Carlos G. Dávila’s research while affiliated with TU Wien and other places

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Publications (13)

Elastoplastic Modeling of Multi-phase Metal Matrix Composite with Void Growth Using the Transformation Field Analysis and Governing Parameter Method
  • Chapter

June 2008


18 Reads


1 Citation

Ernest T. Y. Ng



Pedro P. Camanho




In this paper, we employ the combined Transformation Field Analysis (TEA) method and the Governing Parameter Method (GPM) to predict the overall elastoplastic behavior of multi-phase fibrous composite materials using Gurson-Tvergaard yield criterion in order to account for the effect of void growth in the matrix phase. For the homogenization scheme, we employ the TEA method with concentration factors determined by the Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka (EMT) theory. Regarding to the stress integration of the governing TEA equations, we employ an implicit integration scheme, namely the GPM. Furthermore, a necessary condition for the possible ranges of the governing parameters based on the GPM integration scheme is derived in a more general setting by including the rate of nucleation and coalescence within the context of writing the expression of the rate of change of porosity. To validate our proposed approach, we compare our results to both numerical and experimental results provided in the existing literature.

Combining Elastic Brittle Damage with Plasticity to Model the Non-linear behavior of Fiber Reinforced Laminates

June 2008


24 Reads


20 Citations

The present work is concerned with modeling the non-linear behavior of continuous fiber reinforced laminates with a special emphasis on loading conditions that lead to high ply shear stresses. Typically, the modeling of non-linear laminate behavior focuses on damage mechanics approaches and assumes that the non-linearity is caused by brittle matrix cracking. Based on the correlation of experimental data and modeling results, this assumption seems to hold true for load cases in which layers experience mainly tensile stresses. Under shear dominated loads, however, it has been found that the agreement between tests and model predictions is less satisfactory. Additionally, considerable permanent strains develop under such loading conditions that cannot be explained by brittle mechanisms alone. Here, a model is presented that combines damage mechanics with a plasticity law to capture both degradation of stiffness due to cracking and residual strains accumulated under shear loads. It is assumed that damage starts to develop close to the first ply failure load and any non-linear behavior prior to the onset of damage is attributed to plastic shear strains. Predictions of the model are compared to experimental data and are shown to give improved correlation to experiments under shear dominated loading. By taking residual stresses into account, the model is also able to explain discrepancies in the shear behavior derived from two different test methods. Furthermore, the combined damage/plasticity model captures the accumulation of residual strains, the non-linear behavior observed in uniaxial transverse compression tests, and the influence of transverse normal stress on the non-linear shear behavior reported in the literature.

Development of Domain Superposition Technique for the Modelling of Woven Fabric Composites

June 2008


107 Reads


65 Citations

A Domain Superposition Technique (DST) is proposed for the simulation of woven fabric composites. Instead of modelling the tows and the likely degenerated resin pocket regions among tows explicitly, DST separately models the tow domain and the global domain which are both non-degenerated, and can thus be easily discretised using the traditional solid elements. During the solution process, the two domains are superimposed by coupling them together to produce the exact results. Numerical simulation shows that the results of DST correlate very well with the results of conventional finite element analysis.

Computational Methods for Debonding in Composites

June 2008


31 Reads


6 Citations

This contribution starts with a discussion of various phenomena in laminated composite structures that can lead to failure: matrix cracking, delamination between plies, and debonding and subsequent pull-out between fibres and the matrix material. The different scales are discussed at which the effect of these nonlinearities can be analysed. From these scales – the macro, meso and micro-levels – the meso-level is normally used for the analysis of delamination, which is the focus of this contribution. At this level, the plies are modelled as continua and interface elements between them conventionally serve as the framework to model delamination and debonding. After a a derivation of interface elements and a brief discussion of the cohesive–zone concept and its importance for the analysis of delamination, a particular finite element model for the plies is elaborated: the solid–like shell. Next, a more recent method to numerically model delamination is discussed, which exploits the partition–of–unity property of finite element shape functions. This approach offers advantages over interface elements, as will be discussed in detail.

Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Length of the Cohesive Zone in Delaminated Composite Materials

June 2008


108 Reads


38 Citations

An accurate prediction of the length of the cohesive zone ahead of a crack tip is fundamental for the correct simulation of delamination in composite materials under both quasi-static and fatigue loading. To ensure a correct dissipation of energy during delamination propagation, several cohesive finite elements have to span the cohesive zone. The length of the cohesive zone depends on the material properties, the geometry/size of the structure, and on the loading mode. This chapter presents new expressions to estimate the length of the cohesive zone under general mixed-mode loading conditions and for finite-sized geometries. The analytical model is validated by comparing its predictions with numerical results based on cohesive-zone models. The relevance of the proposed analytical solutions to the effective simulation of delamination is demonstrated by simulating delamination growth under mixed-mode loading using meshes with the length of the elements greater than the cohesive zone length.

