Connor Fredrick’s research while affiliated with University of Colorado Boulder and other places

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Publications (108)

Need for a tunable laser frequency comb (LFC) for detector characterization. (a) Sketch of the HPF detector array with cross-hatch patterns, with zoom-in showing an example stellar and comb spectra. (b) Simulated variation in intrapixel quantum efficiency (QE). Twenty-four pixels are each sub-divided by $4\times$ 4 × , and the variation in QE is exaggerated for better visualization. (c) Point spread function (PSF) of two adjacent comb lines on the detector array. The black curve corresponds to the ideal detector with no defects. PSF defined by blue, orange, green, and red traces are obtained by tuning the comb frequency in steps of 625 MHz spanning a single pixel. The intrapixel QE is directly mapped onto the PSF with comb tuning. (d) Modeled variation in the centroid of PSF (blue dots) in the presence of cross-hatch patterns as the comb is tuned. The black curve corresponds to the ideal linear variation of the centroid of PSF, and residuals are shown below. If left uncorrected, this can lead to undesirable variations of radial velocity (RV) signals.
(a) Experimental setup for generating a tunable 30 GHz comb spanning 700–1350 nm. GPS, global positioning system; YDFA, ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier; ND PCF, normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber; SiN, silicon nitride. (b) Spectral output of the initial 30 GHz EO comb after the preamplifier (blue trace) and temporal compressor consisting of ND PCF and grating (red trace). The traces are vertically offset for clarity. (c) Intensity autocorrelation trace of the 30 GHz comb output (blue) and after the temporal compressor (red). The measured pulse durations are labeled.
Tuning the EO comb. (i) Initial comb and filter cavity. (ii) Tuning the CW laser frequency ( $\nu _{CW}$ ν C W ). (iii) The filter cavity servo adjusts the cavity length to match the CW laser. (iv) The comb repetition rate ( $\nu _{rep}$ ν r e p ) is accordingly tuned to avoid cavity-comb mode walk-off. The black and green dashed lines indicate the initial and final comb mode positions.
Transmission of the EO comb through the cavity on detuning the comb repetition rate from the cavity FSR: (a) calculated and (b) measured. The calculated model shows good agreement with the experiment.
Tuning the 30 GHz supercontinuum spanning 700–1350 nm in the SiN waveguide. (a) Exemplary comb-resolved supercontinua (SC) obtained using an OSA at a resolution of 0.02 nm by tuning the CW laser frequency through 10.8 GHz. (b) Coherent SC in the logarithmic scale across the 30 GHz tuning range. Note here the SC remains mostly unchanged. The bottom plot shows the fractional intensity fluctuations in the linear scale during the comb frequency tuning process. Zoomed-in version of (b) showing the linear frequency control of individual comb lines centered at (a) 800, (b) 1064, and (c) 1290 nm.
Tunable 30 GHz laser frequency comb for astronomical spectrograph characterization and calibration
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

October 2024


50 Reads


1 Citation


Molly Kate Kreider


Connor Fredrick




The search for Earth-like exoplanets with the Doppler radial velocity (RV) technique is an extremely challenging and multifaceted precision spectroscopy problem. Currently, one of the limiting instrumental factors in reaching the required long-term 10⁻¹⁰ level of radial velocity precision is the defect-driven subpixel quantum efficiency (QE) variations in the large-format detector arrays used by precision echelle spectrographs. Tunable frequency comb calibration sources that can fully map the point spread function (PSF) across a spectrograph’s entire bandwidth are necessary for quantifying and correcting these detector artifacts. In this work, we demonstrate a combination of laser frequency and mode spacing control that allows full and deterministic tunability of a 30 GHz electro-optic comb together with its filter cavity. After supercontinuum generation, this gives access to any optical frequency across 700–1300 nm. Our specific implementation is intended for the comb deployed at the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder (HPF) spectrograph and its near-infrared Hawaii-2RG array, but the techniques apply to all laser frequency combs (LFCs) used for precision astronomical spectrograph calibration and other applications that require broadband tuning.

