Carlos J. Mantas’s research while affiliated with University of Granada and other places

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Publications (36)

Using Credal C4.5 for Calibrated Label Ranking in Multi-Label Classification
  • Article

May 2022


17 Reads


13 Citations

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning


Carlos J. Mantas



Joaquín Abellán

Multi-Label Classification (MLC) assumes that each instance belongs to a set of labels, unlike traditional classification, where each instance corresponds to a unique value of a class variable. Calibrated Label Ranking (CLR) is an MLC algorithm that determines a ranking of labels for a given instance by considering a binary classifier for each pair of labels. In this way, it exploits pairwise label correlations. Furthermore, CLR alleviates the class imbalance problem that usually arises in MLC because, in this domain, very few instances often belong to a label. In order to build the binary classifiers in CLR, it is required to employ a standard classification algorithm. The Decision Tree method C4.5 has been widely used in this field. In this research, we show that a version of C4.5 based on imprecise probabilities recently proposed, known as Credal C4.5, is more appropriate than C4.5 to handle the binary classification tasks in CLR. Experimental results reveal that Credal C4.5 outperforms C4.5 when both methods are used in CLR and that the difference is more statistically significant as the label noise level is higher.

A new label ordering method in Classifier Chains based on imprecise probabilities

February 2022


17 Reads


6 Citations


In Multi-Label Classification (MLC), Classifier Chains (CC) are considered simple and effective methods to exploit correlations between labels. A CC considers a binary classifier per label, in which the previous labels, according to an established order, are used as additional features. The label order strongly influences the performance of the CC, and there is no way to determine the optimal order so far. In this work, a new label ordering method based on label correlations is proposed. It uses a non-parametric model based on imprecise probabilities to estimate the correlations between pairs of labels. Then, it employs a greedy procedure that, to insert the labels in the chain, considers the correlations among the candidate labels and the ones already inserted, as well as the correlations between the candidate labels and the ones non-inserted yet. We argue that our proposal presents some advantages over the label ordering methods in CC developed so far based on label correlations. It is also shown that our proposal achieves better experimental results than the label ordering methods proposed so far that use label correlations in CC.

Using extreme prior probabilities on the Naive Credal Classifier

November 2021


21 Reads


3 Citations

Knowledge-Based Systems

The Naive Credal Classifier (NCC) was the first method proposed for Imprecise Classification. It starts from the known Naive Bayes algorithm (NB), which assumes that the attributes are independent given the class variable. Despite this unrealistic assumption, NB and NCC have been successfully used in practical applications. In this work, we propose a new version of NCC, called Extreme Prior Naive Credal Classifier (EP-NCC). Unlike NCC, EP-NCC takes into consideration the lower and upper prior probabilities of the class variable in the estimation of the lower and upper conditional probabilities. We demonstrate that, with our proposed EP-NCC, the predictions are more informative than with NCC without increasing the risk of making erroneous predictions. An experimental analysis carried out in this work shows that EP-NCC significantly outperforms NCC and obtains statistically equivalent results to the algorithm proposed so far for Imprecise Classification based on decision trees, even though EP-NCC is computationally simpler. Therefore, EP-NCC is more suitable to be applied to large datasets for Imprecise Classification than the methods proposed so far in this field. This is an important issue in favor of our proposal due to the increasing amount of data in every area.

A Decision Support Tool for Credit Domains: Bayesian Network with a Variable Selector Based on Imprecise Probabilities

June 2021


45 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems



Carlos J. Mantas




Joaquín Abellán

A Bayesian Network (BN) is a graphical structure, with associated conditional probability tables. This structure allows us to obtain different knowledge than the one obtained from standard classifiers. With a BN, representing a dataset, we can calculate different probabilities about a set of features with respect to other ones. This inference can be more powerful than the one obtained from classifiers. A BN can be built from data and have analytical and diagnostic capabilities that make it very suitable for credit domains. Credit scoring and risk analysis are fundamental tasks for financial institutions with the aim to avoid important losses. In these tasks and other domains, an excessive number of features can convert a BN into a complex and difficult to interpret model, but a few number of features can represent a loss of information obtained from data. A new method based on imprecise probabilities is presented to select an informative subset of features. Using this new feature selection method, we can build a BN that has an excellent adjustment to the data, considering a reduced number of features. Via a set of experiments, it is shown that the adjustment is better than the ones obtained with no previous variable selection method and with a similar and successful variable subset selection method based on precise probabilities. Finally, a BN is built with two important characteristics: (i) it represents a better adjustment to the data; and (ii) it has a low complexity (better interpretability) due to the small number of important selected features. A practical example about inference on a BN to help on credit risk analysis is also presented.

