C. Richard DeVore’s research while affiliated with Johnson Space Center and other places

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Publications (103)

Direct Imaging of a Prolonged Plasma/Current Sheet and Quasiperiodic Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun
  • Article

September 2024


20 Reads

The Astrophysical Journal


Judith T. Karpen





Spiro K. Antiochos

Magnetic reconnection is widely believed to be the fundamental process in the solar atmosphere that underlies magnetic energy release and particle acceleration. This process is responsible for the onset of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and other explosive events (e.g., jets). Here, we report direct imaging of a prolonged plasma/current sheet along with quasiperiodic magnetic reconnection in the solar corona using ultra-high-resolution observations from the 1.6 m Goode Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory and the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. The current sheet appeared near a null point in the fan–spine topology and persisted over an extended period (≈20 hr). The length and apparent width of the current sheet were about 6″ and 2″, respectively, and the plasma temperature was ≈10–20 MK. We observed quasiperiodic plasma inflows and outflows (bidirectional jets with plasmoids) at the reconnection site/current sheet. Furthermore, quasiperiodic reconnection at the long-lasting current sheet produced recurrent eruptions (small flares and jets) and contributed significantly to the recurrent impulsive heating of the active region. Direct imaging of a plasma/current sheet and recurrent null-point reconnection for such an extended period has not been reported previously. These unprecedented observations provide compelling evidence that supports the universal model for solar eruptions (i.e., the breakout model) and have implications for impulsive heating of active regions by recurrent reconnection near null points. The prolonged and sustained reconnection for about 20 hr at the breakout current sheet provides new insights into the dynamics and energy release processes in the solar corona.

Direct Imaging of a Prolonged Plasma/Current Sheet and Quasiperiodic Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun

July 2024


31 Reads

Magnetic reconnection is widely believed to be the fundamental process in the solar atmosphere that underlies magnetic energy release and particle acceleration. This process is responsible for the onset of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and other explosive events (e.g., jets). Here, we report direct imaging of a prolonged plasma/current sheet along with quasiperiodic magnetic reconnection in the solar corona using ultra-high-resolution observations from the 1.6-meter Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at BBSO and Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). The current sheet appeared near a null point in the fan-spine topology and persisted over an extended period (~20 hours). The length and apparent width of the current sheet were about 6 arcsec and 2 arcsec respectively, and the plasma temperature was ~10-20 MK. We observed quasiperiodic plasma inflows and outflows (bidirectional jets with plasmoids) at the reconnection site/current sheet. Furthermore, quasiperiodic reconnection at the long-lasting current sheet produced recurrent eruptions (small flares and jets) and contributed significantly to the recurrent impulsive heating of the active region. Direct imaging of a plasma/current sheet and recurrent null-point reconnection for such an extended period has not been reported previously. These unprecedented observations provide compelling evidence that supports the universal model for solar eruptions (i.e., the breakout model) and have implications for impulsive heating of active regions by recurrent reconnection near null points. The prolonged and sustained reconnection for about 20 hours at the breakout current sheet provides new insights into the dynamics and energy release processes in the solar corona.

Solar Eruptions in Nested Magnetic Flux Systems
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


49 Reads


6 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

The magnetic topology of erupting regions on the Sun is a key factor in the energy buildup and release, and the subsequent evolution of flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The presence/absence of null points and separatrices dictates whether and where current sheets form and magnetic reconnection occurs. Numerical simulations show that energy buildup and release via reconnection in the simplest configuration with a null, the embedded bipole, is a universal mechanism for solar eruptions. Here we demonstrate that a magnetic topology with nested bipoles and two nulls can account for more complex dynamics, such as failed eruptions and CME–jet interactions. We investigate the stalled eruption of a nested configuration on 2013 July 13 in NOAA Active Region 11791, in which a small bipole is embedded within a large transequatorial pseudo-streamer containing a null. In the studied event, the inner active region erupted, ejecting a small flux rope behind a shock accompanied by a flare; the flux rope then reconnected with pseudo-streamer flux and, rather than escaping intact, mainly distorted the pseudo-streamer null into a current sheet. EUV and coronagraph images revealed a weak shock and a faint collimated outflow from the pseudo-streamer. We analyzed Solar Dynamics Observatory and Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory observations and compared the inferred magnetic evolution and dynamics with three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics simulations of a simplified representation of this nested fan-spine system. The results suggest that the difference between breakout reconnection at the inner null and at the outer null naturally accounts for the observed weak jet and stalled ejection. We discuss the general implications of our results for failed eruptions.