Fig. 9.8 Comparison of experimental [29] and present numerical strength predictions of open hole panels under uniaxial compression  
Fig. 9.10 Predicted damage/crack pattern in an OCT test  
Fig. 9.6 Longitudinal strain profiles at two different levels of pin opening displacement (POD) along a vertical line through the damage zone in an OCT test specimen using the image analysis software, DaVis [12]  
Fig. 9.2 (a) A schematic of the analogue model showing arrangement of basic elements, (b) a schematic of the analogue model showing the laminate and rubble sub-models  
Fig. 9.3 An example of the constitutive response obtained from the proposed analogue model  


Progressive Damage Modeling of Composite Materials Under Both Tensile and Compressive Loading Regimes
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

June 2008


374 Reads


14 Citations

A constitutive model is presented for the complete in-plane response of composite materials within the framework of a previously developed continuum damage mechanics model, CODAM. While the previous CODAM formulation was primarily developed to simulate the progression of damage under tensile loading, the proposed extension is guided by a mechanical analogue model that accounts for the initiation and propagation of damage mechanisms under both tension and compression. Calibration of the tensile damage parameters of the model using the over-height compact tension test (OCT) is presented. Simulations of notched panels under quasi-static in-plane tension and compression loading are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in predicting the load-displacement response as well as the overall damage zone size. Finally, limitations of local smeared crack models are discussed and the preliminary results of a non-local approach to simulating damage progression that overcomes such limitations are presented.


A Numerical Material Model for Predicting the High Velocity Impact Behaviour of Polymer Composites

June 2008


83 Reads


12 Citations

This paper describes key features of an advanced, physically-based, numerical material model for predicting the static and dynamic, failure and damage, response of polymer matrix composites with fibrous UD plies. The model has been implemented into the explicit Finite Element code LS-DYNA3D for solid brick elements with one integration point. A comprehensive test programme was conducted for characterising the high velocity impact response of a class of NCF/Epoxy composites. The impact tests were conducted for varying impact conditions and parameters such as: impact angle, coupon thickness, laminate lay-up and projectile material. Data from these tests was reduced in the form of ballistic curves, mass of target debris generated upon complete penetration, and (C-Scan) impact damage areas. This data was used for validation of the proposed model. General conclusions from this work indicate that physically-based modelling approaches can improve considerably the predictive capabilities of current FE codes for structural analysis applications.

Numerical Simulation of Fiber Orientation and Resulting Thermo-Elastic Behavior in Reinforced Thermo-Plastics

June 2008


29 Reads


6 Citations

In this work, we describe a numerical technique to predict fiber orientation during injection moulding of fiber reinforced polymers, and how the resulting part behaves regarding this process induced orientation. The orientation state of a set of fibers is described by a second order tensor. Its evolution is given by the Folgar and Tucker tensorial hyperbolic equation. Even if this equation contains a fourth order term, it may be expressed as a function of the second order tensor using a closure approximation. The resolution of Folgar and Tucker’s equation is carried out by a continuous approach based on the Standard Galerkin method, with stabilisation. The results are compared with experimental orientation measurements on an injected plate. Once the part solidifies it is considered as a biphasic material, composed by the fibers and the polymer matrix, where each phase has a linear elastic behaviour. The fhermo-elastic properties of the composite material are linked to the fiber orientation and the properties of each phase using a homogenisation technique. Finally, to validate the previous study on the prediction of the thermo-elastic properties at the solid state, a three-dimensional industrial case is deeply analysed.

Interaction Between Intraply and Interply Failure in Laminates

June 2008


101 Reads


3 Citations

A mesoscale model for finite element analysis of failure in laminates is presented. The model consists of separate parts for failure inside a ply (intraply) and failure between plies (interply). Both parts offer a description from onset of failure to complete local failure, thus allowing for progressive failure analysis. Intraply failure is simulated with a softening plasticity model based on a Tsai-Wu criterion with viscoplastic regularization. Details are presented on the implementation of the softening law for orthotropic materials in finite element computation. Interply failure is modeled using interface elements with a damage law for mixed mode delamination. The performance of the model is illustrated by means of an analysis of a laminate with a sharp internal notch – a case in which different modes of ply failure successively take place and interact with failure between the plies.

Figure 2: Fracture in a real body and in its finite element discretization. Fracture length description 
Figure 3: Sample geometry used for the ENF test 
table 3 .2 
Figure 4: Three dimensional model developed. Mesh description 
Figure 5: Force-displacement graph obtained for the different models. 
Study of Delamination in Composites by Using the Serial/Parallel Mixing Theory and a Damage Formulation

January 1970


534 Reads


21 Citations

This work presents a new procedure to deal with the delamination problem found in laminated composites, based in a continuum mechanics formulation. The procedure proposed obtains the composite constitutive performance with the Serial/Parallel mixing theory, developed by F. Rastellini. This theory characterizes composite materials by coupling the constitutive behaviour of the composite components, imposing an iso–strain relation among the components in the fibre (or parallel) direction and an iso–stress relation in the remaining directions (serial directions). The proposed procedure also uses a damage formulation to characterize the constitutive behaviour of matrix component in order to obtain the stress–strain performance of this material. With these two formulations, the delamination phenomenon is characterized naturally by the numerical simulation, being unnecessary the definition of special elements or computationally expensive techniques like the definition of contact elements or mesh separation. Matrix failure, as a result of the stress state found in it, leads to a reduction of the stiffness and strength capacity of the composite in its serial direction. This reduction provides a composite performance equivalent to what is found in a delaminated material. To prove the ability of the formulation proposed to solve delamination problems, the End Notch Failure test is numerically simulated and the results obtained are compared with experimental ones. The agreement found in the results with both simulations, numerical and experimental, validate the proposed methodology to solve the delamination problem.

