May 2021
377 Reads
2 Citations
IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science
This research aims to identify students’ interest in historical learning themes and materials. This study uses quantitative methods of descriptive analysis. The data collection techniques used are interviews and the dissemination of questionnaires. The sample in this study was 102 high school tenth graders in Bondowoso District. The results of this study showed that the historical themes that students were interested in were the theme of tracing early civilizations in the Indonesian Archipelago based on 72% latent interest indicators, 57% interest actualization, 57.5% Text-Based Interests, 44% Task-Based Interests, 55.5%. Knowledge-Based Interests and the historical material that students are interested in based on interest indicators consisting of 28% latent interest, namely historical material about getting to know ancient humans, actualization interest by 18.5% and Text-Based Interest of 16.5%, which is historical material about Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms, Task-Based Interest by 12% which is historical material on the development of Technology and Knowledge-Based Interests by 16.5% which is historical material about knowing ancient humans. The reason students choose a theme based on the results of the interview because it is called easy to understand and enjoyable to learn.