Cameron Anderson’s research while affiliated with University of California, Berkeley and other places

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Publications (58)

Study 1: Average levels of subjective well-being broken down by condition
Participants in the Low (/High) Own Status condition were told their own status was 4 (/6) out of 7. Participants in the Low (/High-) Others’ Status condition were told the median status of other members of their group was 4 (/6) out of 7. After receiving the status feedback, participants rated their SWB. The figure shows mean SWB scores for participants in each condition. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.
Study 2: Average levels of reported subjective well-being broken down by condition
(A) Participants in the Control Condition did not affirm their values before receiving feedback on their status. (B) Participants in the Self-Affirm condition affirmed their values before receiving feedback on their status. Participants in the Low (/High) Own Status condition were told their own status was 4 (/6) out of 7. Participants in the Low (/High-) Others’ Status condition were told the median status of other members of their group was 4 (/6) out of 7. After receiving the status feedback participants rated their SWB. The figure shows mean SWB scores for participants in each condition. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.
Means and standard deviations for SWB in Studies 1 and 2
Status and subjective well-being: A conceptual replication and extension of Anderson et al. (2012)
  • Article
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September 2024


17 Reads

Cameron Anderson


John Angus D. Hildreth

Does the status people possess shape their subjective well-being (SWB)? Prior research that has addressed this question has been correlational. Therefore, in the current research, we provide causal evidence of this effect: In two experiments, we found that individuals reported higher SWB when their own status was higher compared to when it was lower. However, individuals’ SWB was not only shaped by their own status, but also by others’ status. Specifically, individuals reported higher SWB when others’ status was lower than when it was higher. Thus, people have a competitive orientation towards status; they not only want to have high status on an absolute level (e.g., to be highly respected and admired), but also to have higher status than others (e.g., to be more respected and admired than others). A standard self-affirmation manipulation was used in an attempt to mitigate individuals’ competitive orientation towards status, but only helped already high-status members feel happier in groups of high-status members, rather than help low-status members feel happier when they uniquely held low status.


Social class background, disjoint agency, and hiring decisions

November 2021


95 Reads


17 Citations

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

To promote upward mobility for the working-class, much effort has focused on making higher education more widely accessible. However, upward mobility is also powerfully determined by processes that occur after college, when individuals launch their work careers. In the current study, college students who were about to enter the labor market completed mock job interviews while being videotaped. Supporting cultural mismatch theory (Stephens, Townsend, et al., 2012), participants from working-class backgrounds displayed less disjoint agentic behavior during their interviews (e.g., less assertive behavior). This led observers to evaluate them as less intelligent and socio-emotionally skilled, and led professional hiring managers to view them as less worthy of hire – even though working-class individuals were as intelligent and more socio-emotionally skilled than their upper-class counterparts (Study 1). However, when hiring managers were told to place more value on cooperation and teamwork rather than competition and individualism, individuals who displayed low disjoint agency did not face the same bias (Study 2). This suggests that the bias against individuals from working-class backgrounds observed in Study 1 can be mitigated.

Fig. 1. In Study 2, the mediation model for the relationship between personality dimensions at Time 1 (2004 was the median year for the Time 1 assessment) and power measured 14 y later on average (in 2018). Shown are standardized β coefficients. Indirect effects are in italics and gray boxes. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
People with disagreeable personalities (selfish, combative, and manipulative) do not have an advantage in pursuing power at work

August 2020


2,211 Reads


32 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Significance Are disagreeable individuals more likely to attain power than agreeable individuals? This question is important because highly disagreeable individuals in positions of power can do a lot of damage. For example, CEOs who are nasty and bullying create cultures of abuse and tend to lead their organizations to fail. In two longitudinal prospective studies, we found that disagreeableness did not predict the attainment of power. Selfish, deceitful, and aggressive individuals were no more likely to attain power than were generous, trustworthy, and nice individuals. Why not? Disagreeable individuals were intimidating, which would have elevated their power, but they also had poorer interpersonal relationships at work, which offset any possible power advantage their behavior might have provided.

