August 2013
11 Reads
7 Citations
With the development of Changing Oilfield exploration and exploitation, low porosity and permeability reservoir has become a major object of exploration and development. The reservoirs of almost all wells go through fracturing transformation before they have the capacity. The brittle rock sectional variation should be considered in reservoir fracturing, as brittleness coefficient indirectly reflects the degree for difficulty of the reservoir pressure to open from rock mechanics angle. Taking the Yanchang reservoir of Changing Oilfield in Jiyuan area for example, we get the rock brittleness coefficient and calculate the dynamic rock brittleness coefficient of calibration logging with the core of triaxial test data (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio), by this we establish the continuous rock brittle coefficient of profile. Quantitative relationship between the rock brittleness coefficient B and minimum horizontal stress Sh is established, and quantitative prediction of fracture height and width is realized based on reservoir rock brittleness coefficient. Application of this method to the work area wells fracturing renovation project generated good results, which proves its worth of wide application.