Blagica Panova’s scientific contributions

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Publications (13)

  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

May 2014


1,203 Reads

Gordana Panova



Blagica Panova




Поголем дел од случаите на сепса се јавуваат како резултат на инфекција на уринарниот тракт,белите дробови или перитонеумот. Други извори на инфекција вклучуваат сепса на кожата, меките ткива и централниот нервен систем. Околу 50% од случаите на сепса се предизвикани од грам- негативни бактерии,а помалку од 50% се предизвикани од грам- позитивни бактерии. Поретки причини за сепса се габични инфекции и вируси, како што се ХИВ и протозоите .Цел: Статистичките извештаи за бројот на заболени од сепса, зголемениот морбидитет, морталитет и причините за нивната појава беа доволен поттик со овој труд да дадам придонес во кој било сегмент од проблематиката поврзана со ова заболување. Главна цел на трудот е дефинирање на причините за зголемениот број на заболени од сепса, нивното влијание врз пациентите и персоналот кој работи во здравствените установи. Материали и методи: За да добиеме одговор на прашањата формулирани како цел на овој труд, гo анализираме покажувањето на статистичкото движење на бројот на сепси и како се движи во Штип преку статистичката обработка на податоците. Во изработката на овој труд е применет дескриптивен метод во прибирање и обработување на податоците со табеларно прикажување на резултатите. Користени се:статистичките податоци кои ќе бидат добиени и обработени од истражувањата направени во ЈЗУ Клиничка болница – Штип.


Figure 2. Statistics data for nutrition of infants in 2013  
Диетални навики и правилна исхрана кај децата

За здраво поколение потребно е здрав и правилен развој уште од најраното детство. Потребно е правилна исхрана, нега и правилно одржување на личната хигиена. Раното детство е најранливиот период во развојниот стадиум на човекот.Доењето е најздравиот почеток на исхрана кој можете да му ги дадете на своето бебе. Мајчиното млеко ја обезбедува целата енергија и сите хранливи материи кои му се потребни на бебето, а исто така и факторите на растот и имунолошките компоненти кои се важни за заштита од инфекции. Во почетокот на доењето, достапното млеко е побогато со енергија и хранливи материи, додека на крајот на подојот тоа е поретко, овозможувајќи му на бебето да добие повеќе течности.Цел:Правилниот раст и развој на децата скоро во целост зависи од правилната исхрана и диеталните навики на детето. На секое дете мора да му се обезбеди правилно да се исхранува уште од самото раѓање. Секој родител особено секоја мајка треба да биде навремено обавестена и запознаена со методите и начините на исхрана и диеталните навики на своите деца.

Advanced treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C

January 2014


26 Reads

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Introduction : Chronic hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by a virus hepatotropen that its citopatogeno expresses action on hepatocytes , causing nekro - inflammatory process in the liver of a chronic nature .Cause of the disease is hepatitis C virus , which is a RNA virus belonging to the family Flaviviridae. Objective:To determine the clinical characteristics of viral hepatitis C , especially in the modern treatment treatment , using relevant data are recorded and are available. Material and Methods : This paper is a descriptive epidemiological study of hepatitis C virus in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and Veles , for the period of 2002-2012 year. Results and discussion : The results are presented in the paper represent a retrograde view of patients , hospitalized and treated for hepatitis C virus from 2002 to 2012 godina.po sex, age , place of residence, seasonal character , method of infection , number of patients on antiviral therapy and side effects of treatment. Conclusion : There has been some progress in the understanding of the epidemiology , clinic , perfecting virological tests , especially in the effectiveness of treatment . Establishment of a network of health care facilities and competent teams for screening diagnosis and treatment of HCV infection in coordination with the Clinic for Infectious Diseases .

Representation of ethics in medical education

July 2013


21 Reads

Introduction: The word "doctor" means 'to teach: A teacher is someone acknowledged as a guide or helper in processes of learning. Teaching is a necessary professional attribute for doctors. The General Medical Council (GMC), stated in its 2010 version of the document Good Medical Practice that all doctors should be willing to contribute to teaching and those doctors involved in teaching should adopt the skills, attitudes and practices of a good teacher. Commitment to ongoing education is one of the principles of professionalism which are specifi c to family medicine.

