Choudhary Zahid Javid’s research while affiliated with Taif University and other places

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Publications (6)

Reliability Coefficient.
Cooperative Learning Develops EFL Learners’ Ability for Positive Interdependence.
Cooperative Learning Develops EFL Learners’ Ability for Individual and Group Accountability.
Cooperative Learning Augments EFL Learners’ Skill of Promotive Interaction.
Cooperative Learning Amplify EFL Learners’ Appropriate Use of Social Skills.


An Empirical Investigation of the EFL Learners Attitudes Toward the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2022


176 Reads


4 Citations

Eidhah Abdullah AbdulRaheem Al-Malki


Fahmeeda Gulnaz


Choudhary Zahid Javid


Maha Zahid Chaudhry

Peer collaboration in small groups has increasingly been recognized as an instructional technique that promotes interactive skills, socialization, learning and achievement across a range of subjects and disciplines. The study aims to measure Saudi female EFL learners’ attitudes toward the effectiveness of cooperative learning (CL) and its impact on their social and academic skills. In the present study, the researchers utilized a quantitative research tool to collect data from the participants. A 25-item Likert-scale opinionnaire was designed with closed-ended statements to measure five variables laid down by Johnson et al. tabulated into five sections. The survey was administered to 100 Saudi female EFL learners at undergraduate level to measure their attitudes toward the effectiveness of CL. The findings of the study indicate that CL enhances EFL learners’ social skills, maximizes inter-group relations, mastery of the course content and academic achievement. It further develops EFL learners’ individual and group accountability, leadership qualities and decision-making power. It is assumed that EFL learners’ cognitive faculties can be activated and optimum results can be obtained if this interactive strategy is implemented in a structured pattern with a properly designed rubric focusing on the five essential components of CL.


Representation of indigenous languages employing a religious screen for the discursive construction of students' postcolonial national identities: A curious case of ‘internal colonisation’ and ‘cultural invasion’ in Pakistani schools

July 2022


135 Reads


7 Citations

This study problematises the discourses of Pakistan's national curriculum textbooks to investigate how they represent Pakistan's indigenous languages/cultures through the prism of religion to constitute secondary school students' particular postcolonial linguistic identities. It also draws on the perspectives of 12 teachers and 424 students to record their responses. Taking insights from Paulo Freire's cultural invasion, Robert Blauner's internal colonisation and selected postcolonial perspectives, the study notes a dynamic interplay of the sampled textbooks, schoolteachers and the school as a site of discursive social practices. Jointly, they position students within an exclusionary homogenous Urdu‐loving group—a language which is represented as Arabic's tributary. Indigenous languages are recognised, however, as an adjunct to Arabic and Urdu, emphasising their role in the proselytisation of Islam in the region. Similarly, fine arts and indigenous cultural festivals are represented from a particular religious lens. The students strongly identify with this curious case of internal colonisation and cultural invasion, and support it. They exhibit self‐righteousness and aversion towards linguistic/cultural pluralism and minorities, which entails implications for Pakistan's national cohesion and educational parlance of equity and inclusivity.

Comparative Determination of Communicative Competence of Saudi Students of English for Tourism and Hospitality (SSETH) to Develop ESP Course Content

