Christopher K. Bart’s research while affiliated with McMaster University and other places

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Publications (41)

Mission Statements in Canadian Hospitals
  • Article

February 2004


276 Reads


138 Citations

Journal of Health Organization and Management

Christopher K Bart


Maureen Hupfer

One of the most popular management tools in the world, the mission statement also is subject to widespread criticism. In order to improve our understanding of the mission statement's strategic value and to provide actionable recommendations for healthcare organizations, the paper adopted a social constructionist perspective in a mission statement study conducted among Canadian hospital executives. The paper found seven factors underlying 23 possible mission statement content items. Four of these (grand inspiration, benefactors, competitive orientation and business definition) corresponded to the dimensions of dominant managerial logic proposed by von Krogh and Grand, and were positively related to various behavioral, financial performance and mission achievement measures. The findings indicate that not all mission statement components are created equal and that the recommendations of major strategy texts may require reconsideration where this particular institutional context is concerned.

Innovation, Mission Statements and Learning

January 2004


378 Reads


44 Citations

International Journal of Technology Management

In the current study, we surveyed 339 firms to determine the linkages among firm innovativeness, company mission, employee commitment and selected organisational learning practices. Our results demonstrated that significant relationships do indeed exist between the variables studied. The results suggest especially the kinds of practices that company executives need to follow if they are serious about getting the maximum benefits that their mission statements have to offer in terms of enhanced innovativeness. The findings also indicate that mission statements, without appropriate learning on the part of employees, may be just a waste of valuable management time.

Product Innovation Charters: Mission Statements for New Products

December 2002


1,529 Reads


36 Citations

R& D Management

This article presents findings from an exploratory study into the content and impact of product innovation charters (PICs) in 86 North American corporations. The findings demonstrate that managers have some distinct preferences in terms of the items that they choose to include in a PIC and that certain components seem to be more important to mention than others. The findings also make evident the relationship that PICs have with selected performance measures. The results suggest that product innovation charters, like their mission statement "cousins", may be of more value than most managers realize.

Product innovation charters: Mission statements for new products

January 2002


461 Reads


25 Citations


This article presents findings from an exploratory study into the content and impact of product innovation charters (PICs) in 86 North American corporations. The findings demonstrate that managers have some distinct preferences in terms of the items that they choose to include in a PIC and that certain components seem to be more important to mention than others. The findings also make evident the relationship that PICs have with selected performance measures. The results suggest that product innovation charters, like their mission statement 'cousins', may he of more value than most managers realize.

Exploring the application of mission statements on the World Wide Web

October 2001


165 Reads


70 Citations

Internet Research

Mission statements are considered to be one of the most popular management tools in the world – and also one of the most frustrating. To secure their success, it has been recommended that mission statements be communicated and disseminated to as many internal and external stakeholders as possible. One means for doing this is through the Internet and the posting of an organization’s mission statement on its company Web site. But who is doing this? What types of organizations are using the World Wide Web to advertise their missions? Where is a mission statement typically located in a corporate Web site? And what are some of the motivations that an organization has for posting or not posting its mission? These are questions which have not yet been addressed by previous research and which this preliminary study sought to answer.

Figure 1 PLS model 
A Model of the Impact of Mission Statements on Firm Performance
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2001


12,236 Reads


384 Citations

Management Decision

A relationship between mission and organizational performance was modeled by drawing on previous research. The model was tested with data from 83 large Canadian and US organizations. We found that mission statements can affect financial performance, however, not as one might have anticipated initially. Several mediating elements were observed to exist. For instance, “commitment to the mission” and the “degree to which an organization aligns its internal structure, policies and procedures with its mission” were both found to be positively associated with “employee behavior”. It was this latter variable which was observed, in turn, to have the most direct relationship with financial performance.


Mission Statements in Canadian Not-for-Profit Hospitals: Does Process Matter?

February 2000


142 Reads


67 Citations

Health Care Management Review

Mission statements abound in health care organizations. And much is written on what they should contain. But, the process of creating and implementing mission statements in health care organizations has received virtually no attention in the literature. This article presents findings from a research study that sought to determine whether or not a relationship existed between selected mission process characteristics and various measures of a hospital's performance.

Relationship between mission and innovativeness in the airline industry: an exploratory investigation

January 2000


35 Reads


17 Citations

International Journal of Technology Management

Mission statements have been called the critical starting point for enhancing firm innovativeness. They are essential for strategic planning and have been shown to be linked with new product success. The current study asks the question: does the general model of the relationship between mission and organisational innovativeness apply in the specific case of a particular industry air transportation? For the most part, the study's findings confirm our earlier notions about mission and firm innovativeness. However, there are significant and notable exceptions that suggest that there may be ''industry effects''.

Mission Statement Content and Hospital Performance in the Canadian Not-for-Profit Health Care Sector

February 1999


57 Reads


129 Citations

Health Care Management Review

This article presents the findings from an exploratory research study that assessed the content and impact of mission statements in 103 Canadian not-for-profit health care organizations. The study especially sought to determine if a relationship existed between selected mission statement components and various hospital performance indicators.

Citations (32)

... The probable reason for mistakenly chosen ideas can be seeing the early stages of an innovation system as a trial-error phase [72,73], lacking key technical features, meeting buyer needs and adequate marketing support [74], poor constrained information flow [4], and no shared knowledge [75]. There, a remedy can be provided by the sharing of information [76,77], coordination and common database usage [78], decentralization of planning activities [4], no elimination of opportunities at strategic and project-level screening processes [79], knowledge exchange via conferences, research forums, seminars, and technology exchange meetings, etc. [80], and preserving of not selected but valued ideas [81]. ...


Gravitational Intelligent Decision-Making Model at the Fuzzy Front End with Extrinsic Idea Integration by the K-Means Algorithm
Product innovation charters: Mission statements for new products
  • Citing Article
  • January 2002


... As Bart and Baetz, (1998), and Bartkus and colleagues (2004; pointed out, by presenting values and philosophy, mission statements facilitate both management's and employees' non routine decision making. In addition, an ideal mission statement can be the source of policies to motivate or inspire employees, with a content including words about excellence and societal benefit. ...

The Relationship Between Mission Statements and Firm Performance: An Exploratory Study
  • Citing Article
  • November 1998

Journal of Management Studies

... The previous sections demonstrated that a solid basis of academic literature supports the assumption that a well-written mission statement contributes to the performance of an organization. However, a great deal of disagreement remains regarding what the constituent elements of an effective mission statement should be (Bart, 1999). Furthermore, previous research indicates that managers (of profit organizations) are often dissatisfied with their mission statement and frequently question the validity of the presumed association between the mission statement and organizational performance (Bart 1997, Rigby 2001. ...

Accepting the Mission
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999

... By reviewing the literature, the authors can conclude that few research papers considered the role of strategic management process as an enabler to organizational ambidexterity. A few number of previous studies focus on the relation between mission statement and innovation rather than achieving organizational ambidexterity (Bart, 2000;2002;2004;Mahama and sausa, 2019). While many studies recommended empirically examining the relationship between mission fulfillment and ambidexterity (Wang & Rafiq, 2014;Palm & Lilja, 2017;Vario, 2017). ...

Innovation, Mission Statements and Learning
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

International Journal of Technology Management

... It defines the purpose of the organization, and act as a medium that guides people within the organization so that they can work independently as well as collectively to achieve the desired level of the organizational performance (Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, & Wong, 2008). According to Bart (1998) a mission statement is an enduring statement of purpose that reveals an organization's product or services, customers and philosophy. To create this enduring purpose, the first step typically requires that organization asks itself some difficult questions, such as " why do we exist? ...

Mission Matters
  • Citing Article
  • January 1998

... A third research stream considers the use of management control within the NPD process as positive preventing unnecessary innovation excesses (e.g., Bart, 1991;Chenhall and Morris, 1995;. Likewise, Cooper (2001), Bonner et al. (2002), as well as Bonner (2005) suggest that the management control department helps to coordinate and monitor innovation projects ensuring a profitable translation of ideas into new products. ...

Controlling New Products in Large Diversified Firms: A Presidential Perspective
  • Citing Article
  • March 1991

Journal of Product Innovation Management

... Similarly, Sufi and Lyons (2003) reported a nonsignificant effect of MS on some financial performance measures in the hospitality sector, such as net profit margin and return on equity. Bart (1996aBart ( , 1996bBart ( , 1997aBart ( , 1997b found an indirect positive influence on performance, and he claimed MS had a more significant direct effect on employee behavior rather than financial outcomes. The remaining studies in the group provided suggestions on MS formulation processes. ...

High tech firms: Does mission matter?
  • Citing Article
  • September 1996

The Journal of High Technology Management Research

... Relevant studies have provided a range of frameworks and indicators from different perspectives, that offer different insights into the elements or contents that should be covered in a high-quality mission statement, for instance, a four-category typology containing purpose; strategic objectives; quantified planning targets and the business definition (Klemm et al., 1991); five elements of mission (Rahman et al., 2020;Want, 1986); eight key components (Pearce & David, 1987;Wei & Yang, 2022); nine mission components (David, 1989); ten contents (Baetz & Bart, 1996) or thematic categories (Stemler et al., 2011) of mission statements, and even 25 components (Bart, 1997) that integrate most of the relevant ones mentioned above. Despite some differences in wording, these categorizations or frameworks focus on the following elements: stakeholders (customer/financial objective/users); products and services; market, location, geographic domain; values, beliefs, philosophies; commitment to survival, growth and profitability. ...

Industrial Firms and the Power of Mission
  • Citing Article
  • July 1997

Industrial Marketing Management

... It refers to the level of consensus that exists among organizational members regarding their view of the purpose of the institution. An organizational mission statement is often viewed as one of the most integral "keystone" aspects for any effective strategic planning exercise (Ireland and Hitt, 1992) and for any organization to be managed successfully (Bart, 2000). Williams, Smythe, Hadjistavropoulos, Malloy and Martin (2005) concluded that the effectiveness of mission statements is contingent upon the extent to which they are communicated to the organization's members. ...

Relationship between mission and innovativeness in the airline industry: an exploratory investigation
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000

International Journal of Technology Management

... Studies investigating the relationship between mission statement and organization's performance are rare and their findings in most case not very conclusive (Peyrefitte & David, 2006;Bart & Baetz, 1998;Bart, Bontis, & Taggar, 2001). This is because there is no direct agreement among scholars on what constitutes an effective mission statement in business organizations. ...

A Model of the Impact of Mission Statements on Firm Performance

Management Decision