Bruce E. Sagan’s research while affiliated with Michigan State University and other places

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Publications (34)

Figure 3. The star S(3, 3, 2) and its tilings (d) This result follows from (c) in much the same way that (b) followed from (a). So the proof is left to the reader. (e) Let the common branch be B I . Using (a) one last time we get χ x (O) − χ y (O) = m I − m I = 0
Figure 4. The extended star S 2 (3, 3, 2) and its tilings (e) It suffices to calculate the terms in the sum of Corollary 2.3 (d). We will do the case whenˆ0whenˆwhenˆ0 ∈ O as the unique orbit whenˆ0whenˆwhenˆ0 ∈ O is done similarly. We first look at the term for I = [n]. In this case β [n] = 1 and m [n] = 0 by the choice of O. Since [i, i] ⊂ [n] for all i and there is no column for the empty antichain we have c [n] = l, the number of columns of the tiling. So the term for I = [n] reduces to l. Now consider the summand for [i, i]. We have β i + 1 = α i and m i = l/α i by equation (1). Furthermore, there is no J ⊂ [i, i] so c i = 0. Thus the term for I = [i, i] is the ith one in the sum given in (e), as desired.
Figure 8. The zipper Z 3
Rowmotion on rooted trees
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August 2022


29 Reads

Pranjal Dangwal


Jamie Kimble





Zach Stewart

A rooted tree T is a poset whose Hasse diagram is a graph-theoretic tree having a unique minimal element. We study rowmotion on antichains and lower order ideals of T. Recently Elizalde, Roby, Plante and Sagan considered rowmotion on fences which are posets whose Hasse diagram is a path (but permitting any number of minimal elements). They showed that in this case, the orbits could be described in terms of tilings of a cylinder. They also defined a new notion called homometry which means that a statistic takes a constant value on all orbits of the same size. This is a weaker condition than the well-studied concept of homomesy which requires a constant value for the average of the statistic over all orbits. Rowmotion on fences is often homometric for certain statistics, but not homomesic. We introduce a tiling model for rowmotion on rooted trees. We use it to study various specific types of trees and show that they exhibit homometry, although not homomesy, for certain statistics.


Pinnacle set properties

July 2022


31 Reads


6 Citations

Discrete Mathematics

Let π=π1π2…πn be a permutation in the symmetric group Sn written in one-line notation. The pinnacle set of π, denoted Pin π, is the set of all πi such that πi−1<πi>πi+1. This is an analogue of the well-studied peak set of π where one considers values rather than positions. The pinnacle set was so named by Davis, Nelson, Petersen, and Tenner who showed that it has many interesting properties. In particular, they proved that the number of subsets of [n]={1,2,…,n} which can be the pinnacle set of some permutation is a binomial coefficient. Their proof involved a bijection with lattice paths and was somewhat involved. We give a simpler demonstration of this result which does not need lattice paths. Moreover, we show that our map and theirs are different descriptions of the same function. Davis et al. also studied the number of pinnacle sets with maximum m and cardinality d which they denoted by p(m,d). We show that these integers are ballot numbers and give two proofs of this fact: one using finite differences and one bijective. Diaz-Lopez, Harris, Huang, Insko, and Nilsen found a summation formula for calculating the number of permutations in Sn having a given pinnacle set. We derive a new expression for this number which is faster to calculate in many cases. We also show how this method can be adapted to find the number of orderings of a pinnacle set which can be realized by some π∈Sn.

Cyclic pattern containment and avoidance

April 2022


26 Reads


4 Citations

Advances in Applied Mathematics

The study of pattern containment and avoidance for linear permutations is a well-established area of enumerative combinatorics. A cyclic permutation is the set of all rotations of a linear permutation. Vella and Callan independently initiated the study of permutation avoidance in cyclic permutations and characterized the avoidance classes for all single permutations of length 4. We continue this work. In particular, we derive results about avoidance of multiple patterns of length 4, and we determine generating functions for the cyclic descent statistic on these classes. We also consider consecutive pattern containment, and relate the generating functions for the number of occurrences of certain linear and cyclic patterns. Finally, we end with various open questions and avenues for future research.

