Charles T. Horngren’s research while affiliated with Stanford University and other places

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Publications (22)

Management and Cost Accounting
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2012


135,808 Reads


202 Citations


Charles T. Horngren



This second edition of Management and Cost Accounting delivers a winning combination of contemporary issues, a strong European focus, applications, professional questions, and cases, all supported by a richly-resourced website. Management and Cost Accounting is the European adaptation of Horngren, Datar and Foster' s leading US text, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis. The content has been significantly revised to reflect management accounting syllabi across Europe. The new edition has been updated to focus on the concerns of management accountants in the modern economy.


Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis [Book Review]

November 2010


8,756 Reads


1,043 Citations

Issues in Accounting Education

Charles T. Horngren






1. The Accountant's Role in the Organization. 2. An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes. 3. Cost-Volume Profit Analysis. 4. Job Costing. 5. Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management. 6. Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting. 7. Flexible Budgets, Variances, and Management Control: I 8. Flexible Budgets, Variances, and Management Control: II. 9. Inventory Costing and Capacity Analysis. 10. Determining How Costs Behave. 11. Decision Making and Relevant Information. 12. Pricing Decisions and Cost Management. 13. Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, and Strategic Profitability Analysis. 14. Cost Allocation, Customer-Profitability Analysis, and Sales-Variance Analysis. 15. Allocation of Support Department Costs, Common Costs and Revenues. 16. Cost Allocation: Joint Products and Byproducts. 17. Process Costing. 18. Spoilage Rework, and Scrap. 19. Quality, Time, and the Theory of Constraints. 20. Inventory Management, Just-in-Time, and Backflush Costing. 21. Capital Budgeting and Cost Analysis. 22. Management Control Systems, Transfer Pricing, and Multinational Considerations. 23. Performance Measurement, Compensation, and Multinational Considerations.

Citations (10)

... Bezogen auf landwirtschaftliche Anwendungen ist sie sehr detailliert, indem sie beispielsweise auf einzelne Arbeitsschritte wie das Pflügen im Ackerbau fokussiert. Erfahrungsgemäß können nicht alle Kostenbezugsgrößen als Kostentreiber verwendet werden (Horngren et al., 2001) und die Informationen für die Wahl der geeigneten Bezugsgröße sind nicht immer vorhanden, sodass mit einer alternativen Kostenbezugsgröße nur eine Annäherung erreicht wird. Zudem ist die unterstellte Proportionalität, das heißt ein linearer Verlauf von Kostenbezugsgröße und Fixkosten auch in der Prozesskostenrechnung oft nicht gegeben, womit Größendegressionseffekte unberücksichtigt bleiben. ...


Gemeinkostenzuteilung in der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebszweigabrechnung – eine methodische Übersicht und neue Ansätze
Kostenrechnung: Entscheidungsorientierte Perspektive
  • Citing Book
  • December 2001

... We will describe this accounting process using an example, the procurement of materials used in the production of basic types of products. These purchases are usually handled by the Material and technical supply department (Foster & Horngren, 2003;Innes, 1998). According to the historically established practice, the received documents for the purchase of materials, in particular invoices, were sent after the materials were accepted by the accounting department of the materials for reflection in the system. ...

Cost Accounting and Cost Management in a JIT Environment
  • Citing Article
  • January 1988

Journal of Cost Management

... For obtaining answers to these questions, environmental costs could be categorized in several different ways. Therefore, academics have classified environmental costs in five tiers, these classifications appear to receive special attention based on (Burritt & Saka, 2006): "(1) Analysis of conventional cost accounting methods and measurement (Horngren et al., 2010;Schaltegger & Burritt, 2000) such as job and process; direct and indirect; historical and standard; fixed and variable; ordinary and extraordinary; ...

Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis [Book Review]

Issues in Accounting Education

... Cost per cup is an important KPI for controlling production costs. Using accurate cost information to identify areas for improvement is essential in a cost control strategy (Horngren, 2014;Horngren et al., 2012). By monitoring these costs, Mile Coffee can optimize production processes and improve operational efficiency (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). ...

Introduction to Management Accounting
  • Citing Book
  • January 2002

... For a shipper, cost containment through effective loading of the transportation system, and inventory managementhas the ability to reduce the storage footprint (through maximizing the utilization of a dynamic e-Card system). As further impetus, the government influences this change in behavior throughinventory taxes and insurance costs which are the driving factors propelling corporations seeking efficiency and profitability (Taiichi, 1988;Selden 1997;Emiliani, et al., 2007;Horngren, 2011). However, one of the great difficulties in capturing the cost advantage is "inter-industry" cooperation and global reach with each company's infrastructure (Glaser-Segura, Tucci, & Anghel, 2006). ...

Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis
  • Citing Article
  • January 1991

... Para Tolentino (2014) menciona que hay una relación significativa entre el desempeño docente universitario y la satisfacción de los estudiantes del programa. Horngren, Datar & Foster, (2000), definen al sis-tema de control de gestión como "Un sistema que adquiere y usa información que ayuda a la coordinación del planeamiento y las decisiones del control organizacional con el objetivo de mejorar las decisiones colectivas dentro de la organización". Por su parte Abernethy & Chua, (1996), indican que es un sistema que combina mecanismos de control diseñados e implementados por los administradores para incrementar la probabilidad de que los líderes de la organización se comporten de una manera consistente con los objetivos de esta. ...

Contabilidad de costos : un enfoque gerencial / Charles T. Horngren, George Foster, Srikant M. Datar
  • Citing Article

... El desempeño financiero es uno de los indicadores que se utilizan para medir el éxito de una institución en términos de su rentabilidad según Mendiola (2015). Por su parte, Horngren et al. (2000) afirman que un buen desempeño financiero requiere un equilibrio de la deuda y del financiamiento por venta de participación. Hax y Majluf (2004) aluden que las medidas cuantitativas del desempeño financiero están relacionadas con el tamaño, el crecimiento, la rentabilidad, los mercados de capitales y la variedad de otras variables financieras. ...

Introducción a la contabilidad financiera / C.T. Horngren, G.L. Sundem, J.A. Elliott ; tr. por Luz María Hernández Rodríguez.
  • Citing Article

... E mais, que esse processo de análise torna-se mais efi caz quando ocorre ainda na fase de projeto do produto. Horngren et al. (1996), também, expressam esse entendimento ao afi rmarem que o custo-meta é uma estratégia que a empresa adota com o objetivo de viabilizar uma adequada margem de lucro, considerando o preço aceito pelo mercado e um adequado custo, estabelecidos quando do planejamento e desenvolvimento do produto ou serviço, com atributos que atendam às exigências dos clientes. ...

Introduction to management accounting / C.T. Horngren, G.L. Sundem, W.O. Stratton.
  • Citing Article

... In conclusion, the evolution of manufacturing leads to the development of cost accounting and the managerial control system. The latter is considered, according to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA, Note 1), to require the identification, generation, presentation, interpretation and use of information relevant to formulating business strategy, planning and controlling activities, decision making, efficient resource usage, performance improvement and value enhancement, safeguarding tangible and intangible assets, and corporate governance and internal control (Bhimani et al., 2008). ...

Management and Cost Accounting