Figure 1. The proposed status motive model.
Figure 2. The status motive and status-seeking behavior in Study 2.
The Possession of High Status Strengthens the Status Motive

July 2020


964 Reads


21 Citations

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

The current research tested whether the possession of high status, compared with the possession of low status, makes individuals desire having high status even more. Five studies (total N = 6,426), four of which were preregistered, supported this hypothesis. Individuals with higher status in their social groups or who were randomly assigned to a high-status condition were more motivated to have high status than were individuals with low status. Furthermore, upper-class individuals had a stronger status motive than working-class individuals, in part, due to their high status. High-status individuals had a stronger status motive, in part, because they were more confident in their ability to achieve (or retain) high status, but not because of other possible mechanisms (e.g., task self-efficacy). These findings provide a possible explanation for why status hierarchies are so stable and why inequality rises in social collectives over time.

The Social Transmission of Overconfidence

June 2020


319 Reads


38 Citations

Journal of Experimental Psychology General

Joey T. Cheng


Cameron Anderson





Jennifer M. Logg

We propose and test the overconfidence transmission hypothesis, which predicts that individuals calibrate their self-assessments in response to the confidence others display in their social group. Six studies that deploy a mix of correlational and experimental methods support this hypothesis. Evidence indicates that individuals randomly assigned to collaborate in laboratory dyads converged on levels of overconfidence about their own performance rankings. In a controlled experimental context, observing overconfident peers causally increased an individual's degree of bias. The transmission effect persisted over time and across task domains, elevating overconfidence even days after initial exposure. In addition, overconfidence spread across indirect social ties (person to person to person), and transmission operated outside of reported awareness. However, individuals showed a selective in-group bias; overconfidence was acquired only when displayed by a member of one's in-group (and not out-group), consistent with theoretical notions of selective learning bias. Combined, these results advance understanding of the social factors that underlie interindividual differences in overconfidence and suggest that social transmission processes may be in part responsible for why local confidence norms emerge in groups, teams, and organizations. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).

Does loyalty trump honesty? Moral judgments of loyalty-driven deceit

November 2018


985 Reads


47 Citations

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

People sometimes engage in deceit out of loyalty to their group. How are these “loyal lies” judged? Are they viewed as unethical, because lying is wrong, or as ethical, because loyalty is a virtue? Conversely, how is “disloyal honesty” judged, or behaving truthfully when deceit would benefit one's group? In four studies, we found that people evaluate loyal lies and disloyal honesty differently, depending on whether they are evaluating others' or their own actions. When evaluating others' behavior, people viewed loyal lies as unethical and as less ethical than disloyal honesty, just as they viewed lies and honesty in other conditions (Studies 1, 3 and 4). However, when evaluating their own behavior, people who actually lied to benefit their groups in conditions of loyalty judged their deceit as ethical, and as more ethical than did actors who engaged in disloyal honesty – even though the latter behaved truthfully (Studies 2 and 4). Therefore, when people were called to be loyal to their group, loyalty trumped honesty, in that people viewed a loyal but dishonest act as more ethical than a disloyal but honest act.

Is Overconfidence a Social Liability? The Effect of Verbal Versus Nonverbal Expressions of Confidence

October 2018


995 Reads


63 Citations

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

What are the reputational consequences of being overconfident? We propose that the channel of confidence expression is one key moderator—that is, whether confidence is expressed verbally or nonverbally. In a series of experiments, participants assessed target individuals (potential collaborators or advisors) who were either overconfident or cautious. Targets expressed confidence, or a lack thereof, verbally or nonverbally. Participants then learned targets’ actual performance. Across studies, overconfidence was advantageous initially—regardless of whether targets expressed confidence verbally or nonverbally. After performance was revealed, overconfident targets who had expressed confidence verbally were viewed more negatively than cautious targets; however, overconfident targets who had expressed confidence nonverbally were still viewed more positively than cautious ones. The one condition wherein nonverbal overconfidence was detrimental was when confidence was clearly tied to a falsifiable claim. Results suggest that, compared with verbal statements, nonverbal overconfidence reaps reputational benefits because of its plausible deniability.