(A) Accuracy and (B) speed computing pik∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$p^*_{ik}$$\end{document} using different methods. Lines show means, while shaded regions show 95% confidence intervals.
Statistical power of SDSM. (A) Distribution of weights for the Paris-Milan edge in projections derived from FDSM and SDSM ensembles. (B) Similarity of an FDSM backbone extracted at α=0.05\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\alpha = 0.05$$\end{document} to SDSM backbones extracted at various α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\alpha$$\end{document} from an empirical bipartite network (green line) and from 100 synthetic bipartite networks (purple line = mean, purple region =10th\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$= 10{{\mathrm{th}}}$$\end{document}–90th\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$90{\mathrm{th}}$$\end{document} percentile).
Jaccard similarity of a backbone extracted at α=0.05\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\alpha = 0.05$$\end{document} using the Fixed Degree Sequence Model and a backbone extracted using (A) the Fixed Fill Model, (B) Fixed Row Model, (C) Fixed Column Model, (D) Stochastic Degree Sequence Model. Each cell represents the mean over 100 instances of a 100×100\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$100 \times 100$$\end{document} bipartite network with given agent and artifact degree distributions.
(A) Given agent and artifact degree distributions, there exists a statistical significance level α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\alpha$$\end{document} that maximizes the similarity between an SDSM backbone extracted at this level and an FDSM backbone extracted at α=0.05\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\alpha = 0.05$$\end{document}, and (B) when used yields an SDSM backbone that is very similar to the corresponding FDSM backbone.
(A) Synthetic bipartite networks with varying levels of block structure, from which (B) backbones extracted using different models exhibit varying modularity.
Comparing alternatives to the fixed degree sequence model for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections

December 2021


65 Reads


32 Citations

Projections of bipartite or two-mode networks capture co-occurrences, and are used in diverse fields (e.g., ecology, economics, bibliometrics, politics) to represent unipartite networks. A key challenge in analyzing such networks is determining whether an observed number of co-occurrences between two nodes is significant, and therefore whether an edge exists between them. One approach, the fixed degree sequence model (FDSM), evaluates the significance of an edge’s weight by comparison to a null model in which the degree sequences of the original bipartite network are fixed. Although the FDSM is an intuitive null model, it is computationally expensive because it requires Monte Carlo simulation to estimate each edge’s p value, and therefore is impractical for large projections. In this paper, we explore four potential alternatives to FDSM: fixed fill model, fixed row model, fixed column model, and stochastic degree sequence model (SDSM). We compare these models to FDSM in terms of accuracy, speed, statistical power, similarity, and ability to recover known communities. We find that the computationally-fast SDSM offers a statistically conservative but close approximation of the computationally-impractical FDSM under a wide range of conditions, and that it correctly recovers a known community structure even when the signal is weak. Therefore, although each backbone model may have particular applications, we recommend SDSM for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections when FDSM is impractical.

Consecutive patterns in circular permutations

July 2021


12 Reads

In their study of cyclic pattern containment, Domagalski et al. conjecture differential equations for the generating functions of circular permutations avoiding consecutive patterns of length 3. In this note, we prove and significantly generalize these conjectures. We show that, for every consecutive pattern σ\sigma beginning with 1, the bivariate generating function counting occurrences of σ\sigma in circular permutations can be obtained from the generating function counting occurrences of σ\sigma in (linear) permutations. This includes all the patterns for which the latter generating function is known.

Cyclic Shuffle Compatibility

June 2021


28 Reads

Consider a permutation p to be any finite list of distinct positive integers. A statistic is a function St whose domain is all permutations. Let S(p,q) be the set of shuffles of two disjoint permutations p and q. We say that St is shuffle compatible if the distribution of St over S(p,q) depends only on St(p), St(q), and the lengths of p and q. This notion is implicit in Stanley's work on P-partitions and was first explicitly studied by Gessel and Zhuang. One of the places where shuffles are useful is in describing the product in the algebra of quasisymmetric functions. Recently Adin, Gessel, Reiner, and Roichman defined an algebra of cyclic quasisymmetric functions where a cyclic version of shuffling comes into play. The purpose of this paper is to define and study cyclic shuffle compatibility. In particular, we show how one can lift shuffle compatibility results for (linear) permutations to cyclic ones. We then apply this result to cyclic descents and cyclic peaks. We also discuss the problem of finding a cyclic analogue of the major index.

