Byung Ha Kang’s research while affiliated with Kookmin University and other places

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Publications (22)

The lowest oscillation mode of a pendant drop
  • Article

February 2006


31 Reads


33 Citations

Jong Hoon Moon


Byung Ha Kang


Ho-Young Kim

The lowest oscillation mode of a pendant drop has long been conceived to be the longitudinal vibration, i.e., periodic elongation and contraction along the longitudinal direction. However, here we experimentally show that the rotation of the drop about the longitudinal axis is the oscillation mode of the lowest resonance frequency. This rotational mode can be invoked by periodic acoustic forcing and is analogous to the pendulum rotation, having the frequency independent of the drop density and surface tension but inversely proportional to the square root of the drop size.

Effects of Acoustic Resonance on Hydrodynamics and Evaporation of a Pendant Liquid Droplet

January 2005


6 Reads


1 Citation

One of the fascinating prospects is the possibility of new hydrodynamics technology on micro-scale system since oscillations of micro-droplets are of practical and scientific importance. In this paper, nonlinear and forced oscillations of supported viscous droplet were focused. The droplet has a free contact line with solid plate and inviscid fluid. Natural frequencies of a pendant droplet have been investigated experimentally by imposing the acoustic wave while the frequency is being increased at fixed amplitude. The evaporation process of oscillating droplet with thermofoil has been also observed to investigate analyzing the resonance effect on the thermal characteristics of droplet. It is found that a pendant droplet shows the resonant behaviors at each mode similar to the theoretical analysis. During imposing the acoustic wave, the pendant droplet makes a rotating motion in its longitudinal axis which is a new shape oscillation mode. The evaporation rate of a pendant droplet at resonant frequency is significantly enhanced.

CFD simulation of thermal dissipation from fan-added plate fin and offset strip fin heat sinks

July 2004


27 Reads


2 Citations

In the present study, we have performed two-dimensional CFD simulations on thermal dissipation from isothermal plate fins and offset strip fins with a specific DC fan. Computations are implemented on a single flow passage between fins due to the periodicity in the lateral direction, and analysis of thermal performance is carried out for a heat sink for CPU cooling with a width of 60 mm and a length of 65 mm. As anticipated, the offset strip fin leads to 35% higher Nusselt number at each fin surface compared to the plate fin. However, the optimum OSF heat sink has 42% wider fin pitch to compensate for increased pressure drop, which results in smaller fin surface area than the plate fin heat sink. Consequently, the overall thermal performance of the offset strip fin heat sink is about 4% lower than that of the plate fin heat sink considered in this study, irrespective of the enhanced surface geometry.

Enhancement of Natural Convection and Pool Boiling Heat Transfer via Ultrasonic Vibration

June 2004


167 Reads


188 Citations

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

We report the relationship between the flow behavior induced by ultrasonic vibration and the consequent heat transfer enhancement in natural convection and pool boiling regimes. A thin platinum wire works as both a heat source and a temperature sensor. A high speed video imaging system is employed to observe the behavior of cavitation and thermal bubbles. Experimental results show that the effects of ultrasonic vibration on flow behavior are vastly different depending on the heat transfer regime and the amount of dissolved gas. In the natural convection and subcooled boiling regimes, behavior of cavitation bubbles strongly affects the degree of heat transfer enhancement. In saturated boiling, no cavitation occurs thus the reduced thermal bubble size at departure and acoustic streaming are major factors enhancing heat transfer rate. The highest enhancement ratio is obtained in natural convection regime where the effect of ultrasonic vibration is manifested through violent motion of cavitation bubbles.