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Figure 2. Measured solar spectrum from 2023 October 7. The optical frequency is specified relative to 191.52759375(4) THz. The blue curve shows a single 5 s measurement while the orange curve show the spectrum after averaging over the full day. The green curve shows the line bisector determined from the averaged spectrum. Telluric lines have been subtracted using the procedure described in Sec. 4.6, and the vertical dashed line indicates the expected position of the Fe I line specified by the VALD3 database (Ryabchikova et al. 2015; Peterson & Kurucz 2014).
Figure 4. The LHR antenna pattern imaged with a beam profiler. Panel (a) shows the antenna pattern measured before the start of the six week dataset along with horizontal and vertical cross sections measured along the center line. Panel (b) shows the pattern measured after six weeks of continuous observations. Comparison of the cross sections measured before data collection (blue) and after (red) shows a clear asymmetry that has developed due to relaxation of the fiber coupling optics.
Figure 5. Diurnal pattern in the measured radial velocities. Gray points show measured radial velocities for each day plotted on the same axis as a function of time relative to solar noon. The mean RV is subtracted from each day and the RVs are averaged in 300 s bins to reduce noise. Blue points show the average RV in each 300 s bin across the full, six-week dataset along with the best-fit sine wave. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean RV in each bin. The bottom panel shows the residuals (measurement -model) between the average RV and the fit result.
Figure 6. Temperature-induced frequency shifts in the measured data. The top panel compares the measured RVs for 2023 October 20 to the temperature measured on the mixer in RF power detection circuit. The RVs have been averaged in ∼250 s bins to reduce noise, and the measured temperatures have been scaled and shifted to best fit the measured frequency shifts. There is a clear correlation between the shifts and temperatures (ρ = −0.81). The bottom panel shows the same comparison for the RVs measured on 2023 October 13, where no clear correlation is observed.
Figure 7. Solar spectrum measured on the morning of 2023 October 4 before and after telluric correction. The spectrum before telluric correction is shown in gray, and the telluriccorrected spectrum is shown in blue. The spectrum is an average of 250 individual measurements (∼ 20 minutes) with an average airmass of 2.5.
Frequency Comb Calibrated Laser Heterodyne Radiometry for Precision Radial Velocity Measurements

October 2024


39 Reads

Disk-integrated observations of the Sun provide a unique vantage point to explore stellar activity and its effect on measured radial velocities. Here, we report a new approach for disk-integrated solar spectroscopy and evaluate its capabilities for solar radial velocity measurements. Our approach is based on a near-infrared laser heterodyne radiometer (LHR) combined with an optical frequency comb calibration, and we show that this combination enables precision, disk-integrated solar spectroscopy with high spectral resolution (~800,000), high signal-to-noise ratio (~2,600), and absolute frequency accuracy. We use the comb-calibrated LHR to record spectra of the solar Fe I 1565 nm transition over a six-week period. We show that our measurements reach sub-meter-per-second radial velocity precision over a single day, and we use daily measurements of the absolute line center to assess the long-term stability of the comb-calibrated LHR approach. We use this long-duration dataset to quantify the principal uncertainty sources that impact the measured radial velocities, and we discuss future modifications that can further improve this approach in studies of stellar variability and its impact on radial velocity measurements.

Tunable 30 GHz laser frequency comb for astronomical spectrograph characterization and calibration

August 2024


31 Reads

The search for earth-like exoplanets with the Doppler radial velocity technique is an extremely challenging and multifaceted precision spectroscopy problem. Currently, one of the limiting instrumental factors in reaching the required long-term 101010^{-10} level of radial velocity precision is the defect-driven sub-pixel quantum efficiency variations in the large-format detector arrays used by precision echelle spectrographs. Tunable frequency comb calibration sources that can fully map the point spread function across a spectrograph's entire bandwidth are necessary for quantifying and correcting these detector artifacts. In this work, we demonstrate a combination of laser frequency and mode spacing control that allows full and deterministic tunability of a 30 GHz electro-optic comb together with its filter cavity. After supercontinuum generation, this gives access to any optical frequency across 700 - 1300 nm. Our specific implementation is intended for the comb deployed at the Habitable Zone Planet Finder spectrograph and its near-infrared Hawaii-2RG array, but the techniques apply to all laser frequency combs used for precision astronomical spectrograph calibration and other applications that require broadband tuning.

Dual-comb correlation spectroscopy of thermal light

May 2024


61 Reads

The detection of light of thermal origin is the principal means by which humanity has learned about our world and the cosmos. In optical astronomy, in particular, direct detection of thermal photons and the resolution of their spectra have enabled discoveries of the broadest scope and impact. Such measurements, however, do not capture the phase of the thermal fields--a parameter that has proven crucial to transformative techniques in radio astronomy such as synthetic aperture imaging. Over the last 25 years, tremendous progress has occurred in laser science, notably in the phase-sensitive, broad bandwidth, high resolution, and traceable spectroscopy enabled by the optical frequency comb. In this work, we directly connect the fields of frequency comb laser spectroscopy and passive optical sensing as applied to astronomy, remote sensing, and atmospheric science. We provide fundamental sensitivity analysis of dual-comb correlation spectroscopy (DCCS), whereby broadband thermal light is measured via interferometry with two optical frequency combs. We define and experimentally verify the sensitivity scaling of DCCS at black body temperatures relevant for astrophysical observations. Moreover, we provide comparison with direct detection techniques and more conventional laser heterodyne radiometry. Our work provides the foundation for future exploration of comb-based broadband synthetic aperture hyperspectral imaging across the infrared and optical spectrum.

Nanophotonic LN waveguides for UV-to-near-infrared frequency comb generation
a, Schematic of the waveguide with a 3.0 mm unpoled segment that is followed by 3.6 mm poling period that linearly decreases from Λ = 12.5 to 2.5 µm (top). A cross-sectional schematic of the waveguide with dimensions of w = 1,800 nm (defined at the top of the waveguide) and h = 350 nm is shown (bottom). The LN slab thickness is 350 nm, and the sidewall has a 60° angle from the etching. b, Second-harmonic microscopy images of three poled regions of the waveguide with approximate periods of 2.7 µm (top), 5.0 µm (middle) and 7.1 µm (bottom). The two red arrows on the left side of the upper image indicate the approximate position at which the waveguides are subsequently etched along the length of the poled region. c, Experimental setup for comb generation and characterization. A suite of three different instruments are used to measure the spectrum and verify the optical coherence of the comb at wavelengths below 350 nm. Si APD, silicon avalanche photodiode; OSA, optical spectrum analyser. d, Photograph of the waveguide generating white light. e, Supercontinuum generated with the nanophotonic waveguide. The input spectrum of the Er:fibre laser at 1.55 µm is shown by the green line. Broadband frequency comb spectra generated in the LN waveguide with chirped poling is shown in blue and red. The resolution of the spectrum analyser used for the visible-wavelength data is 2 nm and the dashed line indicates the noise floor of the analyser. The inset shows a photograph of the dispersed visible spectrum of the comb.
Spectral evolution of broad-bandwidth frequency comb generation
a, Experimental results of the power spectral density with input driving pulse energies between 6 and 90 pJ. All the data were taken with a pump source having a 100 MHz frequency comb, with the exception of the dashed red line at 40 pJ, which was obtained with a 10 GHz, 1,550 nm pump source. b, Simulation results at the same pulse energies, showing good qualitative agreement with the experimental data.
Broad-bandwidth coherence and carrier-envelope offset frequency detection
The fceo beatnote is directly observed at wavelengths across the visible and UV ranges. The signal-to-noise ratios of fceo at 620 and 400 nm are both greater than 35 dB in 10 kHz resolution bandwidth. The signal-to-noise ratio at 350 nm is about 28 dB. The green dashed line is the shot noise and the black line is the measurement noise floor.
UV spectral limits and efficiency
a, UV spectrum produced with the waveguide shown in Fig. 1a, and measured after a UV bandpass filter to eliminate any light at longer wavelengths. The short-wavelength cutoff of the spectrum is consistent with absorption at the band edge of MgO-doped LN. b, Simulation showing the integrated power (350–550 nm) along the waveguide propagation direction. Each curve is from a different simulation in which the linear chirp rate and range were varied to illustrate the design capabilities.
Nonlinear spectral evolution in thin-film LN waveguides with χ⁽³⁾ and χ⁽²⁾ nonlinearities
a, Simulation of the spectral evolution as a function of pulse propagation distance. b, Map of the poling period (Λ) along the same propagation distance. Chirped poling starts at 3.6 mm and linearly decreases from Λ = 12.5 µm to 2.5 µm. c–f, Plots of the spectrum at different propagation distances. The input spectrum for the simulation is shown in red. The broadening of the input spectrum via the χ⁽³⁾ nonlinearity and non-phase-matched third-harmonic frequency of the pump (c). The spectrum at the beginning of the linearly chirped poling region of the waveguide (d). The visible spectrum is continually generated and spectrally broadened from the harmonic bands and the combination of χ⁽²⁾ effects (e,f).
Visible-to-ultraviolet frequency comb generation in lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguides

January 2024


282 Reads


35 Citations

Nature Photonics

The introduction of nonlinear nanophotonic devices to the field of optical frequency comb metrology has enabled new opportunities for low-power and chip-integrated clocks, high-precision frequency synthesis and broad-bandwidth spectroscopy. However, most of these advances remain constrained to the near-infrared region of the spectrum, which has restricted the integration of frequency combs with numerous quantum and atomic systems in the ultraviolet and visible ranges. Here we overcome this shortcoming with the introduction of multisegment nanophotonic thin-film lithium niobate waveguides that combine engineered dispersion and chirped quasi-phase matching for efficient supercontinuum generation via the combination of χ⁽²⁾ and χ⁽³⁾ nonlinearities. With only 90 pJ of pulse energy at 1,550 nm, we achieve gap-free frequency comb coverage spanning 330–2,400 nm. The conversion efficiency from the near-infrared pump to the ultraviolet–visible region of 350–550 nm is 17%, and our modelling of optimized poling structures predicts an even higher efficiency. Harmonic generation via the χ⁽²⁾ nonlinearity in the same waveguide directly yields the carrier-envelope offset frequency and a means to verify the comb coherence at wavelengths as short as 350 nm. Our results provide an integrated photonics approach to create visible and ultraviolet frequency combs that will impact precision spectroscopy, quantum information processing and optical clock applications in this important spectral window.