Is overconfidence a social liability? The effect of verbal versus nonverbal expressions of confidence

June 2018


119 Reads

What are the reputational consequences of being overconfident? We propose that the channel of confidence expression is one key moderator—that is, whether confidence is expressed verbally or nonverbally. In a series of experiments, participants assessed target individuals (potential collaborators or advisors) who were either overconfident or cautious. Targets expressed confidence, or a lack thereof, verbally or nonverbally. Participants then learned targets’ actual performance. Across studies, overconfidence was advantageous initially—regardless of whether targets expressed confidence verbally or nonverbally. After performance was revealed, overconfident targets who had expressed confidence verbally were viewed more negatively than cautious targets; however, overconfident targets who had expressed confidence nonverbally were still viewed more positively than cautious ones. The one condition wherein nonverbal overconfidence was detrimental was when confidence was clearly tied to a falsifiable claim. Results suggest that, compared to verbal statements, nonverbal overconfidence reaps reputational benefits because of its plausible deniability.

Hierarchical rank and principled dissent: How holding higher rank suppresses objection to unethical practices

March 2017


1,313 Reads


72 Citations

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

When unethical practices occur in an organization, high-ranking individuals at the top of the hierarchy are expected to stop wrongdoing and redirect the organization to a more honorable path—this is, to engage in principled dissent. However, in three studies, we find that holding high-ranking positions makes people less likely to engage in principled dissent. Specifically, we find that high-ranking individuals identify more strongly with their organization or group, and therefore see its unethical practices as more ethical than do low-ranking individuals. High-ranking individuals thus engage less in principled dissent because they fail to see unethical practices as being wrong in the first place. Study 1 observed the relation between high-rank and principled dissent in an archival data set involving more than 11,000 employees. Studies 2 and 3 used experimental designs to establish the causal effect of rank and to show that identification is one key mechanism underlying it.

Citations (54)

... A large body of work suggests that many organizations still tend to primarily value independent work and achievement Groysberg, 2010;Kirkman et al., 2000;Lencioni, 2002;Sanchez-Burks, 2005;Wageman, 1997), and many U.S. employees believe that the primary pathway to achieving success in organizations is through engaging in selfenhancing, independent behavior (e.g., emphasizing personal uniqueness; Belmi & Laurin, 2016). Confirming this belief, hiring managers and the corporate elite also tend to value and prefer applicants and employees who display independent behaviors, like behaving assertively, rather than those who exhibit interdependent behaviors, like behaving deferentially (Lee et al., 2021;Sharps & Anderson, 2021). Taken together, research suggests that, even though employees have frequent opportunities to enact interdependent behavior, independent behavior still tends to be more highly valued in modern white-collar organizations. ...


Interdependent Behavior Only Benefits Employees From Working-Class Backgrounds When It Is Both Enacted and Valued
Social class background, disjoint agency, and hiring decisions
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

... Namely, we examined whether patients' (Hypothesis 1) or therapists' (Hypothesis 2) baseline change process expectations predicted patients' therapy outcomes. However, based on theory (e.g., Anderson & Keltner, 2004) and prior research (e.g., Joyce et al., 2000) regarding the therapeutic benefit of patient-therapy congruence on therapy process and outcomes, our second aim was hypothesis-driven. Namely, we predicted that higher congruence of patient and therapist baseline change process expectations would be associated with better therapeutic outcomes (Hypothesis 3). ...