April 2022


93 Reads


6 Citations

International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research

Eidhah Abdullah AbdulRaheem Al-Malki


Adel Awadh Aidh Al-Harthi


Choudhary Zahid Javid




Development of tailor-made indigenous teaching content, after assessing the target learners’ needs and proficiency, is necessary to address to specific needs of specific learners, ensure optimum learning and motivation. This quantitative investigation attempted to determine the communicative competence of SSETH in English language skills to develop indigenous teaching content. A Likert-scale questionnaire was developed and administered to 289 participants to record their perceived proficiency in English language skills and sub-skills. Independent-samples T-test was run to generate descriptive statistics and determine whether any significant differences exited in their perceived proficiency level. The results revealed medium low English language proficiency by the participants. SSETH reported comparatively higher proficiency in the productive skills of writing and speaking as compared to the receptive skills of listening and writing. The cohort form College of Tourism and Hospitality, Taif (CTHT) reported slightly higher competence as compared to their counterparts from College of Tourism and Hospitality, Madinah (CTHM). Comparative results generated by Independent-samples T-test rejected the null hypotheses as no statistically significant differences were found in the perceived communicative competence of both groups. It is recommended that various stake holders should work in close coordination to develop and implement indigenous teaching content which should be periodically assessed and modified to suit the changing ESP needs of SSETH. This procedure may be followed as a model for other disciplines to develop indigenous teaching material.

Analysis of the English Language Needs of the Saudi Tourism Workforce: A First Step into Designing ESP Teaching Materials

February 2022


334 Reads


13 Citations

International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research

Communication skills are extremely important for the tourism industry; they form an integral part of most tourism activities. Using English, as the international lingua franca, is an essential part of these skills, especially for international tourism. Saudi Vision 2030 places a high importance on international tourism as a driving force for economic growth. Since the inception of the Saudi Vision 2030, the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia, along with its workforce, has been growing substantially. Therefore, designing English language teaching materials for the tourism industry workforce in Saudi Arabia is a necessity. The current study firstly aimed to analyze the English language communicative needs of the Saudi tourism workforce, and then propose an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) model for teaching English based on their needs. A nation-wide survey was designed and distributed to sixty-two male and fifteen female workers serving in the Saudi tourism industry to determine their English language communicative needs. Listening and speaking were found to be highly important to their profession, in particular understanding instructions and requirements and providing details about touristic attractions. Reading and vocabulary were found more important than writing and grammatical accuracy. The study concludes with a proposal of an ESP teaching model to meet the English language communicative needs of the tourism workforce in Saudi Arabia.

Figure 1. Boy Participants' Images of a True Pakistani Girl.
Figure 2. Girl Participants' Images of a True Pakistani Girl.
Educational parlance of equity and inclusivity and students’ gendered national identity constructions in public schools in Islamabad, Pakistan

February 2021


65 Reads


7 Citations

This exploratory qualitative study problematises how Pakistan’s public-school education shapes female identities, employing compulsory school textbooks. Drawing on Foucault’s Discourse Analysis and other selected notions, the study also analyses 12 teachers’ and 424 students’ perspectives on this. The findings highlight Pakistani females’ disproportionate and gendered stereotypical social representations in textbooks, which the teachers further reinforce through teaching/social practices in schools. Discursively constructed, most students identify with these and reproduce them when conceptualising an ideal Pakistani woman. The study also underlines how an education system, apparently promising equity and inclusiveness, can be incredibly exclusive, ‘guiding’ the country’s 50% female population to make homemaking their destiny. This education perpetrates social othering, encourages self-righteousness and privileges men over women. Social ramifications of this education entail exclusion and disempowerment of Pakistani women as a social category. This has serious implications for certain sustainable development goals SDGs, 2030, inter alia.

A Gender-based Investigation of the Perception of English Language Teachers at Saudi Universities Regarding the Factors Influencing Learner Autonomy

December 2018


152 Reads


8 Citations

Arab World English Journal

Learner autonomy has been a focus of attention in the realm of English Language Teaching (ELT) research nowadays and the study in hand is an attempt to investigate learner autonomy in theory and practice from the perspective of English language teachers. It aims to identify gender-based perceptions of English language teachers from a Saudi university regarding the role of the textbooks, study material, support of English language teachers, the students’ learning strategies, students’ motivation and self-evaluation in enhancing learner autonomy. This empirical survey has involved 30 male and 30 female (n=60) English language teachers from English language center of Taif University, Saudi Arabia to record their insights and views about their perceptions and prospects of these pedagogical constructs in their teaching practices. The participants of the study responded to a 35-point Likert-scale modified questionnaire to generate data. Independent-samples T-test has been run to calculate percentages of their responses as well as to identify any statistically significant gender-based differences. The results revealed that only six items out of the total 35 have shown significant gender-based differences in the perceptions of the participants of the survey. The findings have revealed that the participants of this study bear extremely positive attitudes towards the pedagogical significance of learner autonomy and have exhibited encouraging trends about the implementation of this construct in the classrooms. Recommendations have been forwarded based on the results of this survey.

