Christine J Ye’s research while affiliated with University of Michigan and other places

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Publications (48)

Origins and Consequences of Chromosomal Instability: From Cellular Adaptation to Genome Chaos-Mediated System Survival
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2020


108 Reads


41 Citations


Christine J. Ye



When discussing chromosomal instability, most of the literature focuses on the characterization of individual molecular mechanisms. These studies search for genomic and environmental causes and consequences of chromosomal instability in cancer, aiming to identify key triggering factors useful to control chromosomal instability and apply this knowledge in the clinic. Since cancer is a phenomenon of new system emergence from normal tissue driven by somatic evolution, such studies should be done in the context of new genome system emergence during evolution. In this perspective, both the origin and key outcome of chromosomal instability are examined using the genome theory of cancer evolution. Specifically, chromosomal instability was linked to a spectrum of genomic and non-genomic variants, from epigenetic alterations to drastic genome chaos. These highly diverse factors were then unified by the evolutionary mechanism of cancer. Following identification of the hidden link between cellular adaptation (positive and essential) and its trade-off (unavoidable and negative) of chromosomal instability, why chromosomal instability is the main player in the macro-cellular evolution of cancer is briefly discussed. Finally, new research directions are suggested, including searching for a common mechanism of evolutionary phase transition, establishing chromosomal instability as an evolutionary biomarker, validating the new two-phase evolutionary model of cancer, and applying such a model to improve clinical outcomes and to understand the genome-defined mechanism of organismal evolution.


Somatic Genomic Mosaicism in Multiple Myeloma

April 2020


62 Reads


12 Citations

Unclassified Chromosome Abnormalities and Genome Behavior in Interphase

January 2020


18 Reads

Christine J. Ye


Sarah Regan





The discovery and characterization of abnormal chromosomes have been an important tradition for cytogenetics. In the past 70 years, extensive efforts have been made to illustrate the molecular mechanisms of various chromosomal abnormalities and to apply them for clinical diagnosis and monitoring treatment responses. As a result, clinical cytogenetic analyses represent an essential component of laboratory medicine. However, efforts in both basic research and clinical implications have been focused on recurrent or clonal types of abnormalities, and the majority of non-clonal chromosome/nuclear aberrations remain unclassified and lack their deserved attention. In recent years, these stochastic genome-level alterations have become an important topic due to the emergence of the genome theory, in which chromosomal/nuclear variations play the ultimately important role both in somatic and organismal evolution. In this chapter, following a brief review of these studies on unclassified chromosomal/nuclear abnormalities, both the rationale and significance of studying these structures will be presented. Specifically, the dynamic relationship between normal and “abnormal” chromosomal structures, and among diverse types of “abnormal variations,” will be discussed through the lens of genome-mediated somatic evolution. This discussion will not only enforce the importance of new genomic concepts, such as system inheritance, fuzzy inheritance, and emergent cellular behavior based on interaction among lower-level agents, but can also shine light on many current puzzling issues, such as missing heritability and the challenge of clinical prediction based on gene mutation profiles. Together, genome-based genomic information will play an important role in future cytogenetics and cytogenomics.

The model of how karyotype or chromosomal coding defines the network structure, and how chromosomal/nuclear variation changes the chromosomal-coded system inheritance. The proposed models to illustrate the relationship between order of genes along chromosomes, network structure (upper panel), and how stress-induced genome re-organization creates a new genome through genome chaos (lower panel). The upper panel illustrates one chromosome with a gene order of A to F, its chromatin domain in interphase nuclei, and a defined network structure (from left to right). For simplicity, only one chromosome is shown. The pattern of interaction among multiple chromosomes would be more complicated. The lower panel illustrates the process of new genome emergence (from the original genome through different types of chromosome/nuclear re-organization under crisis). Only three chromosomes are presented for the original genome. Under high levels of cellular stress, genome chaos occurs as an effective survival strategy. Among many types of genome re-organization (including different types of genome chaos), only polyploidy (upper), micronuclei clusters (middle), and chromosomal fragmentation (lower) are shown. Additional types of genome chaos can be found in Heng et al. (2013a), Liu et al. (2014), and Heng, 2019. The result of genome re-organization (not dependent on the mechanism in which it proceeds) is the formation of new genomes with a higher chance of survival and new chromosomal codes reflected by two newly formed chromosomes with new gene order, providing new network structures.
What Is Karyotype Coding and Why Is Genomic Topology Important for Cancer and Evolution?

