Carl D. Murray’s research while affiliated with Queen Mary, University of London and other places

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Publications (45)

Fig. 1. Angular locations of F ring detections and nondetections. (Bottom) Filled symbols show Cassini RSS F ring detection longitudes, and open symbols show nondetection longitudes, all regressed to a common time, t * (see section S4). the vertical axis shows the inertial orbital longitudes of the j detections g *
Saturn's F ring is intermittently shepherded by Prometheus
  • Article
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May 2024


23 Reads


3 Citations

Science Advances

Jeffrey N Cuzzi






Nicholas J Cooper

One of the stranger planetary rings is Saturn’s narrow, clumpy F ring, lying just outside the main rings, in a region disturbed by chaotic orbital dynamics. We show that the F ring has a stable “true core” that dominates its mass and is confined into discontinuous short arcs of particles larger than a few millimeters in radius. The more obvious micron-size particles seen in images, outlining and obscuring the true core, contribute only a small fraction of its mass. We found that these arcs of large particles orbit Saturn in a specific corotational resonance with the nearby 100-kilometer diameter ringmoon Prometheus, which stabilizes the F ring material and allows it to persist within the disturbed region for decades or longer. Toward the end of the observing period, a small chaotic glitch in the orbit of Prometheus temporarily disrupted the confinement, but the arcs seem to be able to adapt.


Tidal Dissipation in Giant Planets

February 2024


140 Reads


3 Citations

Space Science Reviews

Tidal interactions between moons and planets can have major effects on the orbits, spins, and thermal evolution of the moons. In the Saturn system, tidal dissipation in the planet transfers angular momentum from Saturn to the moons, causing them to migrate outwards. The rate of migration is determined by the mechanism of dissipation within the planet, which is closely tied to the planet’s uncertain structure. We review current knowledge of giant planet internal structure and evolution, which has improved thanks to data from the Juno and Cassini missions. We discuss general principles of tidal dissipation, describing both equilibrium and dynamical tides, and how dissipation can occur in a solid core or a fluid envelope. Finally, we discuss the possibility of resonance locking, whereby a moon can lock into resonance with a planetary oscillation mode, producing enhanced tidal migration relative to classical theories, and possibly explaining recent measurements of moon migration rates.

Saturnian tidal quality factor
Effective tidal quality factor Q of Saturn for the tidal bulge raised by each of its moons measured in this work. Purple data points are measurements from astrometric solutions, with 3σ error bars, which extend to encompass results from each of the considered energy dissipation rates in Enceladus. Titan’s red data point is measured using Cassini radio tracking data. Blue-shaded regions are the predicted tidal quality factors from a resonance-locking model with a Saturn evolution time of tp = 6 Gyr. The horizontal dashed line is the minimum value of Q that allows for coeval formation of Mimas and Saturn, assuming Q is constant²¹. Darker yellow background shading corresponds to a more dissipative interior of Saturn (smaller Q).
Source data
Tidal migration timescales
Outward migration timescales for each of Saturn’s moons. Purple points are measurements from astrometric solutions as described in the Methods, with 3σ error bars, while Titan’s red point is measured using Cassini radio tracking data. Blue points show the same resonance-locking model as Fig. 1, where the predicted migration time scale from resonance locking is ttide ≈ 9 Gyr for each moon, regardless of mean-motion resonances. The tidal migration timescale with a constant Q (blue dashed line) corresponds to Q = 1.8 × 10⁴ as in Fig. 1. Darker background shading corresponds to faster migration (shorter migration timescale). The migration timescale of each moon is within a factor of about 2 of 10 Gyr.
Source data
Moon orbital evolution
A possible evolutionary history of the orbital distance of Saturn’s moons as a function of time, for both a resonance-locking model with inertial waves (solid coloured lines) and a constant Q = 5,000 model (black dashed lines). The resonance-locking models are shaded by the effective tidal quality factor, Qef, at a given moment in time.
Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan

November 2020


447 Reads


145 Citations

Nature Astronomy

Saturn is orbited by dozens of moons, and the intricate dynamics of this complex system provide clues about its formation and evolution. Tidal friction within Saturn causes its moons to migrate outwards, driving them into orbital resonances that pump their eccentricities or inclinations, which in turn leads to tidal heating of the moons. However, in giant planets, the dissipative processes that determine the tidal migration timescale remain poorly understood. Standard theories suggest an orbital expansion rate inversely proportional to the power 11/2 in distance1, implying negligible migration for outer moons such as Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Here, we use two independent measurements obtained with the Cassini spacecraft to measure Titan’s orbital expansion rate. We find that Titan rapidly migrates away from Saturn on a timescale of roughly ten billion years, corresponding to a tidal quality factor of Saturn of Q ≃ 100, which is more than a hundred times smaller than most expectations. Our results for Titan and five other moons agree with the predictions of a resonance-locking tidal theory2, sustained by excitation of inertial waves inside the planet. The associated tidal expansion is only weakly sensitive to orbital distance, motivating a revision of the evolutionary history of Saturn’s moon system. In particular, it suggests that Titan formed much closer to Saturn and has migrated outward to its current position. Titan is migrating away from Saturn on a much shorter timescale than expected, lending support to the resonance-locking tidal theory. This result motivates a revision of the evolutionary history of Saturn’s moon system and may be relevant to other giant planets.

Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan

June 2020


59 Reads

Tidal effects in planetary systems are the main driver in the orbital migration of natural satellites. They result from physical processes occurring deep inside celestial bodies, whose effects are rarely observable from surface imaging. For giant planet systems, the tidal migration rate is determined by poorly understood dissipative processes in the planet, and standard theories suggest an orbital expansion rate inversely proportional to the power 11/2 in distance, implying little migration for outer moons such as Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Here, we use two independent measurements obtained with the Cassini spacecraft to measure Titan's orbital expansion rate. We find Titan migrates away from Saturn at 11.3 ±\pm 2.0 cm/year, corresponding to a tidal quality factor of Saturn of Q \simeq 100, and a migration timescale of roughly 10 Gyr. This rapid orbital expansion suggests Titan formed significantly closer to Saturn and has migrated outward to its current position. Our results for Titan and five other moons agree with the predictions of a resonance locking tidal theory, sustained by excitation of inertial waves inside the planet. The associated tidal expansion is only weakly sensitive to orbital distance, motivating a revision of the evolutionary history of Saturn's moon system. The resonance locking mechanism could operate in other systems such as stellar binaries and exoplanet systems, and it may allow for tidal dissipation to occur at larger orbital separations than previously believed.

Close-range remote sensing of Saturn’s rings during Cassini’s ring-grazing orbits and Grand Finale

June 2019


342 Reads


20 Citations


Cassini's last look at Saturn's rings During the final stages of the Cassini mission, the spacecraft flew between the planet and its rings, providing a new view on this spectacular system (see the Perspective by Ida). Setting the scene, Spilker reviews the numerous discoveries made using Cassini during the 13 years it spent orbiting Saturn. Iess et al. measured the gravitational pull on Cassini, separating the contributions from the planet and the rings. This allowed them to determine the interior structure of Saturn and the mass of its rings. Buratti et al. present observations of five small moons located in and around the rings. The moons each have distinctive shapes and compositions, owing to accretion of ring material. Tiscareno et al. observed the rings directly at close range, finding complex features sculpted by the gravitational interactions between moons and ring particles. Together, these results show that Saturn's rings are substantially younger than the planet itself and constrain models of their origin. Science , this issue p. 1046 , p. eaat2965 , p. eaat2349 , p. eaau1017 ; see also p. 1028

Interior properties of the inner Saturnian moons from space astrometry data

March 2019


3 Reads

During the thirteen years in orbit around Saturn before its final plunge, the Cassini spacecraft provided more than ten thousand astrometric measurements. Such large amounts of accurate data enable the search for extremely faint signals in the orbital motion of the saturnian moons. Among these, the detection of the dynamical feedback of the rotation of the inner moons of Saturn on their respective orbits becomes possible. Using all the currently available astrometric data associated with Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Janus and Epimetheus, we first provide a detailed analysis of the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) data, with special emphasis on their statistical behavior and sources of bias. Then, we give updated estimates of the moons' averaged densities and try to infer more details about their interior properties by estimating the physical librations for Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus and Janus from anomalies in their apsidal precession. Our results are compatible with a homogeneous interior for Janus and Epimetheus, within the uncertainty of the measurements. On the other hand, we found some inconsistency for Pandora and Prometheus, which might result from a dynamical mismodeling of Saturn's gravity field. Last, we show how the synergistic introduction of libration measurements directly derived from imaging should allow the moons' moments of inertia to be better constrained.

