November 1998
382 Reads
300 Citations
Harvard Business Review
Many producers of information goods assume that their products are exempt from the economic laws that govern more tangible goods. But that's just not so. Information goods are subject to the same market and competitive forces that govern the fate of any product. And their success, too, hinges on traditional product-management skills: gaining a clear understanding of customer needs, achieving genuine differentiation, and developing and executing an astute positioning and pricing strategy. What makes information goods tricky is their "dangerous economics." Producing the first copy of an information product is often very expensive, but producing subsequent copies is very cheap. In other words, the fixed costs are high and the marginal costs are low. Because competition tends to drive prices to the level of marginal costs, information goods can easily turn into low-priced commodities, making it impossible for companies to recoup their up-front investments and eventually bringing about their demise. The best way to escape that fate, the authors say, is to create different versions of the same core of information by tailoring it to the needs of different customers. Such a "versioning" strategy can enable a company to distinguish its products from the competition and protect its prices from collapse. The authors draw on a wide range of examples to illustrate how companies use different versioning strategies to appeal to customers with different needs. The power of versioning is that it enables managers to apply tried-and-true product-management techniques in a way that takes into account both the unusual economics of information production and the endless malleability of digital data.