Burnout Syndrome

July 2013


62 Reads

Introduction: Increasing work responsibilities, allocation of duties, loss of energy and motivation in everyday activities, emotional exhaustion, lack of time for themselves, insuffi cient time for rest and recreation, dissatisfaction in private life. All these symptoms can be cause of Burnout Syndrome. Aim: To see the importance of this syndrome, the consequences of job dissatisfaction, the environment, family and expression in drastic changes in mood and behavior.

Kyphosis and scoliosis in children

July 2013


29 Reads

Deformities of the spine can be caused by congenital defects, paralysis on one side of the body, improper posture or because different posture of the legs. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can develop in various areas. Spine can be bent to the right (most of the chest), left (usually the lumbar part), or to fold around a vertical axis. Kyphosis is curvature of the spine with convexity saginalnata plane backwards. The purpose of this paper is to determine the frequency of appearance of scoliosis and kyphosis, the period of their occurrence in children and their gender distribution.

Variations of renal arteries in human

July 2013


15 Reads

Deformities of the spine can be caused by congenital defects, paralysis on one side of the body, improper posture or because different posture of the legs. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can develop in various areas. Spine can be bent to the right (most of the chest), left (usually the lumbar part), or to fold around a vertical axis. Kyphosis is curvature of the spine with convexity saginalnata plane backwards. The purpose of this paper is to determine the frequency of appearance of scoliosis and kyphosis, the period of their occurrence in children and their gender distribution.

The effect of white mistletoe extract (Viscum album) in strengthening the immune system in experimental animals with cancer

November 2012


4 Reads

Introduction: Despite the efforts made to achieve early detection, effective and successful treatment of malignant diseases, adjuvant therapy has become increasingly popular to provide better results and reduction the mortality rates from cancer. In Europe, extracts from Viscum album, the European white-berry mistletoe, are widely used as alternative treatment for patients with cancer. On the whole mixture of active components in the aqueous solution of white mistletoe, antineoplastic strongest potential has lectin. The aim: The purpose of this paper is to prove the antitumor effect of lectin from mistletoe extract on white Wistar rats with stimulation of immune system by increasing the number and activity of varios types of white blood cells. Material and methods: The three groups of mice (5 mice / group) was placed on the 4 day semi-synthetic diet. All mice were treated subcutaneously with melanoma cells (B16F10 cells). One group served as placebo control group, that is not treated with lectins and the rest were treated with ML-1 with a daily dose of lectin to 1,0 ng/kg (this is experimental number becose we have aqueous solution of plant). The examination is worked over 9 days. Results: After 72 hours of treatment with lectin cytotoxicity of NK cells doubles and the number of granulated lymphocytes increased three times compared with the untreated control group. Conclusions: From the analysis and results we can conclude that the lectin acts stimulating the immune system (immune modulation) perform stabilization of DNA in white blood cells, stimulate an increase in the number and activity of certain types of leukocytes. Lektin induces macrophage cytotoxicity, phagocytosis, then increasing cytokine secretion in vivo (TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6). Keywords: cancer,white mistletoe, lectin.


November 2012


3 Reads

Introduction and goals: Stroke is one of the most alarming issues that concern people nowadays, because of itsevolution and complications. Functional walking is essential because it offers the possibility to act independently,improving the quality of life. Stroke patients exhibit varying deficits with significant effects upon walking ability. Our goal is to emphasize that a “tailor made” physiotherapy improves gait coordination after a stroke. Material: The study took place between April 2011 and November 2011, within the INRMFB and involved 30 patients with sub-acute stroke. Method: The patients were evaluated before, 2 weeks after and 2 months after the treatment. The clinical-functional evaluation included joints and muscles testing, balance tests, functional performance tests, gait cycle parameters and a quality of life analyze. The treatment implied electrotherapy, thermotherapy, massage-procedures that have a direct effect on the problems but also prepare the body for the oriented kinetoherapy. Results: The patients improved their balance and gait parameters, the inter-limb coordination, an improved pattern of walking with a reduced risk of falling. Conclusions and discussions: A good individualized treatment is always efficient and helps the patient to regain a unctional gait. Physiotherapy is essential for the stroke survivors to improve the quality of their lives because it works on their physical, mental, emotional and social health. Key-words: stroke, gait coordination, oriented strategies, physical treatments