Bruno Bogović’s scientific contributions

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Publications (2)

Zagrebački spomenici kao odraz hrvatskoga društva u prostoru i vremenu / Monuments in the City of Zagreb as a Reflection of Croatian Society in Space and Time
  • Article
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July 2024


33 Reads



Bruno Bogović



This paper presents a sociological analysis of the monumental heritage of the City of Zagreb. Monuments are understood and described as „carriers of symbols” through which the ruling elites in a certain time and space endeavor to shape public opinion. A special focus has been given to the analysis of the temporal and spatial dimensions of monument management. The spatial dimension refers to the characteristics of a particular monument and the broader context of the space, that is, the environment in which it was placed. The temporal dimension refers to the management of monumental heritage by the ruling elites, which change in the process of elite circulation. The process of elite circulation is accompanied with efforts for imposing a historical narrative, which is necessarily a selective process in which certain parts of the collective memory are forgotten and others highlighted. Finally, this paper offers a temporal, that is, historical, context of the installation and meaning of the monumental heritage in the City of Zagreb, both for the people of Zagreb and for the entire Croatian nation.


Spomeničke interpolacije u javni prostor – filozofi i ostali društveno-humanistički znanstvenici na zagrebačkim ulicama i trgovima / Monumental Interpolations in Public Space - Philosophers and Other Social Scientists on the Streets and Squares of Zagreb

Spomenici su, baš poput naziva naselja, ulica i trgova, nositelji kolektivne društvene memorije te predstavljaju simbole prošlosti i sadašnjosti jednog društva. Spomenička baština ima svoju umjetničku i kulturnu vrijednost, ali barem je jednako vrijedna i društvena poruka koju spomenici nose. Simboli značenje dobivaju uronjeni u kontekst, a u ovome slučaju radi se o prostornome i vremenskom kontekstu, odnosno o odgovorima na pitanja gdje je i kada (i zašto) neki spomenik postavljen. Cilj je ovog izlaganja istražiti koliko je znanstvenika iz društveno- humanističkih znanosti na ulicama našega glavnoga grada Zagreba dobilo počast u vidu spomenika, a ustanovit će se i koji je njihov udio u ukupnome broju spomenika. Analizirat će se i prostorni položaj spomenika, uzevši pritom u obzir tezu da spomenici postavljeni na značajne lokacije u centru grada imaju veću simboličku vrijednost i značaj u odnosu na spomenike postavljene na manje frekventnim ili manje poznatim gradskim lokacijama. Povijesni kontekst također će se uzeti u obzir zbog teze da svako postavljanje spomenika u javni prostor grada nosi širu društvenu poruku vezanu uz povijesni moment i društveno- politički kontekst u kojem se događa. Za lociranje spomenika koristit će se interaktivna mapa nastala u projektu Akcija mapiranja spomenika Zagreba. Dodatno, u izlaganju će se razmotriti i potencijal promicanja društveno- humanističkih znanosti putem spomeničke baštine u sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Just like the names of settlements, streets and squares, monuments are carriers of collective social memory and represent symbols of a society's past and present. Monumental heritage has its artistic and cultural value, but the social message that monuments convey is at least as valuable. Symbols take on their meaning in context, and in this case we are concerned with spatial and temporal context, i.e. the answers to the questions of where, when and why a particular monument was erected. The aim of this presentation is to investigate how many monuments of social scientists and humanists there are in the streets of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and what proportion of the total number of monuments they represent. The spatial position of the monument is analysed, taking into account the thesis that monuments in significant locations in the city centre have greater symbolic value and significance than monuments in less frequent or less well-known urban locations. Historical context is also considered, as a monument in a city's public space conveys a broader social message related to the historical moment and the socio-political context in which it stands. In order to locate a monument, an interactive map is used, which was created as part of the project "Mapping Monuments of Zagreb". In addition, the presentation also considers the potential of promoting social sciences and humanities through the use of monumental heritage in the present and in the future.