January 2023
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1 Citation
The reasons why current consumption patterns have changed from buying conventional products that have exacerbated severe issues like climate change and global warming to a "going green" trend are addressed through the study of green marketing and green purchase intention. The focal goals of this study are to ascertain the level of agreement between the green marketing variables and the degree to which green purchase intention has manifested itself, as well as to ascertain whether there is a correlation between the variables under green marketing and green purchase intention manifestation. The research goals were addressed by using a descriptive-correlational method. Four hundred twenty-four college students willingly participated in the study using a random sample technique and analyzing the tabulated data using the weighted mean and Pearson correlation coefficient. With a grand mean of 3.05 and a weighted mean of 3.05, respectively, from the data studied, respondents reasonably comprehend the variables under green marketing. Further, all correlations considered during the investigation were determined to be insignificant, which led to the rejection of all null hypotheses. The researchers concluded that it is evident that respondents' comprehension of green marketing variables and the extent of manifestation for them to buy green products is at a moderate level. However, a better understanding of the significance and relevance of green products to the environment does not imply that college students will buy or patronize them. Therefore, it is advised that more local research be done to strengthen the body of knowledge of green marketing.