Carina Haupt’s research while affiliated with German Aerospace Center (DLR) and other places

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Publications (45)

Fig. 2: MRI data of the actor's heart was recorded before the performance (Images: Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association).
Fig. 3: Workflow to create a new remix based on the cluster files.
Fig. 4: The new scores were distributed to the orchestra's tablets.
Fig. 5: Visualization of the recorded data of the audience and the actor, heart frequency, emotion and magnanimity.
Fig. 6: Visualization of the heart MRI data during the recitation.
The (Un)Answered Question: A Data Science Powered Music Experiment
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2024


23 Reads

Lynn Von Kurnatowski



Sophie Kernchen




Martin Hennecke

An overview of Provenance and it´s use cases

February 2022


4 Reads

The concept of provenance is well known by some, and completely unknown to others. In this talk I give a short introduction into the basics. From the definition, the W3C standard, to the storing and accessing of it. To put these basics into context, I will show some examples of how we work with provenance data within the German Aerospace Center (DLR). I will thereby focus on the work of the department of intelligent and distributed systems where we use provenance data to monitor and analyse software development processes.

(Research-)Software-Entwicklung für Non-IT'ler

February 2022


8 Reads

Software wird mehr und mehr von Menschen entwickelt, welche keine klassische Programmier-Ausbildung erhalten haben. In der Forschung ist diese Entwicklung besonders deutlich. Im DLR haben wir die Software Engineering Initiative gestartet um Forschende dabei zu unterstützen Software nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Die Initiative umfasst eine Software Engineering Guideline, Trainings, Wissensaustauschworkshops, Consultings sowie das Erstellen einer für allen zugänglichen Wissensbasis.

Nutzung von Open-Source-Software im DLR Mathias Brochhagen, Carina Haupt, Dr. Till Jaeger (JBB Rechtsanwälte), Verena Müller, Tobias Schlauch, Dr. Konstantin Stumvoll

January 2022


5 Reads

Open-Source-Software ist ein integraler Bestandteil moderner Softwareentwicklung. Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) greift bei der Entwicklung von Software vielfach auf Open-Source-Software zurück und stellt gleichzeitig seinerseits dem Markt vielfach Open-Source-Software bereit. Zudem tragen einzelne DLR-Softwareentwickelnde immer wieder zu bestehenden Open-Source-Software-Projekten Dritter bei. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen sich häufig technische und praktische Anwenderfragen sowie rechtliche Lizenzfragen. Im April 2013 hat der Bereich DLR-Technologietransfer gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Softwaretechnologie und mit Unterstützung der Kanzlei JBB Rechtsanwälte die erste Broschüre zur Nutzung von Open-Source-Software im DLR veröffentlicht. Diese Broschüre hat weit über das DLR hinaus, unter anderem in der gesamten Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, großen Anklang gefunden und ist in der gedruckten Version seit Langem vergriffen. Daher, und auch, um den Veränderungen der letzten Jahre Rechnung zu tragen, stellen wir heute eine grundlegend aktualisierte Fassung der Broschüre zur Nutzung von Open-Source- Software im DLR vor. Diese Broschüre soll zum einen noch anwenderfreundlicher sein als die Vorgängerbroschüre. Zum anderen enthält sie erstmals einen Abschnitt, in dem die Position des DLR zu Open-Source-Software dargelegt wird, Hinweise zur Veröffentlichung von Software als Open-Source-Software enthalten sind und Empfehlungen zur Verwendung verschiedener Open-Source-Lizenzen gegeben werden. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß bei der Lektüre und hoffen, dass Ihre Fragen rund um das Thema Open-Source-Software beantwortet werden.

Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2021)

November 2021


19 Reads

Consultation services are an helpful tool to support scientists in developing software. Different types of knowledge are required to perform an efficient and effective consultation. Based on our experience, by providing a consultation service for 18 research centers with over 43,000 employees, we defined five roles and show their relevance on three consultations. Being aware of these roles and trying to cover them when setting up a consultancy, is an important step towards a good consultancy.

