Catherine L. Johnson’s research while affiliated with Planetary Science Institute and other places

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Publications (55)

Potential Ice Sheet Modulation of Volcanism in West Antarctica: Constraints on the cadence and magnitude of melt delivery into the crust
  • Preprint
  • File available

November 2024


198 Reads



Catherine Johnson

Variations in continental ice mass related to changes in Earth’s obliquity can modulate volcanism. At Marie Byrd Land, increases in crustal temperature related to the trans- fer of magmas and to the insulating effects of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will reduce the effective viscosity of wall rocks, causing the volcanic response to be reduced in mag- nitude and delayed in time to a maximum time lag of ∼10.25 kyr behind deglaciation. For sufficiently high levels of crustal warming, magma storage is enhanced such that there is a negligible volcanic response. Tephra layers correlated to Mount Berlin volcanism sig- nal increases in the frequency of silicic eruptions following maxima in the rate of deglacia- tion over 0-40 ka (interval 1) and possibly 100-135 ka (interval 2). During interval 1, a well-resolved increase in eruption frequency at 8 ka lags a peak in the rate of deglacia- tion by ∼6.5-9 kyr to a 90% confidence Interval 2 is relatively poorly-resolved and may occur with a time lag ≥10.25 kyr. We hypothesize that a potential decrease in lag time by ∼10 ka reflects a period of reduced crustal warming related to a time-dependent man- tle melt supply. Using 1D thermal models of the effects of ice sheet insulation and a time- dependent magma supply on the viscoelastic response of crustal rocks hosting volcani- cally active magma reservoirs, we show that a periodic magma supply causing ∼ 50 K crustal temperature variations at magma reservoir depths can drive oscillations between rheological regimes favoring eruption and storage. Applied with additional constraints on the regional geothermal heat flux and eruption rate at Mount Berlin, the evolving re- sponse between 110 ka and 8 ka is consistent with a waning melt supply related to in- jections with a magnitude of 0.01-0.1 km3/year and a repose time ∼106 yrs.


Exploring Martian Magnetic Fields with a Helicopter

August 2023


169 Reads


4 Citations

The Planetary Science Journal



Catherine L. Johnson




William Rapin

The era of helicopter-based surveys on Mars has already begun, creating opportunities for future aerial science investigations with a range of instruments. We argue that magnetometer-based studies can make use of aerial technology to answer some of the key questions regarding early Mars evolution. As such, we discuss mission concepts for a helicopter equipped with a magnetometer on Mars, measurements it would provide, and survey designs that could be implemented. For a range of scenarios, we build magnetization models and test how well structures can be resolved using a range of different inversion approaches. With this work, we provide modeling ground work and recommendations to plan the future of aerial Mars exploration.

Orbits of Tianwen‐1 and MAVEN in MSO cylindrical coordinates. The solid lines represents Tianwen‐1 orbits and the dashed lines represents MAVEN orbits from 2021 Nov 15 to the end of 2021, with a cadence of 10 days. Locations of the bow shock and the magnetic pileup boundary from Edberg et al. (2008) are also shown.
Observations from 07:00 to 07:20 UT on 2021 November 30, including Tianwen‐1 observations of (a) the magnetic field strength and (b) the three components of the magnetic field in Mars Solar Orbital (MSO) coordinates, MAVEN observations of (c) the magnetic field strength, (d) directions of the magnetic field in MSO coordinates, including the clock angle (black line) and cone angle (red line), (e) the magnetosonic Mach number, Mms, (f) the solar wind dynamic pressure, Pdyn, and (g) the angel between the interplanetary magnetic field and the shock normal, which are derived from the bow shock model (black line) and minimum variance analysis method (red points). The bottom row of panels shows the Tianwen‐1 and MAVEN orbits in panel (h) the Y–Z plane, as viewed from the Sun, and (i) aberrated‐MSO cylindrical coordinates. Locations of the bow shock and the magnetic pileup boundary from Edberg et al. (2008) are shown for reference (dotted lines). (j) is the zoom‐in plot for the region marked by the red box in (i), where solid conic lines show locations of the scaled bow shocks observed by Tianwen‐1 (Sonnerup & Scheible, 1998), and arrows show the inferred moving directions of the bow shock. The dashed vertical lines over (a) to (g) show the time for Tianwen‐1 bow shock crossings.
Similar to Figure 2 but for the case that Tianwen‐1 observed the bow shock oscillation caused by the temporary radialward turning of interplanetary magnetic field direction between 03:50UT and 04:15UT on 2021 December 26.
Similar to Figure 2 but for the case that Tianwen‐1 observed the bow shock oscillation under solar wind transients with multiple varying parameters, between 00:55UT and 01:30UT on 2021 December 9.
Martian Bow Shock Oscillations Driven by Solar Wind Variations: Simultaneous Observations From Tianwen‐1 and MAVEN