Interior properties of the inner Saturnian moons from space astrometry data

March 2019


44 Reads


14 Citations


During the thirteen years in orbit around Saturn before its final plunge, the Cassini spacecraft provided more than ten thousand astrometric measurements. Such large amounts of accurate data enable the search for extremely faint signals in the orbital motion of the saturnian moons. Among these, the detection of the dynamical feedback of the rotation of the inner moons of Saturn on their respective orbits becomes possible. Using all the currently available astrometric data associated with Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Janus and Epimetheus, we first provide a detailed analysis of the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) data, with special emphasis on their statistical behavior and sources of bias. Then, we give updated estimates of the moons' averaged densities and try to infer more details about their interior properties by estimating the physical librations for Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus and Janus from anomalies in their apsidal precession. Our results are compatible with a homogeneous interior for Janus and Epimetheus, within the uncertainty of the measurements. On the other hand, we found some inconsistency for Pandora and Prometheus, which might result from a dynamical mismodeling of Saturn's gravity field. Last, we show how the synergistic introduction of libration measurements directly derived from imaging should allow the moons' moments of inertia to be better constrained.

Citations (35)

... Empirically, the quality factor varies widely (e.g., Q ∼ 10 for the Earth, Q ∼ 100 for the Moon (Goldreich & Soter 1966)). Values for gas giant planets are uncertain, but probably one or two orders of magnitude lower than Q ∼ 10 6 initially estimated by these authors (c.f., Fuller et al. (2024)). A value Q ∼ 100 is often assumed (albeit with little firm evidence) to apply to small solar system bodies. ...


Non-Gravitational Forces in Planetary Systems
Tidal Dissipation in Giant Planets

Space Science Reviews

... There is no evidence indicating whether Oberon has a subsurface ocean or not, and like the other Uranian satellites, it could have had chaotic orbital evolution (Dermott, Malhotra & Murray 1988). Titan may have had a very interesting dynamical history, migrating greatly in semimajor axis (Lainey et al. 2020) and potentially being influenced by the Jupiter-Saturn Great Inequality (Bills & Nimmo 2005). In this work, we focus on Callisto because it presents a somewhat simpler dynamical problem than Titan. ...

Publisher Correction: Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan

Nature Astronomy

... The fast outward migration of Io (Lainey et al., 2009) and Saturn's satellites (Lainey et al., 2012(Lainey et al., , 2017(Lainey et al., , 2020 as determined from astrometric observations indicates that the tidal evolution of satellites in the Solar System is happening faster than previously thought. This has led Fuller et al. (2016) to put forward the idea of resonance locking, a mechanism originally proposed for binary stars by Witte & Savonije (1999), as a plausible explanation of this fast migration; results by Lainey et al. (2020) seem to agree with this mechanism. ...

Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan

Nature Astronomy

... E.g.: the rings are the result of tidal disruption of a migrating moon within Saturn's circumplanetary disk; the structure of the rings is determined by orbital resonances with satellites; rings are debris maintained by the gravitational quadrupole moment of the planet; rings are a result of moon-moon collision disruption; rings are debris of the outer planet moons from collisions with comets or meteorites; rings originate from tidal disruption of a passing large comet; rings are a result of rapid viscous spread of the debris; the existence and evolution of rings are explained with a gravitational viscous turbulent model of differential orbiting of colliding debris; the ring system is a product of cosmogonic implications of gravito-electrodynamic and magnetogravitational interactions of the charge grains of dusty plasma or condensation from a partially corotating plasma; rings are the relic of the protosatellite disk; rings arise from volcanic activity on a moon of Saturn. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Unfortunately, none of these models provides a convincing explanation for many of the observed features of the dense rings, their stability and location in the equatorial plane. 3,4,12,16 In addition, there is no clear understanding of the fine structure of the rings, their extreme flatness and sharp edges, unusual separation of particles, etc. ...