November 2019


205 Reads


56 Citations

While the importance of chromosomal/nuclear variations vs. gene mutations in diseases is becoming more appreciated, less is known about its genomic basis. Traditionally, chromosomes are considered the carriers of genes, and genes define bio-inheritance. In recent years, the gene-centric concept has been challenged by the surprising data of various sequencing projects. The genome system theory has been introduced to offer an alternative framework. One of the key concepts of the genome system theory is karyotype or chromosomal coding: chromosome sets function as gene organizers, and the genomic topologies provide a context for regulating gene expression and function. In other words, the interaction of individual genes, defined by genomic topology, is part of the full informational system. The genes define the “parts inheritance,” while the karyotype and genomic topology (the physical relationship of genes within a three-dimensional nucleus) plus the gene content defines “system inheritance.” In this mini-review, the concept of karyotype or chromosomal coding will be briefly discussed, including: 1) the rationale for searching for new genomic inheritance, 2) chromosomal or karyotype coding (hypothesis, model, and its predictions), and 3) the significance and evidence of chromosomal coding (maintaining and changing the system inheritance-defined bio-systems). This mini-review aims to provide a new conceptual framework for appreciating the genome organization-based information package and its ultimate importance for future genomic and evolutionary studies.

The Mechanisms of How Genomic Heterogeneity Impacts Bio-Emergent Properties: The Challenges for Precision Medicine

May 2019


60 Reads


4 Citations

While the promise of precision medicine has generated excitement and high expectations, there are challenges for some key assumptions on which the concept is based. Since most common and complex diseases belong to adaptive systems where fuzzy inheritance interacts with the dynamic environment during nonlinear somatic cell evolution, both disease progression and treatment response are less predictable if based only on the precision of gene profiles. Although increased voices have expressed their concerns for this neo-reductionist approach (reduction based on big data), few have directly studied the conceptual limitations of precision medicine. In this chapter, we will focus on the relationship between bio-heterogeneity and emergent properties, a subject crucial to understanding why the targeting of lower-level agents (genes and pathways) provides unsatisfactory results at higher levels of this system such as clinical outcomes, which is practically the ultimate goal. Such analyses illustrate that dynamic interactions of heterogeneity in lower-level agents lead to the unpredictability of complex adaptive systems. As a result, stress-induced multiple genomic heterogeneity-mediated evolutionary processes present the greatest challenges for precision medicine.

Figure 1. Example of the micronuclei cluster. A) represents a micronuclei cluster (with a dozen of smaller nuclei) induced from Doxorubicin (2 µg/mL, for 2 h) treated mouse ovarian surface epithelial (Brca1 -/-and p53-/-) cells. For the treatment details please see Liu et al., 2014 [11]. B) represents a normal size nucleus from the control group. Both images are reversed DAPI (4 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, a fluorescent DNA stain) images. The high frequencies of micronuclei clusters can be induced from different drugs or treatments including inhibitor of the Aurora B kinase, and various irradiations.
Figure 2. The diagram of how micronuclei create a new genome by re-organizing karyotype coding. When under stress (either internal or environmental), the cluster of micronuclei is formed, which can either lead to death, proportional survival (partial population survival without altering the genome), form an emergent genome through fusion/fission cycle, or simply combine with other nuclei.
Figure 3. Spectral karyotyping (SKY) image of a micronuclei cluster. Panel A is the SKY (spectral karyotyping) image of a micronuclear cluster. Different colors represent different chromosomes. While the two biggest micronuclei contain numerous chromosomes, most of the smallest micronuclei only contain single chromosome (indicated by one color). Panel B is the same image with reversed DAPI staining. The strong black dot signals represent the centromere (suggesting that all nuclei of this cluster contain a centromere). This micronuclear cluster was observed from re-cultured cell population of mouse ovarian surface epithelial (Brca1 -/-and p53-/-) cells. Following the treatment of Doxorubicin (2 µg/mL, for 2 h). Figure 3 is reused from reference [12], with permission from Karger.
Micronuclei and Genome Chaos: Changing the System Inheritance