Figure 2. Preeruption dimming observed by STB and SDO. (a) Large-scale view of the dimming region observed by STB/EUVI 195 Å. Close-up views within the solid rectangle are shown in panels (b1) and (b2); calculated emission intensities and dimming areas within the dashed rectangle are shown in panels (e) and (f), respectively. ((b1) and (b2)) Base difference images from STB/EUVI show the dimming region, highlighted by contours. (c) The dimming region observed by SDO/ AIA in 193 Å with similarly restricted fields of view for panels (d1), (d2), (e), and (f). ((d1) and (d2)) Base difference images from SDO/AIA 193 Å with the same timings as in (b1) and (b2). (e) Normalized intensities of the dimming regions (dashed rectangles in panels (a) and (c)), with three episodes of dimmings denoted as D1, D2, and D3 at the top. (f) Time evolution of the areas of the preeruption dimming regions (contours in panels (b1), (b2), (d1), and (d2)) viewed from STB (red) and SDO (green). Parameters of the linear fits (blue) are noted at the top. An animation is available that displays the evolution of the dimming during ∼10 hr before the eruption from the two viewpoints of STB and SDO. The animation starts on 2011 October 1 at 00:21 and ends the same day at 10:05. The real-time duration of the associated animation is 26 s. Note that panel (f) is not shown in the animation. (An animation of this figure is available.)
Figure 4. Magnetic configuration showing the existence of a null point in the extrapolated potential field. (a) Magnetic field lines superposed on the SDO/HMI magnetogram. The field lines shown originate from a small region around the null point (cyan cross). Positive/negative polarities are denoted by white/black shading. (b) and (c) Extrapolated field lines projected onto STB/EUVI 195 Å (b) and SDO/AIA 193 Å (c) images. The yellow contours in these panels are the same as in Figures 2(b2) and (d2), indicating the locations of the dimming regions.
Large-scale Coronal Dimming Foreshadowing a Solar Eruption on 2011 October 1

January 2024


31 Reads

The Astrophysical Journal

Understanding large-scale solar eruptions requires detailed investigation of the entire system’s evolution, including the magnetic environment enveloping the source region and searches for precursor activity prior to event onset. We combine stereoscopic observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and STEREO-B spacecraft for several hours before a filament ejection, M1.2-class eruptive flare, and coronal mass ejection (CME) originating in NOAA active region (AR) 11305 on 2011 October 1. Two episodes of significant preeruption coronal dimming that occurred well to the southeast of the ejected filament are identified. The CME subsequently took off with a substantial component of velocity toward the dimming, which became very pronounced during eruption. We used SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) data to reconstruct the magnetic environment of the system and found that it contains a null point near the dimming region. AR 11305 had quite complex connections to nearby ARs 11302 and 11306, as well as to other regions of decayed AR flux. The intensifying and spatially expanding precursor dimming was accompanied by southeastward rising motions of loops toward the null point and northeastward and southwestward motions of loops retracting away. These motions and the dimming are consistent with persistent magnetic reconnection occurring at the null point as it moved upward and southeastward, thereby removing a strapping magnetic field high above AR 11305. Eventually, the filament was ejected explosively toward the null point. We conclude that the breakout model for solar eruptions provides a compelling account of this event. Furthermore, we conjecture that preeruption dimmings may be much more frequent than currently recognized.

Figure 2. ST analysis of the coronal outflow speed. (a) Speed dependence of the surfing rms for each location on the limb. Each vertical slice represents a S rms (u) dependence such as that plotted on Figure 1(e), with the blue dots showing the position of the resonance maximum used to identify the propagation speed. (b) Fourier power spectra of the resonance surfing signals for different limb positions. The blue dots show the spectral peaks used to evaluate the dominant frequency. Temporal trends longer than 20 minutes were removed for a more accurate velocity estimation. (c) Resonance value S RMS (u = v) representing the characteristic amplitude of the propagating quasi-periodic disturbance at each location.
Self-similar Outflows at the Source of the Fast Solar Wind: A Smoking Gun of Multiscale Impulsive Reconnection?