Figure 3: The graph of [σ] when m = 5 and n = 3
Cyclic Pattern Containment and Avoidance

June 2021


45 Reads

The study of pattern containment and avoidance for linear permutations is a well-established area of enumerative combinatorics. A cyclic permutation is the set of all rotations of a linear permutation. Callan initiated the study of permutation avoidance in cyclic permutations and characterized the avoidance classes for all single permutations of length 4. We continue this work. In particular, we establish a cyclic variant of the Erdos-Szekeres Theorem that any linear permutation of length mn+1 must contain either the increasing pattern of length m+1 or the decreasing pattern of length n+1. We then derive results about avoidance of multiple patterns of length 4. We also determine generating functions for the cyclic descent statistic on these classes. Finally, we end with various open questions and avenues for future research.

Figure 1: The lattice path L for A = {2, 3, 7, 9}
Figure 2: Example of a pinnacle set ordering [τ ] = [7612354] with corresponding dales.
Pinnacle Set Properties

May 2021


183 Reads

Let pi = pi_1 pi_2 ... pi_n be a permutation in the symmetric group S_n written in one-line notation. The pinnacle set of pi, denoted Pin pi, is the set of all pi_i such that pi_{i-1} < pi_i > pi_{i+1}. This is an analogue of the well-studied peak set of pi where one considers values rather than positions. The pinnacle set was introduced by Davis, Nelson, Petersen, and Tenner who showed that it has many interesting properties. In particular, they proved that the number of subsets of [n] = {1, 2, ..., n} which can be the pinnacle set of some permutation is a binomial coefficient. Their proof involved a bijection with lattice paths and was somewhat involved. We give a simpler demonstration of this result which does not need lattice paths. Moreover, we show that our map and theirs are different descriptions of the same function. Davis et al. also studied the number of pinnacle sets with maximum m and cardinality d which they denoted by p(m,d). We show that these integers are ballot numbers and give two proofs of this fact: one using finite differences and one bijective. Diaz-Lopez, Harris, Huang, Insko, and Nilsen found a summation formula for calculating the number of permutations in S_n having a given pinnacle set. We derive a new expression for this number which is faster to calculate in many cases. We also show how this method can be adapted to find the number of orderings of a pinnacle set which can be realized by some pi in S_n.

Analysis of Spatial Networks From Bipartite Projections Using the R Backbone Package

February 2021


41 Reads


15 Citations

Geographical Analysis

Bipartite projections have become a common way to measure spatial networks. They are now used in many subfields of geography, and are among the most common ways to measure the world city network, where intercity links are inferred from firm co‐location patterns. Bipartite projections are attractive because a network can be indirectly inferred from readily available data. However, spatial bipartite projections are difficult to analyze because the links in these networks are weighted, and larger weights do not necessarily indicate stronger or more important connections. Methods for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections offer a solution by using statistical models for identifying the links that have statistically significant weights. In this article, we introduce the open‐source backbone R package, which implements several backbone models, and demonstrate its key features by using it to measure a world city network.

Backbone: An R package for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections

January 2021


92 Reads


35 Citations

Bipartite projections are used in a wide range of network contexts including politics (bill co-sponsorship), genetics (gene co-expression), economics (executive board co-membership), and innovation (patent co-authorship). However, because bipartite projections are always weighted graphs, which are inherently challenging to analyze and visualize, it is often useful to examine the ‘backbone,’ an unweighted subgraph containing only the most significant edges. In this paper, we introduce the R package backbone for extracting the backbone of weighted bipartite projections, and use bill sponsorship data from the 114th session of the United States Senate to demonstrate its functionality.

Citations (15)

... Davis et al.'s work has now been extended to signed permutations and Stirling permutations in [18,19]. Additional enumerative results for pinnacle sets can be found in [10,13,15,18,23]. We note that the study of pinnacles of permutations was motivated by the study of peaks of permutations, which are about the location of pinnacles and not their relative value. ...