Figure 1. Schematic of an undulated rivulet. (a) Top view; (b) cross-sectional view. 
Figure 2. Growth rate versus˜kversus˜versus˜k with η = 0.00121 and θ e = 97.4 @BULLET. (a) The Weber number is varied with a constant˜Cconstant˜ constant˜C = 1; (b) ˜ C is varied with a constant We = 3. 
Figure 4. Maximum growth rate at˜kat˜at˜k max versus˜Cversus˜ versus˜C for varying We. 
Figure 6. Photograph of a water rivulet flowing down a parafilm surface. Water flows from left to right. 
Meandering instability of a rivulet
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2004


421 Reads


26 Citations

Journal of Fluid Mechanics

A rivulet is a narrow stream of liquid flowing down a solid surface. When its flow rate exceeds a certain limit, it tends to meander, exhibiting instability of the interface. Here we report a perturbation analysis of this meandering rivulet. We find that the combined effects of the tangential velocity difference across the interface and the dynamic wetting are responsible for the instability. The Weber number represents the ratio of the destabilizing force, inertia, to the stabilizing force, surface tension. As the Weber number increases, both the wavenumber of maximum instability and the cutoff wavenumber increase. The effects of the capillarity are such that the wavenumber of maximum instability asymptotically increases as the sensitivity of the dynamic contact angles to the contact line speed increases. However, the cutoff wavenumber remains constant despite wetting parameter changes when the Weber number is constant.


Thermal performance of aluminum-foam heat sinks by forced air cooling

April 2003


294 Reads


111 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies

Experiments have been carried out to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of an aluminum-foam heat sink placed on a heat source in a channel. The thermal performance of aluminum-foam heat sinks is evaluated in terms of the Nusselt number and thermal resistance of the heat sinks. The pore density of the aluminum-foam heat sinks and the Reynolds number are varied in the range of parameters: 10, 20, 40 pores per inch (PPI) and 710≤Re≤2900, respectively. It is found that thermal resistance is substantially reduced by employing an aluminum-foam heat sink with low pore density due to the relatively intense airflow through the heat sink. The aluminum-foam heat sink may provide 28% or higher thermal performance than a conventional parallel-plate heat sink of the same size. Further, the aluminum-foam heat sinks can dramatically reduce the overall mass of electronics-cooling devices owing to high porosity.

Thermal Performance of Triangular Folded Fin Heat Sinks in a Duct

January 2003


231 Reads


1 Citation


Taeho Ji


Gyu Dong




Byung Ha Kang

Experiments have been carried out to investigate the convective heat transfer characteristics from triangular folded fin heat sinks in a suction-type fan duct. The dimension of the triangular folded fin heat sinks is 62 mm in height with a 12 mm thick base plate, 292 mm in width, and 447 mm in length. The inlet flow velocity is varied in the range of 0.6 - 5.3 m/s. Thermal performance of triangular folded fin heat sinks is evaluated in terms of thermal resistance of heat sinks according to flow velocity and fan power. The results obtained show that the present triangular folded-fin heat sink shows a higher thermal performance compared to a conventional extruded plate-fin heat sink. Especially, a perforated slit folded-fin heat sink displays a lower thermal resistance. As the number of slit fabricated on the perforated folded fins increases, thermal performance is more pronounced.

Sliding of Liquid Drops Down an Inclined Solid Surface

April 2002


250 Reads


250 Citations

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

A liquid drop that partially wets a solid surface will slide down the plane when it is tilted beyond a critical inclination. Here we report the study of the sliding velocity of such a drop. Experiments for measuring the steady sliding velocity of different liquids of drops are performed. We then construct a scaling law that predicts the sliding velocity given the physical properties, wetting characteristics, and size of the drop. When the sliding velocity is low and the drop distortion due to inclination is small, the scaling law is shown to correctly model the functional dependency of the measured sliding velocity.

Citations (17)

... Recent review on plate-fin exchangers was presented by Sheik Ismail [191]. An extensive works on thermo-hydraulic models [192,193], design methods [194], plate geometry and fin type effect [195][196][197], sizing of multistream plate-fin exchanger [198][199][200][201][202][203], two phase flow [204,205], particulate fouling effect [206], cost optimization [207] and numerical and CFD simulations [208][209][210][211][212] were investigated. ...