On the Use of m -Probability-Estimation and Imprecise Probabilities in the Naïve Bayes Classifier

July 2020


35 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems

Within the field of supervised classification, the naïve Bayes (NB) classifier is a very simple and fast classification method that obtains good results, being even comparable with much more complex models. It has been proved that the NB model is strongly dependent on the estimation of conditional probabilities. In the literature, it had been shown that the classical and Laplace estimations of probabilities have some drawbacks and it was proposed a NB model that takes into account the a priori probabilities in order to estimate the conditional probabilities, which was called m-probability-estimation. With a very scarce experimentation, this approximation based on m-probability-estimation demonstrated to provide better results than NB with classical and Laplace estimations of probabilities. In this research, a new naïve Bayes variation is proposed, which is based on the m-probability-estimation version and takes into account imprecise probabilities in order to calculate the a priori probabilities. An exhaustive experimental research is carried out, with a large number of data sets and different levels of class noise. From this experimentation, we can conclude that the proposed NB model and the m-probability-estimation approach provide better results than NB with classical and Laplace estimation of probabilities. It will be also shown that the proposed NB implies an improvement over the m-probability-estimation model, especially when there is some class noise.

Imprecise Classification with Non-parametric Predictive Inference

June 2020


39 Reads


3 Citations

Communications in Computer and Information Science

In many situations, classifiers predict a set of states of a class variable because there is no information enough to point only one state. In the data mining area, this task is known as Imprecise Classification. Decision Trees that use imprecise probabilities, also known as Credal Decision Trees (CDTs), have been adapted to this field. The adaptation proposed so far uses the Imprecise Dirichlet Model (IDM), a mathematical model of imprecise probabilities that assumes prior knowledge about the data, depending strongly on a hyperparameter. This strong dependence is solved with the Non-Parametric Predictive Inference Model (NPI-M), also based on imprecise probabilities. This model does not make any prior assumption of the data and does not have parameters. In this work, we propose a new adaptation of CDTs to Imprecise Classification based on the NPI-M. An experimental study carried out in this research shows that the adaptation with NPI-M has an equivalent performance than the one obtained with the adaptation based on the IDM with the best choice of the hyperparameter. Consequently, since the NPI-M is a non-parametric approach, it is concluded that the NPI-M is more appropriated than the IDM to be applied to the adaptation of CDTs to Imprecise Classification.

Non-parametric predictive inference for solving multi-label classification

December 2019


30 Reads


9 Citations

Applied Soft Computing

Decision Trees (DTs) have been adapted to Multi-Label Classification (MLC). These adaptations are known as Multi-Label Decision Trees (ML-DT). In this research, a new ML-DT based on the Nonparametric Predictive Inference Model on Multinomial data (NPI-M) is proposed. The NPI-M is an imprecise probabilities model that provides good results when it is applied to DTs in standard classification. Unlike other models based on imprecise probabilities, the NPI-M is a nonparametric approach and it does not make unjustified assumptions before observing data. It is shown that the new ML-DT based on the NPI-M is more robust to noise than the ML-DT based on precise probabilities. As the intrinsic noise in MLC might be higher than in traditional classification, it is expected that the new ML-DT based on the NPI-M outperforms the already existing ML-DT. This fact is validated with an exhaustive experimentation carried out in this work on different MLC datasets with several levels of added noise. In it, many MLC evaluation metrics are employed in order to measure the performance of the algorithms. The experimental analysis shows that the proposed ML-DT based on NPI-M obtains better results than the ML-DT that uses precise probabilities, especially when we work on data with noise.

Procedure to calculate the distribution with maximum entropy when s>1\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$s>1$$\end{document}
Procedure to build a CDT
Procedure to build a RCRT
Procedure to obtain a forest of DTs via RCRF
A comparison of random forest based algorithms: random credal random forest versus oblique random forest
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

November 2019


414 Reads


98 Citations

Soft Computing

Random forest (RF) is an ensemble learning method, and it is considered a reference due to its excellent performance. Several improvements in RF have been published. A kind of improvement for the RF algorithm is based on the use of multivariate decision trees with local optimization process (oblique RF). Another type of improvement is to provide additional diversity for the univariate decision trees by means of the use of imprecise probabilities (random credal random forest, RCRF). The aim of this work is to compare experimentally these improvements of the RF algorithm. It is shown that the improvement in RF with the use of additional diversity and imprecise probabilities achieves better results than the use of RF with multivariate decision trees.

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Bagging of Credal Decision Trees for Imprecise Classification

September 2019


60 Reads


45 Citations

Expert Systems with Applications

The Credal Decision Trees (CDT) have been adapted for Imprecise Classification (ICDT). However, no ensembles of imprecise classifiers have been proposed so far. The reason might be that it is not a trivial question to combine the predictions made by multiple imprecise classifier. In fact, if the combination method used is not appropriate, the ensemble method could even worse the performance of one single classifier. On the other hand, the Bagging scheme has shown to provide satisfactory results in precise classification, specially when it is used with CDTs, which are known to be very weak and unstable classifiers. For these reasons, in this research, it is proposed a new Bagging scheme with ICDTs. It is presented a new technique for combining predictions made by imprecise classifiers that tries to maximize the precision of the bagging classifier. If the procedure for such a combination is too conservative it is easy to obtain few information and worse the results of a single classifier. Our proposal considers only the states with the minimum level of non-dominance. An exhaustive experimentation carried out in this work has shown that the Bagging of ICDTs, with our proposed combination technique, performs clearly better than a single ICDT.