How to open source your code properly

August 2021


3 Reads

Publishing your code as open source software has a lot of pitfalls. Especially if you are using other peoples code. The result is that there is a lot of code out there which is not properly published, resulting in legal risks for those who use it. This talks gives an introduction into open source, open source licenses, using open source, combining open source licenses, and last, how to prepare your code to publish it as open source. Next to the theory, I will give hints for your real live situations, and end with a small show case how you can put the theory in practice.

Citations (9)

... Our work aims to standardize, generate, and use provenance of software artifacts and provenance of software development processes by defining a general provenance data model for software development processes. Our goal is to be able to trace and determine the origin of artifacts such as issues, source code files, build 1 German Aerospace Center (DLR) results, or documentation, and to understand and get insights into the process as a whole using analysis and dashboards. ...


Provenance based software dashboards
Software Development at the German Aerospace Center: Role and Status in Practice
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2020

... In contrast to previous work on software engineering, there is far more work in research software engineering that focuses on German samples. Analysis of data based on workshop participation [44,45] showed, for example, that the software development community of the DLR 3 consists of a growing core group regularly joined by new participants. Both software engineering and research software engineering communities consist of individual groups emerging or consolidating each other primarily through international platforms and national as well as international associations. ...

Analytics and Insights About Cultivating a Software Engineering Community at DLR
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2018

... In contrast to previous work on software engineering, there is far more work in research software engineering that focuses on German samples. Analysis of data based on workshop participation [44,45] showed, for example, that the software development community of the DLR 3 consists of a growing core group regularly joined by new participants. Both software engineering and research software engineering communities consist of individual groups emerging or consolidating each other primarily through international platforms and national as well as international associations. ...

Using Knowledge Exchange Workshops to analyze the DLR Software Engineering Community
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2018

... Also, research software such as ESMs are often seen as a by-product of scientific research rather than a distinct contribution by itself (Storer, 2017). However, since researchers rely on these software models, software quality is an important goal in many research facilities (Haupt, Schlauch, & Meinel, 2018). High-quality software requires not only efforts in development but also maintenance. ...

The Software Engineering Initiative of DLR - Overcome the obstacles and develop sustainable software
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2018

... Software repositories contain much information besides the source code itself. Especially for Open Source projects, the team composition and development process is transparent and traceable and can be evaluated at any point of time by, for example, continuous evaluation with regards to security by automated analysis [8]. ...

DLR Secure Software Engineering - Position and Vision Paper

... In the scope of systems and software engineering, Stol and Ali Babar [91] studied the challenges in using open source software in product development and found that having a community, support, and maintenance strongly impact the use in industry, as well as the integration with other components and a clear business model. For safety-critical systems, open source components have been identified in the literature [92] and their use has been analysed for defence [86] and aerospace [88]. Some publications have studied practitioners' perceptions on open source software for critical systems [55,76] and have found, on the one hand, barriers related to the lack of responsible third-party engagement, and to the complexity of open source ecosystems, among other issues; and on the other hand, advantages such as control over the software, and easy long-term maintenance. ...

Raising Awareness about Open Source Licensing at the German Aerospace Center
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2018

... Any scientist part of a German Helmholtz center can request 1 2 a consultation by filling out a short survey and a group of consultants will support them with their request. 3 If necessary, external experts are involved. These can be from the HIFIS platform or from the participating Helmholtz centers. ...

The Software Engineering Community at DLR: How we got where we are
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2017

... During our analysis, we could not assess all identified properties, since some are hardly measurable (e.g., appropriate documentation), some would take too much time to evaluate for 789 papers (e.g., runnable software), and some were already extensively analyzed in previous works, for example, datasets (Poldrack and Poline 2015;Sicilia et al. 2017) and licensing (Schreiber and Haupt 2017;Almeida et al. 2017;. In particular, we did not check the quality of the artifacts, namely the existence of runnable software and the documentation. ...

Sharing Knowledge about Open Source Licenses at DLR
  • Citing Poster
  • August 2017