Citations (6)

... A questionnaire about students' attitudes toward enhancing EFL speaking skills in collaborative learning was developed from previous studies [32]- [34], [8]. The link to the questionnaire was shared with the study population via teachers, Blackboard, and WhatsApp groups. ...


Identifying English as a foreign language students’ attitude to improving speaking skills through collaboration
An Empirical Investigation of the EFL Learners Attitudes Toward the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning

... Consequently, International Mother Language Day on the 21st of February is celebrated around the world . In these circumstances, Bengali languageloving people accept the English language in their daily life context, and this attitude is incredible (Qazi et al. 2022). Therefore, this study focuses on identifying the ELP-linked impacts that influence Bangladeshi graduates' use of English and the threat this poses to the local language and cultural integration in a social setting in Bangladesh. ...

Representation of indigenous languages employing a religious screen for the discursive construction of students' postcolonial national identities: A curious case of ‘internal colonisation’ and ‘cultural invasion’ in Pakistani schools

... The hospitality industry depends upon providing exceptional service by quality employees (Luka, 2015). In order to ascertain the competence of a student in the English language, it is necessary to understand the student's English proficiency level and the specific sub-skills they possess (Al-Malki et al., 2022). Furthermore, aligning this proficiency with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Kusevska, 2014) can provide descriptors of general language competence such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills that can be adapted to ESP (Athanasiou et al., 2016) ...

Comparative Determination of Communicative Competence of Saudi Students of English for Tourism and Hospitality (SSETH) to Develop ESP Course Content

International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research

... One of the main target groups of ESP courses is university or college students from various academic disciplines who need English for their studies or future careers (Chaovanapricha & Champakaew, 2023). Among the various aspects of ESP, needs analysis has emerged as a critical focus because it ensures that language instruction aligns with the specific language requirements of learners and can thus make ESP courses more relevant and effective (Al-Malki et al., 2022;Yang et al., 2021). Given the growing importance of needs analysis in ESP, systematic studies that comprehensively review needs analysis models, applications, and current status in higher education are lacking. ...

Analysis of the English Language Needs of the Saudi Tourism Workforce: A First Step into Designing ESP Teaching Materials

International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research

... Socioeconomic factors can also significantly impact a student's ability to succeed academically and pursue higher education. Poverty and limited access to educational resources are two examples of these (Qazi & Javid, 2023). Despite the challenges these factors pose, there is a dearth of research that focuses on how cultural and societal factors affect student success and retention in Pakistani higher education. ...

Educational parlance of equity and inclusivity and students’ gendered national identity constructions in public schools in Islamabad, Pakistan

... Some studies about the use of creative teaching methods in Saudi EFL classes have focused on technology and social media (Sharma, 2019), such as Instagram (AlGhamdi, 2018), Facebook (Al-Jarf, 2015), Snapchat (Albawardi & Jones, 2019), and blogging (Roy, 2016). Other studies have focused on using methods that disrupt the traditional teacher-student hierarchy and give students more freedom and autonomy to express themselves (Alonazi, 2017;Javid, 2018), with specific methods including the use of reading circles (Al-Qahtani, 2016), the invention of new portmanteau words as a class (Ali & Ilyas, 2020), the implementation of flipped classrooms (Al-Ghamdi & Al-Bargi, 2017), and the promotion of collaboration (Roy, 2016). ...

A Gender-based Investigation of the Perception of English Language Teachers at Saudi Universities Regarding the Factors Influencing Learner Autonomy

Arab World English Journal