Catalin Zamfir’s research while affiliated with Institutul de Cercetare a Calităţii Vieţii and other places

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Publications (2)

Sapte faze de istorie socialã turbulentã a sociologiei românești
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2010


167 Reads


1 Citation

Sociologie Romaneasca

Cãtãlin Zamfir



Iancu Filipescu




Flavius Mihalache

This article overviews the development of Romanian sociologic community after the Second World War. The research is based on the results of the project Romanian sociology publications after 1944 run since 2006 by the Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy. The article proposes a seven steps explanation of Romanian sociologic history: establishment of sociologic community and institutional system, post-war follow up of Gusti sociologic program (1944-1948), underground sociology (1948-1961), recognition of sociology by the communist party (1962-1977), exclusion of sociology (1978-1989), re-launch of sociology (1990-2008), and sociological answer to economic, social and political Romanian crises within the context of global economical crises. Detailed graphics on Romanian sociologic publications including books and articles are inserted as well as data for Romanian sociologic centres. The article contributes to the development of sociology of Romanian sociology.


Citations (1)

... Sau, mai exact, putem vorbi de o neimplicare civică, aşa cum subliniau în studiile lor Wallace, Pichler şi Haerpfer (2012), când arătau că în statele din estul Europei după 1990 s-au înregistrat grade mai reduse de participare la asociaţiile voluntare. Lipsa de încredere la nivel interpersonal şi instituţional, cultura civică precară, lipsa resurselor materiale şi fizice sau restrângerea reţelelor de legături "slabe" sunt câteva dintre cauzele slabei implicări în organizaţiile voluntare, subliniate şi de Adrian Hatos (2007). ...


Dinamica angajamentului civic in Romania
Enciclopedia dezvoltarii sociale