October 2023


72 Reads


11 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

We present results of a quantitative analysis of structured plasma outflows above a polar coronal hole observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. In a 6 hr interval of continuous high-cadence SDO/AIA images, we identified more than 2300 episodes of small-scale plasma flows in the polar corona. The mean upward flow speed measured by the surfing transform technique is estimated to be 122 ± 34 km s ⁻¹ , which is comparable to the local sound speed. The typical recurrence period of the flow episodes is 10–30 minutes, and the mean duration and transverse size of each episode are about 3–5 minutes and 3–4 Mm, respectively. The largest identifiable episodes last for tens of minutes and reach widths up to 40 Mm. For the first time, we demonstrate that the polar coronal-hole outflows obey a family of power-law probability distributions characteristic of impulsive interchange magnetic reconnection. Turbulent photospheric driving may play a crucial role in releasing magnetically confined plasma onto open field. The estimated occurrence rate of the detected self-similar coronal outflows is sufficient for them to make a dominant contribution to the fast-wind mass and energy fluxes and to account for the wind’s small-scale structure.

New Evidence on the Origin of Solar Wind Microstreams/Switchbacks

July 2023


180 Reads


19 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Microstreams are fluctuations in the solar wind speed and density associated with polarity-reversing folds in the magnetic field (also denoted switchbacks). Despite their long heritage, the origin of these microstreams/switchbacks remains poorly understood. For the first time, we investigated periodicities in microstreams during Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Encounter 10 to understand their origin. Our analysis was focused on the inbound corotation interval on 2021 November 19–21, while the spacecraft dove toward a small area within a coronal hole (CH). Solar Dynamics Observatory remote-sensing observations provide rich context for understanding the PSP in situ data. Extreme ultraviolet images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly reveal numerous recurrent jets occurring within the region that was magnetically connected to PSP during intervals that contained microstreams. The periods derived from the fluctuating radial velocities in the microstreams (approximately 3, 5, 10, and 20 minutes) are consistent with the periods measured in the emission intensity of the jetlets at the base of the CH plumes, as well as in larger coronal jets and in the plume fine structures. Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager magnetograms reveal the presence of myriad embedded bipoles, which are known sources of reconnection-driven jets on all scales. Simultaneous enhancements in the PSP proton flux and ionic ( ³ He, ⁴ He, Fe, O) composition during the microstreams further support the connection with jetlets and jets. In keeping with prior observational and numerical studies of impulsive coronal activity, we conclude that quasiperiodic jets generated by interchange/breakout reconnection at CH bright points and plume bases are the most likely sources of the microstreams/switchbacks observed in the solar wind.

New Evidence on the Origin of Solar Wind Microstreams/Switchbacks

May 2023


89 Reads

Microstreams are fluctuations in the solar wind speed and density associated with polarity-reversing folds in the magnetic field (also denoted switchbacks). Despite their long heritage, the origin of these microstreams/switchbacks remains poorly understood. For the first time, we investigated periodicities in microstreams during Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Encounter 10 to understand their origin. Our analysis was focused on the inbound corotation interval on 2021 November 19-21, while the spacecraft dove toward a small area within a coronal hole (CH). Solar Dynamics Observatory remote-sensing observations provide rich context for understanding the PSP in-situ data. Extreme ultraviolet images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly reveal numerous recurrent jets occurring within the region that was magnetically connected to PSP during intervals that contained microstreams. The periods derived from the fluctuating radial velocities in the microstreams (approximately 3, 5, 10, and 20 minutes) are consistent with the periods measured in the emission intensity of the jetlets at the base of the CH plumes, as well as in larger coronal jets and in the plume fine structures. Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager magnetograms reveal the presence of myriad embedded bipoles, which are known sources of reconnection-driven jets on all scales. Simultaneous enhancements in the PSP proton flux and ionic (3^3He, 4^4He, Fe, O) composition during the microstreams further support the connection with jetlets and jets. In keeping with prior observational and numerical studies of impulsive coronal activity, we conclude that quasiperiodic jets generated by interchange/breakout reconnection at CH bright points and plume bases are the most likely sources of the microstreams/switchbacks observed in the solar wind.