The Pinnacle Sets of a Graph
Pinnacle set properties
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Discrete Mathematics

... Avoidance of the cycle form has also been considered when characterizing almost-increasing permutations in [2,8] and when counting occurrences of adjacent q-cycles in permutations in [6]. Another related topic is the study of circular pattern avoidance [5,10,7], in which all cyclic rotations of a permutation avoid a given pattern. This topic becomes particular relevant in Section 3 of this paper. ...

Cyclic pattern containment and avoidance
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Advances in Applied Mathematics

... Under the FDSM, there is no closed-form distribution of the number of letters cosigned by two legislators, so the observed number of co-signed letters is compared to a distribution of simulated numbers of cosigned letters under many simulated random two-mode networks under the FDSM. That simulation quickly becomes computationally expensive as network size increases, although the FDSM remains the preferred null model for backbone extraction when estimable since it includes information on both degree sequences of a bipartite graph (Neal et al. 2021). SDSM, on the other hand, constrains the random bipartite networks to have row ID_232 ID_297 IL_59 IL_9 IL_219 IL_246 IL_294 IL_335 IL_367 IL_259 IL_258 IL_421 IN_84 IA_91 IA_8 IA_13 IA_329 IA_568 IA_377 IA_522 IA_580 sums and column sums that match those of the observed bipartite network on average instead of fixing them exactly as is the case with FDSM. ...

Comparing alternatives to the fixed degree sequence model for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections

... m designed as a bipartite network, linking destinations with their corresponding reasons (either motives or demotives). Both bipartite networks (also known as two-mode networks) and semantic systems are well-recognized and have been extensively studied in the literature of network science (Domagalski et al., 2021;Lehmann, 1992;Z. Neal et al., 2023;Z. P. Neal et al., 2022;Wulff et al., 2022). Semantic systems contain information on various levels and can be evaluated using information theory, analogies to similar systems, and principles from statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Accordingly, we have established this study on these foundations. In our semantic system (i.e., destination-motivation syste ...

Analysis of Spatial Networks From Bipartite Projections Using the R Backbone Package
  • Citing Article
  • February 2021

Geographical Analysis

... We then extract the backbone of the graph using the disparity filter at different probability thresholds. The 'backbone' package (Domagalski et al. 2021) implements this in R. Figure 6 shows that the significance of connections needs to be reduced to 0.20 for a network without isolated nodes to emerge. When the cutoff is more rigorous, it either results in mostly isolated nodes, as is the case for the statistical standard value of 0.05, or in separate networks, as is the case from a significance value of 0.14. ...

Backbone: An R package for extracting the backbone of bipartite projections

... Sagan and Woo [27], motivated by Elizalde and Roichman [11], posed the problem of determining which sets Π of permutations satisfy the property that for all n, the set of permutations in S n that avoid every pattern in Π is Schur-positive. This problem has been extensively studied since then [16,7,21]. An analogous question may be asked about Schur-positivity of pattern-avoiding matchings as well. ...

Revisiting Pattern Avoidance and Quasisymmetric Functions

Annals of Combinatorics

... See Tables 9-11 for the Schur expansions of Q where Des r (π) is the set of r-descents of π. Then the quasisymmetric functions Q n (Π) studied in [13] are Q Proof of Lemma 2.16. We begin by determining how the Dyck path statistics pk and con translate to 2-Motzkin paths via the bijection ψ. ...

Pattern avoidance and quasisymmetric functions
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Algebraic Combinatorics

... In the past few years, shuffle-compatibility has become an active topic of research; see [1][2][3]6,9,10,14,20,21] for a selection of references. Most relevant to our present work are the recent papers of Adin-Gessel-Reiner-Roichman [1] and Liang [10] on cyclic quasisymmetric functions and toric [ D]-partitions, and of Domagalski-Liang-Minnich-Sagan-Schmidt-Sietsema [3] which defined and studied a notion of shuffle-compatibility for cyclic permutations. ...

Bijective proofs of shuffle compatibility results
  • Citing Article
  • February 2020

Advances in Applied Mathematics

... The conjecture has been proven for the following families: posets of width 2 [13], posets with a non trivial automorphism [9], semiorders [2], height 2 posets [21], 5-thin posets [5], posets containing at most 11 points [15], 6-thin posets [16], series-parallel posets [22], Young diagrams [14], and posets whose cover graph is a forest [23]. ...

On the 1/3–2/3 Conjecture
