November 2015
479 Reads
As a summary of work in the project " Influence of bioethanol fuels treatment for operational performance, ecological properties and GHG emissions of spark ignition engines (Biotreth) " , evolving around the effects from bioethanol blending, this paper summarizes the findings from the 3-year long project. These are 1) attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) of the environmental impact connected with the blended fuels, and 2) molecular dynamics simulations of exhaust from the blended fuels. Bioethanol has been increasingly applied as a renewable energy component in combination with gasoline for the reduction of emissions and to reduce the release of climate gases into the atmosphere. Here the environmental and health impacts resulting from introducing bioethanol blended into fossil fuels are assessed. This bio-blended fuel is an alternative to fossil fuels, and their multivariate results are presented with the potential environmental impacts of the production (well-to-tank) of certain multifunc-tional detergent additive packages (MDAPs) combined with different ethanol-gasoline blends. Moreover the effect of feedstock for ethanol in Switzerland and Poland on end