Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain’s research while affiliated with Université Paris Cité and other places

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Publications (224)

Is an antioxidant-rich or a pro-inflammatory diet during pregnancy associated with allergic and respiratory multimorbidity in children from the ELFE birth cohort?
  • Article

November 2024


6 Reads

The British journal of nutrition



Marie-Aline Charles




The antioxidant capacity and the inflammatory potential of diet during pregnancy may represent a prevention opportunity for allergic and respiratory diseases. We aimed to investigate the associations between the antioxidant and inflammatory potential of maternal diet in the last three months of pregnancy with allergic and respiratory diseases in children. Analyses were performed on 9679 mother-child pairs from the ELFE birth cohort. The dietary total antioxidant capacity (DTAC), without coffee, was estimated with the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), the total radical trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP), and the ferric reducing-antioxidant power (FRAP). The inflammatory potential of the maternal diet was assessed by the energy-adjusted Dietary Inflammatory Index (E-DII). Allergic and respiratory diseases in children up to 5.5 years were considered jointly through five allergic and respiratory multimorbidity clusters (“asymptomatic” - reference, “early wheeze without asthma”, “asthma only”, “allergies without asthma”, “multi-allergic”). Multinomial logistic regressions were performed and adjusted for main confounders. A diet with a higher antioxidant potential was associated with a lower risk of belonging to the “early wheeze without asthma” cluster (aOR(95%CI) = 0.95 (0.90;0.99) per standard deviation (SD) of TEAC score). A higher E-DII was associated with a higher risk of belonging to the “asthma only” cluster (aOR(95% CI)= 1.09 (1.00;1.19) per SD). No association was found with the “allergies without asthma” or “multi-allergic” clusters. An antioxidant-rich diet during pregnancy was associated with better respiratory health while a pro-inflammatory diet was associated with poorer respiratory health in children up to 5.5 years, though the associations were weak.

Flowchart outlining the process for selecting the analytical sample
Timing of food pieces introduction and neurodevelopment: findings from a nationwide birth cohort
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2024


52 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Background While complementary feeding can be challenging, little emphasis has been placed on the introduction to food texture/pieces, especially in terms of neurodevelopmental outcomes. This study aims to determine the association between the timing of introduction to food pieces during infancy and neurodevelopment in early childhood. We hypothesized that late introduction to food texture/pieces relates to unfavorable neurodevelopmental outcomes. Methods Families (n = 18329) were recruited from the general population during the nationwide ELFE (Étude Longitudinale Française depuis l’Enfance) birth cohort in France, and 8511 were selected for a complete case analysis. Age at introduction to food pieces was determined based on repeated assessments during the first year. A range of neurodevelopmental outcomes among children were assessed using validated instruments, i.e. composite scores at 1 and 3.5 years, and a score for language acquisition at 2 years. Risk for developmental delay at 3.5 years was defined based on a developmental quotient (DQ) below 90 according to the child’s chronological age and the respective composite score at this age. We used linear regression modelling to evaluate associations between age at introduction to food pieces and the standardised neurodevelopmental scores, while logistic regression models were used in the analyses according to the risk for developmental delay. Results Our findings highlight consistent associations between late introduction to food pieces (i.e., after 10 months, compared to early (before 8 months)) and lower estimates of standardised neurodevelopmental scores at ages 1, 2 and 3.5 years (-0.35 [-0.40; -0.30], -0.15 [-0.20; -0.10] and − 0.18 [-0.23; -0.13], respectively). Infants introduced to pieces late were also more likely to be at risk for developmental delay according to DQ < 90 (OR [95%CI] = 1.62 [1.36; 1.94]). Conclusions This study shows that late introduction to food pieces (> 10 months) is related to lower neurodevelopmental scores. Given the challenges that complementary feeding may pose, concerted efforts are required to enhance our understanding of the sensory aspects of early diets and to ultimately provide guidance.


