August 2019
53 Reads
11 Citations
Motivation Spectral unmixing methods attempt to determine the concentrations of different fluorophores present at each pixel location in an image by analyzing a set of measured emission spectra. Unmixing algorithms have shown great promise for applications where samples contain many fluorescent labels; however, existing methods perform poorly when confronted with autofluorescence-contaminated images. Results We propose an unmixing algorithm designed to separate fluorophores with overlapping emission spectra from contamination by autofluorescence and background fluorescence. First, we formally define a generalization of the linear mixing model, called the affine mixture model (AMM), that specifically accounts for background fluorescence. Second, we use the AMM to derive an affine nonnegative matrix factorization method for estimating fluorophore endmember spectra from reference images. Lastly, we propose a semi-blind sparse affine spectral unmixing (SSASU) algorithm that uses knowledge of the estimated endmembers to learn the autofluorescence and background fluorescence spectra on a per-image basis. When unmixing real-world spectral images contaminated by autofluorescence, SSASU greatly improved proportion indeterminacy as compared to existing methods for a given relative reconstruction error. Availability and implementation The source code used for this paper was written in Julia and is available with the test data at