August 2023


144 Reads


3 Citations

Plain Language Summary The Martian bow shock is a standing shock wave that forms ahead of Mars due to the interaction with the solar wind, where the supersonic solar wind flow drops sharply to subsonic. The bow shock plays a crucial role in shaping the Martian magnetosphere and controlling the energy, mass, and momentum exchange between the solar wind and the Martian atmosphere. Previous research has shown that the position of Mars' bow shock is related to the solar wind. This research presents two‐spacecraft observations of how the solar wind affects the Martian bow shock. By analyzing data obtained by two orbiters, Tianwen‐1 and MAVEN, we find that the bow shock quickly contracts when the solar wind dynamic pressure rises or when the interplanetary magnetic field direction turns radial. When there are multiple changes in the solar wind at the same time, the bow shock moves around even more. This study shows how important it is to look at data from Tianwen‐1 and MAVEN at the same time to understand how Mars' magnetosphere reacts to the solar wind.

An Ancient Martian Dynamo Driven by Hemispheric Heating: Effect of Thermal Boundary Conditions

January 2023


102 Reads


4 Citations

The Planetary Science Journal

Magnetic field observations from the MGS, MAVEN, and InSight missions reveal that a dynamo was active in Mars’s early history. One unique feature of Mars’s magnetic crustal field is its hemispheric dichotomy, where magnetic fields in the southern hemisphere are much stronger than those in the northern hemisphere. Here we use numerical dynamo simulations to investigate the potential hemispheric nature of Mars’s ancient dynamo. Previous studies show that a hemispheric heat flux perturbation at the core–mantle boundary could result in either a stable hemispherical magnetic field or a constantly reversing field, depending on choices of parameters used in those models. These two scenarios lead to different implications for the origin of crustal fields. Here we test the dynamo sensitivity to varying hemispheric heat flux perturbations at the core–mantle boundary in a broader parameter regime to understand whether a hemispheric dynamo is likely for early Mars. We find that features of the dynamo change from stable, hemispheric magnetic fields to reversing, hemispheric fields, with increasing hemispheric heat flux perturbations at the core–mantle boundary. We also find that magnetic fields powered by bottom heating are more stable and transition from a nonreversing, hemispheric magnetic field to a multipolar field at higher hemispheric heat flux perturbations, while the transition happens at a much lower heat flux perturbation for magnetic fields powered by internal heating.

InSight Constraints on the Global Character of the Martian Crust

May 2022


592 Reads


80 Citations

Analyses of seismic data from the InSight mission have provided the first in situ constraints on the thickness of the crust of Mars. These crustal thickness constraints are currently limited to beneath the lander that is located in the northern lowlands, and we use gravity and topography data to construct global crustal thickness models that satisfy the seismic data. These models consider a range of possible mantle and core density profiles, a range of crustal densities, a low‐density surface layer, and the possibility that the crustal density of the northern lowlands is greater than that of the southern highlands. Using the preferred InSight three‐layer seismic model of the crust, the average crustal thickness of the planet is found to lie between 30 and 72 km. Depending on the choice of the upper mantle density, the maximum permissible density of the northern lowlands and southern highlands crust is constrained to be between 2,850 and 3,100 kg m⁻³. These crustal densities are lower than typical Martian basaltic materials and are consistent with a crust that is on average more felsic than the materials found at the surface. We argue that a substantial portion of the crust of Mars is a primary crust that formed during the initial differentiation of the planet. Various hypotheses for the origin of the observed intracrustal seisimic layers are assessed, with our preferred interpretation including thick volcanic deposits, ejecta from the Utopia basin, porosity closure, and differentiation products of a Borealis impact melt sheet.

