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Publications (7)

[Effectiveness of treatment with tiotropium in patients who suffer from COPD]
  • Article

February 2005


31 Reads


4 Citations

Medicina Clínica

José Ignacio Jaén Díaz


Cristina de Castro Mesa


Blanca Cordero García




Francisco López de Castro

We assessed the clinical and functional changes taking place in patients diagnosed of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who have been treated with ipratropium bromide, three months after this medicament was replaced by the new tiotropium bromide. A prospective intervention survey was carried out in a primary health-care area in patients who suffered from COPD who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Before changing the treatment and three months after changing it, we carried out the following procedures: spirometry, 6 minutes walking test (6MWT) with pulsioximetry before and after the exercise, St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and assessment of: patient's chronic dyspnea, degree of patient's compliance, adverse effects and degree of satisfaction with the new drug. 24 patients (22 males and 2 females) with a mean age of 68.54 years participated in the survey. The FVC improved a 4.92% (120 ml) [p = .27] and the FEV1, 14.16% (170 ml) [p < .001]. The degree of compliance arose from 67.54% to 96.73% (p < .001), the degree of dyspnea decreased from 4.63 to 3.89 (p = .141), the 6MWT increased in 23.79 m (p = .027) and the global mark of the SGRQ reduced (improved) in 13.35 points. There were adverse effects in 5 cases (mouth dryness in 4 patients and headache in 1 of them) and 15 patients (62.5%) said the new drug was better. Most analyzed parameters had positive changes three months after changing the treatment. Tiotropium may be a valid alternative in the treatment of patients suffering from COPD in a stable stage.

Efectividad del tratamiento con bromuro de tiotropio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

January 2005


13 Reads


8 Citations

Medicina Clínica

Background and objective We assessed the clinical and functional changes taking place in patients diagnosed of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who have been treated with ipratropium bromide, three months after this medicament was replaced by the new tiotropium bromide. Patients and method A prospective intervention survey was carried out in a primary health-care area in patients who suffered from COPD who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Before changing the treatment and three months after changing it, we carried out the following procedures: spirometry, 6 minutes walking test (6MWT) with pulsioximetry before and after the exercise, St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and assessment of: patient's chronic dyspnea, degree of patient's compliance, adverse effects and degree of satisfaction with the new drug. Results 24 patients (22 males and 2 females) with a mean age of 68.54 years participated in the survey. The FVC improved a 4.92% (120 ml) [p =.27] and the FEV1, 14.16% (170 ml) [p <.001]. The degree of compliance arose from 67.54% to 96.73% (p <.001), the degree of dyspnea decreased from 4.63 to 3.89 (p =.141), the 6MWT increased in 23.79 m (p =.027) and the global mark of the SGRQ reduced (improved) in 13.35 points. There were adverse effects in 5 cases (mouth dryness in 4 patients and headache in 1 of them) and 15 patients (62.5%) said the new drug was better. Conclusions Most analyzed parameters had positive changes three months after changing the treatment. Tiotropium may be a valid alternative in the treatment of patients suffering from COPD in a stable stage.

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de EPOC en fumadores y ex fumadores. [Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and risk factors in smokers and ex-smokers]

January 2004


24 Reads


26 Citations

Archivos de Bronconeumología

To estimate the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in smokers and ex-smokers over 40 years of age and describe the associated risk factors. A cross-sectional descriptive study at primary care level in which 444 current or ex-smokers 40 years of age or older were enrolled. Spirometry was performed with all subjects. If the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) was less than 70%, a bronchodilator test was performed and spirometry was repeated after 2 inhalations of terbutaline (500 g/dose). If the FEV1/FVC ratio continued to be less than 70% and FEV1 less than 80% of predicted, COPD was diagnosed. Age, sex, smoking, age smoking began, index of smoking history (packs per day x year) and attempts to quit smoking were also recorded. The patients' mean age was 53.5 years and 65.8% were men. At the time of the study, 248 subjects (55.9%) were current smokers. The median age smoking began was 16.5 years and the median pack-years index was 26.7. At least 1 attempt to quit had been made by 72.1% of the patients. COPD was diagnosed in 70 subjects (24 with the diagnosis previously established), representing a prevalence of 16.4% (95% confidence interval, 12.9-19.9). COPD was serious in 10%. A multifactorial analysis indicated that age and smoking history in pack-years were significantly associated with COPD. The prevalence of COPD in our study is slightly higher than in other studies, although selection bias may have affected our results given that we were unable to contact 11.9% of the population sample. Almost two thirds of cases had not been previously diagnosed. Two major risk factors are age and cumulative tobacco consumption.

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de EPOC en fumadores y ex fumadores

December 2003


13 Reads


36 Citations

Archivos de Bronconeumología

Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el ámbito de la atención primaria. En él se incluyo a 444 personas de 40 años de edad o mayores que fumaban o habían fumado. A todos se les realizó una espirometría. Si la relación volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo/porcentaje de la capacidad vital forzada era menor del 70%, se realizaba una prueba de broncodilatación y se repetía la espirometría a los 15-20 min tras dos inhalaciones de terbutalina (500 µg/dosis). Si la relación volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo/porcentaje de la capacidad vital forzada seguía siendo inferior al 70% y el volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo menor del 80% del teórico, se diagnosticaba EPOC. También se recogieron edad, sexo, consumo de tabaco, edad de inicio, índice tabáquico (paquetes/día x años de consumo) e intentos de abandono. Resultados: La edad media de los pacientes era de 53,5 años, y un 65,8% eran varones. En el momento del realizar el estudio fumaban 248 sujetos (55,9%). La mediana de inicio del consumo resultó de 16,5 años, y la del índice tabáquido fue de 26,7. El 72,1% había realizado al menos un intento de abandono. Se diagnosticó de EPOC a 70 personas (24 ya conocidas), lo que supone una prevalencia del 16,4% (intervalo de confianza del 95%, 12,9-19,9). Un 10% eran casos graves. Tras el análisis multifactorial resultaron significativamente asociadas a EPOC la edad y el índice tabáquico. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de EPOC hallada es ligeramente superior a la de otros estudios, si bien puede existir un sesgo en los resultados obtenidos al no haber podido establecer contacto con el 11,9% de la población objeto del estudio. Casi dos tercios de los casos eran desconocidos. Son claros factores de riesgo la edad y el consumo acumulado de tabaco.

Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and risk factors in smokers and ex-smokers

December 2003


21 Reads


21 Citations

Archivos de Bronconeumología

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in smokers and ex-smokers over 40 years of age and describe the associated risk factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study at primary care level in which 444 current or ex-smokers 40 years of age or older were enrolled. Spirometry was performed with all subjects. If the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) was less than 70%, a bronchodilator test was performed and spirometry was repeated after 2 inhalations of terbutaline (500 mug/dose). If the FEV1/FVC ratio continued to be less than 70% and FEV1 less than 80% of predicted, COPD was diagnosed. Age, sex, smoking, age smoking began, index of smoking history (packs per day x years smoking) and attempts to quit smoking were also recorded. RESULTS: The patients' mean age was 53.5 years and 65.8% were men. At the time of the study, 248 subjects (55.9%) were current smokers. The median age smoking began was 16.5 years and the median pack-years index was 26.7. At least 1 attempt to quit had been made by 72.1% of the patients. COPD was diagnosed in 70 subjects (24 with the diagnosis previously established), representing a preNalence of 16.4% (95% confidence interval, 12.9-19.9). COPD was serious in 10%. A multifactorial analysis indicated that age and smoking history in pack-years were significantly associated with COPD. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of COPD in our study is slightly higher than in other studies, although selection bias may hake affected our results given that we were unable to contact 11.9% of the population sample. Almost two thirds of cases had not been previously diagnosed. Two major risk factors are age and cumulative tobacco consumption.

Citations (5)

... 흡연은 호흡기, 1,2) 순환기 질환 3,4) 및 암 5,6) 등 여러 질병의 위 험 요인으로, 청소년의 흡연은 만성 질환 이외 호흡기계 장애, 운동능력 저하, 성장발육 부진 등의 원인으로 알려져 있다. 7,8) 국내 직접 흡연에 의한 추정 사망자 수는 58,036명으로, 9) 흡 연 관련 조기 사망, 질병 치료비 등의 사회경제적 비용은 12조 가 넘는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 9 ...


Analysis of the Accuracy and Related Factors of Self-Reported Smoking Status according to Urinary Cotinine Concentration in Adolescents: The KoNEHS Cycle (2015~2017)
Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and risk factors in smokers and ex-smokers
  • Citing Article
  • December 2003

Archivos de Bronconeumología

... Para conseguir alguna mejoría sintomática y reducir las agudizaciones, el uso de broncodilatadores es la medida más eficaz, y los principales fármacos continúan siendo los broncodilatadores, fundamentalmente anticolinérgicos y betamiméticos, ya que el papel de los corticoides inhalados suscita cierta controversia 20 . La seguridad y la eficacia del bromuro de tiotropio (BT) han sido demostradas frente a placebo, ipratropio y salmeterol, en pacientes con EPOC leve-moderada en situación estable [21][22][23] . Algunos estudios parecen mostrar una superior eficacia broncodilatadora de los β 2 de larga duración, pero por el momento no se ha demostrado que Sicras-Mainar A et al. ...

Efectividad del tratamiento con bromuro de tiotropio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
  • Citing Article
  • January 2005

Medicina Clínica

... En términos generales, opinamos que se trata de un estudio valioso, realizado en un medio apenas estudiado, que cuenta con la ventaja de que es de tipo observacional, de base poblacional y que el tamaño de la muestra es amplio y representativo de la población estudiada. Estamos totalmente de acuerdo con los que opinan que estos estudios de prevalencia locales se erigen como centinelas del impacto de la Atención Primaria para aquellos procesos, indicadores de morbimortalidad evitable, cuya mejora es atribuible a la misma 18 . Sería importante también en este medio mejorar la sensibilidad y percepción general de los médicos frente a las mujeres con síntomas respiratorios y sospecha de EPOC, con el objeto de disminuir sus altos porcentajes de infradiagnóstico. ...

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de EPOC en fumadores y ex fumadores
  • Citing Article
  • December 2003

Archivos de Bronconeumología

... Almost 25% of study subjects in the elderly age group (>55 years) showed an obstructive pattern of spirometry. Similar associations between age and airflow obstruction have been described in studies worldwide [8][9][10]. Aging is a risk factor for COPD, and the incidence of COPD increases along with age [11]. ...

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de EPOC en fumadores y ex fumadores. [Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and risk factors in smokers and ex-smokers]
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

Archivos de Bronconeumología

... В отличие от него, SpO 2 часто применяется в исследованиях сна [96,97]. Поскольку пульсокси метрия является неинвазивным методом, измерение SpO 2 легко осуществить в первичном звене здравоох ранения [98][99][100][101][102]. Как указывалось выше, РаО 2 явля ется важным показателем, оцениваемым при обост рениях тяжелой ХОБЛ, когда контакт с больным затруднен [103]. ...

[Effectiveness of treatment with tiotropium in patients who suffer from COPD]
  • Citing Article
  • February 2005

Medicina Clínica