C. Y. Loh’s research while affiliated with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and other places

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Publications (16)

A New Lagrangian Method for Time-Dependent Inviscid Flow Computation
  • Article

June 2000


21 Reads


3 Citations

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

CY Loh


W. H. Hui

This paper presents a new Lagrangian approach for the two-dimensional (2-D) time-dependent Euler equations. It may be considered as a sequel to the authors' previous Lagrangian approaches for steady supersonic flow computations [C. Y. Loh and W. H. Hui, J. Comput. Phys., 89 (1990), pp. 207--240; W. H. Hui and C. Y. Loh, J. Comput. Phys., 103 (1992), pp. 450--464; W. H. Hui and C. Y. Loh, J. Comput. Phys., 103 (1992), pp. 465--471; C. Y. Loh and M. S. Liou, J. Comput. Phys., 104 (1993), pp. 150--161; C. Y. Loh and M. S. Liou, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 15 (1994), pp. 1038--1058; C. Y. Loh and M. S. Liou, J. Comput. Phys., 113 (1994), pp. 224--248]. The theoretical background and the intrinsic flow coordinates as well as the Lagrangian conservation form are introduced based on the concept of material functions (or path functions). A TVD scheme of the Godunov type is chosen to describe the numerical procedure. Several examples are then given to justify the claimed advantages of the new methodology, namely, (a) any contact discontinuities are crisply solved and (b) grids are automatically and accurately generated following pathlines.

An investigation of random choice method for three-dimensional steady supersonic flows

January 1999


19 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

In this paper, an unsplit random choice method (RCM) is developed and applied to numerically solve three-dimensional supersonic steady flow problems. In order to keep the contacts (slip surfaces) crisply resolved, a new Lagrangian formulation is employed. Due to the lack of exact solutions to 3D Riemann problems, approximate Riemann solutions in the weak sense are adopted. The RCM is thus as efficient as the deterministic TVD schemes, and yields almost identical results in the model problems. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

An investigation of random choice method for three-dimensional steady supersonic flows

January 1999


8 Reads


3 Citations

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

In this paper, an unsplit random choice method (RCM) is developed and applied to numerically solve three-dimensional supersonic steady flow problems. In order to keep the contacts (slip surfaces) crisply resolved, a new Lagrangian formulation is employed. Due to the lack of exact solutions to 3D Riemann problems, approximate Riemann solutions in the weak sense are adopted. The RCM is thus as efficient as the deterministic TVD schemes, and yields almost identical results in the model problems. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

A Lagrangian Random Choice Approach for Supersonic Real Gas Flows

September 1994


10 Reads


4 Citations

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

The exact real gas Riemann solution and the random choice method (RCM) are briefly reviewed and the derivation of the Lagrangian geometrical quantities, which represent the deformation of fluid particles in the motion, are described in detail. Extensive calculations were made to test the accuracy against the exact solution and the robustness of the Lagrangian RCM approach for real gas supersonic flows, including complex wave interactions of different types. The real gas effect is also presented by comparison with the perfect gas solution. The inherent parallelism in the Lagrangian approach lends a natural application in the massively parallel computation.

Three-dimensional steady supersonic duct flow using Lagrangian formulation

January 1994


7 Reads


5 Citations

Shock Waves

In this paper, numerical simulation of three-dimensional supersonic flow in a duct is presented. The flow field in the duct is complex and can find its applications in the inlet of air-breathing engines. A unique streamwise marching Lagrangian method is employed for solving the steady Euler equations. The method was first initiated by Loh and Hui (1990) for 2-D steady supersonic flow computations and then extended to 3-D computation by the present authors Loh and Liou (1992). The new scheme is shown to be capable of accurately resolving complicated shock or contact discontinuities and their interactions. In all the computations, a free stream of Mach numberM=4 is considered.

A New Lagrangian Method for Three-Dimensional Steady Supersonic Flows

October 1993


68 Reads


24 Citations

Journal of Computational Physics

In this report, the new Lagrangian method introduced by Loh and Hui is extended for three-dimensional, steady supersonic flow computation. The derivation of the conservation form and the solution of the local Riemann solver using the Godunov and the high-resolution TVD (total variation diminished) scheme is presented. This new approach is accurate and robust, capable of handling complicated geometry and interactions between discontinuous waves. Test problems show that the extended Lagrangian method retains all the advantages of the two-dimensional method (e.g., crisp resolution of a slip-surface (contact discontinuity) and automatic grid generation). In this report, we also suggest a novel three dimensional Riemann problem in which interesting and intricate flow features are present.

Lagrangian Solution of Supersonic Real Gas Flows

February 1993


7 Reads


9 Citations

Journal of Computational Physics

The present extention of a Lagrangian approach of the Riemann solution procedure, which was originally proposed for perfect gases, to real gases, is nontrivial and requires the development of an exact real-gas Riemann solver for the Lagrangian form of the conservation laws. Calculations including complex wave interactions of various types were conducted to test the accuracy and robustness of the approach. Attention is given to the case of 2D oblique waves' capture, where a slip line is clearly in evidence; the real gas effect is demonstrated in the case of a generic engine nozzle.

Computing 3-D steady supersonic flow via a new Lagrangian approach

February 1993


7 Reads


3 Citations

The new Lagrangian method introduced by Loh and Hui (1990) is extended for 3-D steady supersonic flow computation. Details of the conservation form, the implementation of the local Riemann solver, and the Godunov and the high resolution TVD schemes are presented. The new approach is robust yet accurate, capable of handling complicated geometry and reactions between discontinuous waves. It keeps all the advantages claimed in the 2-D method of Loh and Hui, e.g., crisp resolution for a slip surface (contact discontinuity) and automatic grid generation along the stream.

