June 2021
32 Reads
17 Citations
Journal of Tissue Viability
Pressure ulcers (PUs) are a major public health challenge, having a significant impact on healthcare service and patient quality of life. Computational biomechanical modelling has enhanced PU research by facilitating the investigation of pressure responses in subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle. Extensive work has been undertaken on PUs on patients in the seated posture, but research into heel ulcers has been relatively neglected. The aim of this review was to address the key challenges that exist with developing an effective FE foot model for PU prevention and the confusion surrounding the wide range of outputs reported.Nine FE foot studies investigating heel ulcers in bedrest were identified and reviewed. Six studies modelled the posterior part of the heel, two included the calf and foot, and one modelled the whole-body. Due to the complexity of the foot anatomy, all studies involved simplification or assumptions regarding parts of the foot structure, boundary conditions and material parameters. Simulations aimed to better understand the stresses and strains exhibited in the heel soft tissues of the healthy foot. The biomechanical properties of soft tissue derived from experimental measurements are critical for developing a realistic model and consequently guiding clinical decisions.Yet, little to no validation was reported in each of the studies. If FE models are to address future research questions and clinical applications, then sound verification and validation of these models is required to ensure accurate conclusions and prediction of patient outcomes. Recommendations and considerations for future FE studies are therefore proposed.