Flowchart of the study population.
Maternal diet quality with child allergic and respiratory multimorbidity in the Elfe birth cohort

June 2024


25 Reads


2 Citations

Evidence linking maternal diet during pregnancy to allergic or respiratory diseases in children remains sparse, and outcomes were mainly studied separately. We aim to investigate these associations by considering clusters of allergic and respiratory multimorbidity among 9679 mother–child pairs from the Elfe birth cohort. Maternal diet quality was evaluated using a food-based score (Diet Quality score), a nutrient-based score (PANDiet score) and food group intakes. Adjusted multinomial logistic regressions on allergic and respiratory multimorbidity clusters up to 5.5 years were performed. Child allergic and respiratory diseases were described through five clusters: “asymptomatic” (43%, reference), “early wheeze without asthma” (34%), “asthma only” (7%), “allergies without asthma” (7%), “multi-allergic” (9%). A higher PANDiet score and an increased legume consumption were associated with a reduced risk of belonging to the “early wheeze without asthma” cluster. A U-shaped relationship was observed between maternal fish consumption and the “allergies without asthma” cluster. To conclude, adequate nutrient intake during pregnancy was weakly associated with a lower risk of “early wheeze without asthma” in children. No association was found with food groups, considered jointly or separately, except for legumes and fish, suggesting that maternal adherence to nutritional guidelines might be beneficial for allergic and respiratory diseases prevention.

Frequency of symptoms in each of the five identified allergic and respiratory multimorbidity clusters (n = 1243).
Consumption of pre‐ or probiotic‐enriched formula at age 4 months among formula‐fed infants (n = 1243). B, Bifidobacterium; L, Lactococcus; S, Streptococcus.
Characteristics of infant formula consumed in the first months of life and allergy in the EDEN mother–child cohort

May 2024


32 Reads


1 Citation

The evidence regarding the association between infant formula (IF) composition and the prevention of allergy and respiratory diseases remains sparse and inconclusive. This study aimed to evaluate whether some IF characteristics were associated with the risk of allergy or respiratory diseases in childhood. Among 1243 formula‐fed children from the EDEN mother–child cohort, IF characteristics concerning long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) enrichment, prebiotic/probiotic enrichment, and hydrolysis of proteins were identified from the ingredients list. Eczema, wheezing, food allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis up to age 8 years were prospectively collected and summarized into four allergic and respiratory multimorbidity clusters. Associations between 4‐month IF characteristics and risk of allergy or respiratory diseases were tested using logistic regressions adjusted on main confounders. The consumption of LCPUFA‐enriched formula was not linked to allergic and respiratory multimorbidity clusters, but to a lower risk of any allergy, eczema, and wheezing. Probiotic‐enriched formula consumption was associated with a lower risk of belonging to the ‘Allergy without asthma’ cluster (odds ratio [OR] [95% confidence interval, CI] = 0.63 [0.40–0.99]), and consumption of a formula enriched in Bifidobacterium lactis was associated with a lower risk of any allergy (OR [95% CI] = 0.59 [0.41–0.85]). Partially hydrolysed formula (pHF) consumption was associated with a higher risk of belonging to the ‘Allergy without asthma’ cluster (OR [95% CI] = 2.73 [1.65–4.51]). This study confirms the positive association between pHF consumption and the risk of allergy found in previous observational studies and suggests that consumption of LCPUFA‐enriched or probiotic‐enriched formula was associated with a lower risk of allergy.

Fig. 1 | Mediation model with direct and indirect effects of income on SDQ-IH with covariates. The exposure, income, is modelled to exert the effect on the outcome, IH problems, directly and indirectly via the mediator, asthma. A potential exposuremediator-outcome confounder, maternal age at birth, along with potential mediator-outcome confounders-namely, sex, birthweight, and cigarette per day during pregnancy-are controlled for.
Fig. 2 | Participant flow chart and cohort with SDQ-IH information at ages 3, 5 and 8 years. The number of mother-child cohorts (N) is shown at each survey point. N IH represents the number of cohorts in which the children underwent the clinical and cognitive assessment and for which the SDQ-IH data are available.
Associations between symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, socioeconomic status and asthma in children

April 2024


75 Reads


2 Citations

npj Mental Health Research

Socioeconomic status (SES) influences the risk of both physical diseases, such as asthma, and neurodevelopmental conditions, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Using Causal Mediation Analysis on French birth-cohort data, we found a causal pathway from SES to ADHD symptoms, in part mediated by asthma. An increase in family income at age 3 by one unit resulted in lower ADHD symptoms at age 5, by −0.37 [95% CI: −0.50, −0.24] SDQ-score-points, with additional −0.04 [95% CI: −0.08, −0.01] points reduction indirectly via asthma at age 3, both with statistical significance. Importantly, family income at age 3 exerted both direct and indirect (via asthma) negative effects on later ADHD symptoms with much higher magnitudes for the direct effect. Our findings underscore the importance of apprehending ADHD symptoms in the broader context of socioeconomic disparities, along with their comorbidities with asthma, potentially influencing public health interventions and clinical practice in managing ADHD.