May 2019


600 Reads


110 Citations


Micronuclei research has regained its popularity due to the realization that genome chaos, a rapid and massive genome re-organization under stress, represents a major common mechanism for punctuated cancer evolution. The molecular link between micronuclei and chromothripsis (one subtype of genome chaos which has a selection advantage due to the limited local scales of chromosome re-organization), has recently become a hot topic, especially since the link between micronuclei and immune activation has been identified. Many diverse molecular mechanisms have been illustrated to explain the causative relationship between micronuclei and genome chaos. However, the newly revealed complexity also causes confusion regarding the common mechanisms of micronuclei and their impact on genomic systems. To make sense of these diverse and even conflicting observations, the genome theory is applied in order to explain a stress mediated common mechanism of the generation of micronuclei and their contribution to somatic evolution by altering the original set of information and system inheritance in which cellular selection functions. To achieve this goal, a history and a current new trend of micronuclei research is briefly reviewed, followed by a review of arising key issues essential in advancing the field, including the re-classification of micronuclei and how to unify diverse molecular characterizations. The mechanistic understanding of micronuclei and their biological function is re-examined based on the genome theory. Specifically, such analyses propose that micronuclei represent an effective way in changing the system inheritance by altering the coding of chromosomes, which belongs to the common evolutionary mechanism of cellular adaptation and its trade-off. Further studies of the role of micronuclei in disease need to be focused on the behavior of the adaptive system rather than specific molecular mechanisms that generate micronuclei. This new model can clarify issues important to stress induced micronuclei and genome instability, the formation and maintenance of genomic information, and cellular evolution essential in many common and complex diseases such as cancer.

Table 2 Examples of different types of causative factors of aneuploidy 
Figure 2 of 5
Figure 3 of 5
The illustration of how the heterogeneity of aneuploidy impacts the emergent properties of cellular populations. Since there is no direct correlation from individual agents to the emergent properties, the final properties are based on the collective emergence of all agents. Circles represent cells with normal karyotypes, triangles represent cells with non-clonal aneuploidy, and arrows represent pathways among agents. These variable properties are the potential basis for cancer evolution (modified from reference [19])
The proposed timeline that illustrates the relationship between various molecular mechanisms (summarized by the hallmarks of cancer, modified from reference [50, 139]), aneuploidy, CIN (often coupled with other karyotype alterations such as structural alterations and polyploidy), macro-evolution, micro-evolution and the clinically detectable tumor. As NCCAs can be detected from earlier developmental stages, the relationship between various molecular mechanisms and aneuploidy is less clear. It is clear, however, that there is a complex, interactive relationship. Furthermore, elevated CIN is important for triggering macro-cellular evolution, followed by micro-cellular evolution, leading ultimately to the proliferation of the cancer cells with the winning genome. This diagram highlights the complex, dynamic relationship between aneuploidy, CIN and the two phases (macro and micro) of cancer evolution
Understanding aneuploidy in cancer through the lens of system inheritance, fuzzy inheritance and emergence of new genome systems

May 2018


463 Reads


61 Citations

Molecular Cytogenetics

Background In the past 15 years, impressive progress has been made to understand the molecular mechanism behind aneuploidy, largely due to the effort of using various -omics approaches to study model systems (e.g. yeast and mouse models) and patient samples, as well as the new realization that chromosome alteration-mediated genome instability plays the key role in cancer. As the molecular characterization of the causes and effects of aneuploidy progresses, the search for the general mechanism of how aneuploidy contributes to cancer becomes increasingly challenging: since aneuploidy can be linked to diverse molecular pathways (in regards to both cause and effect), the chances of it being cancerous is highly context-dependent, making it more difficult to study than individual molecular mechanisms. When so many genomic and environmental factors can be linked to aneuploidy, and most of them not commonly shared among patients, the practical value of characterizing additional genetic/epigenetic factors contributing to aneuploidy decreases. Results Based on the fact that cancer typically represents a complex adaptive system, where there is no linear relationship between lower-level agents (such as each individual gene mutation) and emergent properties (such as cancer phenotypes), we call for a new strategy based on the evolutionary mechanism of aneuploidy in cancer, rather than continuous analysis of various individual molecular mechanisms. To illustrate our viewpoint, we have briefly reviewed both the progress and challenges in this field, suggesting the incorporation of an evolutionary-based mechanism to unify diverse molecular mechanisms. To further clarify this rationale, we will discuss some key concepts of the genome theory of cancer evolution, including system inheritance, fuzzy inheritance, and cancer as a newly emergent cellular system. Conclusion Illustrating how aneuploidy impacts system inheritance, fuzzy inheritance and the emergence of new systems is of great importance. Such synthesis encourages efforts to apply the principles/approaches of complex adaptive systems to ultimately understand aneuploidy in cancer.