Close-range remote sensing of Saturn’s rings during Cassini’s ring-grazing orbits and Grand Finale


... In the first scenario, the body is heterogeneous (the solid internal seed plus less-dense ring material at the equator) while in the second case, the mixing would probably lead to a rather homogeneous body. The libration of small moons may be deduced directly from high-resolution images ) or indirectly using astrometric measurements of the periapse variations (Lainey et al. 2019(Lainey et al. , 2023. ...

Interior properties of the inner Saturnian moons from space astrometry data
  • Citing Article
  • March 2019


... Other important UV instruments include the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS; Esposito et al. 2004), the Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) light UV spectrometer on Mars Express (Bertaux et al. 2000), and the Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Atmosphere of Venus (SPICAV) UV spectrometer on Venus Express (Bertaux et al. 2007). Cassini UVIS performed stellar and solar occultations by Saturn (Koskinen et al. 2013(Koskinen et al. , 2015 and its rings (Colwell et al. 2010;Becker et al. 2018) as well as by the water vapor plumes of Enceladus (Burger et al. 2007;Hansen et al. 2011). Previous studies also used UVIS stellar occultations during the Cassini Grand Finale to create a 2D global map of densities and temperatures in Saturn's thermosphere (Brown et al. 2020). ...

Cassini UVIS Solar occultations by Saturn’s F ring and the detection of collision-produced micron-sized dust
  • Citing Article
  • February 2018


... As usual, the explanation of the increase in the orbital of Titan is explained by "a phenomenon broadly characterized as resonance-locking tidal theory." [32] In contrast: Expansion is proposed by many researchers. Harutyunyan's article proposes an expansion of the earth's radius as 11 ...

New constraints on Saturn's interior from Cassini astrometric data
  • Citing Article
  • October 2015


... Although the outer edge of the A ring is currently defined by the 7:6 MMR with Janus (Spitale and Porco 2009;El Moutamid et al. 2016;Nicholson et al. 2018), this presumably was not always the case and will not be in the distant future, when Janus will have moved further away from the rings and this particular resonance will no longer coincide with the FRL for ice. Tajeddine et al. (2017a) have estimated the tidal and ring torques on the current satellites and their resulting radial drift ratesȧ, as summarized in Table 3. ...

How Janus' Orbital Swap Affects the Edge of Saturn's A Ring?
  • Citing Article
  • October 2015


... Some, like the arcs in Saturn's G ring and Neptune's Adams ring, persist for decades and therefore probably represent material actively confined by either mean-motion resonances or co-orbiting moons (Hubbard et al., 1986;Sicardy et al., 1991;Porco, 1991;Namouni and Porco, 2002;Hedman et al., 2007bHedman et al., , 2009Renner et al., 2014;Showalter et al., 2017). Others, like the bright features seen in the F ring and the dusty ringlets in the Encke Gap, are more transient and therefore probably consist of material released by collisions and/or concentrated by interparticle interactions (Showalter, 1998(Showalter, , 2004Barbara and Esposito, 2002;French et al., 2014;Murray and French, 2018;Ferrari and Brahic, 1997;Hedman et al., 2013). The relatively sudden appearance of the clumps in D68, as well as their evolution over the last two years of the Cassini mission, are more consistent with the latter scenario. ...

Planetary Ring Systems
  • Citing Article
  • September 2008

Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union

... The dynamical state and history of all these moons are therefore strongly influenced by Saturn's mid-sized satellites. The ring moons' principal orbital characteristics are summarized in Table 1, based largely on fits to Voyager and Cassini optical navigation data by Spitale et al. (2006), Jacobson et al. (2008), Hedman et al. (2009Hedman et al. ( , 2010, and Cooper et al. (2008Cooper et al. ( , 2015. Most of these objects suffer significant orbital perturbations due to interactions with other satellites and the values listed in Table 1 are decade-long averages based on numerical integrations. ...

Saturnʼs Inner Satellites: Orbits, Masses, and the Chaotic Motion of Atlas from New Cassini Imaging Observations
  • Citing Article
  • June 2014

The Astronomical Journal