FIGURE 3 | Models of the crustal magnetic field predicted at the InSight landing site. Mo14 (red) includes only MGS data (Morschhauser et al., 2014), La19 also includes MAVEN data (Langlais et al., 2019). The shaded red/blue zones highlight the altitudes of data acquisition to indicate approximate spatial resolution of respective models. The surface measurement is shown by the yellow star. A crater size distribution from Robbins et al. (2013) shows an example of the increase in the number of smaller surface features for which magnetic analyses are only possible with improvements in data resolution.
FIGURE 4 | The amplitude |B| of the crustal magnetic field as shown in Figure 1 overlain by (A) large impact basins from Robbins et al. (2013) (solid black) and Frey (2008) (dashed black) and the basins Hellas (He), Utopia (Ut), Isidis (Is) and Argyre (Ar) highlighted in red (B) the valley network (Hynek et al., 2010) (C) craters larger than 150 km (Robbins and Hynek, 2012) color-coded by underlying layer age (Tanaka et al., 2014) (Pre-)Noachian = red, Hesperian = black, Amazonian = green (D) highlights volcanic areas as defined by Tanaka et al. (2014)
FIGURE 5 | (A) A summary timeline for major relevant volcanic, fluvial activity and basin formation events on Mars and (B) literature addressing dynamo timing: (A) Error bars represent isochron (cyan) and N (50) (blue) age estimates (Robbins et al., 2013) for Hellas (He), Isidis (Is) and Argyre (Ar) and the grey shaded area in (A) and (B) highlights the maximum time interval over which basin forming events occurred according to those estimates. (B) Stars represent magnetized features that suggest an active dynamo at a specific time. Arrows indicate "later/earlier than" arguments and "?" refer to unknown starting/end points. Purple/green arrows/stars indicate studies that have been used to argue for an early/late dynamo. Black arrows indicate studies that have not been used to argue for either late or early.
FIGURE 6 | Sketch highlighting the lack of data coverage between surface and orbital data.
FIGURE 7 | The radial crustal magnetic field of the mid-oceanic ridge on Earth as seen (A) just above the surface (B) and from 150 km altitude. Adapted from Ravat (2011).
The Martian Crustal Magnetic Field

May 2022


230 Reads


14 Citations

Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

Mars’ crustal magnetic field holds information on the planet’s interior evolution and exterior processes that have modified the crust. Crustal magnetization records an ancient dynamo field that indicates very different interior conditions in the past, possibly linked to the presence of a thicker early atmosphere. Current data sets have provided a wealth of information on the ancient magnetic field, and on the acquisition and modification of magnetization in the crust. However, many puzzles remain regarding the nature and origin of crustal magnetization, and the timing and characteristics of the past dynamo. Here we use recent advances in understanding martian magnetism to highlight open questions, and ways in which they can be addressed through laboratory analysis, modeling and new data sets. Many of the outstanding key issues require data sets that close the gap in spatial resolution between available global satellite and local surface magnetic field measurements. Future missions such as a helicopter, balloon or airplane can provide areal high resolution coverage of the magnetic field, vital to major advances in understanding planetary crustal magnetic fields.

Investigation of magnetic field signals during vortex-induced pressure drops at InSight

April 2022


43 Reads


4 Citations

Planetary and Space Science

The NASA InSight lander has recorded many pressure drops attributed to convective vortices during its first full year of data collection. However, although dust-carrying vortices (dust devils) are a common phenomenon on Mars, they have not been observed in InSight images. On Earth, magnetic signals associated with some dust devils have been reported. Data from the InSight Fluxgate Magnetometer (IFG) provide the first opportunity for similar investigations on Mars. Here, we evaluate whether magnetic signals are associated with daytime vortices. We incorporate observations of environmental conditions, measurements of ground tilt from seismic data, and data from the lander's solar panels, and consider the potential for dust-laden vortices to generate observable magnetic field signals. We find that 7.7% of pressure drop events greater than 1 Pa show a resolvable magnetic field signal at the time of the pressure drops. The resolvable magnetic signals, typically seen on the horizontal field components, are less than 1 nT in amplitude, and have no clear correlation with local time, duration, or pressure drop magnitude. During nine pressure drop events we found smoothly varying magnetic signals of at least 0.3 nT on any one component. To investigate the origin of these magnetic signals we evaluated three possible sources: solar array currents, ground and lander tilt, and triboelectric effects of lofted dust. We find that SAC and tilt could contribute a change in the magnetic field but cannot solely explain the observed signals. The observed changes in field strength could theoretically be produced via triboelectric effects, but only in the case of exceptionally large dust devils that pass close to the lander. The lack of imaged dust devils and the small number of observed magnetic signatures despite numerous measured pressure drops is consistent with at most a small proportion of dust laden convective vortices at InSight and associated predicted triboelectric effects.