Linking Gulf War Illness to Genome Instability, Somatic Evolution, and Complex Adaptive Systems

April 2018


28 Reads


2 Citations

Gulf War illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom disorder impacting one-third of veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. Despite a rapid accumulation of experimental data from various fields, there is no commonly accepted mechanism of this condition. Both the complex etiology and diverse symptoms of GWI have complicated its clinical diagnoses and treatments. By comparing GWI to many other common and complex diseases, we realized that a better way to study GWI is to consider it as a complex adaptive system that follows the principles of somatic evolution. In this presentation, we share our story of identifying the “Gulf War-specific-stress-induced” and “genome instability-mediated” common mechanisms of GWI. Our analyses are useful for explaining the linkage between the diverse features of GWI and elevated genome instability, which further suggest a possible framework of genome alteration-mediated somatic evolution to understand common and complex diseases in general.

Experimental Induction of Genome Chaos

March 2018


54 Reads


13 Citations

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

Genome chaos, or karyotype chaos, represents a powerful survival strategy for somatic cells under high levels of stress/selection. Since the genome context, not the gene content, encodes the genomic blueprint of the cell, stress-induced rapid and massive reorganization of genome topology functions as a very important mechanism for genome (karyotype) evolution. In recent years, the phenomenon of genome chaos has been confirmed by various sequencing efforts, and many different terms have been coined to describe different subtypes of the chaotic genome including “chromothripsis,” “chromoplexy,” and “structural mutations.” To advance this exciting field, we need an effective experimental system to induce and characterize the karyotype reorganization process. In this chapter, an experimental protocol to induce chaotic genomes is described, following a brief discussion of the mechanism and implication of genome chaos in cancer evolution.

A Postgenomic Perspective on Molecular Cytogenetics

February 2018


412 Reads


26 Citations

Current Genomics

Background: The postgenomic era is featured by massive data collection and analyses from various large scale-omics studies. Despite the promising capability of systems biology and bioinformatics to handle large data sets, data interpretation, especially the translation of -omics data into clinical implications, has been challenging. Discussion: In this perspective, some important conceptual and technological limitations of current systems biology are discussed in the context of the ultimate importance of the genome beyond the collection of all genes. Following a brief summary of the contributions of molecular cytogenetics/cytogenomics in the pre- and post-genomic eras, new challenges for postgenomic research are discussed. Such discussion leads to a call to search for a new conceptual framework and holistic methodologies. Conclusion: Throughout this synthesis, the genome theory of somatic cell evolution is highlighted in contrast to gene theory, which ignores the karyotype-mediated higher level of genetic information. Since “system inheritance” is defined by the genome context (gene content and genomic topology) while “parts inheritance” is defined by genes/epigenes, molecular cytogenetics and cytogenomics (which directly study genome structure, function, alteration and evolution) will play important roles in this postgenomic era.

Citations (41)

... Genome chaos, rapid and massive genome re-organization under crisis, was initially systematically described during watching-evolution-in-action experiments [6,70,91]. It was soon realized that genome chaos is essential for key phase transitions in cancer evolution, including immortalization, transformation, metastasis, and drug resistance [3,8]. ...


Genome Chaos, Information Creation, and Cancer Emergence: Searching for New Frameworks on the 50th Anniversary of the “War on Cancer”
Patterns of Genome Dynamics and Cancer Evolution

... Studying CIN can be beneficial for patient management involving diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and genetic counseling [7]. A study showed that therapy monitoring using CIN led to the reduction of genome chaosmediated drug resistance [5]. It is worth noting that CIN and aneuploidy are not identical, as aneuploidy represents a state of imbalanced karyotype [8]. ...

Origins and Consequences of Chromosomal Instability: From Cellular Adaptation to Genome Chaos-Mediated System Survival


... However, MM remains incurable for most patients, as persistent clonal evolution drives new mutations which confer MM high-risk signatures and resistance to standard care (7,8). Therefore, relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM), characterized by the nature of clinicopathologic and molecular heterogeneity (9,10), is frequently associated with poor prognosis (11). ...