Citations (28)

... As the ID3 algorithm is unable to classify continuous attributes, the C4.5 algorithm is proposed. The C4.5 algorithm selects attributes by using the information gain rate, which improves the breadth [18], and punishes attributes with more values by introducing splitting information to reduce the risk of overfitting. At the same time, the C4.5 algorithm discretizes continuous attributes, finds the best splitting point, converts continuous attributes into binary attributes for processing, and handles attribute value gaps well. ...


Hierarchical Storage for Massive Social Network Data Based on Improved Decision Tree
Using Credal C4.5 for Calibrated Label Ranking in Multi-Label Classification
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

... For example, in a study by Abdullahi et al. [27], Particle Swarm Optimization was combined with a Genetic Algorithm to find an optimized label order. Similarly, Garcia et al. [28] calculated correlations between pairs of labels using imprecise probabilities and used them to determine the label order in the chain. Mishra et al. [29] suggested using multiple shorter partial chains or chains of limited length instead of a single full chain to minimize the dimensionality and error propagation. ...

A new label ordering method in Classifier Chains based on imprecise probabilities
  • Citing Article
  • February 2022


... Mutual information is used to quantitatively represent the relationships between attribute nodes. Such a constructed Bayesian network classifier is called a restricted Bayesian network classifier, which can to some extent address the 'overfitting' problem [22]. ...

Using extreme prior probabilities on the Naive Credal Classifier
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Knowledge-Based Systems

... theory-based methods 4 due to the lack of enough information (Zhao et al., 2019), and also it has been employed to assess the robustness of value at risk against Knightian uncertainties 5 in estimating probability distribution function (Soltani et al., 2018;Ben-Haim, 2005), derived uncertainty theory (Liu, 2007 6 , 2010 7 ), fuzzy mathematics (see Zimmermann, 2010), grey systems theory, and rough set theory (Pawlak, 1982). The probability theory-based methods [comprising Monte Carlo method (see Rey et al., 2019;Gray et al., 2019;Blondeel et al., 2019), Bayesian method (see Hamdia et al., 2019), and Dempster-Shafer evidence theory (see Deng et al., 2019;Abellán et al., 2019)] embrace aleatory uncertainty; whilst, other aforementioned methods plus the probabilistic methods are used for dealing with the epistemic uncertainty. ...

Basic Properties for Total Uncertainty Measures in the Theory of Evidence
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2019

... If the total amount of class c 1 data resources is M 1 and the total amount of class c 2 data resources is M 2 , the a priori probability [33,34] ...

On the Use of m -Probability-Estimation and Imprecise Probabilities in the Naïve Bayes Classifier
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020

International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems

... Once the previous node is completed, each node of the tree is trained. ML-decision trees based on NPI-M [17] is a new nonparametric predictive inference model based on multinomial data, and the splitting criterion of this algorithm makes it independent of the noise of the labels, and the imprecise information gain is calculated as follows, where H * (L|A = a i ) is the maximum value of H * (L) in the partition of the dataset consisting of instances with A = a i . Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. ...

Non-parametric predictive inference for solving multi-label classification
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

Applied Soft Computing

... Another group of approaches consists of allowing each tree to make a cautious decision first before pooling them. The Minimum-Vote-Against (MVA) is such an approach, where the set of classes with minimal opposition are retained [15]. It should be noted that MVA generally results in precise predictions, whereas disjunction and averaging often turn out to be inconclusive. ...

Bagging of Credal Decision Trees for Imprecise Classification
  • Citing Article
  • September 2019

Expert Systems with Applications

... Research activities from McCulloch-Pitts model of neuron [6] to higher order neuron [7] are considerable and the literature is growing day-by-day. ANN have been used increasingly as a promising modeling tool in almost all areas of human activities where quantitative approaches can be used to help decision making (e.g., functional approximation [8][9][10], rule extraction [11][12][13][14], pattern recognition and classification [15][16][17], forecasting and prediction [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], business [32,33], civil engineering [34], electrical engineering [35], and medical area [36][37][38]). Indeed ANNs have already been treated as a standard nonlinear alternative to traditional models for pattern classification, time series analysis, and regression problems. ...

Interpretation of first-order recurrent neural networks by means of fuzzy rules
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems

... Data mining involves discovering patterns in large and complex datasets. One popular data mining model is the decision tree, which uses a tree structure to categorize data [9][10][11][12][13] [6]. Researchers developed an information root node variation decision tree ensemble model to predict fatal accidents involving inexperienced drivers in urban areas [13]. ...

Decision Tree Ensemble Method for Analyzing Traffic Accidents of Novice Drivers in Urban Areas


... Learning label correlations may create circular dependencies, and to address this problem, the 3RC algorithm is proposed. 3RC [29] follows the BR approach by using multiple decision trees as binary classifiers. This novel approach aims to learn label dependencies and give model results considering only relevant dependencies in order to perform better predictions and reduce error propagation due to irrelevant and weak dependencies. ...

Ensemble of classifier chains and Credal C4.5 for solving multi-label classification
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

Progress in Artificial Intelligence