Bret W. Tobalske’s research while affiliated with University of Montana and other places

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Publications (188)

Hummingbirds rapidly respond to the removal of visible light and control a sequence of rate-commanded escape manoeuvres in milliseconds
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

November 2024


39 Reads


Bret W Tobalske





Hummingbirds routinely execute a variety of stunning aerobatic feats, which continue to challenge current notions of aerial agility and controlled stability in biological systems. Indeed, the control of these amazing manoeuvres is not well understood. Here, we examined how hummingbirds control a sequence of manoeuvres within milliseconds, and tested whether and when they use vision during this rapid process. We repeatedly elicited escape flights in calliope hummingbirds, removed visible light during each manoeuvre at various instants and quantified their flight kinematics and responses. We show that the escape manoeuvres were composed of rapidly controlled sequential modules including evasion, reorientation, nose-down dive, forward flight and nose-up to hover. The hummingbirds did not respond to the light removal during evasion and reorientation until a critical light-removal time; afterwards, they showed two categories of luminance-based responses that rapidly altered manoeuvring modules to terminate the escape. We also show that hummingbird manoeuvres were rate-commanded and required no active braking (i.e. their body angular velocities were proportional to the change of wing motion patterns, a trait that probably alleviates the computational demand on flight control). This work uncovers key traits of hummingbird agility, which can also inform and inspire designs for next-generation agile aerial systems.

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Inertial coupling of the hummingbird body in the flight mechanics of an escape manoeuvre

When a hovering hummingbird performs a rapid escape manoeuvre in response to a perceived threat from the front side, its body may go through simultaneous pitch, yaw and roll rotations. In this study, we examined the inertial coupling of the three-axis body rotations and its effect on the flight mechanics of the manoeuvre using analyses of high-speed videos as well as high-fidelity computational modelling of the aerodynamics and inertial forces. We found that while a bird’s pitch-up was occurring, inertial coupling between yaw and roll helped slow down and terminate the pitch, thus serving as a passive control mechanism for the manoeuvre. Furthermore, an inertial coupling between pitch-up and roll can help accelerate yaw before the roll–yaw coupling. Different from the aerodynamic mechanisms that aircraft and animal flyers typically rely on for flight control, we hypothesize that inertial coupling is a built-in mechanism in the flight mechanics of hummingbirds that helps them achieve superb aerial agility.

3D printed feathers with embedded aerodynamic sensing

October 2024


93 Reads


1 Citation

Bird flight is often characterized by outstanding aerodynamic efficiency, agility and adaptivity in dynamic conditions. Feathers play an integral role in facilitating these aspects of performance, and the benefits feathers provide largely derive from their intricate and hierarchical structures. Although research has been attempted on developing membrane-type artificial feathers for bio-inspired aircraft and micro air vehicles (MAVs), fabricating anatomically accurate artificial feathers to fully exploit the advantages of feathers has not been achieved. Here, we present our 3D printed artificial feathers consisting of hierarchical vane structures with feature dimensions spanning from 10−2 to 102 mm, which have remarkable structural, mechanical and aerodynamic resemblance to natural feathers. The multi-step, multi-scale 3D printing process used in this work can provide scalability for the fabrication of artificial feathers tailored to the specific size requirements of aircraft wings. Moreover, we provide the printed feathers with embedded aerodynamic sensing ability through the integration of customized piezoresistive and piezoelectric transducers for strain and vibration measurements, respectively. Hence, the 3D printed feather transducers combine the aerodynamic advantages from the hierarchical feather structure design with additional aerodynamic sensing capabilities, which can be utilized in future biomechanical studies on birds and can contribute to advancements in high-performance adaptive MAVs.

Body length determines flow refuging for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) behind wing dams

July 2024


21 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Experimental Biology

Complex hydrodynamics abound in natural streams, yet the selective pressures these impose upon different size classes of fish are not well understood. Attached vortices are produced by relatively large objects that block freestream flow, which fish routinely utilize for flow refuging. To test how flow refuging and the potential harvesting of energy (as seen in Kármán gaiting) varies across size classes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss; fingerling, 8 cm; parr, 14 cm; adult, 21 cm; n=4 per size class), we used a water flume (4,100 L; freestream flow at 65 cm s−1) and created vortices using 45° wing dams of varying size (small=15 cm, medium=31 cm, large=48 cm). We monitored microhabitat selection and swimming kinematics of individual trout and measured the flow field in the wake of wing dams using time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Trout of each size class preferentially swam in vortices rather than the freestream, but the capacity to flow refuge varied according to the ratio of vortex width to fish length (VW : FL). Consistent refuging behavior was exhibited when VW : FL> 1.5. All size classes exhibited increased wavelength and Strouhal number and decreased tail beat frequency within vortices compared with freestream, suggesting that swimming in vortices requires less power output. In 17% of the trials, fish preferentially swam in a manner that suggests energy harvesting from the shear layer. Our results can inform efforts toward riparian restoration and fishway design to improve salmonid conservation.