Citations (47)

... However, a frequency comb would reduce the number of lasers from 1000 to 1 and ease instrumental complexity. Such tunable, high f r frequency combs are in development in the context of astronomical spectrograph calibration (26,27). ...


Dual-comb correlation spectroscopy of thermal light
Tunable 30 GHz laser frequency comb for astronomical spectrograph characterization and calibration

... Further, the applications of domain-engineered lithium niobate (LN) extend beyond conventional uses to include nonlinear processes like high-harmonic generation and supercontinuum generation 12,163 . These processes benefit from the strong nonlinear coefficients of LN and the ability to engineer the phase-matching conditions, enabling efficient frequency conversion and the generation of new wavelengths. ...

Visible-to-ultraviolet frequency comb generation in lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguides

Nature Photonics

... The data was processed using the HxRGproc package (Ninan et al. 2018). The barycentric corrections were performed with barycorrpy (Kanodia & Wright 2018), which is the Python implementation of the algorithms from Wright & Eastman (2014 We applied a version of the template-matching algorithm SERVAL (Zechmeister et al. 2018;Stefánsson et al. 2023), modified for HPF (Metcalf et al. 2019) to estimate the RVs from the spectra for both systems. Using this method, we first create a master template of all observations and then compare the Doppler shift of each spectra to the master template to minimize χ 2 statistics. ...

A Neptune-mass exoplanet in close orbit around a very low-mass star challenges formation models
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023


... Instead, they recirculate the light inside a cavity or resonator, allowing the same modulator to act multiple times before the light exits the cavity. As a result, resonant EO combs require around ten times less RF power than their cascaded counterparts [2]. Resonant EO combs are excellent sources for generating short pulses used in supercontinuum generation [2] and have applications in metrology [3] and communications [4]. ...

20 GHz fiber-integrated femtosecond pulse and supercontinuum generation with a resonant electro-optic frequency comb

... Our frequency comb calibrated LHR approach has been described in prior works from our group (Fredrick et al. 2022;Cole et al. 2023). Here, we describe recent modifications to the instrument design that are intended to improve the precision and accuracy of the instrument for solar spectroscopy. ...

Precision Doppler shift measurements with a frequency comb calibrated laser heterodyne radiometer

... In comparison to the constrained Kepler fields of view, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission targets stars distributed across the entire sky, and hence can detect the transiting exoplanets orbiting relatively bright nearby M-dwarfs (Muirhead et al. 2018). This has been helpful to detect and confirm a number of GEMS (Johnson et al. 2012;Canas et al. 2020Canas et al. , 2022Canas et al. , 2023Jordan et al. 2022;Kanodia et al. 2022Kanodia et al. , 2023Hobson et al. 2023;Kagetani et al. 2023;Lin et al. 2023). These detections from Doppler and the transiting survey are a challenge to explain for core-accretion (Morales et al. 2019;Schlecker et al. 2022;Kanodia et al. 2023). ...

The Unusual M-dwarf Warm Jupiter TOI-1899 b: Refinement of Orbital and Planetary Parameters

The Astronomical Journal

... A total of 17 of the 20 transiting giant planets that have been confirmed around M-dwarf stars so far were either first identified by TESS or included TESS follow-up observations as part of the discovery (C. I. Cañas et al. 2020Cañas et al. , 2022Cañas et al. , 2023G. Á. Bakos et al. 2020;S. ...

TOI-3984 A b and TOI-5293 A b: Two Temperate Gas Giants Transiting Mid-M Dwarfs in Wide Binary Systems

The Astronomical Journal

... Resonant EO comb are expected to exhibit noise filtering due to their cavity or resonator [5,10,19,20]. However, in practice, a second dedicated filter cavity is often required, particularly when these combs are used for broadband supercontinuum generation [2,21]. This suggests that the inherent filtering effect from the comb's cavity is smaller than anticipated. ...

Noise Suppression in a 10 GHz Octave-Spanning Frequency Comb
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2022

... Recently, significant advancements in the understanding of FPs have been achieved, in particular related to their chromatic drift [45,82,86]. By correcting for this effect, a much improved wavelength calibration could be achieved, and the new ESPRESSO DRS 3.0.0 ...

A resolution to the mystery of an etalon that is optically expanding and contracting at the same time