Nonlinear Fast Magnetosonic Waves in Solar Prominence Pillars

February 2023


35 Reads


2 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

We investigate the properties of nonlinear fast magnetosonic (NFM) waves in a solar prominence, motivated by recent high-resolution and high-cadence Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) observations of small-scale oscillations in a prominence pillar. As an example, we analyze the details of the 2012 February 14 Hinode/SOT observations of quasi-periodic propagating features consistent with NFM waves, imaged in emission in Ca ii and in the far blue wing of H α . We perform wavelet analysis and find oscillations in the 1–3 minutes period range. Guided by these observations, we model the NFM waves with a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (3D MHD) model, extending previous 2.5D MHD studies. The new model includes the structure of the high-density, low-temperature material of the prominence pillar embedded in the hot corona, in both potential and non-force-free sheared magnetic field configurations. The nonlinear model demonstrates the effects of mode coupling and the propagating density compressions associated with linear and NFM waves. The guided fast magnetosonic waves, together with density compressions and currents, are reproduced in the 3D pillar structure. We demonstrate for the first time the dynamic effects of the Lorentz force due to the magnetic shear in the non-force-free field on the pillar structure and on the propagation of the waves. The insights gained from the 3D MHD modeling are useful for improving the coronal seismology of prominence structures that exhibit fast MHD wave activity.

Plasmoids, Flows, and Jets during Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Solar Eruption

February 2023


90 Reads


25 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

We report a detailed analysis of a failed eruption and flare in active region 12018 on 2014 April 3 using multiwavelength observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, IRIS, STEREO, and Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope. At least four jets were observed to emanate from the cusp of this small active region (large bright point) with a null-point topology during the 2 hr prior to the slow rise of a filament. During the filament slow rise multiple plasma blobs were seen, most likely formed in a null-point current sheet near the cusp. The subsequent filament eruption, which was outside the IRIS field of view, was accompanied by a flare but remained confined. During the explosive flare reconnection phase, additional blobs appeared repetitively and moved bidirectionally within the flaring region below the erupting filament. The filament kinked, rotated, and underwent leg–leg reconnection as it rose, yet it failed to produce a coronal mass ejection. Tiny jet-like features in the fan loops were detected during the filament slow rise/preflare phase. We interpret them as signatures of reconnection between the ambient magnetic field and the plasmoids leaving the null-point sheet and streaming along the fan loops. We contrast our interpretation of these tiny jets, which occur within the large-scale context of a failed filament eruption, with the local nanoflare-heating scenario proposed by Antolin et al.

Citations (47)

... polarity patches forming nested flux systems -distinct regions of closed flux embedded within the larger scale flux system of a coronal streamer (e.g. Longcope 2005 ;Karpen et al. 2024 ). Such a configuration tends to result in curved polarity inversion lines (PILs), with a separatrix dome at the interface between different polarities (e.g. , as is evident from the PIL contours displayed in Fig. 2 (d). ...


A coronal mass ejection encountered by four spacecraft within 1 au from the Sun: Ensemble modelling of propagation and magnetic structure
Solar Eruptions in Nested Magnetic Flux Systems

The Astrophysical Journal

... This integration method successfully smooths out random fluctuations, thereby retaining the initial temporal resolution of the image sequence and safeguarding the frequency distribution's consistency of the moving disturbances. This approach is thoroughly detailed by V. M. Uritsky et al. (2013Uritsky et al. ( , 2023. ...

Self-similar Outflows at the Source of the Fast Solar Wind: A Smoking Gun of Multiscale Impulsive Reconnection?

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... In this work, we use a new electric field derived from the observed normal magnetic field B r and vertical electric current J r evolution from the SDO/HMI vector magnetograms for the lower boundary driving of an MHD simulation of the eruptive flare and CME developed from AR 11158 on Feb. 15, 2011. The preliminary results of the simulation were reported in a NASA Living With a Star focused science team joint paper (section 4 of Linton et al. 2023). Here we present a more detailed description of the simulation and the results, and expand on the analysis of the erupting magnetic field and comparison with the observations by the STEREO-B EUVI and the SDO/AIA. ...