Plate heat exchangers: Recent advances
Effect of Porous Fin in a Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 1998

... The dynamics of pendant and sessile drops have been induced by vibrating rods, 28 electric fields, [29][30][31][32] and acoustics. [33][34][35] In the presence of an acoustic field, pendant drops exhibit longitudinal, lateral, and rotational modes, the lowest of which is drop rotation about the gravitational axis similar to a conical pendulum. For pendant drops under an acoustic field, drop rotational frequency decreases with increasing drop size. ...

Effects of Acoustic Resonance on Hydrodynamics and Evaporation of a Pendant Liquid Droplet
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2005

... The effectiveness of VCS can be increased by installing multiple shields [34]. Connecting the shields in series appears to be favorable in comparison to a parallel setup [35]. Yu et al. [34] estimate that a dual, series-connected VCS can reduce heat ingress by more than 80% for a 4000m 3 spherical LH 2 tank. ...

Thermal design analysis of a liquid hydrogen vessel
  • Citing Article
  • February 2000

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

... For the same problem, in a numerical study, Faghri et al. 14 reported that heat transfer was not affected by pulsation along the channel. Kim et al., 15 for laminar pulsating flow in a plane duct, concluded that the Nusselt number showed noticeable changes at small and moderate values of dimensionless frequency. Karagoz 16 employed the control volumebased pressure correction procedure to solve the thermal entrance region heat transport problem of laminar oscillatory flow in a two-dimensional channel. ...

Heat transfer in the thermally developing region of a pulsating channel flow
  • Citing Article
  • November 1993

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

... A similar approach was considered by Molacek and Bush [22]: the drop shape was decomposed in spherical harmonics, but the interaction with a solid substrate was not considered. In the present work, with only two shape variables, the rectangular cuboid approximation does only capture two deformation modes and it does not include drop rocking [19,23]. More modes could be added by considering less regular cuboids, with more degrees of freedom. ...

The lowest oscillation mode of a pendant drop
  • Citing Article
  • February 2006

... In their work, the authors used Er 3 Ni as the regenerator material at the cold end of the second stage instead of HoCu 2 and observed enhancement in the no-load temperature. Lee et al. [3] experimentally explored the homogeneous and heterogeneous regenerators in oscillatory flow and concluded that the heterogeneous regenerator material exhibits decreased pressure loss with enhanced effectiveness. Garg et al. [4] tested two versions of a regenerator in a miniature Stirling cooler, one having uniform material and the other with a combination of materials. ...

Effectiveness enhancement of a thermal regenerator in an oscillating flow
  • Citing Article
  • August 1998

Applied Thermal Engineering

... Permeability k ranges from 6.6 · 10 −9 to 4.9 · 10 −7 m 2 for our porous plates, allowing us to cover a wide variety of Da. For instance, highly porous aluminum foams (ϕ ∼ 90%) attain permeabilities around 10 −7 m 2 [19], which is comparable to the most porous plates employed in this study. The dimensionless moment of inertia I * and the Reynolds number Re are the other two fundamental dimensionless parameters for the characterization of falling regimes. ...

Forced convection from aluminum foam materials in an asymmetrically heated channel

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

... Unlike its limited performance at flat channels and tubes, this type of flow provides notable heat transfer enhancement for cooling of blunt bodies in channels [6][7][8]. Moon et al. [6] carried out experimental study to show how flow pulsation effects heat transfer from heated blocks in a channel. Imposing flow pulsation causes considerable increase in heat transfer from blocks and it is observed that rate of heat transfer is dependent on the pulsation frequency and inter block spacing. ...

Thermal interaction between isolated heated electronic components in pulsating channel flow
  • Citing Article
  • July 1998

Numerical Heat Transfer Applications

... The static contact angle, however, only provides a value between a maximum and minimum value of the contact angle for a liquid on a material. These maximum and minimum values are typically defined by the advancing (θa) and receding contact angle (θr) respectively [188][189][190][191][192]. Extrand and Kumagai [193] measured an advancing contact angle of 77° and a receding contact angle of 47.7° for water on a PMMA surface. ...

Meandering instability of a rivulet

Journal of Fluid Mechanics