Science Goals and Mission Concept for a Landed Investigation of Mercury

March 2022


254 Reads


5 Citations

The Planetary Science Journal

Mercury holds valuable clues to the distribution of elements at the birth of the solar system and how planets form and evolve in close proximity to their host stars. This Mercury Lander mission concept returns in situ measurements that address fundamental science questions raised by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission’s pioneering exploration of Mercury. Such measurements are needed to understand Mercury's unique mineralogy and geochemistry, characterize the proportionally massive core's structure, measure the planet's active and ancient magnetic fields at the surface, investigate the processes that alter the surface and produce the exosphere, and provide ground truth for remote data sets. The mission concept achieves one full Mercury year (∼88 Earth days) of surface operations with an 11-instrument, high-heritage payload delivered to a landing site within Mercury's widely distributed low-reflectance material, and it addresses science goals encompassing geochemistry, geophysics, the Mercury space environment, and geology. The spacecraft launches in 2035, and the four-stage flight system uses a solar electric propulsion cruise stage to reach Mercury in 2045. Landing is at dusk to meet thermal requirements, permitting ∼30 hr of sunlight for initial observations. The radioisotope-powered lander continues operations through the Mercury night. Direct-to-Earth communication is possible for the initial 3 weeks of landed operations, drops out for 6 weeks, and resumes for the final month. Thermal conditions exceed lander operating temperatures shortly after sunrise, ending operations. Approximately 11 GB of data are returned to Earth. The cost estimate demonstrates that a Mercury Lander mission is feasible and compelling as a New Frontiers–class mission.

Citations (36)

... And such boundary layer experiments could be conducted as part of a drone-based mission with a broader focus. For instance, Mittelholz et al. (2023) explored options for mapping magnetic signatures in geological strata across Mars via a drone-based mission, and Fraeman et al. (2024) discussed prospects for a mission to Vallis Marineris. Such a mission would, in the course of traveling from waypoint to waypoint, inadvertently collect a wealth of wind data through its telemetry. ...


Profiling Near-Surface Winds on Mars Using Attitude Data from Mars 2020 Ingenuity
Exploring Martian Magnetic Fields with a Helicopter

The Planetary Science Journal

... During the initial two month of Tianwen-1 scientific observations, spanning from Mid-November of 2021 to Mid-January of 2022, both Tianwen-1 and MAVEN transited between the solar wind and the magnetosheath, resulting in frequent crossings of the Martian BS (see Figure 1 in Cheng et al. (2023)). We manually identified the shock crossings of Tianwen-1 and MAVEN, utilizing magnetic field measurements from Tianwen-1/MOMAG (Liu et al., 2020;Wang et al., 2023Wang et al., , 2024Zou et al., 2023) and magnetic field, ion and electron measurements from MAVEN/MAG , SWIA and SWEA (Mitchell et al., 2016), respectively (see Section 3 for details). ...

Martian Bow Shock Oscillations Driven by Solar Wind Variations: Simultaneous Observations From Tianwen‐1 and MAVEN

... Likewise, for a particularly localized heat flux pattern (in the context of the past dynamo of Mars), above a critical heterogeneity amplitude cessation of the dynamos was found 41 . For a Y 0 1 pattern (again relevant to the past Martian dynamo), Yan et al. 42 found that the dynamo failure depends on the convection style. Furthermore, the dynamo may resurrect for much larger q * 42 . ...

An Ancient Martian Dynamo Driven by Hemispheric Heating: Effect of Thermal Boundary Conditions

The Planetary Science Journal

... Unlike Earth, Mars lacks a global dipolar magnetic field; the planet does have locally distributed crustal magnetic fields (Acuña et al., 1999;Gao JW et al., 2021;Mittelholz and Johnson, 2022). Mars is exposed to the solar wind, which carries the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) that interacts with Mars' highly conductive ionosphere, resulting in an induced magnetosphere (Luhman et al., 2004). ...