Citations (12)

... However, their data can be used for the validation of computational models in discrete states. The prediction of anisotropic material behavior from computational models is part of the ongoing research [31,41,42] as well as the mapping of actual material properties into models used in virtual simulation [43]. ...


Machine Vision for As-Built Modeling of Complex Draped Composite Structures
Computation of Effective Stiffness Properties for Textile-Reinforced Composites Using X-FEM
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1970

... While X-ray CT offers significant advantages for the imaging and quantification of damage, it also encounters some limitations. The detectability of small features is limited, with a trade-off between the image resolution and sample size that can fit in the field of view (FOV) [13]. This is especially problematic for three-dimensional woven composite materials where the periodic nature of the weave may extend over many millimetres, yet cracking and delamination damage may lead to cracks of submicrometre width. ...

Practical Challenges in Formulating Virtual Tests for Structural Composites

... The primary objective of the experimental analysis was the determination of the tensile and compressive stress-strain relationship of the materials. Following Rolfes et al. [Rol08] it is assumed that the investigated thermosets behave isotropically. Therefore, the relationship between Young's modulus E and shear modulus G is defined by Poisson's ratio as follows. ...

Material and Failure Models for Textile Composites
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1970

... Considerable work has been reported since the 1990s, with focus on the compression fracture behaviour [2][3][4][5] and corresponding strength [6,7]. The formation of the fibre-kinking band, triggered by inter-fibre shear cracks at micro-scale, has been considered the main mechanism under compression, accompanied by delamination and matrix cracking [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. These failure mechanisms can lead to the loss of material stiffness and reduce the structural bearing capacity. ...

Progressive Damage Modeling of Composite Materials Under Both Tensile and Compressive Loading Regimes

... The comparison with a conventional model shows good agreement between the stress and strain distribution, despite the authors only using linear elastic material behavior. A volumetric discretization of the textile is done by Jiang et al. [18], where the Domain Superposition Technique is used to model woven textiles. Initially applied with linear elastic material behavior, Jiang [19] extended the method to elasto-plastic matrix material for unidirectional unit cells. ...

Development of Domain Superposition Technique for the Modelling of Woven Fabric Composites
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2008

... Synthetic fibers such as carbon, Kevlar, and glass are used in high-velocity applications to protect against high-speed threats [3][4][5]. However, one of the significant disadvantages of these synthetic fibers is their high cost and incompatibility with the environment. ...

A Numerical Material Model for Predicting the High Velocity Impact Behaviour of Polymer Composites
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2008

... Numerical resolution of Folgar and Tucker's equation has been performed by Kaban emi and H etu (1999) using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, by Martin ez et al. (2003) with the method of characteristics, by Pichelin and Coupez (1999) and Redjeb et al. (2005) with a space-time discontinuous Galerkin scheme. Miled et al. (2008) have proposed a standard Galerkin method associated with an RFB or SUPG stabilization, which prevents inaccurate oscillations due to the hyperbolic character of this equation. Moving interface (such as fluid/air) is also calculated at each time step by solving a convection equation (Ville et al., 2011) associated to a signed distance function which defines the fluid domain (its value is positive in the fluid and negative in the empty region): ...

Numerical Simulation of Fiber Orientation and Resulting Thermo-Elastic Behavior in Reinforced Thermo-Plastics
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2008

... Once failure initiates the material undergoes inelastic deformations, usually softening. The problem is then formulated as elastic-plastic thereby tacitly taking the yield surface to represent the failure surface [34,40]. ...

Interaction Between Intraply and Interply Failure in Laminates
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2008

... Cohesive zone models are used for interlaminar damage and provide criteria for the initiation and energy-based propagation of individual cracks within a process zone without defining an initial crack. Work by Turon et al. 21,22,23 provides an equation for estimation of an appropriate cohesive strength to achieve linear elastic fracture damage propagation. Implementation of the cohesive zone can be completed with cohesive elements, 24 cohesive surfaces, or even cohesive tiebreak definitions. ...

Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Length of the Cohesive Zone in Delaminated Composite Materials
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2008

... In addition, mesh dependency problems are typically observed, since a large number of FEs should be introduced in the region in which the crack path is expected. Numerical models based on the Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) are frequently adopted for simulating crack evolution in both static and dynamic frameworks [3,4]. An important advantage of the CZMs is their ability to predict directly crack onset and propagation, without introducing preexisting material discontinuities [5,6,7]. ...

Computational Methods for Debonding in Composites
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2008