Recent progress on understanding coronal mass ejection/flare onset by a NASA living with a star focused science team

Advances in Space Research

... We would also like to emphasize the importance of the rectification of the spectrum: P( f ) · f. For comparison, P. Kumar et al. (2023) analyzed proton velocity data from the coronal hole outflow in PSP E10 and discovered distinct period peaks around 3, 5, 10, and 20 minutes, consistent with the period peaks in the emission intensity of jetlets at the base of coronal hole plumes and plumelets (V. M. Uritsky et al. 2021;P. ...

New Evidence on the Origin of Solar Wind Microstreams/Switchbacks

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... Thus, assuming P = iP 1 and Q = iQ 1 , equation (37) gives (39), we find that the instability condition depends on the sign of the product P 1 Q 1 and/or on the value of K smaller or larger than a critical value K c . When P 1 Q 1 < 0, equation (39) gives Ω purely imaginary for all values of K and so we have the modulational instability for all K, but with k < k J . The corresponding growth rate of instability can be obtained by setting Ω = iΓ 1 as ...

Nonlinear Fast Magnetosonic Waves in Solar Prominence Pillars

The Astrophysical Journal

... The speeds of the upward and downward moving plasmoids were 134-330 km s −1 and 82-235 km s −1 , respectively, with plasmoid sizes ranging from 2-3 arcseconds. The sizes and speeds of the plasmoids are consistent with previous observations (Takasao et al. 2012;Kumar & Cho 2013;Kumar et al. 2019Kumar et al. , 2023. ...

Plasmoids, Flows, and Jets during Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Solar Eruption

The Astrophysical Journal

... One potential option is magnetic reconnection, which has been invoked in the past as a way to generate both highfrequency waves (with frequencies greater than 1 Hz; Axford & McKenzie 1992;Marsch & Tu 1997) and low-frequency waves (with frequencies less than 10 −3 Hz; Cranmer 2018). Magnetic reconnection and flux cancellation is now readily reported across a range of scales, with frequent, relatively small-scale events leading to various jet-like phenomenon in the corona (Raouafi & Stenborg 2014;Kumar et al. 2022;Wang et al. 2022;Raouafi et al. 2023;Chitta et al. 2023). The jets occur on scales of 100-2000 km with typical time-scales 20-300 seconds, which might also be indicative of the scales of any associated wave motion. ...

Quasi-periodic Energy Release and Jets at the Base of Solar Coronal Plumes

The Astrophysical Journal

... Provornikova et al. 2016). J. T. Dahlin et al. (2022) investigated the evolution of the guide field during an eruptive flare using 3D MHD simulations. They found that, even when the guide field starts strong, it weakens during the reconnection process and becomes nearly zero when the reconnection rate peaks. ...

Variability of the Reconnection Guide Field in Solar Flares

The Astrophysical Journal

... However, our previous observations did not exhibit the double structure of the helical plasma sheet along the flux-rope legs. In this event, we also observed a kink oscillation (period≈2-3 minutes, amplitude≈5-6 Mm) of the stalled flux rope after its encounter with the overlying loops (Kumar et al. 2022). ...

Kink Oscillation of a Flux Rope During a Failed Solar Eruption

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... This includes acceleration directly associated with the magnetic reconnection process, either via the parallel electric field inside the diffusion region (e.g. Zharkova & Gordovskyy 2004Dalla & Browning 2005, 2008Stanier et al. 2012;Threlfall et al. 2016aThrelfall et al. , 2017Borissov et al. 2017Borissov et al. , 2020Gordovskyy et al. 2014Gordovskyy et al. , 2020Gordovskyy et al. , 2023Pallister et al. 2019Pallister et al. , 2021, ★ E-mail: jm380@st-andrews.ac.uk or with additional processes operating in the reconnection outflow region (e.g Dahlin et al. 2014Dahlin et al. , 2015Dahlin et al. , 2017Drake et al. 2019). The effect of multiple reconnection sites in a turbulent plasma state on particle acceleration has also been investigated (e.g. ...

Spatially Separated Electron and Proton Beams in a Simulated Solar Coronal Jet

The Astrophysical Journal