The Martian Crustal Magnetic Field

Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

... Both the thickness and porosity of Mercury's crust are critical to modeling the thermal, geologic, and tectonic evolution of the planet through time (Tosi et al., 2013;Watters et al., 2021). Classical inversions for crustal thickness rely on appropriate knowledge of the planetary gravity field and topography (e.g., Wieczorek et al., 2022) and, if available, additional constraints on the density and thickness of the crust from orbital analyses and seismic measurements (Knapmeyer-Endrun et al., 2021;Wieczorek et al., 2013). Given the lack of high-resolution gravity data for Mercury due to the high-altitude and elliptical orbit of the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft , the thickness and in particular the porosity of the planet's crust have remained poorly known (Beuthe et al., 2020;Genova et al., 2023). ...

InSight Constraints on the Global Character of the Martian Crust

... External magnetic fields at the surface can be of periodic nature, e.g., due to ionospheric currents Johnson et al. 2020;Mittelholz et al. 2020b), the interplanetary magnetic field (Langlais et al. 2017;Luo et al. 2022;Mittelholz et al. 2023), or transients, such as space weather (Mittelholz et al. 2021b) or dust movement (Thorne et al. 2022). InSight provides surface observations over a prolonged time frame, and although external field phenomena are summarized elsewhere ), we list them in Table 2 to assess how large their contributions might be and whether they would affect crustal magnetic field measurements. ...

Investigation of magnetic field signals during vortex-induced pressure drops at InSight
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Planetary and Space Science

... MHM is therefore more challenging than mapping of other remote locations in our solar system which do not have liquid surface water and the resolution of seabed data is significantly poorer than similar surface mapping of other planets. For example, NASA's MErcury Surface Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) has mapped the entire surface of Mercury at 166m resolution (Ernst et al., 2022); NASA's Magellan spacecraft mapped 98% of the surface of Venus at a resolution of around 100m (Sauders et al., 1992; and NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 8 has imaged the entire surface of Mars at 100m resolution, and over 60% of Mars has now been mapped at approximately 20m resolution (Sidiropoulos et al., 2015). In comparison, satellite altimetry 9 has mapped the entire seabed but only at a resolution of 5900m on average (Tozer et al., 2019). ...

Science Goals and Mission Concept for a Landed Investigation of Mercury

The Planetary Science Journal

... Y. Ma 1 Hence, Mercury's CS is a dynamic and turbulent region, which has attracted considerable research attention (Al Asad et al. 2021;Poh et al. 2017;Rong et al. 2018b). ...

Bifurcated Current Sheets in Mercury's Magnetotail: Observations and Implications

... The influence of HPE-rich material at the core-mantle boundary on magnetic field generation, global tectonics, and volcanism has been explored for the Moon, including the possibility of remobilization of the enriched material (Hess & Parmentier, 1995;Stegman et al., 2003;Zhang et al., 2013aZhang et al., , 2013b and Mars (Elkins-Tanton et al., 2005;Plesa et al., 2014;Samuel et al., 2021); deep HPE have a particularly strong influence on core evolution. Partial shallow sequestration of HPE by incorporation of HPE-rich material in the lithosphere has been explored for Mercury (Peterson et al., 2021), the Moon (Wieczorek & Phillips, 2000), and Mars (Plesa et al., 2018); these treatments show that mantle convective evolution is especially affected. Collectively, these themes demonstrate that the spatial distribution of HPE can have enormous influence on the timing and vigor of geological processes that are driven by heat transfer, including volcanism, magnetic field generation, and global tectonic processes such as expansion and contraction. ...

Thermal evolution of Mercury with a volcanic heat-pipe flux: Reconciling early volcanism, tectonism, and magnetism

Science Advances

... The altitude cognizant Slepian functions of Simons (2017, 2015a); Plattner and Johnson (2021), and are constructed for a single reference spacecraft radial position r s . This does not preclude using this method for data with variable radial position, but the performance of the altitude cognizant Slepian functions degrades with increasing difference between the data radial positions and r s . ...

Mercury’s Northern Rise Core‐Field Magnetic Anomaly