Citations (58)

... Após esse período e a presença de todos os sinais de prontidão (seis meses completos, sentar com o mínimo de apoio, levar objetos à boca, tentativas de autoalimentação, capacidade de segurar alimentos e habilidades motoras orais e de alimentação) deve-se ocorrer a alimentação complementar de forma correta (Somaraki et al., 2024). Nessa etapa ocorre a apresentação dos alimentos separados por grupos alimentares (cereais e tubérculos, leguminosas, carnes em geral, leites e derivados, ovos, vegetais e frutas) e as refeições são realizadas, isoladamente ou juntamente, com a oferta de leite materno (Weffort et al., 2021). ...


Timing of food pieces introduction and neurodevelopment: findings from a nationwide birth cohort

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

... Three cohorts (11)(12)(13) reported the association between diet quality and allergic outcomes in offspring while two other cohorts (14,15) reported diet no association between those variables. ...

Maternal diet quality with child allergic and respiratory multimorbidity in the Elfe birth cohort

... Several participants indicated that they attempted to balance price with food quality and categories (organic, local) for different goals (searching for healthiness, happiness, or other social causes such as local food). In addition, previous studies note that the effectiveness and valence (positive or negative) of the effects of advertising and communication strategies depend on consumers' knowledge and backgrounds (e.g., the domain of education and profession) [40][41][42]. ...

Behavioural determinants of healthy and environmentally friendly diets in French university students
  • Citing Article
  • May 2024


... Consuming yogurt can supplement the body with prebiotics, which are dietary supplements that regulate gut microbiota, affect blood lipid levels, and enhance immune system function. Research [56] indicates that women who take prebiotics during pregnancy and lactation may reduce the risk of allergen sensitization. ...

Characteristics of infant formula consumed in the first months of life and allergy in the EDEN mother–child cohort

... Income serves as another common influential factor for both ADHD and anxiety disorders. In the context of ADHD, lower income levels are associated with a higher prevalence of ADHD diagnosis, potentially influenced by socioeconomic disparities and limited access to healthcare and education (48)(49)(50). Additionally, higher family income has been correlated with reduced ADHD symptoms in early childhood, possibly mediated through factors such as asthma and physical fitness. ...

Associations between symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, socioeconomic status and asthma in children

npj Mental Health Research

... In France, obesity is a concern for both adults and children: indeed, in 2014-2015, 13.2% of children aged 1-3 years were overweight and 5.4% of children aged 4-6 years were living with obesity [1,2]. Moreover, in France obesity at 7 years is rather associated with complementary feeding (CoF) practices (that is, the introduction of foods other than milk into the child's diet) than with breastfeeding practices [3]. Rapid weight gain in early life has been shown to have detrimental effects on long-term health (e.g., increased risk of obesity) [4]. ...

Infant feeding practices and body mass index up to 7.5 years in the French nationwide ELFE study

... low fruit and vegetable intake. (31,32) Young adulthood is a stage of life that is crucial in the development of new habits that will impact the future health of individuals, (33)(34)(35)(36) but young adults tend to have limited awareness and knowledge concerning dietary topics, including the benefits of dairy intake. (37,38) Personal negative experiences, such as discomfort and digestive issues following dairy intake, (37,39) and/or misconceptions or personal beliefs, e.g. an association between dairy consumption and acne, (40) may lead to non-consumption of this category of foods, and even where nutritional literacy is increased through intervention, dairy intake can remain low. ...

Identification of three dietary groups in French university students and their associations with nutritional quality and environmental impact

... The population cared for in these hospitals often features low living conditions, socio-economic levels and access to healthcare. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, suboptimal therapy, poor treatment adherence, lack of continuity between routine and acute asthma care, commonly encountered in this environment, have a negative impact on the diagnosis and management of asthma [20][21][22]. ...

Associations between combined urban and lifestyle factors and respiratory health in European children
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Environmental Research

... [15] In France, a study found a positive relationship between exposure to diazinon detected in the blood of pregnant mothers and allergic rhinitis, asthma, and eczema in pregnant women. [16] MATERIALS AND METHODS ...

Prenatal dietary exposure to chemicals and allergy or respiratory diseases in children in the EDEN mother–child cohort
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Environment International

... Studies have been mixed on the effect of diet on perinatal mental health. Recently, several studies continue to report a mixed, but possible weak, effect of diet on prevention of depression and of use of the Mediterranean diet for prevention of anxiety [12][13][14][15]. There is more evidence suggesting preexisting or antenatal depression may be associated with lower diet quality during pregnancy [16][17][18]. ...

A network analysis of nutritional markers and maternal perinatal mental health in the French EDEN cohort

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth