December 2024
46 Reads
Physical Review Letters
In contrast to normal diffusion processes, thermal conduction in one-dimensional systems is anomalous. The thermal conductivity is found to vary with the length as κ ∼ L α ( α > 0 ) , but there is a long-standing debate on the value α . Here, we present a canonical example of this behavior in polymer-grafted spherical nanoparticle (GNP) melts at fixed grafting density and nanoparticle radius. For long chains (chain length N ≥ 9 4 5 ), the experimental κ ( N ) of GNP melts decreases with N , i.e., polymer concentration. For N < 9 4 5 , however, κ ( N ) unexpectedly increases with N with a maximum near N ∼ 9 4 5 . For these systems, the extensional free energy per polymer chain is predicted to be maximized near N max ≈ 9 4 0 for σ ≈ 0.4 7 chains / nm 2 , which indicates the dominance of extended conformations at short N and Gaussian-like conformation for longer N . In the former regime, the thermal conductivity of extended polymer chains increases with N and follows κ p ∼ N dry 0.46 ± 0.02 , which provides experimental evidence of a novel class of superdiffusive thermal transport with α = 1 / 2 . Published by the American Physical Society 2024