The determination of the diameter of an interconnection network is essential in evaluating the performance of the network. Parallelogramic honeycomb torus is an attractive alternative to classical torus network due to smaller vertex degree, and hence, lower implementation cost. In this paper, we present the expression for the diameter of a parallelogramic honeycomb torus, which extends a known result about rhombic honeycomb torus.

A new L-stable Simpson-type rule for the diffusion equation

May 2005


52 Reads


11 Citations

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

The well-known Simpson rule is an optimal two-step fourth-order method which is unconditionally unstable. In the present paper we describe a new L-stable version of the method. A suitable combination of the arithmetic average approximation with the explicit backward Euler formula provides a third-order approximation at the midpoint which, when plugged into the Simpson rule, gives a third-order L-stable scheme. The L-stable Simpson-type rule (LSIMP3) obtained is then employed to derive a third-order time integration scheme for the diffusion equation. Numerical illustrations are provided to compare the performance of the new LSIMP3 scheme with the Crank–Nicolson scheme. While the Crank–Nicolson scheme can produce unacceptable oscillations in the computed solution, the present LSIMP3 scheme can provide both stable and accurate approximations.

Note on the feedback control algorithms used in high-speed networks

May 2004


57 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

In this article, we analyze a linear feedback control algorithm particularly suited for the Available Bit Rate service class in an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. We envisage the development of a closed-loop, fluid approximation model, in which the propagation delay is reflected across the network, while the rate of transmission and the queue occupancy are modeled as fluids. Using a fluid model has the advantage to permit a simplified study of the network behavior. The above model is described with the continuous-time system of delay-differential equations, which is solved semi-analytically. The contribution of this work is to provide a sending rate scheme, which is based on both a rate control function and a suitable fuzzy function for network load and delay. It is shown that the concept of fuzzy set theory can be proved beneficial in the analysis of network load and delay, whose uncertainty is an inherent characteristic. Finally, the developments in the area of time-delay systems control allow to compute exact stability bounds of the Round Trip Time (RTT) and thus to indicate if the connection is in a stable state.

Convergence of the interval and point TOR method*This work was supported by Instituto de Telecomunicações de Coimbra, Instituto de Cooperacção Científica e Tecnológica Internacional and by the British Council.

October 2003


29 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

In this paper, we present the interval version of the two parameter overrelaxation iterative (TOR) method and we obtain some convergence conditions when the matrix A of the linear system Ax = b belongs to some classes of matrice. Similar conditions were obtained for the point TOR method.Some results for the accelerated overrelaxation interval and point iterative (AOR) method were also obtained, which coincides with those given by Martins in Ref. [7].

A Neural Network Approach To Shape From Shading

April 2003


30 Reads


8 Citations

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

In this paper, we propose a method of recovering shape from shading that solves directly for the surface height using neural networks. The main motivation of this paper is to provide an answer to the open problem proposed by Zhou and Chellappa [11]. We first formulate the shape from shading problem by combining a triangular element surface model with a linearized reflectance map. Then, we use a linear feed-forward network architecture with six layers to compute the surface height with a singular value decomposition. The weights in the model initialized using eigenvectors and eigen-values of the stiffness matrix of objective functional. Experimental results show that our solution is very effective.

Citations (46)

... Zhang classified the traditional SFS computational approach into four categories [2]. Neural networks methods have also been recently employed [3,7]. Lately, a statistical approach has been proposed [8]. ...


A perspective shape-from-shading method using fast sweeping numerical scheme
A Neural Network Approach To Shape From Shading
  • Citing Article
  • April 2003

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

... In section 2, the 4-points EGTOR iterative method is presented and developed, while the point TOR method is given in this section. Some results concerning the analysis of convergence of the interval and point iterative TOR method were already obtained for different classes of matrices, namely H-matrices (Martins, Trigo & Evans, 2003). As it is well-known from literature, this class of matrices involves strictly diagonally dominant matrices, irreducible weakly diagonal matrices, M-matrices and other type of matrices. ...

Convergence of the interval and point TOR method*This work was supported by Instituto de Telecomunicações de Coimbra, Instituto de Cooperacção Científica e Tecnológica Internacional and by the British Council.
  • Citing Article
  • October 2003

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

... Mohanty and Khosla [11] have introduced AGE algorithms on a non-uniform grid. Using three-point discretization of order six, with the aid of AGE iteration method, Mohanty et al. [12][13][14] have solved twopoint nonlinear singular BVPs. In the recent past, Dahalan et al. [15,16] employed AGE algorithm to solve fuzzy BVPs. ...

A sixth order accurate AGE iterative method for non-linear singular two point boundary value problems

Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

... In 1980s, Usmani [17] developed finite difference methods for computing eigen values of fourth order linear BVPs. Some other approaches for the solution of linear fourth order ODEs include collocation algorithms using subdivision schemes by Ejaz et al. [18], homotopy perturbation method by Momani and Noor [19], Sinc collocation method by Nurmuhammad et al. [20], multi-derivative techniques by Twizell and Tirmizi [21], block iterative method by Mohanty and Evans [22], quantic spline techniques by Akram and Amin [23], septic spline approximation by Akram and Naheed [24], and most recently, an Adomian decomposition method by Kelesoglu [25]. There are relatively fewer methods available for the solution of the nonlinear counterpart of these problems. ...

  • Citing Article
  • May 2007

Parallel Algorithms and Applications

... Image sharpening is a common method and is often adopted to make clear edges, contour lines and details of images in many practical applications [7,8]. For instance, during acquiring a pictures of the human body's, images can be blurred due to low illumination, quick motion and shakes imaging systems [9][10][11]. In that case, the regular solution is to scale down the image resolution to improve image clarity. ...

Systolic algorithms for digital image filtering
  • Citing Article
  • January 1995

Parallel Computing

... Iterative techniques need less time and space on hard drives than other types of approaches do. Research studies [2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,13,15] indicated that a lot of work has been conducted on preconditioned Gauss-Seidel method, [3] worked on preconditioned Symmetric Gauss-Seidel methods but very few are available on m-order Gauss-Seidel method [1]. So, the researchers plan to work on preconditioned m-order Gauss-Seidel method to increase convergence and robustness. ...

The AOR iterative method for new preconditioned linear systems
  • Citing Article
  • July 2001

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

... Military communications, medical monitoring, public service communications, security systems, and other applications use regular square mesh. In cellular phone station placement, the representation of benzenoid hydrocarbons, computer graphics, and image processing, hexagonal and honeycomb networks are used [9]. ...

Diameter of parallelogramic honeycomb torus
  • Citing Article
  • October 2005

Computers & Mathematics with Applications

... To overcome abovementioned troubles and complexities, we are proposing an extended form of Krylov subspacebased two sided iterative algorithm (TSIA) as discussed in references [31][32][33] and references therein. In this strategy, initially, we need to fnd a ROM of the target model implementing any conventional technique, then two generalized sparse-dense Sylvester equations will be solved to fnd the system Gramian; hence, the required projection matrices constituted by their orthonormal columns constructed via QZ-decomposition [34]. Te ROM attained by the TSIA approach is stability-preserving and we will derive its sparsity-preserving form of it. ...

Applications of QZ decomposition
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

International Journal of Computer Mathematics