A New Lagrangian Method for Steady Supersonic Flow Computation. Part II. Slip-line Resolution

December 1992


11 Reads


29 Citations

Journal of Computational Physics

It is well known that high-order accurate shock-capturing schemes, e.g., second-order TVD and ENO schemes, based on Eulerian formulation are capable of resolving a shock discontinuity in two grid points, but they smear a slip-line (contact-line) discontinuity over several grid points. In this paper we show theoretically and numerically that the first-order Godunov scheme based on the new Lagrangian formulation of Hui and Van Roessel for steady supersonic flow always resolves an isolated slip-line discontinuity crisply, provided it is initially aligned with a grid line. Moreover, a simple extension of the second-order scalar TVD scheme of Sweby to the system of Euler equations based on the new Lagrangian formulation, with no special procedure for slip-line detection, resolves slip-line discontinuities in at most two grid points. Many examples are given, showing excellent agreement with known exact solutions.

Citations (8)

... After a series of studies45612,13,151617 on steady supersonic ow, it was discovered that the advantages of Lagrangian coordinates arise from computational cells moving in the direction of the uid particles but not necessarily with their speeds. This leads to the introduction of a uniÿed coordinate system [11] which moves with velocity hq; q being uid velocity and h arbitrary. ...


A unified coordinates approach to computational fluid dynamics
A New Lagrangian Method for Steady Supersonic Flow Computation. Part II. Slip-line Resolution
  • Citing Article
  • December 1992

Journal of Computational Physics

... After a series of studies45612,13,151617 on steady supersonic ow, it was discovered that the advantages of Lagrangian coordinates arise from computational cells moving in the direction of the uid particles but not necessarily with their speeds. This leads to the introduction of a uniÿed coordinate system [11] which moves with velocity hq; q being uid velocity and h arbitrary. ...

A New Lagrangian Method for Steady Supersonic Flow Computation. Part III. Strong Shocks
  • Citing Article
  • December 1992

Journal of Computational Physics

... The challenge of accurate and strictly positive grid volume has been recognized since the early days of Lagrangian solvers [62] and has been continually an active topic of research [63][64][65]. Despite these challenges, the Lagrangian solvers are extended to three-dimensional (3D) flows with highly complicated shocks [66]. ...

Three-dimensional steady supersonic duct flow using Lagrangian formulation
  • Citing Article
  • January 1994

Shock Waves

... The reason for this is due to the limitations of second order Eulerian schemes on their resolution of the shock. Though Yang's streamline marching scheme is also a second order scheme, it is an Lagrangian scheme and shares the same desirable features of Lagrangian methods,which has advantages on resolving sliplines sharply and improving resolution of the shock [40]. It also should be pointed out that the uniform size in y direction in streamline cell of present case in [38] is set as 0.002 and the minimal and the maximal mesh sizes, however, in our calculation are 0.003 and 0.2,respectively. ...

A New Lagrangian Method for Steady Supersonic Flow Computation. I. Godunov Scheme
  • Citing Article
  • July 1990

Journal of Computational Physics

... 4(b) is the grid for grid angle preserving h, which is orthogonal everywhere. Another example is the 2D dam-breaking ow (Fig. 4) computed using our uniÿed coordinates approach to shallow water equations [8]. 5. 3D inviscid ow [18] For the general case of 3D unsteady ow, it is not possible to choose the free function h to preserve grid angles. Instead, we choose it to preserve grid-skewness s: To preserve grid-skewness, we require 9s 9 = 0: ...

A New Lagrangian Method for Three-Dimensional Steady Supersonic Flows
  • Citing Article
  • October 1993

Journal of Computational Physics

... shock-capturing schemes for real gas, Glaister [5] presented an extension of approximate linearized Riemann solver with different averaged matrices, while Loh and Liou [15] used the generalization of their Lagrangian approach (originally proposed for perfect gas) to obtain the real gas Riemann solution. ...

Lagrangian Solution of Supersonic Real Gas Flows
  • Citing Article
  • February 1993

Journal of Computational Physics

... A discussion and references on this issue can be found in [6]. Out of the most recent approaches, not covered in the above-cited review, one should mention the technique developed in [21,22,23], in which it is advocated to use the Lagrangian time as a complimentary independent coordinate to two streamfunctions in three-dimensional steady gas ow. ...

Computing 3-D steady supersonic flow via a new Lagrangian approach
  • Citing Article
  • February 1993

... In this case, an arbitrary value of the integration step, Dl n (chosen to satisfy the stability condition), usually leads to significant numerical errors and to the inability of capturing sharp shocks without numerical distortions, as shown in Section 4.1 (Fig. 4). This type of loss of accuracy has also been observed by Loh and Hui (1993) who used a local analytical solution at the location of the slope change, similar to that used by Glatz and Wardlaw (1984) for a Godunov scheme. In the following, we will use a different procedure by conveniently adjusting the Lagrangian-distance increment Dl n : First, the integration step Dl nÀ1 is adjusted such that the Lagrangian-distance line l ¼ l n coincides with the location of the wall slope change. ...

A new Lagrangian random choice method for steady two-dimensional supersonic/hypersonic flow
  • Citing Article
  • February 1991

AIAA Journal