November 2024
11 Reads
1 Citation
Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are general-purpose optimizers that maintain a probability distribution over a given search space. This probability distribution is updated through sampling from the distribution and a reinforcement learning process which rewards solution components that have shown to be part of good quality samples. The compact genetic algorithm (cGA) is a non-elitist EDA able to deal with difficult multimodal fitness landscapes that are hard to solve by elitist algorithms. We investigate the cGA on the Cliff function for which it was shown recently that non-elitist evolutionary algorithms and artificial immune systems optimize it in expected polynomial time. We point out that the cGA faces major difficulties when solving the Cliff function and investigate its dynamics both experimentally and theoretically. Our experimental results indicate that the cGA requires exponential time for all values of the update strength 1/K. We show theoretically that, under sensible assumptions, there is a negative drift when sampling around the location of the cliff. Experiments further suggest that there is a phase transition for K where the expected optimization time drops from to .