Chiara Cantù’s research while affiliated with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and other places

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Publications (32)

Actors' Heterogeneity in Innovation Networks
  • Article

July 2012


363 Reads


212 Citations

Industrial Marketing Management


Chiara Cantù


Several interpretations converge in defining innovation networks as formed by heterogeneous actors, mainly identified in universities, research centers, and business companies. While the issue of actors' heterogeneity has generated active debate in strategy and organization studies, there has been little discussion so far in exploring the role of this diversity in innovation networks.Drawn from previous literature, we identify six attributes of actors' heterogeneity which seem to matter for the development of collaborative innovation: goals, knowledge bases, capabilities and competences, perceptions, power and position, culture. This paper is aimed at pursuing issues in need of further investigation. In particular 1. how the interplay of diverse actors' attributes shapes the interaction process in the development of collaborative innovation; 2. if and how combinations of their attributes are more likely to generate certain consequences in interaction; and 3. the degree to which heterogeneity is preferable to homogeneity for the effectiveness of innovation networks. In a recursive relationship, we also call for more research on the mechanisms that lead actors' attributes to change as an effect of interaction as well as on the interaction capabilities actors apply to manage heterogeneity.

Roles of actors in combining resources into complex solutions

February 2012


136 Reads


134 Citations

Journal of Business Research

Combining resources to develop complex solutions (e.g., products or services) involves a varied set of business actors. Research tends to assume that actors are more or less autonomous in combining the resources they use. Presenting findings from a study of the construction of the first two pre-discharge homes for patients with cognitive and motor disabilities, we show that the autonomy of the single actor in combining resources is limited and that resource combinations are collectively enacted. Consequently, the features of the emergent resource combinations depend on the set of actors involved. We also argue that each actor takes part in resource combination both as provider and as user of resources; the two roles imply different perspectives that lead to different focal points which, in turn, impact how resources interface. The two roles orient the conduct of parties and, as confronted in business relationships, they shape the development of business relationships and resource combinations.

Italy-China business relationships: which opportunities for Italian small and medium sized enterprises?

January 2011


41 Reads

L’affermarsi di mercati quali la Cina apre nuove opportunità nel processo di internazionalizzazione. Per le piccole medie imprese il contesto internazionale rappresenta una sfida da affrontare mobilitando e condividendo risorse e conoscenze di altri attori. Ciò è subordinato all’instaurazione di relazioni strategiche sul mercato sia interno, sia estero, che incidano sull’intera supply chain aziendale. La tematica è stata indagata mediante una ricerca su un campione di imprese operanti su o per il mercato cinese. Il lavoro fornisce implicazioni manageriali basate su un modello evolutivo proposto per la lettura dei comportamenti delle imprese sui mercati internazionali.

Relazioni di business Italia-Cina: quali opportunitÀ per le piccole e medie imprese italiane

November 2010


64 Reads


5 Citations


L’affermarsi di mercati quali la Cina apre nuove opportunità nel processo di internazionalizzazione. Per le piccole medie imprese il contesto internazionale rappresenta una sfida da affrontare mobilitando e condividendo risorse e conoscenze di altri attori. Ciò è subordinato all’instaurazione di relazioni strategiche sul mercato sia interno, sia estero, che incidano sull’intera supply chain aziendale. La tematica è stata indagata mediante una ricerca su un campione di imprese operanti su o per il mercato cinese. Il lavoro fornisce implicazioni manageriali basate su un modello evolutivo proposto per la lettura dei comportamenti delle imprese sui mercati internazionali.

Exploring the role of spatial relationships to transform knowledge in a business idea — Beyond a geographic proximity

August 2010


100 Reads


79 Citations

Industrial Marketing Management

The “space” dimension has characterized the aggregation of firms, ranging from industrial districts to clusters. Within a local system, as emphasized by the Triple Helix model (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 2000), universities, firms, and public institutions generate synergies by producing and exploiting technological knowledge. From this perspective, local relationships become synonymous with spatial relationships characterized by geographic proximity. However, is it possible to find different dimensions of proximity influencing spatial relationships in order to support innovation? This paper demonstrates that different proximity dimensions influence firms' boundaries and the development of spatial relationships through which actors interact to develop resource combinations identified in innovation. After a review of the these topics, the paper provides findings related to the spatial relationships developed by Petroceramics as a hosted spin-off of the Italian Technological Pole (POINT) as well as its subsequent relocation to the Kilometro Rosso Science Park. As such, this paper deals with how technological knowledge is transformed into a business idea through spatial relationships based on different dimensions of proximity.

Knowledge sharing and innovation in complex, dynamic and uncertain relational contexts: The cases of Teledomotics and ICT Security
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2007


65 Reads


2 Citations


Citations (21)

... This study offers a new perspective on supply chain resilience during crises, informed by contemporary works of IMP scholars (Håkansson and Snehota, 2024). The IMP industrial network approach is recognised as a valuable theoretical framework for examining these issues (Axelsson et al., 2022;Cantù and Tunisini, 2023;Eriksson et al., 2021;Gadde and Snehota, 2019). The consistent development of empirical research is a hallmark of the IMP tradition, and the emergence of novel crises in recent years has made it imperative to bridge the divide between the firmly established conceptual foundation of the supply network and the empirical exploration of supply chain resilience (Bygballe et al., 2023;Johnsen, 2018;Johnsen et al., 2019). ...