The Emotional Convergence Hypothesis: Implications for Individuals, Relationships, and Cultures
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2004

... Such undermining behaviors can result in immediate negative consequences, including increased rumination, emotional exhaustion, and partner social undermining (Rodríguez-Muñoz et al., 2022). Furthermore, Anderson et al. (2020) found that disagreeableness did not predict the attainment of power. Individuals who are selfish, deceitful, and aggressive are no more likely to gain power than those who are generous, trustworthy, and kind (Rodríguez-Muñoz et al., 2022). ...

People with disagreeable personalities (selfish, combative, and manipulative) do not have an advantage in pursuing power at work

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... Existing research on school choice has mainly focused on predicting and explaining the outcomes of school choice, discussing the issues of educational equity implicit in school choice primarily at the level of structural factors. Individuals from higher socio-economic status (SES) are considered to have stronger achievement motivation (Anderson et al., 2020). Students from lower SES are more likely to be deemed suitable for lower-tier schools and academic paths compared to those from higher SES (Wei et al., 2019). ...

The Possession of High Status Strengthens the Status Motive

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

... racy to others' beliefs amplifies the subjects' initial confidence bias. In the same spirit, Cheng et al. (2021) investigates the social transmission of overconfidence, showing that observing overconfident peers increases the individuals' bias when information is about in-groups. We share with these studies a similar interest in understanding whether the social exchange of ego-relevant information increases overconfidence and updating biases. ...

The Social Transmission of Overconfidence

Journal of Experimental Psychology General

... Previous studies also found children would lie to be polite (Talwar & Lee, 2002) or pretend to like an undesirable gift to avoid others being angry (Xu et al., 2010), showing children's increasing regulations of behaviors that conform to social conventions. Besides, social-acceptance lies would display an individual's dual motives of both pro-self motives (Cohen et al., 2009) and pro-other motives, such as protecting group members' feelings or boosting group interest (Hildreth & Anderson, 2018). It, on one hand, helps liars to fit in a group, on the other hand, bares the concerns of group members' feelings and reflects the agent's recognition of social norms in the community (Ellemers & van Nunspeet, 2020). ...

Does loyalty trump honesty? Moral judgments of loyalty-driven deceit
  • Citing Article
  • November 2018

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

... prioritize visual evidence could result in a naïve realism or overconfidence bias, assuming the video's infallibility even in the presence of flawed interpretations (Feigenson & Spiesel, 2009;Tenney et al., 2019a). For instance, Ware and colleagues (2008) observed that when participants focused on a suspect's behavior, they were more inclined to perceive the suspect's confession as sincere. ...

Is Overconfidence a Social Liability? The Effect of Verbal Versus Nonverbal Expressions of Confidence

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

... Même que parfois, les victimes sourient lorsqu'elles révèlent l'abus sexuel. Il s'agirait d'un mécanisme d'adaptation (Bonanno et al., 2002(Bonanno et al., , 2007. Devant un tel constat, une question se pose : le comportement non verbal lors de procès devrait-il être ignoré? ...

When the Face Reveals What Words Do Not: Facial Expressions of Emotion, Smiling, and the Willingness to Disclose Childhood Sexual Abuse

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

... First, we conducted a conceptual replication of Study 3 in Anderson et al. (2012), testing whether status does causally influence SWB, but using a different status manipulation than that used in the original study. Specifically, we gave participants false feedback about their status within a social group [e.g., [16][17][18]]-a manipulation that has consistently been shown to successfully manipulate individuals' sense of their own status vis-à-vis others. We expected status to causally affect SWB. ...

Hierarchical rank and principled dissent: How holding higher rank suppresses objection to unethical practices

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

... Brett et al. point out that reputation is transferable, and rating inflation may render the reputation system ineffective. Dispute resolution processes are considered to be complementary to reputation systems [39]. Discuss the effectiveness of dispute resolution processes in online markets in practice Burtch et al. [40]. ...

Sticks and stones: Language, face, and online dispute resolution
  • Citing Article
  • February 2007

Academy of Management Journal