Somatic Genomic Mosaicism in Multiple Myeloma

... Deakin et al. [220] suggested the terminology 'chromosomics' to unite the discplines of whol genome sequencing/assembly, (molecular) cytogenetics and cell biology. More recently, the term "karyotype coding" [221] has been introduced to mean the unique order of genes on and within chromosomes. The purpose of karyotype coding is to establish the structural basis of the emergent genetic network, thereby searching for new genomic inheritance patterns. ...

What Is Karyotype Coding and Why Is Genomic Topology Important for Cancer and Evolution?

... The fact that cancer problem is more complex than we have thought and needs re-thinking was recently recognised by leaders in cancer research Robert Weinberg [2] and Douglas Hanahan [3] after the failure of cancer genome sequencing projects to support a somatic mutation theory of cancer. The latter, in turn, largely makes a current base of the costly "precision medicine", which is also beginning to frustrate the hopes: "The targeting of lower-level agents (genes and pathways) provides unsatisfactory results at higher levels of this system such as clinical outcomes" [4]. In addition, the reproducibility crisis has been claimed to comprise 75% of the published reports in biomedicine, with 95% in cancer research [5][6][7]. ...

The Mechanisms of How Genomic Heterogeneity Impacts Bio-Emergent Properties: The Challenges for Precision Medicine
  • Citing Chapter
  • May 2019

... ; pathways (Wallace et al., 2014;Dacus et al., 2020). One consequence of this is micronuclei (Ye et al., 2019). If cells containing micronuclei are not properly targeted for apoptosis, the micronucleus can reintegrate into host nuclei and potentially cause chromothripsis, which is a highly mutagenic event (Zhang et al., 2015). ...

Micronuclei and Genome Chaos: Changing the System Inheritance


... In accordance with the karyotype coding concept, functionalities are stored in chromosome sets, or the topological configuration of genes on chromosomes. For this reason, CIN can cause very radical changes in the whole set of functionalities, in addition to linking with many molecular pathways of cancer [71][72][73][74][75][76]. This is also illustrated by the spiral model. ...

Understanding aneuploidy in cancer through the lens of system inheritance, fuzzy inheritance and emergence of new genome systems

Molecular Cytogenetics

... Some known complications include: a) most cancer cases display non-clonal aneuploidy (impeding the fact that clonal aneuploidy has been much more commonly researched for decades) [5][6][7][8][9], b) aneuploidy often occurs in combination with other types of genetic/epigenetic and genomic aberrations (translocations and polyploidy) ( Table 2) c) there is often a variable degree of somatic mosaicism [10][11][12][13], and d) there is a complex, dynamic relationship between aneuploidy and genome instability (Table 3). Interestingly, many common and complex diseases have been linked to non-clonal aneuploidy and somatic mosaicism as well [14,15], which has led to efforts to search for commonly shared mechanisms among different diseases or illness conditions [16][17][18][19]. It is worth noting that aneuploidy can also be detected from the normal developmental process [20][21][22]. ...

Linking Gulf War Illness to Genome Instability, Somatic Evolution, and Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2018

... According to in vitro models, chromothripsis makes up roughly <10% of all different types of chaotic genomes identified. 63,64 Besides the occurrence of chromoanasynthesis and chromoplexy, various types of cell death, including mitotic cell death, 65-67 apoptosis, 68,69 necroptosis-a programmed version of necrosis 70 and entosis 71 can all reverse their own process, causing genomic alterations in surviving cells. The newly available technologies and the sudden interest brought to the domain by the CRISPRthripsis phenomenon promise to elucidate in the near future the mechanism causing chromothripsis, micronuclei, and genomic chaos, and their consequences on the surviving cell population, the end product that really matters for gene therapy. ...

Experimental Induction of Genome Chaos
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2018

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

... Accordingly, quantitative FISH (QFISHing) protocols have been elaborated for the quantification of DNA within the chromosomal loci during the analysis of chromosomal mosaicism [1,3,9,12,17]. In the postgenomic perspective on molecular cytogenetics and cytogenomics, the possibility of quantifying DNA in situ appears to be attractive [21]. More precisely, QFISHing grants an opportunity to differentiate between chromosome imbalances and FISH artifacts during interphase and metaphase chromosomal analysis [1,12,13]. ...

A Postgenomic Perspective on Molecular Cytogenetics

Current Genomics