Enhancing supply chain resilience through the supply network approach
A circular innovation strategy in a supply network context: evidence from the packaging industry
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing

... 4.1.1 | Blue cluster: Integrating eco-design, LCA, and social sustainability for SPI The papers in the blue cluster delve into the intersection of ecodesign, life cycle assessment (LCA), environmental impacts, challenges faced by companies, and the frameworks necessary to drive sustainable development forward.Ecodesign, a fundamental aspect of sustainable product development, aims to optimize eco-efficiency(Macchion et al., 2018) and minimize environmental impacts(Bernardi et al., 2022) throughout the product life cycle. This approach, highlighted in the literature, emphasizes integrating sustainability principles into the design process, fostering eco-innovation(Wicki & Hansen, 2019), and facilitating the adoption of ecodesign tools, such as Design for Environment(DfE) ...

Key success factors to be sustainable and innovative in the textile and fashion industry: Evidence from two Italian luxury brands
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Journal of Global Fashion Marketing

... We identify firms are taking new approaches to pursue crucial overseas business opportunities, such as leveraging relationships between innovation intermediaries to increase relational proximity with international partners, and overcome liabilities of newness and foreignness (Schepis, 2021). Furthermore, we recognise innovation platforms like living labs are also utilising relational governance practices to bring together diverse stakeholders to work on sustainability innovation, which represents a topic of increasing importance as we seek to address often contrasting economic and environmental goals (Cantù et al., 2021). Whilst B2B marketing and networks have been researched across various contexts, we follow the recent call by Möller and Halinen (2022) to advance the B2B domains of the marketing discipline by reconsidering our paradigmatic assumptions and reengaging with current business and societal challenges. ...

The role of relational governance in innovation platform growth: the context of living labs
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing

... Also, the context in France is being discussed in Theodoraki et al. (2020). While Binsawad et al. (2019) propose a methodology for measuring the performance of incubators whereas, Le Dinh et al. (2018), Hansen et al. (2000) and Cantù (2015) offer models which puts emphasis on networking. Eshun (2009) comes up with the strategical issues on business incubation, whereas Fong (2022) directly deals with the process design of these mechanisms. ...

A service incubator business model: external networking orientation
  • Citing Article
  • October 2015

... In this scenario, relational capabilities (RCs) are a superior advantage in terms of resource assets (Dyer & Singh, 1998;Helfat et al., 2009;Pigola et al., 2021a). However, in the SME context, RC needs further investigation because the literature has focused on specific aspects of RC, such as networks (Adel & Habib, 2018;Bennat, 2022;Cantù et al., 2018;Jordão & Novas, 2022;McGrath & O'Toole, 2018;Munier, 2021;Soetanto & Klofsten, 2021;Steinhardt, 2020;Witschel et al., 2019), alliances (Donbesuur et al., 2021), growth strategy (Cantù et al., 2018), and knowledge management (Agostini et al., 2020;Bennat, 2022;Munier, 2021;Rodríguez-Aceves et al., 2022;Torrigiani, 2016;Zhang & Shih, 2022), which are challenges that SMEs are not able to handle because of their limited resources, limited information access, or technology availability to invest time and effort (Kraus et al., 2019). In this vein, this study explores the main RC to address crucial SI commonly found in SME contexts. ...

Exploring the role of business relationships in start-ups’ life cycles: Evidences from the Italian context
  • Citing Article
  • November 2018

... Opportunity identification signifies the cognitive mechanism individuals employ to pinpoint promising opportunities worthy of pursuit. Such recognized opportunities demand sufficient information, knowledge, and resources, all of which can be accessed and enhanced through EN for effective opportunity exploitation (Cantù, 2018;Thrane et al., 2016). As per Mayanja et al. (2020), leaders endowed with generative influence, who adeptly harness tangible and intangible resources while facilitating cross-boundary communication, manifest superior EN capabilities. ...

Discovering the collective entrepreneurial opportunities through spatial relationships
  • Citing Article
  • June 2018

... Bosting individuals' confidence and motivation to participate in entrepreneurship can be achieved by having Knowledge about entrepreneurship (Roxas, 2014). Entrepreneurial knowledge (EK) can be obtained through entrepreneurship programs and individual experiences (Cantù, 2017;Miralles et al., 2016). Knowledge can be defined as information that has been structured, interpreted, and internalized. ...

Entrepreneurial knowledge spillovers: Discovering opportunities through understanding mediated spatial relationships
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

Industrial Marketing Management

... To identify the operational characteristics and business models of Italian companies operating in China we referred to two studies conducted in 2009-2011 (Cedrola et al. 2011). A quantitative study included the administration of a closed-response e-mail questionnaire divided into two macro-areas. ...

Le imprese italiane in Cina: modelli di business emergenti
  • Citing Book
  • January 2011

... These and other innovation platforms are based on the integration and variety of different specializations: in manufacturing skills, services, environment, culture. The platforms recombine and potentially multiply many supply chains (not just the industrial ones), around "driving ideas" on new ways of understanding life and work (Rullani et al. 2012). These platforms can be geographically and sectorally focused on the combination between networks of knowledge-intensive services in the "post-industrial" city (Cappellin, 2012) and a variety of social experiences and handicraft, agricultural and manufacturing traditions that are rooted in small towns, districts or rural systems. ...

Innovazione e produttività. Alla ricerca di nuovi modelli di business per le imprese di servizi
  • Citing Book
  • January 2012

... From a traditional role of physical interconnection, intermediation has taken on a critical new function by supporting interaction and facilitating customer participation within a network, and then by creating the conditions for enhancing relationships between different organizations. (Cantu et al., 2010). ...

Organizing a network within the network: The case of MC Elettrici
  • Citing Article
  • January 2010