Morphological data for doves (N = 4 doves).
Small deviations in kinematics and body form dictate muscle performances in the finely tuned avian downstroke

February 2024


16 Reads


1 Citation


Avian takeoff requires peak pectoralis muscle power to generate sufficient aerodynamic force during the downstroke. Subsequently, the much smaller supracoracoideus recovers the wing during the upstroke. How the pectoralis work loop is tuned to power flight is unclear. We integrate wingbeat-resolved muscle, kinematic, and aerodynamic recordings in vivo with a new mathematical model to disentangle how the pectoralis muscle overcomes wing inertia and generates aerodynamic force during takeoff in doves. Doves reduce the angle of attack of their wing mid-downstroke to efficiently generate aerodynamic force, resulting in an aerodynamic power dip, that allows transferring excess pectoralis power into tensioning the supracoracoideus tendon to assist the upstroke—improving the pectoralis work loop efficiency simultaneously. Integrating extant bird data, our model shows how the pectoralis of birds with faster wingtip speed need to generate proportionally more power. Finally, birds with disproportionally larger wing inertia need to activate the pectoralis earlier to tune their downstroke.

Figure 4. Wing kinematics similarity (CMC) indicates the degree of feedforward and 234 feedback flight control during escape maneuvers (bird 1, see bird 2 result in SI Appendix, Figure 235 S12). (A-i) Coefficient of Multiple Correlation (CMC) for measuring the similarity amongst 236 instantaneous wing kinematics of different escape demonstrations. Color background patches 237 denote the maneuvering modules as referenced in Figure 1. (A-ii) Variances in the body orientation 238 during escape maneuvers. The cyan curve denotes the variance in the angle between the bird's 239 body's long axis (x-axis) and the global vertical axis, and the orange curve denotes the variance in 240 the angle between the bird's body transverse axis (y-axis) and the global vertical axis. 241 242 Cross-demonstration similarity of wing motion patterns during H → Pu-B → R 243 We calculated the temporal variation of the cross-demonstration similarity of wing motion patterns 244 throughout maneuvering modules H → Pu-B → R (Figure 4A), as a way to predict the degree of 245 feedforward vs feedback control of wing motion (see discussion). The similarity index was 246 calculated using the Coefficient of Multiple Correlation (CMC) (30, 31) within a sliding window of 247 two wingbeats (Equation 3) (Materials and Methods), sliding with an increment of half wingbeat. 248
Hummingbirds rapidly respond to the removal of vision and control a sequence of rate-commanded maneuvers in milliseconds

December 2023


61 Reads

Hummingbird flight is the epitome of extreme aerial agility and controlled stability, as hummingbirds routinely exercise a variety of stunning aerobatic feats. Yet, the control of these amazing maneuvers is not well understood. Here we examined how hummingbirds control a sequence of maneuvers within milliseconds and tested whether and when their vision is active during this rapid process. We elicited escape flight in calliope hummingbirds and removed visible light at various instants during the maneuvers and quantified their flight kinematics and responses. We show that the escape maneuvers were composed of rapidly-controlled sequential modules, including evasion, reorientation, nose-down dive, forward flight, and nose-up to hover. The hummingbirds did not respond to the light removal during evasion and reorientation until a critical light-removal time; afterward they showed two categories of luminance-based responses that rapidly altered maneuvering modules to terminate the escape. We also show that hummingbird maneuvers are rate-commanded and require no active braking, i.e., their body angular velocities were proportional to the change of wing motion patterns, a trait that likely alleviates the computational demand on flight control. Together, this work uncovers the key traits of hummingbird agility, which can also inform and inspire designs for next-generation agile aerial systems.

Citations (58)

... • It is assumed that the barbed surface is represented by a thin, homologous material, forming an airtight aerodynamic surface when integrated with other feathers. This assumption is subject to change in future work, as Tu et al. [17,18] have demonstrated the ability to 3D print feathers with discontinuous surfaces including both barbs and barbules. ...


Avian-Inspired Morphing Wing Coverings: A Multi-Objective Approach Integrating Feather Analogues
3D printed feathers with embedded aerodynamic sensing

... • It is assumed that the barbed surface is represented by a thin, homologous material, forming an airtight aerodynamic surface when integrated with other feathers. This assumption is subject to change in future work, as Tu et al. [17,18] have demonstrated the ability to 3D print feathers with discontinuous surfaces including both barbs and barbules. ...

