January 1980
8 Reads
17 Citations
With respect to studies of precolumbian intensive agricultural systems, the Llanos de Mojos of Eastern Bolivia have much to offer in terms of impressive engineering projects such as raised field agriculture and associated networks of canals, causeways, reservoirs, and the dense and presumably well organized prehistoric populations utilizing these field systems. Previous investigations into the prehistory of the Llanos de Mojos have relied heavily on the use of aerial photography and were primarily limited to the savanna grassland zones with little or no excavation or on-ground archaeological survey undertaken. A joint archaeological survey was conducted by the University of Illinois and the Instituto Nacional de Arqueologia de Bolivia (INAR) during the months of June through August of 1978 in the zone between Trinidad and San Borja which crosses the center of the Llanos de Mojos. Large sites, canal and causeway networks, and complexes of raised fields were located during the survey. -English summary