October 2020
190 Reads
For the preparation of a new traffic forecast for several time horizons up to the year 2040 and beyond (Verkehrsprognose Österreich, VPÖ 2040+) an up-to-date transport model is necessary. Currently this new national transport model Austria (Verkehrsmodell Österreich, VMÖ) is developed. The passenger model will be disaggregated tour-based model with 5 basic steps and some extensions for special applications, like for instance tourist traffic. The number of zones will be approximately 6000. In the model a special focus is on incorporating recent trends in mode choice like “park and ride” and other multimodal chains. The freight part of the model will be an Aggregated - Disaggregated - Aggregated (ADA) model with three steps: (1) the results of an input-output-model are transformed into firm-to-firm flows, (2) the choice of shipment size and transport chain is modelled and (3) the OD relations are aggregated for the individual modes and assignment to the networks. For individual transport with passenger cars and road freight, a quasi-dynamic road transport assignment will be developed. Public transport assignment is based on timetables. For the forecasts of travel demand for future years a pivot-point approach (with the changes) on the base matrices will be applied.