Bio-inspired, 3D printed feather transducers for in flight aerodynamic force and vibration sensing
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2024

... We then used this average value to calculate EMS (see equation (2.2), below). The upstroke in chickens and other Galliform birds is understood to be largely aerodynamically inactive such that muscle force is required only to accelerate the wing and overcome wing inertia during the first half of upstroke [9,21,24,26]. The torque required to accelerate the wing should equal the moment of inertia of the wing (I; kg m 2 ) multiplied by its angular acceleration (θ; rad s −2 ; [27]. ...

Small deviations in kinematics and body form dictate muscle performances in the finely tuned avian downstroke


... The variation in keel size between white-and brown-feathered strains corresponds to the differences in the relative sizes of the pectoralis muscles observed in pullets (Fawcett et al., 2020;Pufall et al., 2021) and in differences in wing-loading (LeBlanc et al., 2018). Keel size differences are also related to functional differences in flight kinematics observed during tests for aerial descent (Hong et al., 2024). These morphological differences also support the findings that the strains differ in their behavioural tendencies and/or abilities to climb ramps using Wing Assisted Incline Running (LeBlanc et al., 2018) and to ascend to elevated structures (Ali et al., 2016;Rentsch et al., 2023b). ...

A wing-assisted incline running exercise regime during rearing increases initial flight velocity during descent in adult white- and brown-feathered laying hens

Poultry Science

... Stocking density also plays a vital role. Excessive numbers of hens per cage lead to overcrowding and increased collisions, thereby raising the likelihood of keel damage [92,95,96]. Prolonged caging duration is positively associated with the risk of KBD. ...

Reduction of wing area affects estimated stress in the primary flight muscles of chickens

... Bats also adjust the shape of their highly deformable wings within a stroke cycle to either change the moment of inertia [6], or generate large inertial forces [7], to execute fast aerial rotations. In a recent study by Haque et al. [8], we revealed that when responding to a looming threat, hovering hummingbirds utilize the large inertial effect of their wings to enhance the rotational speed of their body in an escape manoeuvre. These examples belong to a more general form of inertial manoeuvring strategy commonly seen in animal locomotion, which involves the use of multi-body dynamics and inertia of certain body parts, e.g. ...

Hummingbirds use wing inertial effects to improve manoeuvrability

... Birds are expected to respond to such seasonal energetic changes in required "work" or "activity" by changing their mass and/or metabolic intensity accordingly. For example, when faced with cold stress, birds can increase their pectoral muscle size and/or metabolic intensity for improved shivering thermogenic capacity (Swanson and Vézina, 2015) and improved cold tolerance, defined as the ability to withstand cold stress for prolonged periods (Cooper, 2002;Schweizer et al., 2022;Swanson, 2001). Such investments in muscle size and activity and concomitant changes in the gut and digestive organs that allow for higher daily food consumption (Nilsson, 2002) underlie correlated changes in maximal aerobic capacity (i.e., summit metabolic rate; M sum ) and maintenance metabolism (i.e., basal metabolic rate; BMR), as predicted by the aerobic capacity model (Bennett and Ruben, 1979). ...

Thermal acclimation in a non-migratory songbird occurs via changes to thermogenic capacity, but not conductance
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Journal of Experimental Biology

... While FSI may be important for biological propulsion as well, pitching of wings and fins during biological propulsion are usually driven actively. Indeed, pitch in flying animals is essential for flight and manoeuvring (Haque et al. 2023;Liu, Wang & Liu 2024). The second difference, which is a consequence of the first, is that, while in biological propulsion the phase difference between pitching and heaving is usually prescribed (and quite often, is 90 • ), for WAP systems, this phase difference is determined by the intrinsic properties of the system and can be quite different from 90 • . ...

Active wing-pitching mechanism in hummingbird escape maneuvers

... Recently, we completed a 3D CFD study of the escape maneuver using realistic wing kinematics reconstructed from high-speed videos of escaping hummingbirds [23]. In that study, our focus was on the flight mechanics of the maneuver including linear translation and pitch, roll, and yaw rotations of the bird body. ...

Hummingbirds use wing inertial effects to improve maneuverability

... Higher quality oviparous individuals may also be expected to invest more heavily in laying colourful eggs (Moreno and Osorno 2003) together with costs associated with other aspects of parental care, including nest building (Mainwaring and Hartley 2013;Cuthill et al. 2017). Calcareous reptilian eggs were thought to be white, but as dinosaurs, and birds, evolved to breed in more exposed locations, they laid more pigmented eggs for camouflage, mimicry, or individual recognition (Kilner 2006;Wiemann et al. 2018;Mainwaring et al. 2023). In extant birds, meanwhile, white eggs are typically laid by species breeding in relatively safe locations (e.g. ...

The evolution of nest site use and nest architecture in modern birds and their ancestors